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Nai's Benchmarkthread
- Ersteller Nai
- Erstellt am
Vice Admiral
- Registriert
- Juni 2013
- Beiträge
- 6.207
ok ich habe mit der Version von VultureX die ja auch zuerst raus kam getesetet
Aber ich werde mal mit deiner Version Testen
Aber ist es den egal , ob ich nun direkt meiner GTX750 Teste oder die Igpu als Primary Karte verwende , da Windows ja auch Grafik Speicher Reserviert und dies den Vram Ausbremst ?
Weil manche im Forum behaupteten mein Test wäre völlig sinnlos und ich sollte DWM ausschalten , und ich hätte keine Ahnung und son scheiß
Eine Ausgabe der Ergebnisse funktionierte ja , aber es lahmt am ende genau so wie bei der GTX970

ok ich habe mit der Version von VultureX die ja auch zuerst raus kam getesetet
Aber ich werde mal mit deiner Version Testen
Aber ist es den egal , ob ich nun direkt meiner GTX750 Teste oder die Igpu als Primary Karte verwende , da Windows ja auch Grafik Speicher Reserviert und dies den Vram Ausbremst ?
Weil manche im Forum behaupteten mein Test wäre völlig sinnlos und ich sollte DWM ausschalten , und ich hätte keine Ahnung und son scheiß
Eine Ausgabe der Ergebnisse funktionierte ja , aber es lahmt am ende genau so wie bei der GTX970

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Vice Admiral
- Registriert
- Juni 2013
- Beiträge
- 6.207
ok , Danke ich werde es Morgen mal erneut Testen
Aber es gibt wohl Problem mit FC4 und über 3,5GB
Aber echt noch Danke für deine Arbeit en dem Tool , super das dieser schwindel von Nvidia mal aufgeflogen ist ^^
sollten die Ergebnisse dennoch schwanken kann mann dann davon ausgehen das die GTX750 die ja auch ne Maxwell ist auch von disem Fehler betroffen ist ?
ok , Danke ich werde es Morgen mal erneut Testen
Aber es gibt wohl Problem mit FC4 und über 3,5GB
Aber echt noch Danke für deine Arbeit en dem Tool , super das dieser schwindel von Nvidia mal aufgeflogen ist ^^
sollten die Ergebnisse dennoch schwanken kann mann dann davon ausgehen das die GTX750 die ja auch ne Maxwell ist auch von disem Fehler betroffen ist ?
- Registriert
- Aug. 2012
- Beiträge
- 1.586
Kann mir jemand bitte einmal die neuste Version aus dem Thread mit einer Geforce 970 Benchmarken und mir dann das ganze nicht per Screenshot sondern als Text mit Hilfe von strg c+strg v posten ? Am besten ohne den DRAM der GPU über die Verwendung einer IGPU oder durch deaktivieren des WDMs zu leeren.
- Registriert
- Nov. 2008
- Beiträge
- 184
Bitte schön, diesmal ohne irgendwas an Windows verändert zu haben.
Device name: GeForce GTX 970
Device memory size: 4096 MiByte
Chunk Size: 128 MiByte
Allocated 30 Chunks
Allocated 3840 MiByte
Benchmarking L2 cache size
L2 cache size of chunk no. 0 (0 MiByte to 128 MiByte): 1856 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 1 (128 MiByte to 256 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 2 (256 MiByte to 384 MiByte): 64 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 3 (384 MiByte to 512 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 4 (512 MiByte to 640 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 5 (640 MiByte to 768 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 6 (768 MiByte to 896 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 7 (896 MiByte to 1024 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 8 (1024 MiByte to 1152 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 9 (1152 MiByte to 1280 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 10 (1280 MiByte to 1408 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 11 (1408 MiByte to 1536 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 12 (1536 MiByte to 1664 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 13 (1664 MiByte to 1792 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 14 (1792 MiByte to 1920 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 15 (1920 MiByte to 2048 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 16 (2048 MiByte to 2176 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 17 (2176 MiByte to 2304 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 18 (2304 MiByte to 2432 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 19 (2432 MiByte to 2560 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 20 (2560 MiByte to 2688 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 21 (2688 MiByte to 2816 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 22 (2816 MiByte to 2944 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 23 (2944 MiByte to 3072 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 24 (3072 MiByte to 3200 MiByte): 256 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 25 (3200 MiByte to 3328 MiByte): 256 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 26 (3328 MiByte to 3456 MiByte): 256 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 27 (3456 MiByte to 3584 MiByte): 256 kiByte
Error estimating L2 cache size of chunk no. 28 (3584 MiByte to 3712 MiByte) prob
ably because of swapping!
