Trojaner? Hacker...


Jan. 2022

seit wochen bekomme ich emails von einer Unbekannten Person und wurde von der Wahrscheinlich gehackt...

Es begann auf meinem alten Window Laptop dort habe ich mitlerweile alles zurückgesetzt. Mitlerweile bin ich auf einem Macbook 2021.

Er hat mein Altes Passwort herausgefunden meiner zweiten E-Mail es war aber mein zweitletzes Passwort da ich es schon geändert habe.

Ich füge euch mal den Text hinzu den ich immer bekomme.

Hello there!

Unfortunately, there are some bad news for you.
Around several months ago I've attained access to your devices that you were utilizing to go internet. Every day, I saw everything you did.

I'll tell you what happened below:
I've bought access your device (with Troyan "Virus") from others hackers ( that's a veritably straightforward task that can be done online).

As well as having access to your email address and all social networks as I know all your passwords. Do not you believe it ?

Do you recognize your Desktop below ?

Do you recognize your password (Hier hatte er mein altes Passwort geschrieben) from your email address ?

From that moment I started following all your activities, written emails, chats with friends and relatives, visited sites, etc. I also recorded everything you said and did while using the computer, thanks to your webcam and microphone. All the data collected including recorded audio and video have been uploaded to a server so that everything can be easily managed. Don't try to delete my virus it constantly updates its signatures (since it is driver based) and thus remains invisible to your antivirus.

So, by now you should already understand the reason why I remained unnoticed until this very moment… While collecting your information, I have found out that you are also a huge fan of websites for adults. You truly enjoy checking out porn websites and watching dirty videos, while having a lot of kinky fun. I have recorded several kinky scenes of yours and montaged some videos, where you reach orgasms while passionately masturbating. If you still doubt my serious intentions, it only takes couple mouse clicks to share your videos with your friends, relatives and even colleagues. It is also not a problem for me to allow those vids for access of public as well. I truly believe, you would not want this to occur, understanding how special are the videos you love watching, (you are clearly aware of that) all that stuff can result in a real disaster for you.

Don't essay to call police or any other screen services. also, do not indeed suppose to partake this with musketeers of yours. Once I detect that out( make no mistrustfulness about it, I can do that painlessly, bearing in mind that I've full control over all your systems) – the videotape of yours will come accessible to public incontinently.
Don't essay to probe for me – there's fully no point in that. All cryptocurrency deals remain innominate at all moments.
Don't essay reinstalling the zilches on bias of yours or get relieve of them. It's pointless too, because all your vids are formerly accessible at remote waiters.

Let’s resolve it like this: All you need is $1500 USD transfer to my account (bitcoin equivalent based on exchange rate during your transfer), and after the transaction is successful, I will proceed to delete all that kinky stuff without delay. Afterwards, we can pretend that we have never met before. In addition, I assure you that all the harmful software will be deleted from all your devices. Be sure, I keep my promises. That is quite a fair deal with a low price, bearing in mind that I have spent a lot of effort to go through your profile and traffic for a long period. If you are unaware how to buy and send bitcoins – you can from

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Below is bitcoin wallet of mine: 1J9YpD5861cN4NC2gUKpBvWYp42v3DfVPU

You are given not more than 24 hours after you have opened this email (1 days to be precise).

Below is the list of conduct that you shouldn't essay doing> Don't essay to reply my email. ( I use just one email adress hacked too for write you).

Don't essay to call police or any other security services. Once I find that out( make no mistrustfulness about it, I can do that painlessly, bearing in mind that I've full control over all your systems) – All video, images, audio, info etc .. will come available to public through YoutTube and Facebook.
Don't essay to search for me – there's fully no point in that. All cryptocurrency deals remain anonymous at all times.
Don't essay reinstalling your device because all your video, images, audio, info are available at my remote server.

As soon as I receive my fee, you can rest assured because I will immediately delete all the info, video, audio from my server.

Believe me, it is meaningless for me to keep on making your life complicated. If I wanted to make it , would happen long time ago!

