Sammelthread Big Navi RX 6700XT/6800(XT)/6900XT Overclocking/Undervolting

GerryB schrieb:
but you ask also, what is with higher eff.MHz.(x)
Screenshot 2024-06-04 201132.png

Like, are those the absolute best settings for my card with the LD4 optimization, or should I push up the voltage and fmax slightly more?
Screenshot 2024-06-04 201132.png

try only in small steps to go higher, ... 10MHz more with only 6mV more would be nice
may be, at this point also more OFFSET works (MPT to MCT -Volt)
and with powerlimit 98% in MCT, the Temps should be right
may be minClock=1473 is little bit more stable then default 500


I dont know how Chill interpolated the Volt in Games with Fps-Limit.

may be Offset MPT-MCT Volt is in 3dMark more stable then in real heavy Games
if not stable try gaming with MCT 3...6mV more
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Reaktionen: cra3khead
Even without pointing out that @GerryB completely is nuts when it comes to optimizing GPU settings on AMD cards, but it's really awesome what he's pushing out in terms of support.
I was until now quiet ... learned a lot from his posts ... i much apprecchiate the support you provide us (nearly) every day.

Thanks Man ...
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Reaktionen: GerryB und cra3khead
Screenshot 2024-06-05 140532.png
Screenshot 2024-06-05 140632.png

@GerryB Why such a big jump in voltage for 10MHz?

Screenshot 2024-06-05 141727.png

It crashed while switching to GT2 :(

Screenshot 2024-06-05 144646.png

30 points more; now it's the same as my 1050mv score.
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cra3khead schrieb:
@GerryB Why such a big jump in voltage for 10MHz?
Screenshot 2024-06-05 140632.png

probably works 1/2 6.25mV step

cra3khead schrieb:
It crashed while switching to GT2
try less Offset MPT to MCT
Screenshot 2024-06-05 141727.png

give a little bit more MCT-Volt, 966 or 967 could be stable
if not
then 2583-->2578MHz
Ergänzung ()

=dantE= schrieb:
Even without pointing out that @GerryB completely is nuts when it comes to optimizing GPU
this 99,9% optimization@cra3khead is very special and works probably only with his good chip!
LD4 2500-->2525 with the same volt is very good
LD3 0,089000-->0,087500 means less volt at the same clock (1/4 6.25mV step)
I dont know how exactly the VRM´s can work, but i wonder why AMD use such a 0,089 value.

I have fun testing 1 little step per day during my morning coffee, and so I can tell cra3khead, what would I do
at this point of setting
my 6800nonXT is a little bit different and so not every idea must work on the 6900
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Reaktionen: =dantE=
GerryB schrieb:
LD3 at .0875 isn't stable :( It's on the edge though; I play games fine but then get a soft crash after an hour; I'm going back to the previous settings with 1056 at 2573 with prior optimized curve settings; maybe my card is tapped out unfortunately.
GerryB schrieb:
I have fun testing 1 little step per day during my morning coffee, and so I can tell cra3khead, what would I do
at this point of setting
I do the same :D
If the run crashs in GT1 or GT2 at the satellite, then try 5MHz less maxGFX-Clock.

I would stay with LD3 at 2300 with the default.
may be 2315...2325@0,0937500, but no big impact to expect, same Score?
or 2310 with 0,0906250
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cra3khead schrieb:
LD3 at .0875 isn't stable :( It's on the edge though; I play games fine but then get a soft crash after an hour
Weird when I went back to LD3 at default .0890 in the same game, it crashed within 10 minutes, @GerryB How's it possible that the undervolt is more stable?
may be, undervolt is a little bit less eff.clock in the same game scene

