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[Sammelthread] DFI LANparty DK P45-T2RS / T3RS / Plus (Intel P45)
- Ersteller nfszocker
- Erstellt am
- Registriert
- Dez. 2007
- Beiträge
- 889
ich habe jetzt unter Prime Large die 525FSB stabil bekommen, jedoch startet Win 7 ohne Aero. Warum ist das so? falsche Settings?
>DRAM Timing:
Enhance Data transmitting........... - Fast
Enhance Addressing.................. - Fast
T2 Dispatch......................... - Auto
>Clock Setting Fine Delay Press Enter:
DLL And RCOMP Settings.............. - Auto
Ch1 Dram Defaul Skew................ - Model 3
Ch2 Dram Defaul Skew................ - Model 3
RCOMP Settings...................... - Model 1
Fine Delay Step Degree.............. - 70ps
Ch1 Clock Crossing Setting.......... - Relaxed
DIMM1 Clock Fine Delay.............. - Current[?]
DIMM2 Clock Fine Delay.............. - Current[?]
Ch1 Control0 Fine Delay............. - Current[?]
Ch1 Control1 Fine Delay............. - Current[?]
Ch1 Control2 Fine Delay............. - Current[?]
Ch1 Control3 Fine Delay............. - Current[?]
Ch1 Command Fine Delay.............. - Current[?]
Ch2 Clock Crossing Setting.......... - Relaxed
DIMM3 Clock Fine Delay.............. - Current[?]
DIMM4 Clock Fine Delay.............. - Current[?]
Ch2 Control0 Fine Delay............. - Current[?]
Ch2 Control1 Fine Delay............. - Current[?]
Ch2 Control2 Fine Delay............. - Current[?]
Ch2 Control3 Fine Delay............. - Current[?]
Ch2 Command Fine Delay.............. - Current[?]
Ch1 Ch2 Common Clock Setting........ - Relaxed
Ch1 RDCAS GNT-Chip Delay............ - Auto
Ch1 WRCAS GNT-Chip Delay............ - Auto
Ch1 Command To CS Delay............. - Auto
Ch2 RDCAS GNT-Chip Delay............ - Auto
Ch2 WRCAS GNT-Chip Delay............ - Auto
Ch2 Command To CS Delay............. - Auto
Flex Memory Mode..................... - Auto
CAS Latency Time (tCL)............... - 5
RAS# to CAS# Delay (tRCD)............ - 5
RAS# Precharge (tRP)................. - 5
Precharge Delay (tRAS)............... - 15
All Precharge to Act................. - Auto
REF to ACT Delay (tRFC).............. - 42
Performance Level.................... - 10
>Read delay phase adjust Press Enter:
Channel 1 Phase 0 Pull-In........... - Auto
Channel 1 Phase 1 Pull-In........... - Auto
Channel 1 Phase 2 Pull-In........... - Auto
Channel 1 Phase 3 Pull-In........... - Auto
Channel 1 Phase 4 Pull-In........... - Auto
Channel 2 Phase 0 Pull-In........... - Auto
Channel 2 Phase 1 Pull-In........... - Auto
Channel 2 Phase 2 Pull-In........... - Auto
Channel 2 Phase 3 Pull-In........... - Auto
Channel 2 Phase 4 Pull-In........... - Auto
Write to PRE Delay (tWR)............ - Auto
Rank Write to Read (tWTR)........... - Auto
ACT to ACT Delay (tRRD)............. - Auto
Read to Write Delay (tRDWR)......... - auto
Ranks Write to Write (tWRWR)........ - Auto
Ranks Read to Read (tRDRD).......... - Auto
Ranks Write to Read (tWRRD)......... - Auto
ALL PRE to Refresh.................. - Auto
CPU VID Control..................... - 1.2450V
CPU VID Special Add................. - Disabled
CPU VID Special Add................. - 109.68
DRAM Voltage Control................ - 1.95v
SB Core/CPU PLL Voltage............. - 1.55v
NB Core Voltage..................... - 1.178v
CPU VTT Voltage..................... - 1.18v
Vcore Droop Control................. - Disabled
Clockgen Voltage Control............ - 3.60v
GTL+ Buffer Strength................ - Strong
CPU GTL 0 REF Volt.................. - 0.6225
CPU GTL 2 REF Volt.................. - 0.6250
CPU GTL 1 REF Volt.................. - 0.6225
CPU GTL 3 REF Volt.................. - 0.6250
North Bridge GTL 0 REF Volt......... - 0.6550
North Bridge GTL 1 REF Volt......... - 0.6550
FSB Vref............................ - 00
Genie BIOS Settings:
Exist Setup Shutdown................ - Mode 2
Exist Shutdown After AC loss........ - Enabled
AC Shutdown Free.................... - Enabled
O.C Clock Fail Retry Counter........ - 0
O.C Clock Fail CMOS Reloaded........ - Disabled
CPU Clock Ratio..................... - 8
Target CPU Clock.................... - 4200MHz
CPU Clock........................... - 525
Boot Up Clock....................... - Auto
CPU Clock Amplitude................. - 800mV
CPU Clock0 Skew..................... - 0ps
CPU Clock1 Skew..................... - 0ps
DRAM Speed.......................... - 333/667
Target DRAM Speed................... - 1050MHz
PCIE Clock.......................... - 100mhz
PCIE Slot Config.................... - 1x 1x
CPU Spread Spectrum................. - Disabled
PCIE Spread Spectrum................ - Disabled
- Registriert
- Nov. 2009
- Beiträge
- 320
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