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BF3 game fail

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Jan. 2012
i have a question concerning BF3,

i don´t get the game to work. the game starts but after a few seconds, the game freezes and have to reboot. i have tried a lot of things but nothing helps and i didn´t find the exact matching solution for my problem in the inet. maybe you have additional help for me.


Q9550@3,4Ghz(by manuf.)
Abit IP35P
ATI 4870X2(driver 8.920.0.0)
Verbastim SSD

All drivers and Windows are up to date.

I have tried with no effect:
-bcdedit /set increaseuserva 2500 and undo
-start in fullscreen- and windowmode
-reduced the clock of GPU and undo
-disabled sound in BIOS and undo
-tried all modes (campaign, mp)

Please help me.


Ps: you can also answear in german.
download prime 95 and test your oc-settings... that was my first thought cause of the freezes
Maybe it's a problem with your soundcard. Disable your onboard-soundcard in the bios and try again. The BF3 engine does often crash with Realtek onboard soundcards. That's why a friend of mine bought a cheap usb-soundcard :D
Wird jetzt langsam unser bestes Deutsche Computer Forum in Englisch verwandelt?
Immer sieht man mehr Englische Threads:freak:
Schön das Engländer unsere Seite mögen, aber gibt es keine englische Foren dafür?
ok, first try prime than furmark. i have tried to disable sound ...

Why are you writing in bloody english?
Warum schreibst du verdammnt nochmal in Englisch?

ich habe den Text verfasst um ihn auch in nicht-deutschsprachigen Foren posten zu können. Wir können aber auch gerne in D weitermachen.

Bitte B2T :)
Deutsch muss wirklich ins Grundgesetz, die Deutsche Sprache darf nicht sterben:daumen:
btw. wenn du den Text auch in englischen Foren postest würde ich ein bisschen mehr auf Grammatik bzw. Groß und klein- schriebung achten.
Habe da mal was vorbereitet :D

Hello, I have a question concering Battlefield 3

I don't get the game to work properly.
It starts but the game freezes after a few seconds and I have to reboot my PC.
I've tried a lot of things but couldn't fix the problem.
I also requested help in another forum but they couldn't help yet either.
Maybe you have some ideas that will work

My system:

Q9550 @3,4Ghz (by manufacture)
Abit IP35P
Win7 x64
ATI 4870X2(driver 8.920.0.0)
Verbastim SSD

All drivers are up to date and Windows has all its updates.

I've tried following things but none of them worked:
- bcdedit / set increaseuserva 2500.
- Started in fullscreen and windowd mode.
- Reduced the core clock on the GPU.
- Disabled sounds in BIOS.
- Tried to start campaign and co-op

Please help me.


PS: You can also answer in German.
Nein leider nicht, Soundkarte deaktivieren hat bei mir nichts gebracht!
Bitte benutze die Sammler.



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