World of Warships World of Warships CB-Team(s)

Hier drin doch immer :king:

MfG tb
Naja gestern war ja nur Technik Training deshalb ... geht das schon i.O.

MfG tb
Sport geht immer, gestern Agility mit dem Hund und heute Abend geht's ins Studio
Ist glaub ich untergegangen... ;-)
Aber wollt ihr mich auch mal adden...
Ingame -> SelectaHarlekin
Oh... das tut mir Leid! War keine Absicht!

Schau doch auch einfach mal im Discord vorbei!

MfG tb
Und schon ist unser Kücken auf der HP.

Hmmm ... wir bräuchten mal einen Newsschreiber ... sieht so "alt" aus die HP. :p
Schreibt einfach was und schickt es per PN, wenn ihr wollt.
Ich gehe mal mit gutem Beispiel voran und schreibe am Wochende mal was ;)

@Selecta: Ich hab dich mal in die Spielerliste mitaufgenommen. Oder hattest du etwas anderes im Sinn?

MfG tb
Ein Ausblick auf das, was vielleicht ab 0.6.10 an speziellen Clan-Boni kommt:
Clan Navy Base Navy base is an expanded clan function, so far it has five buildings and a number of unlock-able bonus, providing some better-than-nothing benefits to clan members.

The main resource is oil, more active players (in-game AFKers does not count!) means more oil. It is simple.


+10 to clan members cap. (max. 40). Cost 100,000 oil.
+10 to clan members cap. (max. 50). Must have previous item unlocked. Cost 500,000 oil.


No bonus.


-5% Credit cost to purchase Tier V ships. Cost 3,000 oil.
-5% Credit cost to purchase Tier VI ships. Cost 10,000 oil.
-5% Credit cost to purchase Tier VII ships. Cost 30,000 oil.
-5% Credit cost to purchase Tier VIII ships. Cost 100,000 oil.

Dry Dock

-3% servicing cost for destroyers. Cost 5,000 oil.
-3% servicing cost for cruisers. Cost 20,000 oil.
-3% servicing cost for battleships. Cost 100,000 oil.
-3% servicing cost for aircraft carriers. Cost 100,000 oil.

Research Center

All US ships earn 2% more XP. Cost 25,000 oil.
All Japanese ships earn 2% more XP. Cost 25,000 oil.
All German ships earn 2% more XP. Cost 25,000 oil.
All Soviet ships earn 2% more XP. Cost 25,000 oil.
All UK ships earn 2% more XP. Cost 25,000 oil.
All French ships earn 2% more XP. Cost 25,000 oil.
All Pan-Asian ships earn 2% more XP. Cost 25,000 oil.
Die Boni sind ja echt toll, da lohnt es sich fleißig Öl zu sammeln. :)
Lohnt einen Blick:

Edit: @selecta, sorry habe erst jetzt gesehen, dass du dich INGAME beworben hast... hab da wohl was missverstanden...

MfG tb
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hallo an alle hier,

ich möchte auch gerne dem Clan in WoWs beitreten, bin aber aktuell noch auf arbeit, werde aber später mal im Discord bzw.
in-game vorbeischauen und gucken wie/dass ich dem Clan beitrete(nur als Vorwarnung.. :evillol: ).

In diesem Sinne, bis später oder die Tage dann evl. ja im Spiel.. :D

Nochmal genauere Infos zur mit dem nächsten Patch kommenden Clan-Naval-Base ("ComputerBaseBase" ;) ):

How players earn Oil

Every time a clan member receives (not necessarily opens) a container, they also receive 10 units of Oil, with the player being notified by a system message.

Oil is added to the Clan's account every time a clan member receives a container of any type through things such as missions, campaigns, etc.

Five structure types will be available in the first version, with each structure type modifying one in-game parameter. Structures are marked with special "flags" in order to indicate which ship type a certain structure type can be applied to. The base "builder" can open "flags" by spending Oil. Opened flags make the structure's features available for the group of ships indicated on the "flag". The structure's current flags should also be indicated on the structure’s icon.


Tier V Boathouse: 10% discount on purchasing Tier V ships; price: 50 Oil.
Tier VI Boathouse: 10% discount on purchasing Tier VI ships; price: 200 Oil.
Tier VII Boathouse: 10% discount on purchasing Tier VII ships; price: 1,000 Oil.
Tier VIII Boathouse: 10% discount on purchasing Tier VIII ships; price: 5,000 Oil.

Discounts on Tier IX–X ships are planned for the future, they are just not included in the first iteration. Any discounts on purchasing will also apply to their sale—i.e. when you buy and then sell the same ship while your 10% bonus is active, you save 5% of the initial cost of the ship. If any other discount is active when the bonus is, they are not added together, but the larger one is applied.


Slip (destroyers): 10% discount on destroyers service; price: 4,000 Oil.
Small Dock (cruisers): 10% discount on cruisers service; price: 4,000 Oil.
Large Dock (battleships): 10% discount on battleships service; price: 5,000 Oil.
Medium Dock (aircraft carriers): 10% discount on aircraft carriers service; price: 5,000 Oil.

Research Center:

Service Technique des Constructions Navales (France): 3% XP boost in battles played with French ships; price: 2,000 Oil.
Directorate of Naval Construction (the U.K.): 3% XP boost in battles played with British ships; price: 2,000 Oil.
Shipbuilding and Armament Bureau (the U.S.S.R.): 3% XP boost in battles played with Soviet ships; price: 2,000 Oil.
Amt Kriegsschiffsbau (Germany): 3% XP boost in battles played with German ships; price: 2,000 Oil.
Bureau of Engineering (the U.S.A.): 3% XP boost in battles played with U.S.A. ships; price: 2,000 Oil.
Kansei Hombu (Navy Technical Department) (Japan): 3% XP boost in battles played with Japanese ships; price: 2,000 Oil.
Naval Construction Staff Group (Pan-Asia): 3% XP boost in battles played with Pan-Asian ships; price: 2,000 Oil.


