[Vorstellung] NoteBook FanControl (NBFC)


Jemand bitte mich eine Konfiguration für Lenovo Ideapad Flex 2. Ich bin ein Neuling, und das ist nicht, wie. Vielen Dank im Voraus
Kann mir jemand sagen was ich im Config Editor eingeben soll für mein ASUS N750JK??
Ich finde das Teil viel zu laut habe Windows 8.1 64 Bit.
Hi all,
i'm trying to create the config file for my laptop aspire v5-573 series but i'm failing...does anyone have the config file?

thanks in advance to everybody
Ergänzung ()

bay12 schrieb:
Hi all,
i'm trying to create the config file for my laptop aspire v5-573 series but i'm failing...does anyone have the config file?

thanks in advance to everybody

Small update on this,
i found a solution to control the Aspire V5-573 fan...i'm testing it and in the next days i'll post the solution
Trump_431 schrieb:
* Überflüssiges Zitat editiert! *

this works fine! i also have hp ProBook 4520s. but i have problem when my laptop is not connected to adapter and works only with battery, then this program not working?! if not connected to adapter then my fan not work, only turn on when temperature is more than 80 cels. and sometime my laptop shut down because i to heat, realy bad new bios!
do you know any solution about running only with battery?
thanks and sorry for bad english
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:

ich bekomme NoteBook FanControl nicht runtergeladen.
der download auf Onedrive funktioniert nicht.

Gibt es einen anderen Download-Link?

ich bin schon länger auf der Suche nach einer möglichen Lüftersteuerung für mein "Dell Latitude E6520"

Kann mir jemand sagen wie ich mir selbst eine Konfiguration erstelle oder mir dabei helfen?

Die gegebenen habe ich probiert, leider ohne Erfolg.Gibt es hier noch andere Dell konfis die ich testen kann?

Vielen Dank!
Hey DUDE33,

die meisten Dell kann man mit dem Tool Speefan regeln. Du musst mal nach der Funktion Dell Fan Control suchen bei Speedfan, das geht eigtl ganz fix. Man muss es aber erst manuell in den Einstellungen aktivieren. Es ist vielleicht nicht so komfortabel wie NBFC, aber auf den ersten Blick einfacher, damit man sieht was machbar ist.

Wenn dein Dell also jünger als 2 Jahre ist, sollte erstmal Speedfan deine erste Wahl sein :D.

(Ich finde NBFC sehr toll, wollte aber trotzdem darauf hinweisen, dass es bei Dell Notebooks einfachere [aber nicht unbedingt bessere] Methoden zur Lüftersteuerung gibt)


ich besitze einen ASUS UX32VD

Verstehe ich es richtig, dass es keine Möglichkeit gibt den GPU Lüfter separat zu steuren ?

Der Register 152 ist quasi nutzlos ?

ich habe probleme mit dem einstellen der temperature thresholds - ich kann zwar Up und Downs thresholds einstellen, jedoch nicht Fan Speed - die Pfeile lässt sich gar nicht bewegen((. Reinstallieren hat nichts gebracht. ASUS UX32VD, Windows 8.1, bios 214.
hat jemand ähnliche probleme mit NBFC?
|Bastion| schrieb:
Hey DUDE33,

die meisten Dell kann man mit dem Tool Speefan regeln. Du musst mal nach der Funktion Dell Fan Control suchen bei Speedfan, das geht eigtl ganz fix. Man muss es aber erst manuell in den Einstellungen aktivieren. Es ist vielleicht nicht so komfortabel wie NBFC, aber auf den ersten Blick einfacher, damit man sieht was machbar ist.

Wenn dein Dell also jünger als 2 Jahre ist, sollte erstmal Speedfan deine erste Wahl sein :D.

(Ich finde NBFC sehr toll, wollte aber trotzdem darauf hinweisen, dass es bei Dell Notebooks einfachere [aber nicht unbedingt bessere] Methoden zur Lüftersteuerung gibt)



vielen Dank für deine Antwort.

Ich habe Speedfan installiert, den Dell Support aktiviert und unter Fan Control ein Profil erstellt

Unter Energieoptionen ist bei den Dell Einstellungen der Lüfter Wärme Modus auf Standard.

Nun ist es so, dass der Lüfter angesteuert wird, aber nicht permanent so dass er immer wieder auf 0 springt.

Ich muss vielleicht noch irgendwie die System confi blockieren?

Hättest du noch eine Idee?

Danke und Gruß
Hey DUDE23,

Nein so ein großer Profi bin ich da nicht. Ich habe das dann auch nicht wirklich weiter verfolgt. Ich wusste nur das es sowas gibt und das es ganz einfach geht. Mir ist nur aufgefallen, dass es bei den Dell Laptops nur aus, langsam, mittel und schnelle Drehzahl gibt. Ob das etwas damit zutun hat, kA. Denn ich glaub bei mir sprang der Lüfter erst ab 25% an oder so.

bay12 schrieb:
Hi all,
i'm trying to create the config file for my laptop aspire v5-573 series but i'm failing...does anyone have the config file?

thanks in advance to everybody
Ergänzung ()

Small update on this,
i found a solution to control the Aspire V5-573 fan...i'm testing it and in the next days i'll post the solution

I´m also trying to create one for my V5, but i think im just too stupid for this.

Would be great if you got any solution for us to share.

