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Project CARS [Sammelthread] - Project CARs, Teil 2, Bitte Startpost beachten!

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Also das ist hart.
Hatten schon 3d vision am start und jetzt kurz vor Release gehts nicht mehr.
Das ist ja mal richtig derbe.
Dann wirds auf alle fälle storniert.
Eine Auto Simulation ohne 3d Support ist meiner Ansicht ein absolutes no go.
Sorry slightly mad...so funktioniert das nicht.
3d Vision wird nichmal von 1% genutzt im WMD. Deswegen wurde es hinten angestellt.
dominiczeth schrieb:
3d Vision wird nichmal von 1% genutzt im WMD. Deswegen wurde es hinten angestellt.

So sieht es aus. ;)

Leider wird wohl auch der Triple Screen und 21:9 Support erst nach Release optimiert.
Bei Triple Screen und 21:9 Support gehts doch nur noch um das HUD oder? Ansonsten sieht das ja schon ziemlich gut aus. Naja höchstens das Hauptmenü noch... Kann ich jetzt nichts zu sagen.
ak1504 schrieb:
Es wird zum Release gerade was das kompetative fahren im Multiplayer angeht deutlichen NACHHOLBEDARF geben (kennen wir doch schon von Gran Turismo und auch den PC-Sims). Die Entwickler haben hier aber auch schon klar gestatet, dass sie sich dem Thema nach dem Release und kostenlos widmen werden.

Folgendes hat der Entwickler aber schon zugesagt:
- Enhanced Penalty-System (nicht genauer definiert)
- Free pit driving
- Ending last lap of races and qualifying
- Flag system
- Safety-Car
- Multiple car setups for each track with sharing/download option
- Virtual side mirrors (in mehrereren Nebensätzen ohne anouncement)
- Driver change
- More liveries for one car
- Possibility to put weight on cars
- Zusätzliche Regler im Menü für die Soundortung anderer Fahrzeuge

Aber all das wird es zum Release NICHT geben.

Ich bin schon ziemlich enttäuscht, dass beim Release soviele Dinge fehlen und erst später nachgereicht werden (sollen), erinnert mich irgendwie an GT6. Nach den ganzen Verschiebungen habe ich das nicht erwartet.

An alle die schon fahren können: Wie hat sich die KI entwickelt (kann die mit R3E mithalten)?
Ja, schlecht ist die KI nicht, nur der Schwierigkeitsgrad lässt sich noch nicht richtig einstellen.
dominiczeth schrieb:
Die KI ist mittlerweile Top, gibt nichts mehr auszusetzen.

Fährt jetzt die KI auch langsamere Zeiten bei Regen?
Sehr gut! Dann muss nur mehr der Karriere Modus gut sein, dann werde ich sicher die eine oder andere Stunde mit PCars verbringen!
dominiczeth schrieb:
Die KI ist mittlerweile Top, gibt nichts mehr auszusetzen.

Das kann ich so nicht bestätigen. Ich finde dass die KI immernoch sehr Streckenabhängig unterschiedlich ist.
Man kann die Gegnerstärke nicht 1:1 für alle Strecken übernehmen. Man muss es wirklich vorher ausprobieren.
Gestern erst 20 Runden Zhuhai gefahren, dort tritt die KI z.b. in den 2 Vollgaskurven mächtig auf die Bremse zum Teil, was man an den Stellen ohne im Zweikampf nicht muss. Dadurch gewinnt man auf der Strecke im Gegensatz zur KI sehr viel Zeit wo man bei gleicher Einstellung auf anderen Strecken im Vergleich zur KI deutlich langsamer ist.

Auch ist mir aufgefallen dass die KI Fahrer wenn man sie einmal überholt hat, sich teilweise sehr stark abfallen lassen.
Ich bin noch nicht so oft gegen die KI gefahren aber früher war es so, dass wenn sie zu schwach eingestellt ist, sehr früh bremst.
Versuch die KI-Stärke zu erhöhen.
Bei 85-90% hatte ich bisher auf keiner Strecke Probleme damit.
dominiczeth schrieb:
Bei Triple Screen und 21:9 Support gehts doch nur noch um das HUD oder? Ansonsten sieht das ja schon ziemlich gut aus. Naja höchstens das Hauptmenü noch... Kann ich jetzt nichts zu sagen.

Beim Triple Setting ohne Triple Option ist die Darstellung auf den äußeren Monitoren total verzerrt, Autos sehen als als wären sie 8m lang und der Winkel passt nicht

Sieht dann so aus

mit übernatürlich großen Spiegeln, auf Fahrzeuge wirkt das noch alberner

So muss es sein


Der Winkel der Monitore ist korrigiert und die seitliche Perspektive nicht mehr langgezogen.
Ah ok verstehe.

Übrigens gabs heute doch ein Build: Ironie

Build 988 (20/04/15) - 707 MB

* Please ensure you have completely wiped your computer before installing. This is mandatory for each build from now on.