Error estimating L2 cache size of chunk no. 29 (3712 MiByte to 3840 MiByte) prob
ably because of swapping!
Benchmarking DRAM
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 0 (0 MiByte to 128 MiByte):150.04 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 1 (128 MiByte to 256 MiByte):150.17 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 2 (256 MiByte to 384 MiByte):150.09 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 3 (384 MiByte to 512 MiByte):150.73 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 4 (512 MiByte to 640 MiByte):149.73 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 5 (640 MiByte to 768 MiByte):150.54 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 6 (768 MiByte to 896 MiByte):150.31 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 7 (896 MiByte to 1024 MiByte):150.45 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 8 (1024 MiByte to 1152 MiByte):150.73 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 9 (1152 MiByte to 1280 MiByte):150.40 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 10 (1280 MiByte to 1408 MiByte):150.76 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 11 (1408 MiByte to 1536 MiByte):150.50 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 12 (1536 MiByte to 1664 MiByte):150.45 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 13 (1664 MiByte to 1792 MiByte):150.17 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 14 (1792 MiByte to 1920 MiByte):150.88 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 15 (1920 MiByte to 2048 MiByte):149.92 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 16 (2048 MiByte to 2176 MiByte):150.36 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 17 (2176 MiByte to 2304 MiByte):150.40 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 18 (2304 MiByte to 2432 MiByte):150.02 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 19 (2432 MiByte to 2560 MiByte):150.74 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 20 (2560 MiByte to 2688 MiByte):150.43 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 21 (2688 MiByte to 2816 MiByte):150.16 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 22 (2816 MiByte to 2944 MiByte):150.95 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 23 (2944 MiByte to 3072 MiByte):150.26 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 24 (3072 MiByte to 3200 MiByte):22.35 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 25 (3200 MiByte to 3328 MiByte):22.35 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 26 (3328 MiByte to 3456 MiByte):22.35 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 27 (3456 MiByte to 3584 MiByte):27.49 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 28 (3584 MiByte to 3712 MiByte):12.73 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 29 (3712 MiByte to 3840 MiByte):12.74 GByte/s
Benchmarking L2 cache
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 0 (0 MiByte to 128 MiByte):396.64 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 1 (128 MiByte to 256 MiByte):396.92 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 2 (256 MiByte to 384 MiByte):396.85 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 3 (384 MiByte to 512 MiByte):397.00 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 4 (512 MiByte to 640 MiByte):396.97 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 5 (640 MiByte to 768 MiByte):396.66 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 6 (768 MiByte to 896 MiByte):396.78 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 7 (896 MiByte to 1024 MiByte):396.52 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 8 (1024 MiByte to 1152 MiByte):396.59 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 9 (1152 MiByte to 1280 MiByte):396.59 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 10 (1280 MiByte to 1408 MiByte):396.61 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 11 (1408 MiByte to 1536 MiByte):396.83 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 12 (1536 MiByte to 1664 MiByte):396.68 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 13 (1664 MiByte to 1792 MiByte):396.61 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 14 (1792 MiByte to 1920 MiByte):396.59 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 15 (1920 MiByte to 2048 MiByte):396.54 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 16 (2048 MiByte to 2176 MiByte):396.88 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 17 (2176 MiByte to 2304 MiByte):396.80 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 18 (2304 MiByte to 2432 MiByte):396.92 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 19 (2432 MiByte to 2560 MiByte):396.78 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 20 (2560 MiByte to 2688 MiByte):396.71 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 21 (2688 MiByte to 2816 MiByte):396.76 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 22 (2816 MiByte to 2944 MiByte):396.90 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 23 (2944 MiByte to 3072 MiByte):397.04 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 24 (3072 MiByte to 3200 MiByte):71.22 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 25 (3200 MiByte to 3328 MiByte):71.22 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 26 (3328 MiByte to 3456 MiByte):71.22 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 27 (3456 MiByte to 3584 MiByte):86.81 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 28 (3584 MiByte to 3712 MiByte):12.71 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 29 (3712 MiByte to 3840 MiByte):12.72 GByte/s
- Registriert
- Jan. 2004
- Beiträge
- 715
Bei mir hats wohl ein Betrunkener Russe mit dem Vorschlaghammer zusammengeklöppelt. 
