Digital River's software may put blocks on foreign credit cards, credit cards with billing addresses that are not near the IP of the purchaser, users in foreign countries, as well as users behind proxies and firewalls. Once their software flags you as "at risk," you are basically screwed. Although you may be told by DR that there is a problem with your bank, in my case they did not even forward my information to the bank for a purchase. They automatically cancelled the order on their end. You should check with your bank though to be sure they aren't blocking the transaction.
[18:38:02] Lukas Ohlert: I called Digital River's accounting department a few days ago to resolve my issue. Over email, I was repeatedly told: "We recommend when placing an order that you enter your billing information exactly as it appears on your credit card billing statement. If your middle initial appears on your credit card, please include it." I sent them screen shots of my billing information as entered & scans of the address on my credit card billing statement. They still sent me the same scripted response, over and over and over again. "We recommend when placing an order that you enter your billing information exactly as it appears on your credit card billing statement. If your middle initial appears on your credit card, please include it."
So, I called them. There's no toll-free number, by the way, and since I was put on hold for about an hour, it was an expensive call. Apparently, my card was blocked because I once tried to use a US card to order a Dungeons & Dragons internet-magazine subscription while I was in traveling in China. This is a "security feature" that is meant to "protect my account" from "unauthorized use."
Please note that Digital River handles a number of websites, including Microsoft downloads, Kaspersky, Wizards of the Coast (Dungeons & Dragons/Magic:The Gathering), Ubisoft, and of course EA's Origin. DR has purchased a lot of their competitors over the years and run payment processing for a lot of small companies now.
If you ever tried to purchase from one of their sites using a proxy/firewall, made a purchase while traveling, or had multiple failed transactions (due to a bank block or even software glitches), you may need to deal directly with Digital River as your account may be flagged as "at risk." Unfortunately, their initial response may be to direct you towards EA/Origin support or tell you to try another credit card.