Headquarters (influences maximum clan size): * Squadron Staff: increases the maximum clan size by 10 players; price: 20,000 Oil. * Task Force Staff: increases the maximum clan size by 10 players; price: 100,000 Oil.

Rostral Column

Rostral Column: this structure will not do anything in the first version, merely standing testament to the glory and honour of the clan that erects it and has the resources to afford its nigh impossible cost of 9,999,999 Oil. In future iterations, this structure will receive a function of its own, and its price will be reduced to an achievable value.

To build a facility, take the following steps:

Click on a structure (for example, the Shipyard).
In the window that appears, click on any of the grey facilities.
Confirm your decision to build the facility.
Then, go back to the Base (by pressing the 'Back to the Base' or 'ESC' buttons), or continue construction. Any facilities built will appear on the Naval Base itself and will be highlighted in the vertical row of flags on the right side of the screen.

Controls and Display
A clan member will see the clan's base as a nice picture with a base view that will feature the available structures. Each structure should have some kind of an icon that will clearly, and in a highly readable form, indicate the functionality this structure offers.

As previously mentioned, we are introducing the role of "builder", with the right to build clan structures. In the first iteration, the Clan Commander and Clan Deputy Commanders have this right. If necessary, in the following iterations, a position of Builder can be introduced that will have only a builder role in contrast to line officers who have more roles.

Clan Levels
Depending on the amount of Oil earned during the entire clan's lifetime, each clan is placed at a certain level. In the current iteration, the clan level does not have any influence on any functionality and serves only as an indicator of the clan's progress.

Clan Level Oil needed to reach this level from the previous one Total Oil Required to Reach this Level
1 0 0
2 300 300
3 1,000 1,300
4 5,000 6,300
5 10,000 16,300
6 20,000 36,300
7 35,000 71,300
8 50,000 121,300
9 70,000 191,300
10 100,000 291,300
11 150,000 441,300
12 200,000 641,300

"Access" to Structures

To use the bonuses or any other structure's functionality, the clan member must have "access" specific to a certain structure. "Access" is a new concept, with which the player can get by earning a certain amount of Oil in a given clan. The amount of Oil required to gain access is set by the game designers. Each type of "access" provides the player with access to a specific structure. Receiving an access doesn't reduce the Oil earned by the player. Received accesses are removed when a player leaves the clan, or when the clan is dismissed. This is the only way to lose "access".

The goal of this functionality is to reduce the availability of clan bonuses for those players who make little contribution to the clan's progress. For the first iteration, we have plans to introduce only one “access”, giving access to all structures available. “Access” price depends on the Clan level.

“Access” Price by Level:
Clan Level Access Price
1 10
2 20
3 30
4 40
5 50
6 60
7 70
8 80
9 90
10 100
11 110
12 120

We hope to see you and your clan battling it out for dominance in World of Warships very soon with the release of Update 0.6.11!

Action Stations!

(Entschuldigt die unformatierten Tabellen.)
Every time a clan member receives (not necessarily opens) a container, they also receive 10 units of Oil, with the player being notified by a system message.

Oil is added to the Clan's account every time a clan member receives a container of any type through things such as missions, campaigns, etc.

DAS ist der interessante Teil. Das funktioniert also wie aufm PTS. Nur mit einer reduzierten Menge Öl. Ein Clan Mitglied schafft seinen ersten Tagescontainer (2000 XP) und bekommt alleine dafür 10 Öl, die dann dem Clankonto gutgeschrieben werden.

Sehr gut! Somit kann auch ohne die Teilnahme an Clanbattles in relativ kurzer Zeit eine gewisse Menge Öl erwirtschaftet werden. Bei 10 Mitgliedern die jeweils nur den ersten Container am Tag erspielen sind also 100 Öl am Tag drin. Da wir mehr Mitglieder haben und der eine oder andere auch mal mehr Container erspiel, dürften wir das eigentlich locker täglich einfahren.

Gute Sache!

MfG tb
Von den "Strukturen" scheinen mir die Docks auf den ersten Blick die interessantesten zu sein. 10% weniger Servicekosten müssten sich für jeden gut bemerkbar machen.

3% mehr XP geht hingegen ziemlich unter. Das wären z.B. gerade mal 60XP zusätzlich bei einem 2000XP-Gefecht.
Ja weniger Service Kosten sind glaube für die meisten am sinnvollsten.

Sowas wie 3% mehr XP ist dann nützlich, wenn einen neue Linie oder Nation rauskommt und man quasi von T1 weg mit einem kleinen XP Boost startet. Nehmen wir mal an pünktlich zu den Pan Asia DDs kommt auch eintsprechendes 'Research Center' hinzu, so kann man da schon etwas zügiger durch die Schiffe grinden. Ob dass sinnvoll ist, steht auf einem anderen Blatt.

MfG tb
Auf reddit steht folgendes:

How to Earn Oil

If you're in a Clan and earn (but don't necessarily open) a Container, you'll also earn your Clan 10 units of Oil, and be notified through a system message.

Oil is added to the Clan's account every time a Clan member receives a Container of any type through missions, campaigns or other events, and each player gets 20 Oil for their first three victories in Clan Battles.

Bin verwirrt ;)