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Leserartikel AMD Ryzen - RAM OC Community
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rentex schrieb:ErP ist doch für den niedrigen Stand By Verbrauch des Netzteils zuständig?!
Ja frag mich nicht...versuche auch schon vergeblich rauszufinden, ob und wie Modern Standby bei Ryzen 3000 zum laufen zu bekommen ist. Angeblich können es die Notebookprozessoren. Mein Netzteil auch. Ob das Mainboard es beherrscht? Ein TPM Modul braucht man dafür; das passende von Gigabyte nirgendwo lieferbar. Mal schauen, ob es auch mit dem AMD fTPM geht. Allein schon Secure Boot einzurichten. Nichts ist ordentlich dokumentiert. Ist das nur bei Gigabyte so?
Edit: Also bislang scheint nur S3 zulaufen. S1/S2 und besonders der interessante S0 scheinen nicht zu funktionieren. Ob das am Ryzen und/oder Mainboard liegt, kann man nur spekulieren. Dafür funktioniert aber Secure Boot und die AMD fTPM super.
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- Registriert
- Sep. 2007
- Beiträge
- 7.261
Muss mal schauen, ob ich die noch als Profil drauf habe später.Kenobi schrieb:Könntest du mir mal deinen Screen vom Ryzen Master mit 3.733 und den 4x 8 GB schicken? Ich bekomme meine b-Dies nicht ganz stabil...![]()
Waren allerdings, wie gesagt, nur mit CL16, das lohnt im Grunde nicht.
nospherato schrieb:Muss mal schauen, ob ich die noch als Profil drauf habe später.
Waren allerdings, wie gesagt, nur mit CL16, das lohnt im Grunde nicht.
Ja, schau mal bitte, was du gespeichert hast (3600 o. 3733). Heißt ja nicht, dass es 1:1 läuft. Möchte nur mal vergleichen, wo bei mir der Wurm drin sein könnte.
- Registriert
- Sep. 2007
- Beiträge
- 7.261
Kenobi schrieb:Ja, schau mal bitte, was du gespeichert hast (3600 o. 3733). Heißt ja nicht, dass es 1:1 läuft. Möchte nur mal vergleichen, wo bei mir der Wurm drin sein könnte.
Die 3600CL14 kann ich dir direkt geben:
Ai Overclock Tuner [D.O.C.P. Standard]
D.O.C.P. [D.O.C.P DDR4-4140 17-17-17-37-1.40V]
BCLK Frequency [100.0000]
BCLK_Divider [Auto]
Performance Enhancer [Auto]
CPU Core Ratio [Auto]
Performance Bias [Aida/Geekbench]
Memory Frequency [DDR4-3600MHz]
FCLK Frequency [1800MHz]
Core Performance Boost [Auto]
SMT Mode [Auto]
EPU Power Saving Mode [Disabled]
TPU [Keep Current Settings]
Precision Boost Overdrive [Disabled]
Max CPU Boost Clock Override [Auto]
Platform Thermal Throttle Limit [Auto]
Mem Over Clock Fail Count [Auto]
DRAM CAS# Latency [14]
DRAM RAS# to CAS# Read Delay [15]
DRAM RAS# to CAS# Write Delay [14]
DRAM RAS# PRE Time [14]
DRAM RAS# ACT Time [28]
Trc [42]
TrrdS [4]
TrrdL [6]
Tfaw [16]
TwtrS [4]
TwtrL [10]
Twr [14]
Trcpage [Auto]
TrdrdScl [2]
TwrwrScl [2]
Trfc [266]
Trfc2 [Auto]
Trfc4 [Auto]
Tcwl [14]
Trtp [8]
Trdwr [7]
Twrrd [3]
TwrwrSc [1]
TwrwrSd [7]
TwrwrDd [7]
TrdrdSc [1]
TrdrdSd [5]
TrdrdDd [5]
Tcke [1]
ProcODT [36.9 ohm]
Cmd2T [1T]
Gear Down Mode [Enabled]
Power Down Enable [Disabled]
RttNom [Auto]
RttWr [Auto]
RttPark [Auto]
MemAddrCmdSetup [Auto]
MemCsOdtSetup [Auto]
MemCkeSetup [Auto]
MemCadBusClkDrvStren [Auto]
MemCadBusAddrCmdDrvStren [Auto]
MemCadBusCsOdtDrvStren [Auto]
MemCadBusCkeDrvStren [Auto]
CPU Load-line Calibration [Auto]
CPU Current Capability [Auto]
CPU VRM Switching Frequency [Auto]
VRM Spread Spectrum [Auto]
CPU Power Duty Control [T.Probe]
CPU Power Phase Control [Auto]
CPU Power Thermal Control [120]
VDDSOC Load-line Calibration [Auto]
VDDSOC Current Capability [Auto]
VDDSOC Switching Frequency [Auto]
VDDSOC Phase Control [Auto]
DRAM Current Capability [100%]
DRAM Power Phase Control [Extreme]
DRAM Switching Frequency [Auto]
DRAM VBoot Voltage [Auto]
VTTDDR Voltage [Auto]
VPP_MEM Voltage [Auto]
DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHA [Auto]
DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHB [Auto]
VDDP Voltage [Auto]
VDDP Standby Voltage [Auto]
1.8V Standby Voltage [Auto]
CPU 3.3v AUX [Auto]
2.5V SB Voltage [Auto]
DRAM R1 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R2 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R3 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R4 Tune [Auto]
PCIE Tune R1 [Auto]
PCIE Tune R2 [Auto]
PCIE Tune R3 [Auto]
PLL Tune R1 [Auto]
PLL reference voltage [Auto]
T Offset [Auto]
Sense MI Skew [Auto]
Sense MI Offset [Auto]
Promontory presence [Auto]
Clock Amplitude [Auto]
CLDO VDDP voltage [Auto]
CPU Core Voltage [Auto]
CPU SOC Voltage [Manual mode]
- VDDSOC Voltage Override [1.10000]
DRAM Voltage [1.44000]
CLDO VDDG voltage [Auto]
1.8V PLL Voltage [Auto]
1.05V SB Voltage [Auto]
TPM Device Selection [Discrete TPM]
Erase fTPM NV for factory reset [Enabled]
PSS Support [Auto]
SVM Mode [Disabled]
Onboard LED [Disabled]
Q-Code LED Function [Disabled after POST]
Hyper kit Mode [Disabled]
SATA Port Enable [Enabled]
NVMe RAID mode [Disabled]
SMART Self Test [Enabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Super I/O Clock Skew [Auto]
HD Audio Controller [Disabled]
PCIEX4_3 Bandwidth [Auto]
PCIEX8_2:X4/X4 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX16_1 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX8_2 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX4_3 Mode [Auto]
M.2 Link Mode [Auto]
SB Link Mode [Auto]
Asmedia USB 3.1 Controller [Disabled]
When system is in working state [Off]
In sleep, hibernate and soft off states [Off]
Intel LAN Controller [Enabled]
Intel LAN OPROM [Disabled]
USB Type C Power Switch for USB3.1_E1 [Auto]
ErP Ready [Disabled]
Restore On AC Power Loss [Power Off]
Power On By PCI-E/PCI [Disabled]
Power On By RTC [Disabled]
Network Stack [Disabled]
Device [CT500BX100SSD1]
Legacy USB Support [Enabled]
XHCI Hand-off [Enabled]
Corsair Flash Voyager 1100 [Auto]
USB3.1_E1 [Enabled]
USB3_1 [Enabled]
USB3_2 [Enabled]
USB3_3 [Enabled]
USB3_4 [Enabled]
USB3_5 [Enabled]
USB3_6 [Enabled]
USB3_7 [Enabled]
USB3_8 [Enabled]
USB3_9 [Enabled]
USB3_10 [Enabled]
USB2_11 [Enabled]
USB2_12 [Enabled]
USB2_13 [Enabled]
USB2_14 [Enabled]
USB_15 [Enabled]
USB_16 [Enabled]
CPU Temperature [Monitor]
MotherBoard Temperature [Monitor]
VRM Temperature [Monitor]
PCH Temperature [Monitor]
T_Sensor1 Temperature [Monitor]
CPU Fan Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 1 Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 2 Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 3 Speed [Monitor]
W_PUMP+ Speed [Monitor]
CPU Optional Fan Speed [Monitor]
AIO_PUMP Speed [Monitor]
W_FLOW Speed [Monitor]
W_IN Temperature [Monitor]
W_OUT Temperature [Monitor]
CPU Core Voltage [Monitor]
3.3V Voltage [Monitor]
5V Voltage [Monitor]
12V Voltage [Monitor]
CPU Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
CPU Fan Smoothing Up/Down Time [7.7 sec]
CPU Fan Speed Lower Limit [200 RPM]
CPU Fan Profile [Manual]
CPU Upper Temperature [70]
CPU Fan Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
CPU Middle Temperature [68]
CPU Fan Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [65]
CPU Lower Temperature [50]
CPU Fan Min. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Source [PCH]
Chassis Fan 1 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 1 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
Chassis Fan 1 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 1 Upper Temperature [70]
Chassis Fan 1 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 1 Middle Temperature [50]
Chassis Fan 1 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 1 Lower Temperature [20]
Chassis Fan 1 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Source [PCH]
Chassis Fan 2 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 2 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
Chassis Fan 2 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 2 Upper Temperature [70]
Chassis Fan 2 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 2 Middle Temperature [25]
Chassis Fan 2 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 2 Lower Temperature [20]
Chassis Fan 2 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Source [PCH]
Chassis Fan 3 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 3 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
Chassis Fan 3 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 3 Upper Temperature [70]
Chassis Fan 3 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 3 Middle Temperature [25]
Chassis Fan 3 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 3 Lower Temperature [20]
Chassis Fan 3 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
AIO_PUMP/W_PUMP+ Control [PWM Mode]
Water Pump Upper Temperature [70]
Water Pump Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
Water Pump Middle Temperature [25]
Water Pump Middle. Duty Cycle(%) [100]
Water Pump Lower Temperature [20]
Water Pump Min. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
USB3_1 [Enabled]
USB3_2 [Enabled]
USB3_3 [Enabled]
