dann les das hier (aus dem review):
The game has a quest system as well as a mission system. Missions are more complex ongoing quests which you really need to do (they also involve party)... they are like a storyline (with some short sequences) bringing you further in the a game.
The quests are normal quests, which include everything from hunting specific mobs to gather materials, timed quests, escort quests, special quests etc.!
There are so many quests in this game I never had to grind on one and the same spot for mobs So the basic gameplay remembers to the leveling to WoW -> And by doing quests and missions in Aion its surely the fastest way to level (thats also why bots will have a hard time in this game)!
Also you always get nice rewards from the quests, which can be everything from gold, scrolls, potions and also weapons, armor items etc...
*) Missions are a bit more complex and sometimes need the help of groups. Group play so far was really fun, we moved into a big "ogre" like camp and killed several named bosses there. We needed to do some other stuff there too, like collecting this or that etc. We also had a wipe here and there so it was really excited and we also got some good drops from the named mobs
Another cool mission I should mention is when you were transformed into a parrot and you needed to spy some pirates on a ship, pretty funny ^^
weiterhin viel interessantes
hier zu lesen
es gibt viele nette features, die in diesem Review beschrieben werden wie z.B. die AFK-Shops, das enchanting, welches weng ist wie bei WoW, jedoch andere ergebnisse liefert, was eher aus L2 übernommen wurde, ein sehr gutes mail-system...kann man alles in dem review lesen...ist sehr interessant
da steht für dich auch was interessantes über instanzierung...ich glaub die ladebilschirme zwischen den gebieten gibt es nur bis lvl 20 ...mein kollege ist gerade lvl 20 ...
weil bis lvl 20 ist das alles instanziert und daher kommen wohl auch die ladebildschirme
was ich sehr schön finde ist dieser abschnitt:
Once I got to the more advanced and later areas the graphic changed alot and amazed me more and more. Later I even found out that on your char you can see earrings and necklaces... I got a necklace that shines in all rainbow colors all the time... througout the game you will notice so many little details they have put in. From all the animations of NPCs which are moving around the city... some do work and bringing boxes from here to there... everything in the world is moving. Also your char is never standing still. Depending on the area they will do different actions, like cooling them with a blower in hot areas, pulling the sand of their clothes in dusty areas like deserts etc. ! You always see that Aion is finally another game where the developer actually put a lot of love and detail into.