Dieses "Performance Loch" erscheint bei mir schon früher als bei den anderen.

Dieses "Performance Loch" erscheint bei mir schon früher als bei den anderen.
Device name: GeForce GTX 970
Device memory size: 4096 MiByte
Chunk Size: 128 MiByte
Allocated 30 Chunks
Allocated 3840 MiByte
Benchmarking L2 cache size
L2 cache size of chunk no. 0 (0 MiByte to 128 MiByte): 1920 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 1 (128 MiByte to 256 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 2 (256 MiByte to 384 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 3 (384 MiByte to 512 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 4 (512 MiByte to 640 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 5 (640 MiByte to 768 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 6 (768 MiByte to 896 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 7 (896 MiByte to 1024 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 8 (1024 MiByte to 1152 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 9 (1152 MiByte to 1280 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 10 (1280 MiByte to 1408 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 11 (1408 MiByte to 1536 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 12 (1536 MiByte to 1664 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 13 (1664 MiByte to 1792 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 14 (1792 MiByte to 1920 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 15 (1920 MiByte to 2048 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 16 (2048 MiByte to 2176 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 17 (2176 MiByte to 2304 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 18 (2304 MiByte to 2432 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 19 (2432 MiByte to 2560 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 20 (2560 MiByte to 2688 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 21 (2688 MiByte to 2816 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 22 (2816 MiByte to 2944 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 23 (2944 MiByte to 3072 MiByte): 256 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 24 (3072 MiByte to 3200 MiByte): 256 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 25 (3200 MiByte to 3328 MiByte): 256 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 26 (3328 MiByte to 3456 MiByte): 256 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 27 (3456 MiByte to 3584 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 28 (3584 MiByte to 3712 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
Error estimating L2 cache size of chunk no. 29 (3712 MiByte to 3840 MiByte) pro
ably because of swapping!
Benchmarking DRAM
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 0 (0 MiByte to 128 MiByte):151.18 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 1 (128 MiByte to 256 MiByte):151.11 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 2 (256 MiByte to 384 MiByte):151.74 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 3 (384 MiByte to 512 MiByte):151.23 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 4 (512 MiByte to 640 MiByte):151.56 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 5 (640 MiByte to 768 MiByte):151.25 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 6 (768 MiByte to 896 MiByte):151.70 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 7 (896 MiByte to 1024 MiByte):151.30 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 8 (1024 MiByte to 1152 MiByte):151.62 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 9 (1152 MiByte to 1280 MiByte):151.49 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 10 (1280 MiByte to 1408 MiByte):151.28 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 11 (1408 MiByte to 1536 MiByte):151.42 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 12 (1536 MiByte to 1664 MiByte):151.49 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 13 (1664 MiByte to 1792 MiByte):151.81 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 14 (1792 MiByte to 1920 MiByte):151.25 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 15 (1920 MiByte to 2048 MiByte):151.81 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 16 (2048 MiByte to 2176 MiByte):151.53 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 17 (2176 MiByte to 2304 MiByte):151.41 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 18 (2304 MiByte to 2432 MiByte):151.21 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 19 (2432 MiByte to 2560 MiByte):151.63 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 20 (2560 MiByte to 2688 MiByte):151.42 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 21 (2688 MiByte to 2816 MiByte):151.46 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 22 (2816 MiByte to 2944 MiByte):66.57 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 23 (2944 MiByte to 3072 MiByte):22.19 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 24 (3072 MiByte to 3200 MiByte):22.19 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 25 (3200 MiByte to 3328 MiByte):22.19 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 26 (3328 MiByte to 3456 MiByte):46.30 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 27 (3456 MiByte to 3584 MiByte):151.46 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 28 (3584 MiByte to 3712 MiByte):66.70 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 29 (3712 MiByte to 3840 MiByte):13.14 GByte/s
