Mal eben fix aus der obersten Review bei Steam kopiert:
Choose between original (PS2) or new (PS4).
Choose between English or Japanese*. (no dual audio)
HD Resolution, Screen Mode, Brightness, Vsync, Texture Quality, Anisotropic Filtering, Shadows, Anti-Aliasing, Color Correction, Post-Filter AA, Unsharp Mask & Ambient Occlusion
Increase or decrease encounter rate, Double and quadruple gameplay speed (does not affect cutscenes), Auto-battle handled by AI, No HUD (for taking screenshots), Max out consumables (permanent when enabled), Max Gil (permanent when enabled), Unlock skills (permanent when enabled), Auto save options
30fps lock, but I don't care.
No dual audio.

PRO; Its time to learn japanese!
Damit sollten einige Fragen beantwortet sein

und dank des erhöhbaren Gameplay speed sollten auch die 30 Fps kein Hinderniss mehr darstellen.