* Remove all post processing effects
* Revert to 16-bit colour to ensure 120fps possible in all instances on Radeon 5450 and higher GPU
* Resolution forced to 320x200

* Disable GUI entirely
* Implement command line. See below for examples
Type "Select {car manufacturer} {car model}" to select your car
Type "Select {track name} {variation}" to select your track
Type "Pick {livery name}" to select your livery
Type "Start Race at {track name} with {x} opponents from {y} class + {z} class on {date} at {time} with {weather} + {weather} + {weather} + {weather} using {time} acceleration" to start a race
Type "Quit" to quit
Type "Start multiplayer" to create a new multiplayer lobby
Type "Join multiplayer session {sessioname}" to join a lobby
Type "List {sessionname}" to discover lobbies currently available to join
Type "Arcade" to enable Assetto Corsa physics
Type "I love iRacing" to enable out of date tyre physics
Type "Sims" to remove all graphics because a sim doesn't need graphics
Type "I love Ian Bell" to enable wookie growl on overrun
Type "Cheat mode enabled" to enable DRS and/or KERS whilst racing
Type "Select tyres" for real tyres to be delivered to your house. Your paypal account will be used for payment.
Type "Gordon's Alive" to select Ming the Merciless skin
Type "You can't go out dressed like that" to select teenage girl driver skin
Type "Dinner please" to send SMS to your wife/girlfriend/mother to alert them that you require feeding
Type "Display menu" to display dinner menu
Type "Select {menu choice}" to select dinner (see "dinner please" for purpose)
Type "uuddlrlrba" and then hit "enter" to enable 'Stig mode'

* Disable all external cameras
* Remove Fast Forward and Rewind from replay mode
* Add new DnB soundtrack to all replays

* Disable keyboard support

* Pitcrew now performs YMCA on approach to pits
* Opponent pitcrew flip you the bird as you pass
* Caterham driver model now equipped with thick raincoat to survive typically British weather. Even in the height of summer.

* AI now self-aware and liable to morph into Arnold Schwarzenegger
* Transfer control from AI to AJ - AJ now controls your car whenever you hand over control to AI. He is sat at home waiting patiently for you to transfer control to him.
* All Audi AI cars are now totally unaware of their surroundings to replicate real-life driving conditions

* Removed RUF due to complaints from Porsche
* Split the Atoms
* Added entire British Layland lineup.
* Austin Princess set as default car
* All BMW cars are now slammed to the ground, with extreme camber. Totally undrivable, but look totally awesome.
* All BMW cars now fitted with indicators (currently not functional and unlikely to ever be enabled to maintain realism)
* All Paganis now exude extreme coolness. Don't ask how, they just do.

* Themetune to Terry and June added

* All BMW cars now exert moral authority over ever other car.
* Disabled SETA tyre model
* Implemented SETI tyre model. Unused processor cycles now used to calculate better physics.
* Tires: FA heat fix . Seriously, we've done F*** All because there was nothing to fix, it's perfect.
* Increase resistance to grass. Requested by Cheech Marin

Known Issues:
* Yes, there are still bugs, get over it! Hope you enjoyed this little tribute to the build logs! Now go out and have fun!
* Disabled SETA tyre model
* Implemented SETI tyre model

2.0 oder wie oder was ?
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Edit: LOL gerade alles durchgelesen, was für ein Troll-Changelog. :D :D :D Aber gut gemacht! Respekt! :D

und "Split the ATOM's." haha :D
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Lol mein Trollfilter hat den Blödsinn übersrungen und is direkt bei dem Reifenmodell hängen geblieben... Die sollten mal ihren Kalender aktualisieren... Haben wohl das Memo nich gelesen :D

Das waren die letzten:

Build 981 (13/04/15)
* Fixes layout of speaker for session results screen - WMD-6572
* WMD-6685: "Selfie" achievement fix. Increased the lenience for the number of vertices required to be in shot.
* WMD-6333: Added busy overlay when entering the load / delete screen if a load or save operation is in progress. This stops the screen appearing broken in this circumstance. Saves are taking an unusually long time in the PKG build, however -- this is not seen when running from the PC.
* Film camera fix so it renders the correct vehicle model
* Various code changes to support WMD-6216 (Gameplay/Physics - Exploits are possible without the player getting penalised sufficiently): 1. Cut track timer is now dynamic according to severity of the cut / 2. Cut track timer now accumulates in the event of multiple cuts in quick succession (however we no longer increase the cut count towards DQ'd) / 3.Timer correctly resets so that it works consistently after triggering previously during a lap / 4. Extended physics interface so that the cut track timer and other app functions now access time estimates between waypoints at a per participant level (thx physics/AI team)
* WMD-6681: Driver anims: Oreca - fixed driver clipping through chassis
* Default strategy for player has forced repairs, even when player enters the pitstops on the last lap. Fix for WMD-6673
* WMD-6674: Make sure mTyreUsed are set correctly with the tyres used by drivers. Make Enforced laps and damage based laps during enforced laps inclusive of each other
* WMD-6554: Fixed setup of local pose of wheel PhysX shape.
* Better weather prediction for tyre selection during the race, fix for WMD-6549

