Das Projekt ist nicht tot.
Leider kam ich nicht mehr dazu zu testen. Aber am 04.02.2017 kam eine neue Beta raus. Diese werde ich mir noch einmal antun. Anbei noch ein Changelog vom Dezember:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Lost Alpha official Developers Cut
Work in progress version!
Engine updated: 21st of Dec 2016
Engine version: 1.4000
Build number: build 6482
ETA: n/a
- fixed incorrect syntax in task_manager for relation
- fixed cost for Rat pie
- fixed crash when trying to talk to wounded military on Pripyat
- fixed the handling of white niva vehicle and the model itself
- fixed the handling of lada cabrio and raf truck
- fixed the VIP card dialogue in Bar (Duty arena)
- fixed unresponsive zombies on Forest
- cleaned out all stashes of unused items
- fixed the few invincible monolith soldiers on Darkdolina
- fixed rare error with xr_effects.script:2142: attempt to index local 'inv_box' (a nil value)
- fixed bugs in sound engine
- fix for xr_logic.script:42: attempt to index local 'stor' (a nil value)
- fixed the tunned white niva (root bone was set too low, it could stuck to small rocks and debris easily)
- fixed the remaining vibrating windows/glass surfaces on R1 (static lightning) render
- fixed and finetuned water surface on r1 and r3 render
- added back ammo tracers and bullet holes
- fixed several sound files
- fixed the unresponsive AI
- fixed the not properly working 'hit sounds', 'death sounds' (and other sounds) so AI reacts even better
- fixed the random crashes when using some of the 3rd party graphic overlays, like fps counters or Steam in-game panel
- fixed shooting effector
- fixed water which visible through the fog
- fixed stripes with rain on DX10/11
- fixed treasure manager (which gives stash info to player)
- fixed some missing strings (text files)
- fixed incorrect materials
- fixed glows (they won't shine thru the walls)
- fixed the black fences around Doc's house on Swamp level (wrong surface -> incorrect shadow)
- fixed smoke particles
- fixed the intro sound
- fixed the missing mutant names (when player searches body)
- fixed and finetuned xr_heli chopper scheme
- fixed bugs in bind_car script for proper NPC detection when actor is behind a vehicle, or stays in it
- fixed mutant cat-head item (was needed for a pda task, but the mutant never spawned it)
- fixed the bandit scene on Garbage level
- fixed translucent dynamic objects (windows, anomalies etc.) which visible through the fog
- fixed the bug at the countryside blockpost, where army always attacked the player on returning from lost factory level
- fixed a sidetask on construction site, which could fail due to a missing precondition
- fixed a crash in cordon which happened if you talked to one of Petruha's men without taking the quest from Wolf
- fixed a rare or random crash in the Pripyat Undergrounds level
- fixed the sometimes unresponsive codedoor keypad in Pripyat Undergrounds level
- fixed the ground detail bump textures, they were too grainy
- added all missing hands models for all new suits
- added all missing upgrades to all weapons and armors we had in LA
- some mutants were fixed (papakarlo, civil zombie)
- crosshair fix
- grenade hud fix
- task manager for sidetasks fixed
- fixed random bugs in arena (Bar)
- fixed sector and material problems in Agroprom level
- fixed geometry bugs on Forest level
+ all previous patch fixes
- finetuned the dynamic weather on DX9/10 render
- disabled blowouts in Bar until freeplay to avoid a very rare bug
- disabled the strange cutscene on Swamp on request of fans
- added more, previously missing xml nodes
- added extra behaviour for npcs when they use grenade
- added steal and sneak behaviour to certain monsters such as zombies, psydogs
- tweaked postprocessing to achieve nicer display
- engine now detects all the sound cards connected to your pc and you can select any of them to use
- atmospheric ukrainian weather pack with around 50 unique skybox captured in Ukraine (pending)
- weather tweaks
- HD textures addon for many surfaces, which actually looked lowpoly previously
- HD foliage texture pack (optional)
- more alife on almost all levels, with higher respawn rate
- more variety in the mutant relations, to see more epic fights between them
- more and more sidequests
- doubled the battery duration
- lowered the fuel usage
- lowered the volume of detector sounds
- finetuned generic trader files
- added more weapon fixer-upgrader npcs (ivancov, guide, ghost, freedom barman, doc, kruglov)
- the lada cabrio is no longer immortal
- weapon upgrade system from Call of Pripyat
- added ammo parameters from Call of Pripyat (k_dist, k_air_resistance, k_ap etc...)
- flight of bullets are now depending on the protection of armour (bullet wont go thru the heavy armor, it will cause ricochet)
- grass movement can now be controlled from user.ltx, and from weather files
- grass draw distance now can be set from console from 30 to 240 meters (SoC used 25meter by default)
- sun lumscale, ambient and hemi color can now be controlled from weather, so it can be changed or mixed as the weather changes, creating nice atmosphere
- implemented DX11 render mode (with the same bugs as it had in CoP)
- finetuned grass shadows
- finetuned grass shading without using grass shadows
- re-enabled artefact hunter scheme (wandering and camper npcs search for artefacts)
- re-enabled looting scheme (wandering and sometimes camper npcs loot dead bodies)
- re-enabled humming, whistling for random npcs to achieve even nicer atmosphere
- added back some old articles to pda, which we forgot to enable previously
- upgraded items are now marked with an arrow in left corner, so players will know which one is edited if they have more of the same kind
- weapons and armor huds ported from Call of Pripyat to Lost Alpha
- added shaders cache ('r__shaders_cache' console command) which speeds up the loading of shaders when pressed alt+tab
- added support v3 and v4 skinning types to models. Lost Alpha can load CS and COP models
- made clean up G-buffer each frame to avoid "ghosting" on sky
- added new hud adjust mode to adjust weapons on cop hands
- opened up the countryside level a bit more to the east
- pripyat secret trader won't disappear after a couple of minutes
- several weapons got new animations
- recompiled Cordon with vegetation changes
- recompiled Rostok Factory with geometry and vegetation changes
- recompiled Countryside with vegetation and geometry changes
- btr has a working trunk now
- you can bribe the arena guard from now, which means you don't need to wait a week to be able to go thru the arena, you can do it anytime now
- bar's (great metal factory) geometry was changed for easier access
- added a precondition to Petruha's men, so the game wont crash even if you don't talk to Wolf, they will send you to talk to him first
- added high quality, natural color tree and vegetation textures by Cromm Cruac
- skills module re-initiated, working on implementing point system (current skills: barter, survivor, sharpshooter, endurance)
- all upgrades were rebalanced
- all artefacts were rebalanced
- many new smart terrains
- sll texts from scripts, configs were moved to text/ folder
- extra option to hide/unhide subtasks on pda tasks section
- recompiled Agroprom with geometry and vegetation changes
- recompiled Forest with vegetation changes and extras
- more suits to wear
+ all previous patch addons
- need to fix Darkdolina bridge (bottom pilons) - recompile needed
- incorrect sunshadows on dx10 render with older ATI-AMD cards (if we can fix)
- SweetFX and alikes renderer injectors crash