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NotizGPU-Gerüchte: AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT soll Custom Designs erhalten
Ich bin gespannt, ob die Grafikkarte nicht dann im custom-design völlig ineffizient betrieben wird, 300 Watt sind da für mich eine Grenze. Ich bin der Meinung, dass wir in Zeiten der ökologischen Frage Grafikkarten mit steigenden Energiebedarf kritisch sehen sollten. Bin gespannt, wo der Trend hingeht und ob wir neue Features einbauen können (DLSS/Raytracing), ohne den Energiehunger aus dem Ruder laufen zu lassen.
number of cards is so low that Digitec decided to make a… lottery
"Meanwhile, as we approach another Radeon launch, the biggest PC hardware retailer in Switzerland, Digitec, revealed that the company expects a shipment of a total of 35 Radeon RX 6900 XT graphics cards at launch. The number of cards is so low that Digitec decided to make a… lottery. Customers who wish to participate are asked to make an account and press a special button that will be displayed on each product page starting from tomorrow. The lucky winners, who still have to pay 999 USD for their cards, will be selected within a week:
Today, December 4th, we learned that we will be receiving 35 AMD RX 6900 XTs in a reference design. Delivery dates are currently still unknown. Just as with the AMD Radeon 6800, there won’t be enough cards to go around.
— Yannick Cejka, Digitec.ch
Switzerland is one of the wealthiest countries in Europe, thus the demand for top-tier Radeon graphics cards will certainly be high. It is unclear how many units will be shipped to other countries and other retailers. In any case, have your wallet ready for tomorrow at 15:00 Central European Time."
Wird das die neue Verkaufsstrategie beim Launch neuer CPUs und GPUs? Ich spiele kein Lotto, warum sollte man sich auf sowas einlassen? Das wird immer lustiger.