USB3_4 [Enabled]
PSPP Policy [Auto]
Fast Boot [Enabled]
NVMe Support [Enabled]
Next Boot after AC Power Loss [Normal Boot]
AMI Native NVMe Driver Support [Enabled]
Boot Logo Display [Enabled]
POST Delay Time [3 sec]
Boot up NumLock State [Enabled]
Wait For 'F1' If Error [Enabled]
Option ROM Messages [Enabled]
Interrupt 19 Capture [Disabled]
Setup Mode [Advanced Mode]
Launch CSM [Disabled]
OS Type [Other OS]
Setup Animator [Disabled]
Load from Profile [1]
Profile Name [123]
Save to Profile [1]
CPU Core Voltage [Auto]
VDDSOC Voltage [Auto]
1.8V PLL Voltage [Auto]
BCLK Frequency [Auto]
CPU Ratio [Auto]
DIMM Slot Number [DIMM_A1]
Bus Interface [PCIEX16/X8_1]
Custom Pstate0 [Auto]
CCD Control [Auto]
Core control [Auto]
SMT Control [Auto]
L1 Stream HW Prefetcher [Auto]
L2 Stream HW Prefetcher [Auto]
Platform First Error Handling [Enabled]
Core Performance Boost [Auto]
Global C-state Control [Auto]
DRAM ECC Enable [Auto]
DRAM scrub time [Auto]
Poison scrubber control [Auto]
Redirect scrubber control [Auto]
Redirect scrubber limit [Auto]
NUMA nodes per socket [Auto]
Memory interleaving [Auto]
Memory interleaving size [Auto]
1TB remap [Auto]
DRAM map inversion [Auto]
ACPI SRAT L3 Cache As NUMA Domain [Auto]
ACPI SLIT Distance Control [Auto]
ACPI SLIT remote relative distance [Auto]
GMI encryption control [Auto]
xGMI encryption control [Auto]
CAKE CRC perf bounds Control [Auto]
4-link xGMI max speed [Auto]
3-link xGMI max speed [Auto]
Disable DF to external IP SyncFloodPropagation [Auto]
Disable DF sync flood propagation [Auto]
CC6 memory region encryption [Auto]
Memory Clear [Auto]
Overclock [Enabled]
Memory Clock Speed [Auto]
Tcl [Auto]
Trcdrd [Auto]
Trcdwr [Auto]
Trp [Auto]
Tras [Auto]
Trc Ctrl [Auto]
TrrdS [Auto]
TrrdL [Auto]
Tfaw Ctrl [Auto]
TwtrS [Auto]
TwtrL [Auto]
Twr Ctrl [Auto]
Trcpage Ctrl [Auto]
TrdrdScL Ctrl [Auto]
TwrwrScL Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc2 Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc4 Ctrl [Auto]
Tcwl [Auto]
Trtp [Auto]
Tcke [Auto]
Trdwr [Auto]
Twrrd [Auto]
TwrwrSc [Auto]
TwrwrSd [Auto]
TwrwrDd [Auto]
TrdrdSc [Auto]
TrdrdSd [Auto]
TrdrdDd [Auto]
ProcODT [Auto]
Power Down Enable [Auto]
Cmd2T [Auto]
Gear Down Mode [Auto]
CAD Bus Timing User Controls [Auto]
CAD Bus Drive Strength User Controls [Auto]
Data Bus Configuration User Controls [Auto]
Data Poisoning [Auto]
DRAM Post Package Repair [Disable]
RCD Parity [Auto]
DRAM Address Command Parity Retry [Auto]
Write CRC Enable [Auto]
DRAM Write CRC Enable and Retry Limit [Auto]
Disable Memory Error Injection [True]
DRAM ECC Symbol Size [Auto]
DRAM UECC Retry [Auto]
TSME [Auto]
Data Scramble [Auto]
DFE Read Training [Auto]
FFE Write Training [Auto]
PMU Pattern Bits Control [Auto]
MR6VrefDQ Control [Auto]
CPU Vref Training Seed Control [Auto]
Chipselect Interleaving [Auto]
BankGroupSwap [Auto]
BankGroupSwapAlt [Auto]
Address Hash Bank [Auto]
Address Hash CS [Auto]
Address Hash Rm [Auto]
SPD Read Optimization [Enabled]
MBIST Enable [Disabled]
Pattern Select [PRBS]
Pattern Length [3]
Aggressor Channel [1 Aggressor Channel]
Aggressor Static Lane Control [Disabled]
Target Static Lane Control [Disabled]
Worst Case Margin Granularity [Per Chip Select]
Read Voltage Sweep Step Size [1]
Read Timing Sweep Step Size [1]
Write Voltage Sweep Step Size [1]
Write Timing Sweep Step Size [1]
IOMMU [Auto]
Precision Boost Overdrive [Auto]
Precision Boost Overdrive Scalar [Auto]
FCLK Frequency [Auto]
VDDP Voltage Control [Auto]
VDDG Voltage Control [Auto]
SoC/Uncore OC Mode [Auto]
LN2 Mode [Auto]
ACS Enable [Auto]
PCIe Ten Bit Tag Support [Auto]
cTDP Control [Auto]
EfficiencyModeEn [Auto]
Package Power Limit Control [Auto]
DF Cstates [Auto]
CPPC [Enabled]
CPPC Preferred Cores [Enabled]
BoostFmaxEn [Auto]
Early Link Speed [Auto]
D.O.C.P. [D.O.C.P DDR4-4140 17-17-17-37-1.40V]
BCLK Frequency [100.0000]
BCLK_Divider [Auto]
Performance Enhancer [Auto]
CPU Core Ratio [Auto]
Performance Bias [Aida/Geekbench]
Memory Frequency [DDR4-3600MHz]
FCLK Frequency [1800MHz]
Core Performance Boost [Auto]
SMT Mode [Auto]
EPU Power Saving Mode [Disabled]
TPU [Keep Current Settings]
Precision Boost Overdrive [Disabled]
Max CPU Boost Clock Override [Auto]
Platform Thermal Throttle Limit [Auto]
Mem Over Clock Fail Count [Auto]
DRAM CAS# Latency [14]
DRAM RAS# to CAS# Read Delay [15]
DRAM RAS# to CAS# Write Delay [14]
DRAM RAS# PRE Time [14]
DRAM RAS# ACT Time [28]
Trc [42]
TrrdS [4]
TrrdL [6]
Tfaw [16]
TwtrS [4]
TwtrL [10]
Twr [14]
Trcpage [Auto]
TrdrdScl [2]
TwrwrScl [2]
Trfc [266]
Trfc2 [Auto]
Trfc4 [Auto]
Tcwl [14]
Trtp [8]
Trdwr [7]
Twrrd [3]
TwrwrSc [1]
TwrwrSd [7]
TwrwrDd [7]
TrdrdSc [1]
TrdrdSd [5]
TrdrdDd [5]
Tcke [1]
ProcODT [36.9 ohm]
Cmd2T [1T]
Gear Down Mode [Enabled]
Power Down Enable [Disabled]
RttNom [Auto]
RttWr [Auto]
RttPark [Auto]
MemAddrCmdSetup [Auto]
MemCsOdtSetup [Auto]
MemCkeSetup [Auto]
MemCadBusClkDrvStren [Auto]
MemCadBusAddrCmdDrvStren [Auto]
MemCadBusCsOdtDrvStren [Auto]
MemCadBusCkeDrvStren [Auto]
CPU Load-line Calibration [Auto]
CPU Current Capability [Auto]
CPU VRM Switching Frequency [Auto]
VRM Spread Spectrum [Auto]
CPU Power Duty Control [T.Probe]
CPU Power Phase Control [Auto]
CPU Power Thermal Control [120]
VDDSOC Load-line Calibration [Auto]
VDDSOC Current Capability [Auto]
VDDSOC Switching Frequency [Auto]
VDDSOC Phase Control [Auto]
DRAM Current Capability [100%]
DRAM Power Phase Control [Extreme]
DRAM Switching Frequency [Auto]
DRAM VBoot Voltage [Auto]
VTTDDR Voltage [Auto]
VPP_MEM Voltage [Auto]
DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHA [Auto]
DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHB [Auto]
VDDP Voltage [Auto]
VDDP Standby Voltage [Auto]
1.8V Standby Voltage [Auto]
CPU 3.3v AUX [Auto]
2.5V SB Voltage [Auto]
DRAM R1 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R2 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R3 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R4 Tune [Auto]
PCIE Tune R1 [Auto]
PCIE Tune R2 [Auto]
PCIE Tune R3 [Auto]
PLL Tune R1 [Auto]
PLL reference voltage [Auto]
T Offset [Auto]
Sense MI Skew [Auto]
Sense MI Offset [Auto]
Promontory presence [Auto]
Clock Amplitude [Auto]
CLDO VDDP voltage [Auto]
CPU Core Voltage [Auto]
CPU SOC Voltage [Manual mode]
- VDDSOC Voltage Override [1.10000]
DRAM Voltage [1.44000]
CLDO VDDG voltage [Auto]
1.8V PLL Voltage [Auto]
1.05V SB Voltage [Auto]
TPM Device Selection [Discrete TPM]
Erase fTPM NV for factory reset [Enabled]
PSS Support [Auto]
SVM Mode [Disabled]
Onboard LED [Disabled]
Q-Code LED Function [Disabled after POST]
Hyper kit Mode [Disabled]
SATA Port Enable [Enabled]
NVMe RAID mode [Disabled]
SMART Self Test [Enabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Super I/O Clock Skew [Auto]
HD Audio Controller [Disabled]
PCIEX4_3 Bandwidth [Auto]
PCIEX8_2:X4/X4 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX16_1 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX8_2 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX4_3 Mode [Auto]
M.2 Link Mode [Auto]
SB Link Mode [Auto]
Asmedia USB 3.1 Controller [Disabled]
When system is in working state [Off]
In sleep, hibernate and soft off states [Off]
Intel LAN Controller [Enabled]
Intel LAN OPROM [Disabled]
USB Type C Power Switch for USB3.1_E1 [Auto]
ErP Ready [Disabled]
Restore On AC Power Loss [Power Off]
Power On By PCI-E/PCI [Disabled]
Power On By RTC [Disabled]
Network Stack [Disabled]
Device [CT500BX100SSD1]
Legacy USB Support [Enabled]
XHCI Hand-off [Enabled]
Corsair Flash Voyager 1100 [Auto]
USB3.1_E1 [Enabled]
USB3_1 [Enabled]
USB3_2 [Enabled]
USB3_3 [Enabled]
USB3_4 [Enabled]
USB3_5 [Enabled]
USB3_6 [Enabled]
USB3_7 [Enabled]
USB3_8 [Enabled]
USB3_9 [Enabled]
USB3_10 [Enabled]
USB2_11 [Enabled]
USB2_12 [Enabled]
USB2_13 [Enabled]
USB2_14 [Enabled]
USB_15 [Enabled]
USB_16 [Enabled]
CPU Temperature [Monitor]
MotherBoard Temperature [Monitor]
VRM Temperature [Monitor]
PCH Temperature [Monitor]
T_Sensor1 Temperature [Monitor]
CPU Fan Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 1 Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 2 Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 3 Speed [Monitor]
W_PUMP+ Speed [Monitor]
CPU Optional Fan Speed [Monitor]
AIO_PUMP Speed [Monitor]
W_FLOW Speed [Monitor]
W_IN Temperature [Monitor]
W_OUT Temperature [Monitor]
CPU Core Voltage [Monitor]
3.3V Voltage [Monitor]
5V Voltage [Monitor]
12V Voltage [Monitor]
CPU Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
CPU Fan Smoothing Up/Down Time [7.7 sec]
CPU Fan Speed Lower Limit [200 RPM]
CPU Fan Profile [Manual]
CPU Upper Temperature [70]
CPU Fan Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
CPU Middle Temperature [68]
CPU Fan Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [65]
CPU Lower Temperature [50]
CPU Fan Min. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Source [PCH]
