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Watch Dogs Watch Dogs: Kadzait24 Mod installieren?

Ganz wilde Idee von mir: Dateien ersetzen im Spieleordner?
Abgesehen davon gibt es sogar eine ReadMe...

Please dont upload this anywhere.

Place patch.fat/dat in your databin64 folder.

Delete your Gamerprofile.xml

Launch the game.

Choose ultra preset ( you will see shadows keeps high, dont touch that ) , desired resolution and AA setting, Save the config. Exit the game.

Edit GamerProfile.xml and be sure everthing at the custom setting look like this:

<quality ResolutionX="1920" ResolutionY="1080" EnvironmentQuality="ultra" AntiPortalQuality="nextgen" PostFxQuality="ultra" TextureQuality="pc" TextureResolutionQuality="ultra" WaterQuality="ultra" ParaboloidReflectionQuality="ultra" DepthPassQuality="pc" VegetationQuality="ultra" TerrainQuality="ultra" GeometryQuality="ultra" LodDitheringQuality="pc" ShadowQuality="high" ShadingQuality="high" RoadQuality="pc" EditorQuality="pc" ParticlesQuality="ultra" DeferredFxQuality="pc" HDR="1" SuperSampling="0" HighPrecisionNormal="1" RenderSplashes="1" RenderRain="1" MotionBlurQuality="console" SSAOQuality="hbao+_high" DepthOfFieldQuality="pc" AntiAliasingQuality="smaa" id="_runtime" />

When all is fine launch the game again and load your savegame.

Enjoy and let me know all you can see.

For a perfect no stuttering experience select high textures instead ultra.