Team Bondi founder and director Brendan McNamara has spoken out on the revolutionary tech the developer is using for L.A. Noire, Motion Scan.
The technology has been created by Australian-based company Depth Analysis, using thirty two cameras which capture a 3D scan of the actor, as well as colour, motion and sound. The image is then transferred into the game, and ready to use.
"We think we've defeated the uncanny valley," said McNamara, when speaking in the latest issue of Official PlayStation Magazine (Issue 047, August 2010). "This is the end of spandex I think," he added, referring to motion capture suits.
"We wanted to make a detective game," he continued, "and a key part of that is interrogating people. If you're going to see if somebody is lying, you have to be able to look for little poker tells, all that stuff."
When asked to compare the technology to that which was used for the production of Quantum Dream's Heavy Rain, McNamara said: "The characters look great [in Heavy Rain], but in the terms of believability you still have to sort of suspend your disbelief and enjoy the game."
"This is going to be a bit of a line in the sand, compared to that."