Survival changes:
- need of sleep (see below point items) => otherwise you will get side effects/visual deficites and finally hallucination / unconsciousness
- get stuffed by food (will slow you down a bit)
- ability to drink from lakes without bottle
- if you want to drink water from lakes/wells, boil it for sterilization or clean it with a water cleansing kit
- you can get drunk and pass out by alcohol (see below point items)
- chance of getting sick/diseased and different kind of wounds
=> thermical wounds (burning, scald, frostbite)
=> mechanical wounds (cut, bit injury, bullet wound)
=> chemical burn (acid)
=> dismemberment (this will maybe never possible in arma 2/3)
=> radioactive contamination
- food won't give you blood anymore
- add stamina + you will get tired if you run long distances
- different diseases and wounds need proper treatment (see below point wounds and diseases)
- add spices and herbs growing in the forest and on the meadow
=> possibility of crafting medicine (herbal creams, essences and tea)
=> gives temporary bonuses and/or cure diseases
- add bears
- boars are wild and dangerous
- animals run away
Game changes:
- possibility to get a horse/pack horse
- possibility to get a dog (dogs can smell other players, see below)
- weapons and items will get durability, weight and volume (slot-system has to be reworked)
- movement speed depends on "cargo" and physical + mental state
- matches are limited
- add firestone
- add lighter => refuel with lighter petrol
- add towing rope => for towing defect vehicles
- add megaphones => communication over large distances possible (till 1-2km)
- add eavesdropping/directional microphones => scanning noises in the distance
- level of bottles and container will get shown in percentage or color range from black (empty) to red (getting empty) to orange (almost full) to green (full)
- sleeping and eating will have no effect on blood regeneration
- blood slowly regenerates automatical depending on physical and mental state (well satuated and without pain, you will regenerate blood faster. lets say 1 blood each second = 3600 blood per hour. if you feel bad, time will increase.)
- you can leave notes everywhere
- write into a diary if you find one
- take pictures with a camera and leave 'em in your diary
- you have to take a bath after playing several hours, otherwise you are going to smell very bad (zombies and dogs will notice you)
Zombie change:
- zombie spawns at maximal serverside viewdistance (makes it impossible to know if someone is/was near)
- more zombies spawn in towns/villages
- reduces range of attacks
- possibility that zombies can spawn in wilderness
- add different types (skins, movement, damage, noise) of zombies
- at daytime there are less zombies than in night
- at daytime zombies hide in buildings
- sorry... at night there should be WAY more zombies
- there is a chance that zombies can't see you if you are not moving (neither with the head)
- zombies can smell you
Weapon changes:
- its possible to craft bows
- its possible to craft melee-weapons out of things you can find (e.g. nails + club = morning star)
- bolts and arrows gets stackable if you find a quiver
- crossbow can have selected sights
- revolver/colt can have selected sights
- sights can be found seperately
- sights can be mounted on selected weapons
- fists can be used for self-defence
Item changes:
- get a bedroll where you can sleep on (sleeptimer will count even if you are logged off)
- water cleansing kit
- alcohol is needed to sterilize wounds and could ease pain if you drink it
- morphine is no longer used to fix broken legs
- penicillin cures pain, headaches, fever
- barbed wire can only be placed on non-solid ground
- camera
Diseases and Wounds:
- getting shot, slashed, bitten => open wounds, heavily bleeding wounds, infection (tetanus, rabies, Z-virus, influenza), getting stunned, unconsciousness => first aid, alcohol, bandage, prevent infection by vaccination, mouth to mouth, water
- unconsciousness => unable to do anything => just wait or get help by a friend
- being stung by a bee/wasp/hornet => alergic reaction, swelling => cure by antiallergic
- falling from a great high => fracture, open fracture and even unconsciousness => splint (wood/scrapmetal + bandage)
- electrical shock (thunderbolt) => unconsciousness, burning => ?
- heatstroke (to much sun) => dizziness, unconsciousness =>
- burning (fire) and scald => sore ointment and cremes
- by cooling => hypothermia (slows you down) => warm places or fire
- frostbite => severe hypothermia (slows you down) + pain => fire and painkillers
- influenza => cough, fever, headaches => penicillin, hot tea (cook water + herbs)
- sepsis => fever, hyperventilation, ague => dont know
needs prevention
- infection through open wounds
- tetanus -> prevent with vaccination
- rabies -> prevent with vaccination
needs treatment in time
- unconsciousness
- open wounds => untreated open wounds could cause a sepsis
- fracture => movement and/or carrying two-handed
weapons is impossible
=> treated fracture: you will need a while to regain full mobility
- shock
needs rapid treatment
- bullet wound (heavily bleeding)
- alergic shock
- low pulse
- shallow breathing
- a sepsis could cause ague, fever, rapid heartbeat (i dont know how to cure)
- if a friend dies, there could be a 'last chance' where you can try to save him within time. therefore it is important, that you give him first aid
=> bleeding control (with rope/belt?!)
=> pain-fighting (morphine, painkillers)
=> sterilize wound (alcohol + bandage)
=> immobilization
- hyperventilation
side effects:
- pain causes visual deficites (like it does atm)
- headaches
- medicine and other stuff will need some time to take effect
=> means, if you take painkiller, you are not instantly
painfree. it just takes a minute... or five.
- pain: painkillers AND/OR morphine
- hyperventilation: empty paper bag
- fracture: wood + bandage = splint
- low pulse: saline (= steril NaCl) and/or epinephrin
- shallow breathing: mouth to mouth / epinephrin
- infection: needs vaccination, otherwise you will need a good medicine to cure!