Benchmarking L2 cache
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 0 (0 MiByte to 128 MiByte):433.50 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 1 (128 MiByte to 256 MiByte):433.84 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 2 (256 MiByte to 384 MiByte):433.93 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 3 (384 MiByte to 512 MiByte):433.98 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 4 (512 MiByte to 640 MiByte):433.73 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 5 (640 MiByte to 768 MiByte):433.90 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 6 (768 MiByte to 896 MiByte):433.61 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 7 (896 MiByte to 1024 MiByte):434.07 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 8 (1024 MiByte to 1152 MiByte):433.64 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 9 (1152 MiByte to 1280 MiByte):433.78 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 10 (1280 MiByte to 1408 MiByte):433.90 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 11 (1408 MiByte to 1536 MiByte):433.75 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 12 (1536 MiByte to 1664 MiByte):433.70 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 13 (1664 MiByte to 1792 MiByte):433.35 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 14 (1792 MiByte to 1920 MiByte):434.07 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 15 (1920 MiByte to 2048 MiByte):433.55 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 16 (2048 MiByte to 2176 MiByte):433.73 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 17 (2176 MiByte to 2304 MiByte):433.61 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 18 (2304 MiByte to 2432 MiByte):433.81 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 19 (2432 MiByte to 2560 MiByte):433.87 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 20 (2560 MiByte to 2688 MiByte):433.78 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 21 (2688 MiByte to 2816 MiByte):433.81 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 22 (2816 MiByte to 2944 MiByte):217.22 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 23 (2944 MiByte to 3072 MiByte):78.01 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 24 (3072 MiByte to 3200 MiByte):78.01 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 25 (3200 MiByte to 3328 MiByte):78.02 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 26 (3328 MiByte to 3456 MiByte):156.07 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 27 (3456 MiByte to 3584 MiByte):433.84 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 28 (3584 MiByte to 3712 MiByte):217.22 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 29 (3712 MiByte to 3840 MiByte):13.08 GByte/s
Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .
Device memory size: 4096 MiByte
Chunk Size: 128 MiByte
Allocated 30 Chunks
Allocated 3840 MiByte
Benchmarking L2 cache size
L2 cache size of chunk no. 0 (0 MiByte to 128 MiByte): 1920 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 1 (128 MiByte to 256 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 2 (256 MiByte to 384 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 3 (384 MiByte to 512 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 4 (512 MiByte to 640 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 5 (640 MiByte to 768 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 6 (768 MiByte to 896 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 7 (896 MiByte to 1024 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 8 (1024 MiByte to 1152 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 9 (1152 MiByte to 1280 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 10 (1280 MiByte to 1408 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 11 (1408 MiByte to 1536 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 12 (1536 MiByte to 1664 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 13 (1664 MiByte to 1792 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 14 (1792 MiByte to 1920 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 15 (1920 MiByte to 2048 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 16 (2048 MiByte to 2176 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 17 (2176 MiByte to 2304 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 18 (2304 MiByte to 2432 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 19 (2432 MiByte to 2560 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 20 (2560 MiByte to 2688 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 21 (2688 MiByte to 2816 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 22 (2816 MiByte to 2944 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 23 (2944 MiByte to 3072 MiByte): 256 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 24 (3072 MiByte to 3200 MiByte): 256 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 25 (3200 MiByte to 3328 MiByte): 256 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 26 (3328 MiByte to 3456 MiByte): 256 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 27 (3456 MiByte to 3584 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 28 (3584 MiByte to 3712 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
Error estimating L2 cache size of chunk no. 29 (3712 MiByte to 3840 MiByte) pro
ably because of swapping!
