Raja/Andy says question from wild_neo:
do you think that you still can compare the benchmarks with other brands, even if you use that different approach (non-equivalent technique)?
Our Answer:
We've answered this, and yes, we feel we can compare ourselves to any brand, as we believe our quality and performance are higher. Perhaps at times we should be upset about people comparing us to lower quality implementations :-)
Raja/Andy says question from Toaster:
whats the patent number and filing date of this algo?
Our Answer:
This is in the patent pending process right now. So we will not put out the actual patent information at this time. Once approved, anyone can go read the patent.
Raja/Andy says question from chris:
What performance boost does this give you, anyway?
Our Answer:
It's a very mild optimization at the default levels, so of the order of a few percent. But this is a neat algorithm - we encourage you to take the texture slider all the way towards "performance" - we don't think you'll be able to see any image change until the very end, and the performance increases are significant.
Raja/Andy says Thanks for your time. We appreciate your persistence through the technical difficulties. To ensure that you can all read all the answers, we will post the transcript of the session at