Build 982 (14/04/15)
* Fixes wrong controller icons being used on events and tiem trial screens for patch - WMD-6671
* WMD-6647: Improved the stability of several of the achievements, notably the 'exorcist' one. Fixed the potential timing threaded related issue to do with lap time updates, and the OnLapCompleted event.
* Text changes for tuning setup and pitstop strategy, removing hardcoded l from screens and replacing with TextDB member + shifting this string bit to the right in tuning setup, so localization (russian) does not cause layout problems. fix for WMD-6579
* Don't start lap when crossing start trigger whilst in pits on outlap (part of WMD-6451).
* Stop career contract manager overwriting vehicle livery for other game modes (WMD-6092).
* Correct logic for handling disqualified participants in non-race sessions. - Fixes WMD-6683
* WMD-5032: Synchronise vehicle detachable components and wheels in MP.
* WMD-6694: Avoid INFINITE Vehicle members when NewTires are created too early.
* WMD-6600: Updated physics wheel initialisation to properly reset detach phase.
* WMD-6675: AI type blow outs, WMD-5806 - FA heating improved and simple carcass wear model to prevent premature blown player tires

Build 983 (15/04/15)
* Race sounds restarted e.g. when retiring or skipping to reduce audio glitches. WMD-5447
* Overlapping text fixed on Load/Delete Career screen (WMD-6662)
* Re-ordered the tracks to fix WMD-6706- where TT track ordering follows pseudonames
* Fix controller appfuncs for inc and dec to make them use the data provided settings - WMD-6707
* WMD-6698: Fix for general replay exploit for metrics (Fixed "Emergency Stop" achievement exploit)
* WMD-6702 Added a OnLapCompleted event for P2P tracks- fixing various issues in regards to metrics not updating.
* Don't invalidate laptime if session starts after crossing start line. Don't invalidate laptime if crossing start line under AI control in a rolling start (WMD-6587).
* Code to reset the camera render info when entering and exiting game. Fix for bug WMD-6704
* Pitcrew art: Wheel mechanic R 01 first pass. Not finished
* F1 Pitcrew L pitstops: Wheel mechanics - airgun hose simulation; initial setup + hose simulation
* WMD-6295: Driver anims - Aston Martin GT4 - remove limited steering animation and add full 360 steering, remove static paddle anims for driver
* Pit Engineer: Fix for qualifying chatter being triggered too early. Fixes WMD-6451.
* When sending triggers to app during skip session, don't send triggers already sent during normal gameplay (WMD-6689)
* Adjustments to opposite lock to ensure it doesn't override the steering lock state (WMD-6705) - fix for "sinking cars"
* Gumpert Apollo: LODX Mirror fix (WMD-6076), user flags set on other mirrors, fixed LODB suspension skin, paint material rain settings corrected, added damage to mirrors

Build 984-985 (16/04/15)
* Fix to restore race sounds after window loses then regains focus, while a race is paused. WMD-6695
* Change to disable the alternative loading of wtc data from the documents folder when live edit is disabled.
* Fixes track ordering on Time Trial Console screen - WMD-6706
* WMD-6702: Fixed all qualifying and timing related DNP stats. Added a new OnRestart metric event to track time in sessions even if you restarted.
* WMD-6649: Add a try/catch around the license check, as it's possible for it to throw an exception.
* GT pitcrew: Small fix to WHM01_cancel move finish pose
* WMD-6715: When fuel consumtion is not available, AI shouldn't ever pit from lack of fuel
* Fixed EndOfWeekend display so it displays results from both qualifying session when there are two of them. Also hides practice session if it has valid times due to skipping. WMD-6703
* WMD-5294: Do not override collidable state of remote participant.

Build 986-987 (17/04/15) - The Last GBs (Achtung 11,8GB!!!)
* WMD-6616, WMD-6670, WMD-6721: Fix for livery selection
* Fix for WMD-5793 Aspect ratio for ultra wide displays (videos)
* Changing the logic of preventing subsequent visits to post race screen, fix for WMD-6724
* Fixed the loading screen fade-to-black being too early for multiplayer leading to situations where players might end up waiting a long time on a black screen while waiting for everyone to finish loading into a multiplayer session. (WMD-6720)
* WMD-6702: Ensure the Driver Network Profile dialog is up to date, regardless of which screen we're coming from
* Fix for (WMD-6729 Build 983 - HUD is reporting incorrect times to vehicles ahead/behind). Compares split times by using the same prediction list
* WMD-6702: Updated all the distance-driven DNP metrics to use on exit & restart events. It was previously only recording on race-completed events. This enables all bases to be covered in terms of capturing all distance driven for vehicles + tracks.
* Correct cleanup of camera sequences in sessions without cameras - fix for WMD-6717
* Reset physics sync time delta when switching to/from replay mode. Update cockpit wiper animation in replays. Prevent auto-wipers logic running during replay playback and defer update until replay recording events (WMD-6176).
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