Chassis Fan 1 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 1 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
Chassis Fan 1 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 1 Upper Temperature [70]
Chassis Fan 1 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 1 Middle Temperature [50]
Chassis Fan 1 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 1 Lower Temperature [20]
Chassis Fan 1 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Source [PCH]
Chassis Fan 2 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 2 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
Chassis Fan 2 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 2 Upper Temperature [70]
Chassis Fan 2 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 2 Middle Temperature [25]
Chassis Fan 2 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 2 Lower Temperature [20]
Chassis Fan 2 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Source [PCH]
Chassis Fan 3 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 3 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
Chassis Fan 3 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 3 Upper Temperature [70]
Chassis Fan 3 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 3 Middle Temperature [25]
Chassis Fan 3 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 3 Lower Temperature [20]
Chassis Fan 3 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
AIO_PUMP/W_PUMP+ Control [PWM Mode]
Water Pump Upper Temperature [70]
Water Pump Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
Water Pump Middle Temperature [25]
Water Pump Middle. Duty Cycle(%) [100]
Water Pump Lower Temperature [20]
Water Pump Min. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
USB3_1 [Enabled]
USB3_2 [Enabled]
USB3_3 [Enabled]
USB3_4 [Enabled]
PSPP Policy [Auto]
Fast Boot [Enabled]
NVMe Support [Enabled]
Next Boot after AC Power Loss [Normal Boot]
AMI Native NVMe Driver Support [Enabled]
Boot Logo Display [Enabled]
POST Delay Time [3 sec]
Boot up NumLock State [Enabled]
Wait For 'F1' If Error [Enabled]
Option ROM Messages [Enabled]
Interrupt 19 Capture [Disabled]
Setup Mode [Advanced Mode]
Launch CSM [Disabled]
OS Type [Other OS]
Setup Animator [Disabled]
Load from Profile [1]
Profile Name [123]
Save to Profile [1]
CPU Core Voltage [Auto]
VDDSOC Voltage [Auto]
1.8V PLL Voltage [Auto]
BCLK Frequency [Auto]
CPU Ratio [Auto]
DIMM Slot Number [DIMM_A1]
Bus Interface [PCIEX16/X8_1]
Custom Pstate0 [Auto]
CCD Control [Auto]
Core control [Auto]
SMT Control [Auto]
L1 Stream HW Prefetcher [Auto]
L2 Stream HW Prefetcher [Auto]
Platform First Error Handling [Enabled]
Core Performance Boost [Auto]
Global C-state Control [Auto]
DRAM ECC Enable [Auto]
DRAM scrub time [Auto]
Poison scrubber control [Auto]
Redirect scrubber control [Auto]
Redirect scrubber limit [Auto]
NUMA nodes per socket [Auto]
Memory interleaving [Auto]
Memory interleaving size [Auto]
1TB remap [Auto]
DRAM map inversion [Auto]
ACPI SRAT L3 Cache As NUMA Domain [Auto]
ACPI SLIT Distance Control [Auto]
ACPI SLIT remote relative distance [Auto]
GMI encryption control [Auto]
xGMI encryption control [Auto]
CAKE CRC perf bounds Control [Auto]
4-link xGMI max speed [Auto]
3-link xGMI max speed [Auto]
Disable DF to external IP SyncFloodPropagation [Auto]
Disable DF sync flood propagation [Auto]
CC6 memory region encryption [Auto]
Memory Clear [Auto]
Overclock [Enabled]
Memory Clock Speed [Auto]
Tcl [Auto]
Trcdrd [Auto]
Trcdwr [Auto]
Trp [Auto]
Tras [Auto]
Trc Ctrl [Auto]
TrrdS [Auto]
TrrdL [Auto]
Tfaw Ctrl [Auto]
TwtrS [Auto]
TwtrL [Auto]
Twr Ctrl [Auto]
Trcpage Ctrl [Auto]
TrdrdScL Ctrl [Auto]
TwrwrScL Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc2 Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc4 Ctrl [Auto]
Tcwl [Auto]
Trtp [Auto]
Tcke [Auto]
Trdwr [Auto]
Twrrd [Auto]
TwrwrSc [Auto]
TwrwrSd [Auto]
TwrwrDd [Auto]
TrdrdSc [Auto]
TrdrdSd [Auto]
TrdrdDd [Auto]
ProcODT [Auto]
Power Down Enable [Auto]
Cmd2T [Auto]
Gear Down Mode [Auto]
CAD Bus Timing User Controls [Auto]
CAD Bus Drive Strength User Controls [Auto]
Data Bus Configuration User Controls [Auto]
Data Poisoning [Auto]
DRAM Post Package Repair [Disable]
RCD Parity [Auto]
DRAM Address Command Parity Retry [Auto]
Write CRC Enable [Auto]
DRAM Write CRC Enable and Retry Limit [Auto]
Disable Memory Error Injection [True]
DRAM ECC Symbol Size [Auto]
DRAM UECC Retry [Auto]
TSME [Auto]
Data Scramble [Auto]
DFE Read Training [Auto]
FFE Write Training [Auto]
PMU Pattern Bits Control [Auto]
MR6VrefDQ Control [Auto]
CPU Vref Training Seed Control [Auto]
Chipselect Interleaving [Auto]
BankGroupSwap [Auto]
BankGroupSwapAlt [Auto]
Address Hash Bank [Auto]
Address Hash CS [Auto]
Address Hash Rm [Auto]
SPD Read Optimization [Enabled]
MBIST Enable [Disabled]
Pattern Select [PRBS]
Pattern Length [3]
Aggressor Channel [1 Aggressor Channel]
Aggressor Static Lane Control [Disabled]
Target Static Lane Control [Disabled]
Worst Case Margin Granularity [Per Chip Select]
Read Voltage Sweep Step Size [1]
Read Timing Sweep Step Size [1]
Write Voltage Sweep Step Size [1]
Write Timing Sweep Step Size [1]
IOMMU [Auto]
Precision Boost Overdrive [Auto]
Precision Boost Overdrive Scalar [Auto]
FCLK Frequency [Auto]
VDDP Voltage Control [Auto]
VDDG Voltage Control [Auto]
SoC/Uncore OC Mode [Auto]
LN2 Mode [Auto]
ACS Enable [Auto]
PCIe Ten Bit Tag Support [Auto]
cTDP Control [Auto]
EfficiencyModeEn [Auto]
Package Power Limit Control [Auto]
DF Cstates [Auto]
CPPC [Enabled]
CPPC Preferred Cores [Enabled]
BoostFmaxEn [Auto]
Early Link Speed [Auto]
Bei den 3733 CL16 muss ich später zu Hause schauen.
Lt. Commander
- Registriert
- Okt. 2008
- Beiträge
- 1.424
nach langer suche ohne antwort hab ich nach wie vor die frage:
wie/wo findet man das topologielayout des mainboards heraus? konkret würde ich gerne wissen, ob mein MSI X470 gaming pro carbon nun daisy chain oder T-topology layout hat. bzw kann man das anhand dem layout der leiterbahnen von der CPU zu den RAM-bänken bestimmen?
das einzig enfernt brauchbare hab ich in dem handbuch entdeckt => vom zentrum des CPU sockels bis zur außenkante des ersten RAM slots sind es 54,43mm. hilft einem das auch nur irgendwie weiter?
würde das topology layout gern für zukünftiges RAM OC gerne wissen und nicht per trial&error heraufinden müssen
bei vollbestückung mit vier 16GB riegeln zwar nicht so relevant wie bei zwei 8GB riegeln, aber doch auch wieder anders. vor allem findet man unterschiede zu 4*16 auch so gut wie garnicht im netz...
wie/wo findet man das topologielayout des mainboards heraus? konkret würde ich gerne wissen, ob mein MSI X470 gaming pro carbon nun daisy chain oder T-topology layout hat. bzw kann man das anhand dem layout der leiterbahnen von der CPU zu den RAM-bänken bestimmen?
das einzig enfernt brauchbare hab ich in dem handbuch entdeckt => vom zentrum des CPU sockels bis zur außenkante des ersten RAM slots sind es 54,43mm. hilft einem das auch nur irgendwie weiter?

würde das topology layout gern für zukünftiges RAM OC gerne wissen und nicht per trial&error heraufinden müssen

bei vollbestückung mit vier 16GB riegeln zwar nicht so relevant wie bei zwei 8GB riegeln, aber doch auch wieder anders. vor allem findet man unterschiede zu 4*16 auch so gut wie garnicht im netz...
Lt. Commander
- Registriert
- Okt. 2008
- Beiträge
- 1.424
vielen dank für die schnelle info 
also sind quasi keine OC rekorde zu erwarten (falls überhaupt bzw ein bisschen zumindest?)
eine generelle frage zum RAM OC hab ich auch noch:
was geht besser zum übertakten? CL runter oder takt rauf oder die balance aus beiden? beim takt ist beim X470 gaming pro carbon ja 3466MHz als maximum angegeben. grenzen bei den timings hab ich noch nirgends gelesen...

also sind quasi keine OC rekorde zu erwarten (falls überhaupt bzw ein bisschen zumindest?)
eine generelle frage zum RAM OC hab ich auch noch:
was geht besser zum übertakten? CL runter oder takt rauf oder die balance aus beiden? beim takt ist beim X470 gaming pro carbon ja 3466MHz als maximum angegeben. grenzen bei den timings hab ich noch nirgends gelesen...
@Falbor Hab mit dem Board auch RAM bei 3533CL14 betrieben (noch Zen+) - da dürften auch mehr möglich sein, als nur die 3466. Prinzipiell sollst du eine Mischung aus hohem Takt und straffen Subtimings finden.
Sehe ich es richtig, dass du 64GB 3200CL16 Speicher hast? Damit wird auch bei Ryzen 3000 und dem Board nicht viel gehen.
Sehe ich es richtig, dass du 64GB 3200CL16 Speicher hast? Damit wird auch bei Ryzen 3000 und dem Board nicht viel gehen.
- Registriert
- Sep. 2007
- Beiträge
- 7.261
Kenobi schrieb:Ja, schau mal bitte, was du gespeichert hast (3600 o. 3733). Heißt ja nicht, dass es 1:1 läuft. Möchte nur mal vergleichen, wo bei mir der Wurm drin sein könnte.
