- Registriert
- Feb. 2007
- Beiträge
- 1.023
Die "Aktivitäten" von Skyfire beschränken sich aber hauptsächlich auf den Nordamerikanischen Markt (leider) es funktiniert zwar hier ebenfalls (wa sich bisher so probieren konnte), aberd er Vollständigkeit halber der Auszug aus den FAQs von Skyfire.com
Currently, Skyfire focuses on the US, Canada, and UK markets. Although you might be able to use Skyfire outside the US, Canada and UK, our focus is providing the best user experience for our active countries. Using Skyfire outside these countries is at your own discretion. Please accept that we are unable to provide service guarantees of any kind outside of these countries, and our ability to provide user support outside of our active countries is limited. However, once you create an account in Skyfire, you are able to participate in our User Forum. The User Forum serves as a useful community tool for users in active and non-active countries to share experiences and troubleshooting tips.