Wurden die? Dann verlinke ich mal ein paar, die genau das Gegenteil belegen:
"Participants preferred, and gave higher readability ratings to, text that had been rendered using ClearType. ClearType also significantly improved the accuracy of lexical decisions as well as the speed and accuracy of sentence comprehension. ClearType did not affect reading speed during pleasure reading, and it influenced neither the speed nor the accuracy of word naming."
Tyrrell, R. A., Gugerty, L., Aten, T. R., Edmonds, K. A.(2004). The effects of sub-pixel addressing on users' performance and preferences during reading-related tasks [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 4( 8): 521, 521a,
http://journalofvision.org/4/8/521/, doi:10.1167/4.8.521.
"During three separate hour-long reading sessions, users preferred reading fiction from an LCD display with ClearType than from the same display without ClearType. Users also judged the ClearType display to have significantly higher readability than the non-ClearType display. Indeed, the readability of the ClearType display was not significantly different from the readability of high-quality hard copy. In addition, ClearType appears to help readers avoid experiencing mental fatigue: reports of mental fatigue were significantly lower in the ClearType and paper conditions than in the non-ClearType condition.
No significant differences in reading
speed, interest, or concentration were found among the three
47.4: Empirical Evaluation of User Responses to Reading Text Rendered Using ClearType™ Technologies
Richard A. Tyrrell, Thad B. Pasquale, Thomas Aten, Ellie L. Francis, First published: 05 July 2012
"Two experiments comparing user performance on ClearType and Regular displays are reported. In the first, 26 participants scanned a series of spreadsheets for target information. Speed of performance was significantly faster with ClearType. In the second experiment, 25 users read two articles for meaning. Reading speed was significantly faster for ClearType. In both experiments no differences in accuracy of performance or visual fatigue scores were observed. The data also reveal substantial individual differences in performance suggesting ClearType may not be universally beneficial to information workers."
Andrew Dillon, Lisa Kleinman, Gil Ok Choi, and Randolph Bias. 2006. Visual search and reading tasks using ClearType and regular displays: two experiments. In
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (
CHI '06). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 503–511. DOI:
--------------------- (Das ist ist auch in Bezug auf "aber 4K ist doch genug interessant)
"The results of this study demonstrated that the LCD with
a pixel density of 204 ppi could step up to the next level.
However, we think that 200 ppi is not sufficient for information
display and that more than 300 ppi will be required in the near
Anti-aliasing could help make the transitional gap disappear. Even
if anti-aliased fonts are used, the higher the density of the display,
the more readable the characters. This result suggested that the
quality of characters on the 204 ppi LCD with anti-aliased fonts is
higher than that of a high quality printer output."
Yoshitake, R. and Kubota, S. (2003), P‐25: The Relationship between Pixel Density and Readability on Computer Displays ‐ Effectiveness of an Anti‐aliased Font on a High Density LCD ‐. SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, 34: 296-299.
"Participants were significantly more accurate at identifying words with ClearType™ than without ClearType™. Accuracy was also higher with non-italicized text and when the text was centered around the fixation point. Response times did not significantly vary across these same variables. Thus ClearType™ offers a significant improvement in word legibility while not adding to the cost of display hardware."
Legibility of Words Rendered Using Cleartype™
Thomas R. Aten, Leo Gugerty, Richard A. Tyrrell
First Published September 1, 2002 Research Article