Soo hier wären mal die 3733CL16 settings:
[2019/08/02 13:21:21]
Ai Overclock Tuner [D.O.C.P. Standard]
D.O.C.P. [D.O.C.P DDR4-4140 17-17-17-37-1.40V]
BCLK Frequency [100.0000]
BCLK_Divider [Auto]
Performance Enhancer [Auto]
CPU Core Ratio [Auto]
Performance Bias [Aida/Geekbench]
Memory Frequency [DDR4-3733MHz]
FCLK Frequency [1867MHz]
Core Performance Boost [Auto]
SMT Mode [Auto]
EPU Power Saving Mode [Disabled]
TPU [Keep Current Settings]
Precision Boost Overdrive [Disabled]
Max CPU Boost Clock Override [Auto]
Platform Thermal Throttle Limit [Auto]
Mem Over Clock Fail Count [Auto]
DRAM CAS# Latency [16]
DRAM RAS# to CAS# Read Delay [16]
DRAM RAS# to CAS# Write Delay [16]
DRAM RAS# PRE Time [16]
DRAM RAS# ACT Time [38]
Trc [54]
TrrdS [6]
TrrdL [12]
Tfaw [36]
TwtrS [4]
TwtrL [12]
Twr [14]
Trcpage [Auto]
TrdrdScl [6]
TwrwrScl [6]
Trfc [400]
Trfc2 [Auto]
Trfc4 [Auto]
Tcwl [16]
Trtp [8]
Trdwr [8]
Twrrd [3]
TwrwrSc [1]
TwrwrSd [7]
TwrwrDd [7]
TrdrdSc [1]
TrdrdSd [5]
TrdrdDd [5]
Tcke [1]
ProcODT [34.3 ohm]
Cmd2T [1T]
Gear Down Mode [Enabled]
Power Down Enable [Disabled]
RttNom [Auto]
RttWr [Auto]
RttPark [Auto]
MemAddrCmdSetup [Auto]
MemCsOdtSetup [Auto]
MemCkeSetup [Auto]
MemCadBusClkDrvStren [Auto]
MemCadBusAddrCmdDrvStren [Auto]
MemCadBusCsOdtDrvStren [Auto]
MemCadBusCkeDrvStren [Auto]
CPU Load-line Calibration [Auto]
CPU Current Capability [Auto]
CPU VRM Switching Frequency [Auto]
VRM Spread Spectrum [Auto]
CPU Power Duty Control [T.Probe]
CPU Power Phase Control [Auto]
CPU Power Thermal Control [120]
VDDSOC Load-line Calibration [Auto]
VDDSOC Current Capability [Auto]
VDDSOC Switching Frequency [Auto]
VDDSOC Phase Control [Auto]
DRAM Current Capability [100%]
DRAM Power Phase Control [Extreme]
DRAM Switching Frequency [Auto]
DRAM VBoot Voltage [Auto]
VTTDDR Voltage [Auto]
VPP_MEM Voltage [Auto]
DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHA [Auto]
DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHB [Auto]
VDDP Voltage [Auto]
VDDP Standby Voltage [Auto]
1.8V Standby Voltage [Auto]
CPU 3.3v AUX [Auto]
2.5V SB Voltage [Auto]
DRAM R1 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R2 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R3 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R4 Tune [Auto]
PCIE Tune R1 [Auto]
PCIE Tune R2 [Auto]
PCIE Tune R3 [Auto]
PLL Tune R1 [Auto]
PLL reference voltage [Auto]
T Offset [Auto]
Sense MI Skew [Auto]
Sense MI Offset [Auto]
Promontory presence [Auto]
Clock Amplitude [Auto]
CLDO VDDP voltage [Auto]
CPU Core Voltage [Auto]
CPU SOC Voltage [Manual mode]
- VDDSOC Voltage Override [1.10000]
DRAM Voltage [1.44000]
CLDO VDDG voltage [1.024]
1.8V PLL Voltage [Auto]
1.05V SB Voltage [Auto]
TPM Device Selection [Discrete TPM]
Erase fTPM NV for factory reset [Enabled]
PSS Support [Auto]
SVM Mode [Disabled]
Onboard LED [Disabled]
Q-Code LED Function [Disabled after POST]
Hyper kit Mode [Disabled]
SATA Port Enable [Enabled]
NVMe RAID mode [Disabled]
SMART Self Test [Enabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Super I/O Clock Skew [Auto]
HD Audio Controller [Disabled]
PCIEX4_3 Bandwidth [Auto]
PCIEX8_2:X4/X4 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX16_1 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX8_2 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX4_3 Mode [Auto]
M.2 Link Mode [Auto]
SB Link Mode [Auto]
Asmedia USB 3.1 Controller [Disabled]
When system is in working state [Off]
In sleep, hibernate and soft off states [Off]
Intel LAN Controller [Enabled]
Intel LAN OPROM [Disabled]
USB Type C Power Switch for USB3.1_E1 [Auto]
ErP Ready [Disabled]
Restore On AC Power Loss [Power Off]
Power On By PCI-E/PCI [Disabled]
Power On By RTC [Disabled]
Network Stack [Disabled]
Device [CT500BX100SSD1]
Legacy USB Support [Enabled]
XHCI Hand-off [Enabled]
Corsair Flash Voyager 1100 [Auto]
USB3.1_E1 [Enabled]
USB3_1 [Enabled]
USB3_2 [Enabled]
USB3_3 [Enabled]
USB3_4 [Enabled]
USB3_5 [Enabled]
USB3_6 [Enabled]
USB3_7 [Enabled]
USB3_8 [Enabled]
USB3_9 [Enabled]
USB3_10 [Enabled]
USB2_11 [Enabled]
USB2_12 [Enabled]
USB2_13 [Enabled]
USB2_14 [Enabled]
USB_15 [Enabled]
USB_16 [Enabled]
CPU Temperature [Monitor]
MotherBoard Temperature [Monitor]
VRM Temperature [Monitor]
PCH Temperature [Monitor]
T_Sensor1 Temperature [Monitor]
CPU Fan Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 1 Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 2 Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 3 Speed [Monitor]
W_PUMP+ Speed [Monitor]
CPU Optional Fan Speed [Monitor]
AIO_PUMP Speed [Monitor]
W_FLOW Speed [Monitor]
W_IN Temperature [Monitor]
W_OUT Temperature [Monitor]
CPU Core Voltage [Monitor]
3.3V Voltage [Monitor]
5V Voltage [Monitor]
12V Voltage [Monitor]
CPU Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
CPU Fan Smoothing Up/Down Time [7.7 sec]
CPU Fan Speed Lower Limit [200 RPM]
CPU Fan Profile [Manual]
CPU Upper Temperature [70]
CPU Fan Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
CPU Middle Temperature [68]
CPU Fan Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [65]
CPU Lower Temperature [50]
CPU Fan Min. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Source [PCH]
Chassis Fan 1 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 1 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
Chassis Fan 1 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 1 Upper Temperature [70]
Chassis Fan 1 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 1 Middle Temperature [50]
Chassis Fan 1 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 1 Lower Temperature [20]
Chassis Fan 1 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Source [PCH]
Chassis Fan 2 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 2 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
Chassis Fan 2 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 2 Upper Temperature [70]
Chassis Fan 2 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 2 Middle Temperature [25]
Chassis Fan 2 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 2 Lower Temperature [20]
Chassis Fan 2 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Source [PCH]
Chassis Fan 3 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 3 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
Chassis Fan 3 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 3 Upper Temperature [70]
Chassis Fan 3 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 3 Middle Temperature [25]
Chassis Fan 3 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 3 Lower Temperature [20]
Chassis Fan 3 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
AIO_PUMP/W_PUMP+ Control [PWM Mode]
Water Pump Upper Temperature [70]
Water Pump Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
Water Pump Middle Temperature [25]
Water Pump Middle. Duty Cycle(%) [100]
Water Pump Lower Temperature [20]
Water Pump Min. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
USB3_1 [Enabled]
USB3_2 [Enabled]
USB3_3 [Enabled]
USB3_4 [Enabled]
PSPP Policy [Auto]
Fast Boot [Enabled]
NVMe Support [Enabled]
Next Boot after AC Power Loss [Normal Boot]
AMI Native NVMe Driver Support [Enabled]
Boot Logo Display [Enabled]
POST Delay Time [3 sec]
Boot up NumLock State [Enabled]
Wait For 'F1' If Error [Enabled]
Option ROM Messages [Enabled]
Interrupt 19 Capture [Disabled]
Setup Mode [Advanced Mode]
Launch CSM [Disabled]
OS Type [Other OS]
Setup Animator [Disabled]
Load from Profile [4]
Profile Name [blubb]
Save to Profile [6]
CPU Core Voltage [Auto]
VDDSOC Voltage [Auto]
1.8V PLL Voltage [Auto]
BCLK Frequency [Auto]
CPU Ratio [Auto]
DIMM Slot Number [DIMM_A1]
Bus Interface [PCIEX16/X8_1]
Custom Pstate0 [Auto]
CCD Control [Auto]
Core control [Auto]
SMT Control [Auto]
L1 Stream HW Prefetcher [Auto]
L2 Stream HW Prefetcher [Auto]
Platform First Error Handling [Enabled]
Core Performance Boost [Auto]
Global C-state Control [Auto]
DRAM ECC Enable [Auto]
DRAM scrub time [Auto]
Poison scrubber control [Auto]
Redirect scrubber control [Auto]
Redirect scrubber limit [Auto]
NUMA nodes per socket [Auto]
Memory interleaving [Auto]
Memory interleaving size [Auto]
1TB remap [Auto]
DRAM map inversion [Auto]
ACPI SRAT L3 Cache As NUMA Domain [Auto]
ACPI SLIT Distance Control [Auto]
ACPI SLIT remote relative distance [Auto]
GMI encryption control [Auto]
xGMI encryption control [Auto]
CAKE CRC perf bounds Control [Auto]
4-link xGMI max speed [Auto]
3-link xGMI max speed [Auto]
Disable DF to external IP SyncFloodPropagation [Auto]
Disable DF sync flood propagation [Auto]
CC6 memory region encryption [Auto]
Memory Clear [Auto]
Overclock [Auto]
Power Down Enable [Auto]
Cmd2T [Auto]
Gear Down Mode [Auto]
CAD Bus Timing User Controls [Auto]
CAD Bus Drive Strength User Controls [Auto]
Data Bus Configuration User Controls [Auto]
Data Poisoning [Auto]
DRAM Post Package Repair [Disable]
RCD Parity [Auto]
DRAM Address Command Parity Retry [Auto]
Write CRC Enable [Auto]
DRAM Write CRC Enable and Retry Limit [Auto]
Disable Memory Error Injection [True]
DRAM ECC Symbol Size [Auto]
DRAM UECC Retry [Auto]
TSME [Auto]
Data Scramble [Auto]
DFE Read Training [Auto]
FFE Write Training [Auto]
PMU Pattern Bits Control [Auto]
MR6VrefDQ Control [Auto]
CPU Vref Training Seed Control [Auto]
Chipselect Interleaving [Auto]
BankGroupSwap [Auto]
BankGroupSwapAlt [Auto]
Address Hash Bank [Auto]
Address Hash CS [Auto]
Address Hash Rm [Auto]
SPD Read Optimization [Enabled]
MBIST Enable [Disabled]
Pattern Select [PRBS]
Pattern Length [3]
Aggressor Channel [1 Aggressor Channel]
Aggressor Static Lane Control [Disabled]
Target Static Lane Control [Disabled]
Worst Case Margin Granularity [Per Chip Select]
Read Voltage Sweep Step Size [1]
Read Timing Sweep Step Size [1]
Write Voltage Sweep Step Size [1]
Write Timing Sweep Step Size [1]
IOMMU [Auto]
Precision Boost Overdrive [Auto]
Precision Boost Overdrive Scalar [Auto]
FCLK Frequency [Auto]
VDDP Voltage Control [Auto]
VDDG Voltage Control [Auto]
SoC/Uncore OC Mode [Auto]
LN2 Mode [Auto]
ACS Enable [Auto]
PCIe Ten Bit Tag Support [Auto]
cTDP Control [Auto]
EfficiencyModeEn [Auto]
Package Power Limit Control [Auto]
DF Cstates [Auto]
CPPC [Auto]
CPPC Preferred Cores [Auto]
BoostFmaxEn [Auto]
Early Link Speed [Auto]
Ai Overclock Tuner [D.O.C.P. Standard]
