Wie geschrieben: Custom Pads
Du stellst eine Anfrage und gibts Vorgaben bzgl. Mounting und Größe der Ohrpolster.
VA stellt für die Herstellung der Pads anscheinend entsprechende Mountingplates her, welche identisch zu den Kopfhörern sein sollten:
Auszug aus meinem Mail-Verkehr mit VA:
"The right way to produce pads that will fit your headphones perpectly is to produce mounting plate template.
To do this we will need following:
A. Drawing of the headphone's pad-fixing plate contour (+ dimensions written on it) to produce template. In order to make it you need to take pad off. Lay headphones (not pad but haeadphones cup itself) on a sheet of paper and trace it's contour. And then make measurements of your drawing. This contour is needed to make right attaching rim on new earpads. Example is attached.
B. Please use a very sharp pencil to draw.
C. We need a scan (a4), not a photo of you drawing. Resolution is 400 dpi or higher. Do not cut your scan, just send as it is.
D. We will also need info regarding thickness of the plate."
Material ist Leder bzw. Alcantara:
"We can customize dimensions and depth, use memory foam, angling. Basic colors - black leather and black alcantara. We also have emerald ink, dark-grey, red, brown, textured brown, foxy, matte foxy, matte grey-blue, perforated black leather and grey alcantara available.
We work with real leather and alcantara only, no velour or synthetic leather"
Hier ein paar Beispiele: