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Interessanter Artikel gerade über Detransitioning, aber Menschen die alles rückgängig gemacht haben:
Interessanter Artikel gerade über Detransitioning, aber Menschen die alles rückgängig gemacht haben:
For the past five years I’ve been a part of a growing community of detransitioned people who are speaking out about questionable norms and practices in transgender medicine.
Also, people were informed that they were waiving the mental-health screening recommended by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. Its standard of care recommends that patients seeking HRT be screened for schizotypal disorders, autism-spectrum disorders, personality disorders, dissociative disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders and more.
In the case of Betty, I felt that the clinic where I worked wasn’t sufficiently concerned whether her mental disorder created delusions that often controlled her life, or meant she was so cognitively disabled that transition predictably left her more isolated and chronically stressed than before she started HRT. The medical staff’s attitude towards Betty and many of the other patients who were receiving hormones while managing (or failing to manage) severe mental illness was a profound lack of interest about whether one affected the other.
We were informed-consent true-believers. We didn’t badger you with questions; as long as you were 18, you would get your hormones.
In fact, most of us worked there because we rejected the idea that a strongly felt internal sense of gender could be a symptom of mental illness. That shared, ideological foundation meant it was verboten for the staff to consider whether the HRT might be exacerbating Betty’s schizophrenic symptoms or making it harder for her to build the basic social relationships that provide the support and positive feedback that is so necessary for mental health. If the HRT did not actually assist Betty in presenting as a woman or improve her functioning—and it seemed to be doing neither—we considered “affirming her identity” more important than those conventional measures of the treatment’s effectiveness.