D.O.C.P. [D.O.C.P DDR4-4140 17-17-17-37-1.40V]
BCLK Frequency [100.0000]
BCLK_Divider [Auto]
Performance Enhancer [Auto]
CPU Core Ratio [Auto]
Performance Bias [Aida/Geekbench]
Memory Frequency [DDR4-3733MHz]
FCLK Frequency [1867MHz]
Core Performance Boost [Auto]
SMT Mode [Auto]
EPU Power Saving Mode [Disabled]
TPU [Keep Current Settings]
Precision Boost Overdrive [Disabled]
Max CPU Boost Clock Override [Auto]
Platform Thermal Throttle Limit [Auto]
Mem Over Clock Fail Count [Auto]
DRAM CAS# Latency [16]
DRAM RAS# to CAS# Read Delay [16]
DRAM RAS# to CAS# Write Delay [16]
DRAM RAS# PRE Time [16]
DRAM RAS# ACT Time [38]
Trc [54]
TrrdS [6]
TrrdL [12]
Tfaw [36]
TwtrS [4]
TwtrL [12]
Twr [14]
Trcpage [Auto]
TrdrdScl [6]
TwrwrScl [6]
Trfc [400]
Trfc2 [Auto]
Trfc4 [Auto]
Tcwl [16]
Trtp [8]
Trdwr [8]
Twrrd [3]
TwrwrSc [1]
TwrwrSd [7]
TwrwrDd [7]
TrdrdSc [1]
TrdrdSd [5]
TrdrdDd [5]
Tcke [1]
ProcODT [34.3 ohm]
Cmd2T [1T]
Gear Down Mode [Enabled]
Power Down Enable [Disabled]
RttNom [Auto]
RttWr [Auto]
RttPark [Auto]
MemAddrCmdSetup [Auto]
MemCsOdtSetup [Auto]
MemCkeSetup [Auto]
MemCadBusClkDrvStren [Auto]
MemCadBusAddrCmdDrvStren [Auto]
MemCadBusCsOdtDrvStren [Auto]
MemCadBusCkeDrvStren [Auto]
CPU Load-line Calibration [Auto]
CPU Current Capability [Auto]
CPU VRM Switching Frequency [Auto]
VRM Spread Spectrum [Auto]
CPU Power Duty Control [T.Probe]
CPU Power Phase Control [Auto]
CPU Power Thermal Control [120]
VDDSOC Load-line Calibration [Auto]
VDDSOC Current Capability [Auto]
VDDSOC Switching Frequency [Auto]
VDDSOC Phase Control [Auto]
DRAM Current Capability [100%]
DRAM Power Phase Control [Extreme]
DRAM Switching Frequency [Auto]
DRAM VBoot Voltage [Auto]
VTTDDR Voltage [Auto]
VPP_MEM Voltage [Auto]
DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHA [Auto]
DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHB [Auto]
VDDP Voltage [Auto]
VDDP Standby Voltage [Auto]
1.8V Standby Voltage [Auto]
CPU 3.3v AUX [Auto]
2.5V SB Voltage [Auto]
DRAM R1 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R2 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R3 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R4 Tune [Auto]
PCIE Tune R1 [Auto]
PCIE Tune R2 [Auto]
PCIE Tune R3 [Auto]
PLL Tune R1 [Auto]
PLL reference voltage [Auto]
T Offset [Auto]
Sense MI Skew [Auto]
Sense MI Offset [Auto]
Promontory presence [Auto]
Clock Amplitude [Auto]
CLDO VDDP voltage [Auto]
CPU Core Voltage [Auto]
CPU SOC Voltage [Manual mode]
- VDDSOC Voltage Override [1.10000]
DRAM Voltage [1.44000]
CLDO VDDG voltage [1.024]
1.8V PLL Voltage [Auto]
1.05V SB Voltage [Auto]
TPM Device Selection [Discrete TPM]
Erase fTPM NV for factory reset [Enabled]
PSS Support [Auto]
SVM Mode [Disabled]
Onboard LED [Disabled]
Q-Code LED Function [Disabled after POST]
Hyper kit Mode [Disabled]
SATA Port Enable [Enabled]
NVMe RAID mode [Disabled]
SMART Self Test [Enabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Super I/O Clock Skew [Auto]
HD Audio Controller [Disabled]
PCIEX4_3 Bandwidth [Auto]
PCIEX8_2:X4/X4 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX16_1 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX8_2 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX4_3 Mode [Auto]
M.2 Link Mode [Auto]
SB Link Mode [Auto]
Asmedia USB 3.1 Controller [Disabled]
When system is in working state [Off]
In sleep, hibernate and soft off states [Off]
Intel LAN Controller [Enabled]
Intel LAN OPROM [Disabled]
USB Type C Power Switch for USB3.1_E1 [Auto]
ErP Ready [Disabled]
Restore On AC Power Loss [Power Off]
Power On By PCI-E/PCI [Disabled]
Power On By RTC [Disabled]
Network Stack [Disabled]
Device [CT500BX100SSD1]
Legacy USB Support [Enabled]
XHCI Hand-off [Enabled]
Corsair Flash Voyager 1100 [Auto]
USB3.1_E1 [Enabled]
USB3_1 [Enabled]
USB3_2 [Enabled]
USB3_3 [Enabled]
USB3_4 [Enabled]
USB3_5 [Enabled]
USB3_6 [Enabled]
USB3_7 [Enabled]
USB3_8 [Enabled]
USB3_9 [Enabled]
USB3_10 [Enabled]
USB2_11 [Enabled]
USB2_12 [Enabled]
USB2_13 [Enabled]
USB2_14 [Enabled]
USB_15 [Enabled]
USB_16 [Enabled]
CPU Temperature [Monitor]
MotherBoard Temperature [Monitor]
VRM Temperature [Monitor]
PCH Temperature [Monitor]
T_Sensor1 Temperature [Monitor]
CPU Fan Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 1 Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 2 Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 3 Speed [Monitor]
W_PUMP+ Speed [Monitor]
CPU Optional Fan Speed [Monitor]
AIO_PUMP Speed [Monitor]
W_FLOW Speed [Monitor]
W_IN Temperature [Monitor]
W_OUT Temperature [Monitor]
CPU Core Voltage [Monitor]
3.3V Voltage [Monitor]
5V Voltage [Monitor]
12V Voltage [Monitor]
CPU Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
CPU Fan Smoothing Up/Down Time [7.7 sec]
CPU Fan Speed Lower Limit [200 RPM]
CPU Fan Profile [Manual]
CPU Upper Temperature [70]
CPU Fan Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
CPU Middle Temperature [68]
CPU Fan Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [65]
CPU Lower Temperature [50]
CPU Fan Min. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Source [PCH]
Chassis Fan 1 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 1 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
Chassis Fan 1 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 1 Upper Temperature [70]
Chassis Fan 1 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 1 Middle Temperature [50]
Chassis Fan 1 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 1 Lower Temperature [20]
Chassis Fan 1 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Source [PCH]
Chassis Fan 2 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 2 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
Chassis Fan 2 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 2 Upper Temperature [70]
Chassis Fan 2 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 2 Middle Temperature [25]
Chassis Fan 2 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 2 Lower Temperature [20]
Chassis Fan 2 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Source [PCH]
Chassis Fan 3 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 3 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
Chassis Fan 3 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 3 Upper Temperature [70]
Chassis Fan 3 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 3 Middle Temperature [25]
Chassis Fan 3 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 3 Lower Temperature [20]
Chassis Fan 3 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
AIO_PUMP/W_PUMP+ Control [PWM Mode]
Water Pump Upper Temperature [70]
Water Pump Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
Water Pump Middle Temperature [25]
Water Pump Middle. Duty Cycle(%) [100]
Water Pump Lower Temperature [20]
Water Pump Min. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
USB3_1 [Enabled]
USB3_2 [Enabled]
USB3_3 [Enabled]
USB3_4 [Enabled]
PSPP Policy [Auto]
Fast Boot [Enabled]
NVMe Support [Enabled]
Next Boot after AC Power Loss [Normal Boot]
AMI Native NVMe Driver Support [Enabled]
Boot Logo Display [Enabled]
POST Delay Time [3 sec]
Boot up NumLock State [Enabled]
Wait For 'F1' If Error [Enabled]
Option ROM Messages [Enabled]
Interrupt 19 Capture [Disabled]
Setup Mode [Advanced Mode]
Launch CSM [Disabled]
OS Type [Other OS]
Setup Animator [Disabled]
Load from Profile [4]
Profile Name [blubb]
Save to Profile [6]
CPU Core Voltage [Auto]
VDDSOC Voltage [Auto]
1.8V PLL Voltage [Auto]
BCLK Frequency [Auto]
CPU Ratio [Auto]
DIMM Slot Number [DIMM_A1]
Bus Interface [PCIEX16/X8_1]
Custom Pstate0 [Auto]
CCD Control [Auto]
Core control [Auto]
SMT Control [Auto]
L1 Stream HW Prefetcher [Auto]
L2 Stream HW Prefetcher [Auto]
Platform First Error Handling [Enabled]
Core Performance Boost [Auto]
Global C-state Control [Auto]
DRAM ECC Enable [Auto]
DRAM scrub time [Auto]
Poison scrubber control [Auto]
Redirect scrubber control [Auto]
Redirect scrubber limit [Auto]
NUMA nodes per socket [Auto]
Memory interleaving [Auto]
Memory interleaving size [Auto]
1TB remap [Auto]
DRAM map inversion [Auto]
ACPI SRAT L3 Cache As NUMA Domain [Auto]
ACPI SLIT Distance Control [Auto]
ACPI SLIT remote relative distance [Auto]
GMI encryption control [Auto]
xGMI encryption control [Auto]
CAKE CRC perf bounds Control [Auto]
4-link xGMI max speed [Auto]
3-link xGMI max speed [Auto]
Disable DF to external IP SyncFloodPropagation [Auto]
Disable DF sync flood propagation [Auto]
CC6 memory region encryption [Auto]
Memory Clear [Auto]
Overclock [Auto]
Power Down Enable [Auto]
Cmd2T [Auto]
Gear Down Mode [Auto]
CAD Bus Timing User Controls [Auto]
CAD Bus Drive Strength User Controls [Auto]
Data Bus Configuration User Controls [Auto]
Data Poisoning [Auto]
DRAM Post Package Repair [Disable]
RCD Parity [Auto]
DRAM Address Command Parity Retry [Auto]
Write CRC Enable [Auto]
DRAM Write CRC Enable and Retry Limit [Auto]
Disable Memory Error Injection [True]
DRAM ECC Symbol Size [Auto]
DRAM UECC Retry [Auto]
TSME [Auto]
Data Scramble [Auto]
DFE Read Training [Auto]
FFE Write Training [Auto]
PMU Pattern Bits Control [Auto]
MR6VrefDQ Control [Auto]
CPU Vref Training Seed Control [Auto]
Chipselect Interleaving [Auto]
BankGroupSwap [Auto]
BankGroupSwapAlt [Auto]
Address Hash Bank [Auto]
Address Hash CS [Auto]
Address Hash Rm [Auto]
SPD Read Optimization [Enabled]
MBIST Enable [Disabled]
Pattern Select [PRBS]
Pattern Length [3]
Aggressor Channel [1 Aggressor Channel]
Aggressor Static Lane Control [Disabled]
Target Static Lane Control [Disabled]
Worst Case Margin Granularity [Per Chip Select]
Read Voltage Sweep Step Size [1]
Read Timing Sweep Step Size [1]
Write Voltage Sweep Step Size [1]
Write Timing Sweep Step Size [1]
IOMMU [Auto]
Precision Boost Overdrive [Auto]
Precision Boost Overdrive Scalar [Auto]
FCLK Frequency [Auto]
VDDP Voltage Control [Auto]
VDDG Voltage Control [Auto]
SoC/Uncore OC Mode [Auto]
LN2 Mode [Auto]
ACS Enable [Auto]
PCIe Ten Bit Tag Support [Auto]
cTDP Control [Auto]
EfficiencyModeEn [Auto]
Package Power Limit Control [Auto]
DF Cstates [Auto]
CPPC [Auto]
CPPC Preferred Cores [Auto]
BoostFmaxEn [Auto]
Early Link Speed [Auto]
Und da wir ja heute noch ein neues Bugfix Bios (7304, bisher echt nicht übel!) bekommen haben teste ich aktuell noch die 3733CL14.