Everything will be carried out based on fairness!

Hello there!
Unfortunately, there are some bad news for you.
Around several months ago I've attained access to your devices that you were utilizing to go internet. Every day, I saw everything you did.
I'll tell you what happened below:
I've bought access your device (with Troyan "Virus") from others hackers ( that's a veritably straightforward task that can be done online).
As well as having access to your email address and all social networks as I know all your passwords. Do not you believe it ?
Do you recognize your Desktop below ?

Do you recognize your password (Er hatte mein altes Passwort) from your email address ?
From that moment I started following all your activities, written emails, chats with friends and relatives, visited sites, etc. I also recorded everything you said and did while using the computer, thanks to your webcam and microphone. All the data collected including recorded audio and video have been uploaded to a server so that everything can be easily managed. Don't try to delete my virus it constantly updates its signatures (since it is driver based) and thus remains invisible to your antivirus.
So, by now you should already understand the reason why I remained unnoticed until this very moment… While collecting your information, I have found out that you are also a huge fan of websites for adults. You truly enjoy checking out porn websites and watching dirty videos, while having a lot of kinky fun. I have recorded several kinky scenes of yours and montaged some videos, where you reach orgasms while passionately masturbating. If you still doubt my serious intentions, it only takes couple mouse clicks to share your videos with your friends, relatives and even colleagues. It is also not a problem for me to allow those vids for access of public as well. I truly believe, you would not want this to occur, understanding how special are the videos you love watching, (you are clearly aware of that) all that stuff can result in a real disaster for you.
Don't essay to call police or any other screen services. also, do not indeed suppose to partake this with musketeers of yours. Once I detect that out( make no mistrustfulness about it, I can do that painlessly, bearing in mind that I've full control over all your systems) – the videotape of yours will come accessible to public incontinently.
Don't essay to probe for me – there's fully no point in that. All cryptocurrency deals remain innominate at all moments.
Don't essay reinstalling the zilches on bias of yours or get relieve of them. It's pointless too, because all your vids are formerly accessible at remote waiters.
Let’s resolve it like this: All you need is $1500 USD transfer to my account (bitcoin equivalent based on exchange rate during your transfer), and after the transaction is successful, I will proceed to delete all that kinky stuff without delay. Afterwards, we can pretend that we have never met before. In addition, I assure you that all the harmful software will be deleted from all your devices. Be sure, I keep my promises. That is quite a fair deal with a low price, bearing in mind that I have spent a lot of effort to go through your profile and traffic for a long period. If you are unaware how to buy and send bitcoins – you can from

--- Links gelöscht ---

Below is bitcoin wallet of mine: 1J9YpD5861cN4NC2gUKpBvWYp42v3DfVPU
You are given not more than 24 hours after you have opened this email (1 days to be precise).

Below is the list of conduct that you shouldn't essay doing> Don't essay to reply my email. ( I use just one email adress hacked too for write you).
Don't essay to call police or any other security services. Once I find that out( make no mistrustfulness about it, I can do that painlessly, bearing in mind that I've full control over all your systems) – All video, images, audio, info etc .. will come available to public through YoutTube and Facebook.
Don't essay to search for me – there's fully no point in that. All cryptocurrency deals remain anonymous at all times.
Don't essay reinstalling your device because all your video, images, audio, info are available at my remote server.
As soon as I receive my fee, you can rest assured because I will immediately delete all the info, video, audio from my server.
Believe me, it is meaningless for me to keep on making your life complicated. If I wanted to make it , would happen long time ago!
Everything will be carried out based on fairness!

Before I forget…try not to get involved in this kind of situations anymore!
An advice from me – regularly change all the passwords to your accounts.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Alle Passwörter ändern und wenn es geht 2FA einrichten und dann erstmal nichts machen.

Wahrscheinlich ist eher, dass die Mail + Passwort aus einem Leak stammt und der "Hacker" versucht dich damit in die Irre zu leiten. Hast Du das selbe Passwort für verschiedene Dienste und Webseiten genutzt?

