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Selbstgebastelte CPU - Steve Chamberlin baute in 18 Monaten eine 8-bit CPU eigenhändig zusammen und nannte sie "Big Mess o' Wires"
* Current clock speed is 2MHz. It could theoretically go to about 3MHz (untested).
* 512 KBytes of RAM, 512 KBytes of ROM.
* Power draw is 10 Watts, 2.0A at 5V.
* VGA video output is 512×480 with two colors, or 128×240 with 256 colors.
* Audio and music is provided by a three-voice programmable sound generator.
* Keyboard input is a standard PC keyboard with PS/2 connector.
* Debug display is a 24×2 character text LCD.
* There are roughly 1250 wires connecting the components, so 2500 individual hand-turned wire wraps.