Diese bitte aber nur als experimentell ansehen (Stabilität noch nicht geprüft und Spannung sollte noch etwas runter trotz aktiver Kühlung):
[2019/08/02 21:54:00]
Ai Overclock Tuner [Manual]
BCLK Frequency [100.0000]
BCLK_Divider [Auto]
Performance Enhancer [Auto]
CPU Core Ratio [Auto]
Performance Bias [Aida/Geekbench]
Memory Frequency [DDR4-3733MHz]
FCLK Frequency [1867MHz]
Core Performance Boost [Auto]
SMT Mode [Auto]
EPU Power Saving Mode [Disabled]
TPU [Keep Current Settings]
Precision Boost Overdrive [Disabled]
Max CPU Boost Clock Override [Auto]
Platform Thermal Throttle Limit [Auto]
Mem Over Clock Fail Count [Auto]
DRAM CAS# Latency [14]
DRAM RAS# to CAS# Read Delay [16]
DRAM RAS# to CAS# Write Delay [14]
DRAM RAS# PRE Time [14]
DRAM RAS# ACT Time [32]
Trc [48]
TrrdS [6]
TrrdL [12]
Tfaw [36]
TwtrS [4]
TwtrL [12]
Twr [14]
Trcpage [Auto]
TrdrdScl [4]
TwrwrScl [4]
Trfc [312]
Trfc2 [Auto]
Trfc4 [Auto]
Tcwl [14]
Trtp [8]
Trdwr [8]
Twrrd [3]
TwrwrSc [1]
TwrwrSd [7]
TwrwrDd [7]
TrdrdSc [1]
TrdrdSd [5]
TrdrdDd [5]
Tcke [1]
ProcODT [36.9 ohm]
Cmd2T [1T]
Gear Down Mode [Enabled]
Power Down Enable [Disabled]
RttNom [Auto]
RttWr [Auto]
RttPark [Auto]
MemAddrCmdSetup [Auto]
MemCsOdtSetup [Auto]
MemCkeSetup [Auto]
MemCadBusClkDrvStren [Auto]
MemCadBusAddrCmdDrvStren [Auto]
MemCadBusCsOdtDrvStren [Auto]
MemCadBusCkeDrvStren [Auto]
CPU Load-line Calibration [Auto]
CPU Current Capability [Auto]
CPU VRM Switching Frequency [Auto]
VRM Spread Spectrum [Auto]
CPU Power Duty Control [T.Probe]
CPU Power Phase Control [Auto]
CPU Power Thermal Control [120]
VDDSOC Load-line Calibration [Auto]
VDDSOC Current Capability [Auto]
VDDSOC Switching Frequency [Auto]
VDDSOC Phase Control [Auto]
DRAM Current Capability [100%]
DRAM Power Phase Control [Extreme]
DRAM Switching Frequency [Auto]
DRAM VBoot Voltage [Auto]
VTTDDR Voltage [Auto]
VPP_MEM Voltage [Auto]
DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHA [Auto]
DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHB [Auto]
VDDP Voltage [Auto]
VDDP Standby Voltage [Auto]
1.8V Standby Voltage [Auto]
CPU 3.3v AUX [Auto]
2.5V SB Voltage [Auto]
DRAM R1 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R2 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R3 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R4 Tune [Auto]
PCIE Tune R1 [Auto]
PCIE Tune R2 [Auto]
PCIE Tune R3 [Auto]
PLL Tune R1 [Auto]
PLL reference voltage [Auto]
T Offset [Auto]
Sense MI Skew [Auto]
Sense MI Offset [Auto]
Promontory presence [Auto]
Clock Amplitude [Auto]
CLDO VDDP voltage [Auto]
CPU Core Voltage [Auto]
CPU SOC Voltage [Manual mode]
- VDDSOC Voltage Override [1.10000]
DRAM Voltage [1.48500]
CLDO VDDG voltage [0.950]
1.8V PLL Voltage [Auto]
1.05V SB Voltage [Auto]
TPM Device Selection [Discrete TPM]
Erase fTPM NV for factory reset [Enabled]
PSS Support [Auto]
SVM Mode [Disabled]
Onboard LED [Disabled]
Q-Code LED Function [Disabled after POST]
Hyper kit Mode [Disabled]
SATA Port Enable [Enabled]
NVMe RAID mode [Disabled]
SMART Self Test [Enabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Super I/O Clock Skew [Auto]
HD Audio Controller [Disabled]
PCIEX4_3 Bandwidth [Auto]
PCIEX8_2:X4/X4 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX16_1 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX8_2 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX4_3 Mode [Auto]
M.2 Link Mode [Auto]
SB Link Mode [Auto]
Asmedia USB 3.1 Controller [Disabled]
When system is in working state [Off]
In sleep, hibernate and soft off states [Off]
Intel LAN Controller [Enabled]
Intel LAN OPROM [Disabled]
USB Type C Power Switch for USB3.1_E1 [Auto]
ErP Ready [Disabled]
Restore On AC Power Loss [Power Off]
Power On By PCI-E/PCI [Disabled]
Power On By RTC [Disabled]
Network Stack [Disabled]
Device [CT500BX100SSD1]
Legacy USB Support [Enabled]
XHCI Hand-off [Enabled]
Corsair Flash Voyager 1100 [Auto]
USB3.1_E1 [Enabled]
USB3_1 [Enabled]
USB3_2 [Enabled]
USB3_3 [Enabled]
USB3_4 [Enabled]
USB3_5 [Enabled]
USB3_6 [Enabled]
USB3_7 [Enabled]
USB3_8 [Enabled]
USB3_9 [Enabled]
USB3_10 [Enabled]
USB2_11 [Enabled]
USB2_12 [Enabled]
USB2_13 [Enabled]
USB2_14 [Enabled]
USB_15 [Enabled]
USB_16 [Enabled]
CPU Temperature [Monitor]
MotherBoard Temperature [Monitor]
VRM Temperature [Monitor]
PCH Temperature [Monitor]
T_Sensor1 Temperature [Monitor]
CPU Fan Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 1 Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 2 Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 3 Speed [Monitor]
W_PUMP+ Speed [Monitor]
CPU Optional Fan Speed [Monitor]
AIO_PUMP Speed [Monitor]
W_FLOW Speed [Monitor]
W_IN Temperature [Monitor]
W_OUT Temperature [Monitor]
CPU Core Voltage [Monitor]
3.3V Voltage [Monitor]
5V Voltage [Monitor]
12V Voltage [Monitor]
CPU Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
CPU Fan Smoothing Up/Down Time [7.7 sec]
CPU Fan Speed Lower Limit [200 RPM]
CPU Fan Profile [Manual]
CPU Upper Temperature [70]
CPU Fan Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
CPU Middle Temperature [68]
CPU Fan Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [65]
CPU Lower Temperature [50]
CPU Fan Min. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Source [PCH]
Chassis Fan 1 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 1 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
Chassis Fan 1 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 1 Upper Temperature [70]
Chassis Fan 1 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 1 Middle Temperature [50]
Chassis Fan 1 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 1 Lower Temperature [20]
Chassis Fan 1 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Source [PCH]
Chassis Fan 2 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 2 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
Chassis Fan 2 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 2 Upper Temperature [70]
Chassis Fan 2 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 2 Middle Temperature [25]
Chassis Fan 2 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 2 Lower Temperature [20]
Chassis Fan 2 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Source [PCH]
Chassis Fan 3 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 3 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
Chassis Fan 3 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 3 Upper Temperature [70]
Chassis Fan 3 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 3 Middle Temperature [25]
Chassis Fan 3 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 3 Lower Temperature [20]
Chassis Fan 3 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
AIO_PUMP/W_PUMP+ Control [PWM Mode]
Water Pump Upper Temperature [70]
Water Pump Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
Water Pump Middle Temperature [25]
Water Pump Middle. Duty Cycle(%) [100]
Water Pump Lower Temperature [20]
Water Pump Min. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
USB3_1 [Enabled]
USB3_2 [Enabled]
USB3_3 [Enabled]
USB3_4 [Enabled]
PSPP Policy [Auto]
Fast Boot [Enabled]
NVMe Support [Enabled]
Next Boot after AC Power Loss [Normal Boot]
AMI Native NVMe Driver Support [Enabled]
Boot Logo Display [Disabled]
POST Report [1 sec]
Boot up NumLock State [Enabled]
Wait For 'F1' If Error [Enabled]
Option ROM Messages [Enabled]
Interrupt 19 Capture [Disabled]
Setup Mode [Advanced Mode]
Launch CSM [Disabled]
OS Type [Other OS]
Setup Animator [Disabled]
Load from Profile [2]
Profile Name [3733CL14_vddg]
Save to Profile [3]
CPU Core Voltage [Auto]
VDDSOC Voltage [Auto]
1.8V PLL Voltage [Auto]
BCLK Frequency [Auto]
CPU Ratio [Auto]
DIMM Slot Number [DIMM_A1]
Bus Interface [PCIEX16/X8_1]
Custom Pstate0 [Auto]
CCD Control [Auto]
Core control [Auto]
SMT Control [Auto]
L1 Stream HW Prefetcher [Auto]
L2 Stream HW Prefetcher [Auto]
Platform First Error Handling [Enabled]
Core Performance Boost [Auto]
Global C-state Control [Auto]
DRAM ECC Enable [Auto]
DRAM scrub time [Auto]
Poison scrubber control [Auto]
Redirect scrubber control [Auto]
Redirect scrubber limit [Auto]
NUMA nodes per socket [Auto]
Memory interleaving [Auto]
Memory interleaving size [Auto]
1TB remap [Auto]
DRAM map inversion [Auto]
ACPI SRAT L3 Cache As NUMA Domain [Auto]
ACPI SLIT Distance Control [Auto]
ACPI SLIT remote relative distance [Auto]
GMI encryption control [Auto]
xGMI encryption control [Auto]
CAKE CRC perf bounds Control [Auto]
4-link xGMI max speed [Auto]
3-link xGMI max speed [Auto]
Disable DF to external IP SyncFloodPropagation [Auto]
Disable DF sync flood propagation [Auto]
CC6 memory region encryption [Auto]
Memory Clear [Auto]
Overclock [Enabled]
Memory Clock Speed [Auto]
Tcl [Auto]
Trcdrd [Auto]
Trcdwr [Auto]
Trp [Auto]
Tras [Auto]
Trc Ctrl [Auto]
TrrdS [Auto]
TrrdL [Auto]
Tfaw Ctrl [Auto]
TwtrS [Auto]
TwtrL [Auto]
Twr Ctrl [Auto]
Trcpage Ctrl [Auto]
TrdrdScL Ctrl [Auto]
