Leserartikel Msi ex 623-3443vhp

Ok geht klar^^ wie gesagt, momentan schaue ich einfach nur, bei ebay waren z.b. welche, vor 3 tagen, P8600 und P8400 die jeweiles für 50-60€ weggegangen sind, ich war leider nicht zuhause!
hi all

bin jetzt auch stolzer besitzer von dem msi ex 623 notebook!

was ich auch jetzt neu hab ist vista! vorher hatte ich nur xp und auch kein notebook.

Mein problem ist das ich ein headset habe und es auch eingesteckt hab, aber der sound kommt immer noch über die lautsprecher. und das micro kann ich auch nicht aktivieren.

ich hab zwar herausgefunden das man die kopfhörer als standard einrichten kann, da hör ich auch sound über die kopfhörer aber wenn ich die ausstecke hör ich kein sound mehr aus den lautsprechern.

Was ich will:

notebook ohne headset ---> voller klang über die Lautsprecher
Headset eingesteckt ---> Klang über headset und Micro funktion über headset

Was muss ich da bei vista einstellen? gibts evtl ne tastenfunktion ?
Ergänzung ()

kann die frage selbstbeantworten:

einfach ein aktuellen treiber drauf machen:


nebenbei hört sich der sound auch nun besser an :-)

I should like to upgrade my cpu too , what kind of Intel cpu I need to buy , can someone help me and tell me what I need ,,,,
Someone above wrote about the P8600 und P8400 , and I can get a 8400 , I have the leatest bios on my lappy , what else I do need to make the upgrade ?

I forgot ,,,,,,,,,,,,,do I need to change the ram too ? or I can still use the one I have already in ?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
you have 667mhz ram inside. you don´t must changse this, but you can when you will, use faster ram.

you can use the p8600 without problems.
Thanks Likezero ,

I will get the 8400 than bu I will use the old ram I have right now .
The Intel 8400 needs less watt than the cpu we have on now ?
yes. the pentium dualcore t3400 has an energyusage from 35W. the p series from intel has only 25W.
LikeZero ,,, so you are 100% sure that it will work the intel 8400 ?

yes... read this thread :D Denn1s82 use a core2duo p8300 engine sample, works great. and the eu version from the ex625 (this has the same motherboard) use also a p8400 and other cpu´s.

when the bios don´t found the cpu exactly, don´t worry, the cpu works perfeclty under windows. but the bios (1.0L) is from january 2009 and support normaly all new mobil intel cpu´s witch you can use with the intel pm45 chipset. and the p8400 is not the youngest cpu :)
the best way is an auction... this you must search :D or wait... then you become this cpu for a realy low price.... Denn1s82 pay for his cpu only 7 euros incl. shipping :)
i know and he know´s also :) the seller buy the cpu for 90euros, but he can´t use it in his laptop... that the reason for the ebay auction.. end the best thing, this is an engine sample !
The former owner thought he can use the cpu with a 800MHz FSB-Motherboard. This doesn't work. He wrote that in his auction. Maybe other interested users thought that the CPU is broken. On the other hand possibly nobody looked for a P8300 because a P8300 doesn't exist officially.
I've done a bid up to maximum 15€. So it was all or nothing. In the worst case I burned up 15€ but if it works and it does, I made an "Almost-Centrino" ;)

Denn1s82 pay for his cpu only 7 euros incl. shipping
5,51€ + 4€ shipping ;) But don't forget the Centrino2-Sticker (1,45€ incl. shipping)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:

So you just changed your cpu with the P8300 ? did you change also the ram or you still use the old one (ddr2 667) ??

How works the new cpu ? does it runs colder ? is it faster ?

and was easy to change the cpu ? any problems ?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
So you just changed your cpu with the P8300 ? did you change also the ram or you still use the old one (ddr2 667) ??
Why should I change the RAM? RAMs clock is 333MHz. CPUs clock is 266MHz. So there is no need to change the RAM because of a CPU-Exchange. As long as the CPUs FSB-Clock is even or lower than RAMs clock it works!

How works the new cpu?
I can't compair a lot. I compaired SuperPI 1M an 3D Marks CPU-Score.
The SuperPI-Time decrease from 42 seconds to 24 seconds (lower is better).
The CPU-Score rised from 1800Pts to 1860Pts. Its not much, but the CPU run with 66MHz less than the T3400.

does it runs colder ?
I can't read out the temperture of this CPU (maybe because it is an Engineering Sample). But the THRM-Temperature was almost even the CPU-Temperature. It is about 10° lower than before.

I can't feel any difference between the P8300 an the T3400. The CPUs performances are almost the same in all-day-usage. I didn't bought it to make my Notebook faster but I wanted it colder. While playing any games, the T3400 heated up to 82°C! Another reason was the manufacturing technology. 45nm and P-Series means a significant better energyusage an temperature.

and was easy to change the cpu ? any problems ?
It was the first time I opened a notebook like that. So I was a little nervous an afraid to cause any damages. If I would do it again, it may take something about 10 minutes oder less. It is much easier as it sounds. You have to open the bottomplate of the Notebook. After it is open you have to remove 4 screws on the graphicscard an 3 screws near the CPU-socket. Than you can lift up the heatpipe. Now you can see the CPU. On the right side of the socket there is another screw. You have to spin this screw 180° counter clockwise! This unlocks the CPU. Now just change the CPUs and don't forget to clean the cooler an use new thermal paste.
I take a pic from LikeZero to show...

That's all...
ok thanks for all that , I bought the new cpu in ebay (p8400) and once is arrived I will post how it works .....
I need a faster cpu because I use photoshop so I should get a big improvement with a faster cpu .

best regards to all of them in this forum
I don't think you will have much additional Performance. Just 100MHz more and a little advantage due the cache and the architecture. But it will be cooler. I am waiting for your report ;)
the cache should make a big different , I see that with my 2 desktop pcs

I will let you know once the cpu is arrived and on my lappy
So, dann will ich mich hier auch mal zu Wort melden:D

Bin nun seit gut nem Monat Besitzer eines ex623. Bin an sich auch echt zufrieden, die angesprochenen Probleme mit Lüfter, oder dem Tastaturlayout stören mich wenig bis gar nicht.
Ein Probleme hab ich allerdings doch:

Hab ab und an immer mal wieder Grafik-Fehler/Probleme (speziell beim Zocken), die sich durch verschobene Pixel, Standbild, etc. ausdrücken. Meist mit nem einfachen Drücken der Windows-Taste behoben, kann es sein dass die Fehler sich auch auf auserhalb des Games ausweiten, dort immer krasser werden und nur durch nen Neustart wieder verschwinden. Auch Blue-Screen kommt manchmal vor.
Die Windows Fehlersuche hat nun behauptet, dass es n Problem des Grafiktreibers is. Bis vor kurzem war der Treiber aber der aktuelle. Nun is ja n neuer veröffentlicht worden (http://www.nvidia.de/object/geforce_notebook_winvista_185.85_whql_de.html)
Wenn ich jedoch versuche den zu installieren, kommt im Setup ne Fehlermeldung, dass kein Treiber für die vorhandene Hardware gefunden werden konnte. Auch ne Installation über den Gerate-Manager is nicht sonderlich erfolgreich

Wär echt spitze, wenn mir jmd. weiterhelfen könnte;)
Just download the leatest driver from http://www.laptopvideo2go.com/

and see if the problem comes up again .
I do not play so much , I just played with Fifa09 and X- Wolverine and I had no problems at all , and never had any blue screen , but I have windows xp .