AW: Netzteildiskussionsthread
Finde die Seite teilweise recht amüsant...
Ausschnitt aus einem Test von einem Diablotec NT:

Finde die Seite teilweise recht amüsant...
Ausschnitt aus einem Test von einem Diablotec NT:
...It has been a long time since we have seen such a useless power supply come through our review process. In fact the only unit I remember off the top of my head that comes close to matching this piece of crap was the Ultra X2 750W EE (Exploding Edition).
ch we got the expected outcome, a pile of crap. Given the horrible build quality of the unit and poor component selection of the unit that is hardly a startling result. With a current price of ~$49.99, users would be better off taking their cash and setting it on fire rather than buying this unit.