TwrwrScL Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc2 Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc4 Ctrl [Auto]
Tcwl [Auto]
Trtp [Auto]
Tcke [Auto]
Trdwr [Auto]
Twrrd [Auto]
TwrwrSc [Auto]
TwrwrSd [Auto]
TwrwrDd [Auto]
TrdrdSc [Auto]
TrdrdSd [Auto]
TrdrdDd [Auto]
ProcODT [Auto]
Power Down Enable [Auto]
Cmd2T [Auto]
Gear Down Mode [Auto]
CAD Bus Timing User Controls [Auto]
CAD Bus Drive Strength User Controls [Auto]
Data Bus Configuration User Controls [Auto]
Data Poisoning [Auto]
DRAM Post Package Repair [Disable]
RCD Parity [Auto]
DRAM Address Command Parity Retry [Auto]
Write CRC Enable [Auto]
DRAM Write CRC Enable and Retry Limit [Auto]
Disable Memory Error Injection [True]
DRAM ECC Symbol Size [Auto]
DRAM UECC Retry [Auto]
TSME [Auto]
Data Scramble [Auto]
DFE Read Training [Auto]
FFE Write Training [Auto]
PMU Pattern Bits Control [Auto]
MR6VrefDQ Control [Auto]
CPU Vref Training Seed Control [Auto]
Chipselect Interleaving [Auto]
BankGroupSwap [Auto]
BankGroupSwapAlt [Auto]
Address Hash Bank [Auto]
Address Hash CS [Auto]
Address Hash Rm [Auto]
SPD Read Optimization [Enabled]
MBIST Enable [Disabled]
Pattern Select [PRBS]
Pattern Length [3]
Aggressor Channel [1 Aggressor Channel]
Aggressor Static Lane Control [Disabled]
Target Static Lane Control [Disabled]
Worst Case Margin Granularity [Per Chip Select]
Read Voltage Sweep Step Size [1]
Read Timing Sweep Step Size [1]
Write Voltage Sweep Step Size [1]
Write Timing Sweep Step Size [1]
IOMMU [Auto]
Precision Boost Overdrive [Auto]
Precision Boost Overdrive Scalar [Auto]
FCLK Frequency [Auto]
VDDP Voltage Control [Auto]
VDDG Voltage Control [Auto]
SoC/Uncore OC Mode [Auto]
LN2 Mode [Auto]
ACS Enable [Auto]
PCIe Ten Bit Tag Support [Auto]
cTDP Control [Auto]
EfficiencyModeEn [Auto]
Package Power Limit Control [Auto]
DF Cstates [Auto]
CPPC [Enabled]
CPPC Preferred Cores [Enabled]
BoostFmaxEn [Auto]
Early Link Speed [Auto]
Ai Overclock Tuner [Manual]
BCLK Frequency [100.0000]
BCLK_Divider [Auto]
Performance Enhancer [Auto]
CPU Core Ratio [Auto]
Performance Bias [Aida/Geekbench]
Memory Frequency [DDR4-3733MHz]
FCLK Frequency [1867MHz]
Core Performance Boost [Auto]
SMT Mode [Auto]
EPU Power Saving Mode [Disabled]
TPU [Keep Current Settings]
Precision Boost Overdrive [Disabled]
Max CPU Boost Clock Override [Auto]
Platform Thermal Throttle Limit [Auto]
Mem Over Clock Fail Count [Auto]
DRAM CAS# Latency [14]
DRAM RAS# to CAS# Read Delay [16]
DRAM RAS# to CAS# Write Delay [14]
DRAM RAS# PRE Time [14]
DRAM RAS# ACT Time [32]
Trc [48]
TrrdS [6]
TrrdL [12]
Tfaw [36]
TwtrS [4]
TwtrL [12]
Twr [14]
Trcpage [Auto]
TrdrdScl [4]
TwrwrScl [4]
Trfc [312]
Trfc2 [Auto]
Trfc4 [Auto]
Tcwl [14]
Trtp [8]
Trdwr [8]
Twrrd [3]
TwrwrSc [1]
TwrwrSd [7]
TwrwrDd [7]
TrdrdSc [1]
TrdrdSd [5]
TrdrdDd [5]
Tcke [1]
ProcODT [36.9 ohm]
Cmd2T [1T]
Gear Down Mode [Enabled]
Power Down Enable [Disabled]
RttNom [Auto]
RttWr [Auto]
RttPark [Auto]
MemAddrCmdSetup [Auto]
MemCsOdtSetup [Auto]
MemCkeSetup [Auto]
MemCadBusClkDrvStren [Auto]
MemCadBusAddrCmdDrvStren [Auto]
MemCadBusCsOdtDrvStren [Auto]
MemCadBusCkeDrvStren [Auto]
CPU Load-line Calibration [Auto]
CPU Current Capability [Auto]
CPU VRM Switching Frequency [Auto]
VRM Spread Spectrum [Auto]
CPU Power Duty Control [T.Probe]
CPU Power Phase Control [Auto]
CPU Power Thermal Control [120]
VDDSOC Load-line Calibration [Auto]
VDDSOC Current Capability [Auto]
VDDSOC Switching Frequency [Auto]
VDDSOC Phase Control [Auto]
DRAM Current Capability [100%]
DRAM Power Phase Control [Extreme]
DRAM Switching Frequency [Auto]
DRAM VBoot Voltage [Auto]
VTTDDR Voltage [Auto]
VPP_MEM Voltage [Auto]
DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHA [Auto]
DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHB [Auto]
VDDP Voltage [Auto]
VDDP Standby Voltage [Auto]
1.8V Standby Voltage [Auto]
CPU 3.3v AUX [Auto]
2.5V SB Voltage [Auto]
DRAM R1 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R2 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R3 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R4 Tune [Auto]
PCIE Tune R1 [Auto]
PCIE Tune R2 [Auto]
PCIE Tune R3 [Auto]
PLL Tune R1 [Auto]
PLL reference voltage [Auto]
T Offset [Auto]
Sense MI Skew [Auto]
Sense MI Offset [Auto]
Promontory presence [Auto]
Clock Amplitude [Auto]
CLDO VDDP voltage [Auto]
CPU Core Voltage [Auto]
CPU SOC Voltage [Manual mode]
- VDDSOC Voltage Override [1.10000]
DRAM Voltage [1.48500]
CLDO VDDG voltage [0.950]
1.8V PLL Voltage [Auto]
1.05V SB Voltage [Auto]
TPM Device Selection [Discrete TPM]
Erase fTPM NV for factory reset [Enabled]
PSS Support [Auto]
SVM Mode [Disabled]
Onboard LED [Disabled]
Q-Code LED Function [Disabled after POST]
Hyper kit Mode [Disabled]
SATA Port Enable [Enabled]
NVMe RAID mode [Disabled]
SMART Self Test [Enabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Super I/O Clock Skew [Auto]
HD Audio Controller [Disabled]
PCIEX4_3 Bandwidth [Auto]
PCIEX8_2:X4/X4 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX16_1 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX8_2 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX4_3 Mode [Auto]
M.2 Link Mode [Auto]
SB Link Mode [Auto]
Asmedia USB 3.1 Controller [Disabled]
When system is in working state [Off]
In sleep, hibernate and soft off states [Off]
Intel LAN Controller [Enabled]
Intel LAN OPROM [Disabled]
USB Type C Power Switch for USB3.1_E1 [Auto]
ErP Ready [Disabled]
Restore On AC Power Loss [Power Off]
Power On By PCI-E/PCI [Disabled]
Power On By RTC [Disabled]
Network Stack [Disabled]
Device [CT500BX100SSD1]
Legacy USB Support [Enabled]
XHCI Hand-off [Enabled]
Corsair Flash Voyager 1100 [Auto]
USB3.1_E1 [Enabled]
USB3_1 [Enabled]
USB3_2 [Enabled]
USB3_3 [Enabled]
USB3_4 [Enabled]
USB3_5 [Enabled]
USB3_6 [Enabled]
USB3_7 [Enabled]
USB3_8 [Enabled]
USB3_9 [Enabled]
USB3_10 [Enabled]
USB2_11 [Enabled]
USB2_12 [Enabled]
USB2_13 [Enabled]
USB2_14 [Enabled]
USB_15 [Enabled]
USB_16 [Enabled]
CPU Temperature [Monitor]
MotherBoard Temperature [Monitor]
VRM Temperature [Monitor]
PCH Temperature [Monitor]
T_Sensor1 Temperature [Monitor]
CPU Fan Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 1 Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 2 Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 3 Speed [Monitor]
W_PUMP+ Speed [Monitor]
CPU Optional Fan Speed [Monitor]
AIO_PUMP Speed [Monitor]
W_FLOW Speed [Monitor]
W_IN Temperature [Monitor]
W_OUT Temperature [Monitor]
CPU Core Voltage [Monitor]
3.3V Voltage [Monitor]
5V Voltage [Monitor]
12V Voltage [Monitor]
CPU Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
CPU Fan Smoothing Up/Down Time [7.7 sec]
CPU Fan Speed Lower Limit [200 RPM]
CPU Fan Profile [Manual]
CPU Upper Temperature [70]
CPU Fan Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
CPU Middle Temperature [68]
CPU Fan Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [65]
CPU Lower Temperature [50]
CPU Fan Min. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Source [PCH]
Chassis Fan 1 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 1 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
Chassis Fan 1 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 1 Upper Temperature [70]
Chassis Fan 1 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 1 Middle Temperature [50]
Chassis Fan 1 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 1 Lower Temperature [20]
Chassis Fan 1 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Source [PCH]
Chassis Fan 2 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 2 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
Chassis Fan 2 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 2 Upper Temperature [70]
Chassis Fan 2 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 2 Middle Temperature [25]
Chassis Fan 2 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 2 Lower Temperature [20]
Chassis Fan 2 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Control [PWM Mode]
Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Source [PCH]
Chassis Fan 3 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 3 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM]
Chassis Fan 3 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 3 Upper Temperature [70]
Chassis Fan 3 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [50]
Chassis Fan 3 Middle Temperature [25]
Chassis Fan 3 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
Chassis Fan 3 Lower Temperature [20]
Chassis Fan 3 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [20]
AIO_PUMP/W_PUMP+ Control [PWM Mode]
Water Pump Upper Temperature [70]
Water Pump Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
Water Pump Middle Temperature [25]
Water Pump Middle. Duty Cycle(%) [100]
Water Pump Lower Temperature [20]
Water Pump Min. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
USB3_1 [Enabled]
USB3_2 [Enabled]
USB3_3 [Enabled]
USB3_4 [Enabled]
PSPP Policy [Auto]
Fast Boot [Enabled]
NVMe Support [Enabled]