If you are not sure, whats the reason, try MCT with 1mV ... 2mV more.
In GAMES its better to use a little bit more MCT-Volt then in 3dMark.
(more clock changes dip+spike)
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Reaktionen: cra3khead
GerryB schrieb:
may be, undervolt is a little bit less eff.clock in the same game scene
I think the optimized curve is only stable in certain games; I went back to my standard 1050mv profile with no issues. I guess it was just running well previously for MW3.
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Reaktionen: GerryB
your 1050mV-setting is already very nice with that high max clock per volt
(with MCT powerlimit 98% = 275W there should be in MW3 nearly the same fps)
GerryB schrieb:
your 1050mV-setting is already very nice with that high max clock per volt
You think that since 2525 LD4 kind of works for 2573/1056, should I just set LD4 to 2515 on the 1050mv profile but not touch any of the other settings? Would that allow for the extra boost I got with the curve optimization profile, but then also be more stable?
cra3khead schrieb:
should I just set LD4 to 2515 on the 1050mv profile but not touch any of the other settings?
may be also 2525MHz works, because the real eff.MHz+Volt are lower
as second step LD3= 0,090625 Volt (if 0,087500 Volt is not stable enough)
as third step LD3 with 10MHz more
(in this kind a crazy Test with my 6800 see attachment, in PR@RT goes more Clock@lessVolt then in Games@Raster,
in RasterGames 15MHz less with more Adrenalin-Volt)

I think, in some games the change in tolerance 48-->43 was to much with your setting/chip.
for safety back to default 48
Screenshot 2024-06-05 144646.png


  • Test-LD@PR.jpg
    125 KB · Aufrufe: 35
  • Lost Planet@lessMHzmoreVolt.jpg
    Lost Planet@lessMHzmoreVolt.jpg
    1,7 MB · Aufrufe: 39
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Reaktionen: cra3khead
GerryB schrieb:
as second step LD3= 0,0878125 Volt (if 0,087500 Volt is not stable enough)
There's not enough room for the last digit of 5 to fit, though.
GerryB schrieb:
I think, in some games the change in tolerance 48-->43 was to much with your setting/chip.
for safety back to default 48
Screenshot 2024-06-07 133511.png

If I change it back to 48, do I have to change the vmin values back to the default of 825 and 775 for ulv min, or are they unrelated?

With the new profile, should I keep the LD2 default? I don't think it's worth changing since my card barely goes to that low of a clock in any game I play.

Screenshot 2024-06-07 150709.png

Weird :mad:

Screenshot 2024-06-07 155600.png

57 more points over the standard 1050mv profile. I think the LD4 just causes instability since it doesn't hit over 2.5Ghz anyway. My highest score at default tdp (281 Watts) though !
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cra3khead schrieb:
There's not enough room for the last digit of 5 to fit, though.
= no problem, the tool+adrenalin rounds intern up
cra3khead schrieb:
If I change it back to 48, do I have to change the vmin values back to the default of 825 and 775 for ulv min, or are they unrelated?
no, the idea with with minGFX 818 was independent (x)
only the requiered MCT-volt could a little bit affected
cra3khead schrieb:
Anhang anzeigen 1491752

57 more points over the standard 1050mv profile. I think the LD4 just causes instability since it doesn't hit over 2.5Ghz anyway. My highest score at default tdp (281 Watts) though !
nice try with LD2, ... should this be more stable with the LD3-UV?
If this works in games together with minGFX 825mV, then stay so.
(x) may be minGFX 818mV is too less with MPT1050+MCT950, needs MCT 951... 954 ... 956mV
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GerryB schrieb:
nice try with LD2, ... should this be more stable with the LD3-UV?
If this works in games together with minGFX 825mV, then stay so.
I wish I could push Fmax up more though; I tried the 2535/0.1062500 option you suggested a while back, but that didn't work. Maybe I'll just run 1050mv in the summer, and in the winter hopefully it should be cold enough to run 1125mv at 2.6Ghz without as much of a heat issue.
with the 1056mV and 1062mV-Setting you can try:

Screenshot 2024-06-07 155600.png

If LD3 0,087500mV is not enough in Games, then 0,090625mV, ... should be the same as default 0,089000
or 1/4 x 6.25mV more (I dont really believe, that 1/4 steps work, but 87,5mV+6,25/2 looks good)

DcBtcGb 6mV-->12mV is a little bit slower, but safer
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cra3khead schrieb:
This profile is slightly more stable than the previous 1056mv with the curve optimization, but it still crashes; this time in, like, 2-3 hours of gameplay rather than 1 hour. Don't know what could be causing that.
GerryB schrieb:
DcBtcGb 6mV-->12mV is a little bit slower, but safer
Could this help stabilize my 1050mv profile?

Screenshot 2024-06-08 012427.png

Probably not :(
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