Blaexe schrieb:Die Definition oben aus Wikipedia besagt ganz klar, dass "physical Objects" gemeint sind. Ein Stream, eine App oder ein Video ist kein physikalisches Objekt. Ich weiß wirklich nicht was es da überhaupt zu interpretieren gibt...
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The concept of a "virtuality continuum" relates to the mixture of classes of objects presented in any particular display situation, as illustrated in Figure 1, where real environments, are shown at one end of the continuum, and virtual environments, at the opposite extremum. The former case, at the left, defines environments consisting solely of real objects (defined below), and includes for example what is observed via a conventional video display of a real-world scene. An additional example includes direct viewing of the same real scene, but not via any particular electronic display system. The latter case, at the right, defines environments consisting solely of virtual objects (defined below), an example of which would be a conventional computer graphic simulation. As indicated in the figure, the most straightforward way to view a Mixed Reality environment, therefore, is one in which real world and virtual world objects are presented together within a single display, that is, anywhere between the extrema of the virtuality continuum.
Although the term "Mixed Reality" is not (yet) well known, several classes of existing hybrid display environments can be found, which could reasonably be considered to constitute MR interfaces according to our definition:
•1. Monitor based (non-immersive) video displays – i.e. "window-on-the-world" (WoW) displays – upon which computer generated images are electronically or digitally overlaid (e.g. Metzger, 1993; Milgram et al, 1991; Rosenberg, 1993; Tani et al, 1992). Although the technology for accomplishing such combinations has been around for some time, most notably by means of chroma-keying, practical considerations compel us to be interested particularly in systems in which this is done stereoscopically (e.g. Drascic et al, 1993; Lion et al, 1993).
•2. Video displays as in Class 1, but using immersive head-mounted displays (HMD's), rather than WoW monitors.
•3. HMD's equipped with a see-through capability, with which computer generated graphics can be optically superimposed, using half-silvered mirrors, onto directly viewed real-world scenes (e.g. Bajura et al, 1992; Caudell & Mizell, 1992; Ellis & Bucher, 1992; Feiner et al, 1993a,b; Janin et al, 1993).
•4. Same as 3, but using video, rather than optical, viewing of the "outside" world. The difference between Classes 2 and 4 is that with 4 the displayed world should correspond orthoscopically with the immediate outside real world, thereby creating a "video see-through" system (e.g. Edwards et al, 1993; Fuchs et al, 1993), analogous with the optical see-through of option 3.
•5. Completely graphic display environments, either completely immersive, partially immersive or otherwise, to which video "reality" is added (e.g. Metzger, 1993).
•6. Completely graphic but partially immersive environments (e.g. large screen displays) in which real physical objects in the user's environment play a role in (or interfere with) the computer generated scene, such as in reaching in and "grabbing" something with one's own hand (e.g. Kaneko et al, 1993; Takemura & Kishino, 1992).
Der entscheidende Satz auf den du dich beziehst ist dieser.
As indicated in the figure, the most straightforward way to view a Mixed Reality environment, therefore, is one in which real world and virtual world objects are presented together within a single display, that is, anywhere between the extrema of the virtuality continuum.
Das entspricht genau die Mitte von dieser Definition, ist aber nicht die Definition per se.
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