Next Boot after AC Power Loss [Normal Boot]
AMI Native NVMe Driver Support [Enabled]
Boot Logo Display [Disabled]
POST Report [1 sec]
Boot up NumLock State [Enabled]
Wait For 'F1' If Error [Enabled]
Option ROM Messages [Enabled]
Interrupt 19 Capture [Disabled]
Setup Mode [Advanced Mode]
Launch CSM [Disabled]
OS Type [Other OS]
Setup Animator [Disabled]
Load from Profile [2]
Profile Name [3733CL14_vddg]
Save to Profile [3]
CPU Core Voltage [Auto]
VDDSOC Voltage [Auto]
1.8V PLL Voltage [Auto]
BCLK Frequency [Auto]
CPU Ratio [Auto]
DIMM Slot Number [DIMM_A1]
Bus Interface [PCIEX16/X8_1]
Custom Pstate0 [Auto]
CCD Control [Auto]
Core control [Auto]
SMT Control [Auto]
L1 Stream HW Prefetcher [Auto]
L2 Stream HW Prefetcher [Auto]
Platform First Error Handling [Enabled]
Core Performance Boost [Auto]
Global C-state Control [Auto]
DRAM ECC Enable [Auto]
DRAM scrub time [Auto]
Poison scrubber control [Auto]
Redirect scrubber control [Auto]
Redirect scrubber limit [Auto]
NUMA nodes per socket [Auto]
Memory interleaving [Auto]
Memory interleaving size [Auto]
1TB remap [Auto]
DRAM map inversion [Auto]
ACPI SRAT L3 Cache As NUMA Domain [Auto]
ACPI SLIT Distance Control [Auto]
ACPI SLIT remote relative distance [Auto]
GMI encryption control [Auto]
xGMI encryption control [Auto]
CAKE CRC perf bounds Control [Auto]
4-link xGMI max speed [Auto]
3-link xGMI max speed [Auto]
Disable DF to external IP SyncFloodPropagation [Auto]
Disable DF sync flood propagation [Auto]
CC6 memory region encryption [Auto]
Memory Clear [Auto]
Overclock [Enabled]
Memory Clock Speed [Auto]
Tcl [Auto]
Trcdrd [Auto]
Trcdwr [Auto]
Trp [Auto]
Tras [Auto]
Trc Ctrl [Auto]
TrrdS [Auto]
TrrdL [Auto]
Tfaw Ctrl [Auto]
TwtrS [Auto]
TwtrL [Auto]
Twr Ctrl [Auto]
Trcpage Ctrl [Auto]
TrdrdScL Ctrl [Auto]
TwrwrScL Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc2 Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc4 Ctrl [Auto]
Tcwl [Auto]
Trtp [Auto]
Tcke [Auto]
Trdwr [Auto]
Twrrd [Auto]
TwrwrSc [Auto]
TwrwrSd [Auto]
TwrwrDd [Auto]
TrdrdSc [Auto]
TrdrdSd [Auto]
TrdrdDd [Auto]
ProcODT [Auto]
Power Down Enable [Auto]
Cmd2T [Auto]
Gear Down Mode [Auto]
CAD Bus Timing User Controls [Auto]
CAD Bus Drive Strength User Controls [Auto]
Data Bus Configuration User Controls [Auto]
Data Poisoning [Auto]
DRAM Post Package Repair [Disable]
RCD Parity [Auto]
DRAM Address Command Parity Retry [Auto]
Write CRC Enable [Auto]
DRAM Write CRC Enable and Retry Limit [Auto]
Disable Memory Error Injection [True]
DRAM ECC Symbol Size [Auto]
DRAM UECC Retry [Auto]
TSME [Auto]
Data Scramble [Auto]
DFE Read Training [Auto]
FFE Write Training [Auto]
PMU Pattern Bits Control [Auto]
MR6VrefDQ Control [Auto]
CPU Vref Training Seed Control [Auto]
Chipselect Interleaving [Auto]
BankGroupSwap [Auto]
BankGroupSwapAlt [Auto]
Address Hash Bank [Auto]
Address Hash CS [Auto]
Address Hash Rm [Auto]
SPD Read Optimization [Enabled]
MBIST Enable [Disabled]
Pattern Select [PRBS]
Pattern Length [3]
Aggressor Channel [1 Aggressor Channel]
Aggressor Static Lane Control [Disabled]
Target Static Lane Control [Disabled]
Worst Case Margin Granularity [Per Chip Select]
Read Voltage Sweep Step Size [1]
Read Timing Sweep Step Size [1]
Write Voltage Sweep Step Size [1]
Write Timing Sweep Step Size [1]
IOMMU [Auto]
Precision Boost Overdrive [Auto]
Precision Boost Overdrive Scalar [Auto]
FCLK Frequency [Auto]
VDDP Voltage Control [Auto]
VDDG Voltage Control [Auto]
SoC/Uncore OC Mode [Auto]
LN2 Mode [Auto]
ACS Enable [Auto]
PCIe Ten Bit Tag Support [Auto]
cTDP Control [Auto]
EfficiencyModeEn [Auto]
Package Power Limit Control [Auto]
DF Cstates [Auto]
CPPC [Enabled]
CPPC Preferred Cores [Enabled]
BoostFmaxEn [Auto]
Early Link Speed [Auto]
Aber interessante Werte hätte es... Muss nur noch schauen ob es stabil ist

(Falls ich die echt stabil bekomme, bleibt das C7H glaube einfach im Karton oder wird an einen Kumpel verkauft

EDIT: Okay ganz verkehrt scheinen die Werte nicht zu sein. Die 3733CL14 laufen mit 1,48V mit dem neuen Bios zumindest mal durch den tm5 "Kurztest" (ja ich hab 10 statt 5 cycles eingestellt).

Okay, nach Division2 und jetzt Karhu sehe ich die Settings als stabil an.

Edit3: Seh grad die CAD Werte fehlen. (24/20/24/24)

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Lt. Commander
- Registriert
- Okt. 2008
- Beiträge
- 1.424
cm87 schrieb:@Falbor Hab mit dem Board auch RAM bei 3533CL14 betrieben (noch Zen+) - da dürften auch mehr möglich sein, als nur die 3466. Prinzipiell sollst du eine Mischung aus hohem Takt und straffen Subtimings finden.
Sehe ich es richtig, dass du 64GB 3200CL16 Speicher hast? Damit wird auch bei Ryzen 3000 und dem Board nicht viel gehen.
aha, man kann also auch über diese RAM OC angaben des herstellers gehen? interessant, wusste ich auch nicht...
jop, ich hab 64GB 3200CL16 gskill trident z royal ram. mir war die menge wichtiger als die paar prozent flotter. und schweinezyklus sei dank bin ich eben gleich all-in gegangen.
so ein bis zwei steps flotter jeweils wäre schon cool. welche dimensionen meinst du mit "nicht viel gehen"?
- Registriert
- Sep. 2007
- Beiträge
- 7.261
Glaube bei der Menge würde ich eher schauen, ob ich das Paket auf 3200 CL14 bekomme statt da groß Takt raus zu schlagen. Ich geh mal davon aus, dass es 4x16GB Riegel sind? Das ist halt starker Tobag für den IMC...
Lt. Commander
- Registriert
- Okt. 2008
- Beiträge
- 1.424
jop, sind 4*16GB riegel. dachte mir auch schon, dass ich über die timings mehr rausholen kann unter dem limit der vollbestückung, als über den takt...
dir auch danke für dein feedback
€: auf meinem 3930K hatte ich 8*8GB 1600MHz
(keine ahnung welche timings...)
dir auch danke für dein feedback

€: auf meinem 3930K hatte ich 8*8GB 1600MHz

Ich hatte ja mal 4x16GB auf dem X570er C8H und dem 3900x getestet... zumindest das XMP/DOCP Profil bei 3200CL14 konnte er starten - ob stabil? keine Ahnung, hab ich nicht getestet 
Bin ja gespannt, was du da rausholen kannst. Such dir aber zuerst mal eine Basis bei 3200 (sofern möglich). Danach Timings schrauben und dann mal höhere Taktraten anstreben.

Bin ja gespannt, was du da rausholen kannst. Such dir aber zuerst mal eine Basis bei 3200 (sofern möglich). Danach Timings schrauben und dann mal höhere Taktraten anstreben.
Stabilität wurde wie getestet? Aida64/Karhu/HCI?Falbor schrieb:oder wie meinst du "eine basis suchen"?
Basis bez. Widerstände, Spannungen und schärferen Subtimings.
Lt. Commander
- Registriert
- Okt. 2008
- Beiträge
- 1.424
Nun ja, zur Zeit is hab ich im bios neben dem ryzen3000 update und der bootpriorities noch nix geändert. Windows 10 ist frisch aufgesetzt und läuft stabil, große stabilitätstests hab ich noch keine gemacht. Aber ich hoffe doch, dass die timings und der Takt out of the box stabil sind mit auto Einstellungen 
Es läuft also alles auf stock bzw im Moment garnicht, weil ich ein leck in der wakü hab und erst jetzt am Wochenende Zeit haben werde das zu fixen
Da ich aber wieder auf das topology layout gestoßen bin, wollte ich das nun endlich wissen und eine grobe Einschätzung meiner ausgangslage mit diesen Komponenten bekommen

Es läuft also alles auf stock bzw im Moment garnicht, weil ich ein leck in der wakü hab und erst jetzt am Wochenende Zeit haben werde das zu fixen

Da ich aber wieder auf das topology layout gestoßen bin, wollte ich das nun endlich wissen und eine grobe Einschätzung meiner ausgangslage mit diesen Komponenten bekommen

- Registriert
- Sep. 2007
- Beiträge
- 7.261
Problem ist, dass es nur sehr wenige gibt, die 64GB nutzen aktuell und daher die Erfahrungen damit eher überschaubar sind, ohne dich enttäuschen zu wollen.
Ich würde mir hier wirklich als Ziel erst einmal die 3200CL14 vornehmen, was schon ein großer Sprung wäre zu der aktuellen 3200CL16.
Ich würde mir hier wirklich als Ziel erst einmal die 3200CL14 vornehmen, was schon ein großer Sprung wäre zu der aktuellen 3200CL16.
- Registriert
- Juli 2007
- Beiträge
- 565
Also ich könnte ggf mal Hilfe gebrauchen, leider bekomme ich meinen RAM einfach nicht übertaktet lauffähig.
Verbaut habe ich 2x16GB G.Skill Trident Z RGB 3200 CL15 im Steckplatz A2-B2.
Wenn ich versuche nach der Anleitung den RAM auf 3600 Mhz zu übertakten nach den Werten die mir
das Ryzen DRAM Calculator Tool auswirft als SAFE Settings lande ich immer in einer Endlosschleife.
Hat jemand einen Rat? Ich bin auf dem RAM OC Gebiet absoluter Anfänger.
Restliche Hardware kann aus meiner Signatur entnommen werden.
Verbaut habe ich 2x16GB G.Skill Trident Z RGB 3200 CL15 im Steckplatz A2-B2.
Wenn ich versuche nach der Anleitung den RAM auf 3600 Mhz zu übertakten nach den Werten die mir
das Ryzen DRAM Calculator Tool auswirft als SAFE Settings lande ich immer in einer Endlosschleife.
Hat jemand einen Rat? Ich bin auf dem RAM OC Gebiet absoluter Anfänger.
Restliche Hardware kann aus meiner Signatur entnommen werden.
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