Dieses "Ich hab deine Webcam überwacht und Dich gefilmt" ist mittlerweile so alt....die könnten sich mal was neues einfallen lassen.

Überprüf Deine Mail auf Leaks:


Da musste mehr cheeky sein =)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: DJServs, shivabeatz und Bruzla
Hallo, die Verwenden Daten aus Datenleaks (Dein Passwort in dem Fall) um solche Mails zu verfassen.

Du wurdest nicht gehackt und es hat auch niemand sensible Daten von dir.

Diese Mail löschen, überall Logindaten ändern und 2FA aktivieren.
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: Console Cowboy, shivabeatz, piepenkorn und eine weitere Person
Deine Mail Adresse ist übrigens hinter dem "" noch lesbar ;)
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: Dr. McCoy, shivabeatz, Reepo und eine weitere Person
Kann @Bruzla nur zustimmen. Hier wurde nix gehackt, sondern irgend ein Dienst wo du dich mit deiner Mailadresse und einem alten Passwort registriert hast. Damit wird dir jetzt Angst gemacht.
Unter Umständen findest du unter dieser Internetseite sogar heraus welcher Dienst es war.

Wie dem auch sei, nutze diese Gelegenheit dich mit einem Passwortmanager auseinander zu setzen und ändere deine Passwörter - für jeden Dienst ein eigenes Passwort.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: shivabeatz und Bruzla
Markchen schrieb:
Das hatte ich übersehen.
Danke - hast es aber noch einmal übersehen ^^
Steht unten im Text nochmal.
shivabeatz schrieb:
Er hat mein Altes Passwort herausgefunden meiner zweiten E-Mail
Demnach handelt es sich um ein Passwort, das Du zuvor mal für einen Deiner E-Mail-Accounts verwendet hattest. Da Du hier sinngemäß bestätigst, dieses Passwort für den E-Mail-Account verwendet zu haben, gibt es in diesem speziellen Fall zwei wahrscheinliche Möglichkeiten (von denen einen wahrscheinlicher ist als die andere):
  • 1.) Unwahrscheinlichere Erklärung: Dein E-Mail-Anbieter hatte ein Datenleck bzw. wurde gehackt. Es sei denn, es ist Yahoo. Aber hier war es ja Google Mail.
  • 2.) Wahrscheinlichere Erklärung: Du hattest das gleiche Passwort, das Du für den betroffenen E-Mail-Account nutztest, auch noch gleichzeitig bei anderen Diensten im Web verwendet, die in der Folge ein Datenleck zu verzeichnen hatten und bei denen von Dir Deine besagte E-Mail-Adresse zur Registrierung verwendet worden war.
Mit anderen Worten: Offenbar hast Du mindestens in der Vergangenheit gleiche Passwörter für unterschiedliche Dienste im Web verwendet. Dies sollte unter keinen Umständen so gemacht werden, weil es sonst für unbefugte Dritte ein Leichtes wird, Zugriff auf persönliche Daten(sätze) zu nehmen und weiteren Schindluder zu Deinen Lasten zu treiben.

Zwar ist die von Dir oben gepostete Mail ein Fake, sie bedient sich allerdings realer Datenleaks und zeigt somit indirekt auf, dass bei Dir große Defizite im Absicherungskonzept vorliegen. Befolge daher unbedingt die oben bereits genannten Ratschläge, ändere die Passwörter all Deiner Accounts im Web zu jeweils starken und zudem stark unterschiedlichen. Nutze zur besseren Verwaltung dieser einen lokalen Passwortmanager und aktiviere für alle Accounts die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung.

Einen aktuellen Thread mit Empfehlungen zu guten 2FA-Apps für's Smartphone gibt es hier:

Denk dran, regelmäßig Backups mit der 2FA-App in einen sicheren Bereich z.B. bei Dir zu Hause zu erstellen, damit Du auch im Falle eines Verlusts oder Defekts Deines Smartphones immer noch auf all Deine 2FA-geschützten Accounts zugreifen kannst.