Thanks in advance to you buddy
bigic schrieb:
this works fine! i also have hp ProBook 4520s. but i have problem when my laptop is not connected to adapter and works only with battery, then this program not working?! if not connected to adapter then my fan not work, only turn on when temperature is more than 80 cels. and sometime my laptop shut down because i to heat, realy bad new bios!
do you know any solution about running only with battery?
thanks and sorry for bad english

Salute to Trump_431: your suggested settings seem to work :)

I don't have the problem that the program does not work when unplugged! Up to now everything works just fine - horray! I didnt check my BIOS Version but as it works as advertised I guess I have a BIOS < than F.21 and wont change that....
yes, thanks "Trump_431", now with you'r settings my computer HP 4520s works fine, the fan runs even when the computer is not plugged in

Ich brauche Hilfe bei der config Erstellung,
Mein Notebook Acer v3 571g

Ich kenne mich überhaupt nicht aus mit RW Ziffern (ändern sich ständig ?).
Könnte es jemand für mich mit TeamViewer einstellen?

Danke voraus
Hello all!

Sorry for my intruding over here! I am a user from Romania and I can't really speak any german so I'll stick to english if it won't bother you :). I really need your help as I just started to use this program NotebookFanControl for my ASUS G751 and I am struggling with some issues. I am speaking on behalf of many users of the ASUS RoG forum and owners of the G751 because many of us are in need of a software like this to control the fan profiles. It seems like ASUS didn't do such a good job with their original fan profiles and our 4kg notebooks tend to get too hot when they are in heavy load (it's quite a pitty to spend so much money on such a big notebook and see that it isn't able to cool itself as it should ...).

Me and a few other users have already tested Notebook Fan Controller and it pretty much works like a charm but it has some drawbacks for our models and we we're wondering if someone here could help us change the code of develop a fresh profile to make it work at it's full potential.

What are the issues right now? Well, for starters we have been using the ASUS Zenbook UX32LN as a starting point but we modified the temperature thresholds as the ones for the Zenbook we're too passive. This brings us to the first and most important issue that I've managed to find. The problem is that both the CPU and the GPU fans are both triggered by the CPU temperature, so the GPU temperature doesn't influence the fans at all. This is quite a drawback because it would be much better if we could make the GPU fan to change its steps depending on the actual GPU temperature and not depending on the CPU temperature. I don't know how this works on the Zenbook but I assume that the GPU fan is using the GPU temperature to change its steps.

Now, after days and days of testing I've managed to make some profiles which are actually improving our notebook temperatures with the price of a slightly increased noise. But during the tests of the profile I have found the second annoying issue that is a random "Enter" key press from time to time. Yeah, it sounds strange but I did the test over and over again with a movie window and once at 30 mins, for example, the movie window would be minimized by a random "Enter" key strike. I"m not even touching the keyboard while I run the test. I've also used another test with a piece of document written in Word and also from time to time the text would add a new row (exactly the function of the "Enter" key). Using the 2nd test is actually how I found out that it was the "Enter" that was triggered. I don't know how to reproduce it or even how to solve this issue.

I have played a bit with the registre/write values to see if anything changes but that only drove me to more problems. The "Enter" key problem was occurring more often, like once at 10 secs and then the systen went into sleep mode by itself and the battery led started blinking orange. I've eventually reseted my power management and the battery led was normal again, and I uninstalled the program for like 3-4 days because I got a little bit scared that I could actually break something with it and my warranty surely doesn't cover that :).

Another issue would be some random fan kicks which again I didn't manage to reproduce them. Let's say once or twice a day the fans would go mad, like 4500RPM's and then cooldown to their initial value. This is happening just for a brief of a moment but I don't think that this kind of use is pretty helpful for my fans.

Here is the profile that I've made after I managed to get past the battery and restart problem. I never touched the registre/write values since then. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B93LgJfweryfMlh0TlFIbm45T3M&usp=sharing

I would really appreciate if someone over here could help us to make an actual G751 profile which could use both CPU and GPU temperature readings, without the "Enter" key issue and without the sudden mad fans problem. If someone would care enough to help us we could also help with information about our system or with the Code that needs to be changed. You just ask and we will try to answer your demand. I could also speak to the RoG users and ask them for a small donation in the end if that would motivate you to give us a hand (I'm not bribing or anything but we would definitely pay a few bucks if we could get our laptops to work as we desire).

Thank you very much and I especially want to thank the guy who made this program, Grantig (and to all people that helped of course :P )!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hi, I don't know if anyone will be able to help me with my issue... I am using an Asus Zenbook UX303LA, and whenever I attempt to choose a config the settings are all fine but as soon as I check the 'fan control service enabled' box, it clears the selected config and then unchecks the fan control box... I am running Win 8.1 as an administrator and have the latest .NET installed, is there something I can do to get around this?

Thanks and sorry for using English :-)

Edit: checking through Windows Event Viewer, it appears to be a problem starting the service related to .NET Framework... I am using 4.5 but it's crashing immediately after the NBFC service starts
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Hello, please help me , i have Lenovo V580 (Core i7 3612QM) i found in rw all register 147 control fan, 148 set speed fan, 149 read speed fan, all work in rw (i manual set any speed) but NBFS not work , cpu temp not show :( please add support this laptop . Win 8.1 64-bit (on acer 5930 NBFC work ).

p.s In Openhardwaremonitor my cpu support.

Thanks any halp and sorry for my english :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Thank you very much for your effort. Your config seems to work very well, so I published it in my OneDrive.

Since NBFC runs as a service (and thus in an isolated session), it has no access to the GPU - I'm sorry.
The Zenbook's CPU and GPU are connected by heatpipes, so it is fine to use the CPU temperature to trigger both, the CPU fan as well as the GPU fan.

About your config:
You could remove all the register write requests from you config.
Maybe these are the reason for the weird behavior.

What exactly do the event log entries say?

I'll send you the latest NBFC beta, which includes an updated version of OpenHardwareMonitorLib, as soon as it's done.