Benchmarking DRAM
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 0 (0 MiByte to 128 MiByte):151.18 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 1 (128 MiByte to 256 MiByte):151.11 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 2 (256 MiByte to 384 MiByte):151.74 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 3 (384 MiByte to 512 MiByte):151.23 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 4 (512 MiByte to 640 MiByte):151.56 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 5 (640 MiByte to 768 MiByte):151.25 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 6 (768 MiByte to 896 MiByte):151.70 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 7 (896 MiByte to 1024 MiByte):151.30 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 8 (1024 MiByte to 1152 MiByte):151.62 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 9 (1152 MiByte to 1280 MiByte):151.49 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 10 (1280 MiByte to 1408 MiByte):151.28 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 11 (1408 MiByte to 1536 MiByte):151.42 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 12 (1536 MiByte to 1664 MiByte):151.49 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 13 (1664 MiByte to 1792 MiByte):151.81 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 14 (1792 MiByte to 1920 MiByte):151.25 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 15 (1920 MiByte to 2048 MiByte):151.81 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 16 (2048 MiByte to 2176 MiByte):151.53 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 17 (2176 MiByte to 2304 MiByte):151.41 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 18 (2304 MiByte to 2432 MiByte):151.21 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 19 (2432 MiByte to 2560 MiByte):151.63 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 20 (2560 MiByte to 2688 MiByte):151.42 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 21 (2688 MiByte to 2816 MiByte):151.46 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 22 (2816 MiByte to 2944 MiByte):66.57 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 23 (2944 MiByte to 3072 MiByte):22.19 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 24 (3072 MiByte to 3200 MiByte):22.19 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 25 (3200 MiByte to 3328 MiByte):22.19 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 26 (3328 MiByte to 3456 MiByte):46.30 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 27 (3456 MiByte to 3584 MiByte):151.46 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 28 (3584 MiByte to 3712 MiByte):66.70 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 29 (3712 MiByte to 3840 MiByte):13.14 GByte/s
Benchmarking L2 cache
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 0 (0 MiByte to 128 MiByte):433.50 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 1 (128 MiByte to 256 MiByte):433.84 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 2 (256 MiByte to 384 MiByte):433.93 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 3 (384 MiByte to 512 MiByte):433.98 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 4 (512 MiByte to 640 MiByte):433.73 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 5 (640 MiByte to 768 MiByte):433.90 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 6 (768 MiByte to 896 MiByte):433.61 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 7 (896 MiByte to 1024 MiByte):434.07 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 8 (1024 MiByte to 1152 MiByte):433.64 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 9 (1152 MiByte to 1280 MiByte):433.78 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 10 (1280 MiByte to 1408 MiByte):433.90 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 11 (1408 MiByte to 1536 MiByte):433.75 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 12 (1536 MiByte to 1664 MiByte):433.70 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 13 (1664 MiByte to 1792 MiByte):433.35 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 14 (1792 MiByte to 1920 MiByte):434.07 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 15 (1920 MiByte to 2048 MiByte):433.55 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 16 (2048 MiByte to 2176 MiByte):433.73 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 17 (2176 MiByte to 2304 MiByte):433.61 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 18 (2304 MiByte to 2432 MiByte):433.81 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 19 (2432 MiByte to 2560 MiByte):433.87 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 20 (2560 MiByte to 2688 MiByte):433.78 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 21 (2688 MiByte to 2816 MiByte):433.81 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 22 (2816 MiByte to 2944 MiByte):217.22 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 23 (2944 MiByte to 3072 MiByte):78.01 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 24 (3072 MiByte to 3200 MiByte):78.01 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 25 (3200 MiByte to 3328 MiByte):78.02 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 26 (3328 MiByte to 3456 MiByte):156.07 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 27 (3456 MiByte to 3584 MiByte):433.84 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 28 (3584 MiByte to 3712 MiByte):217.22 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 29 (3712 MiByte to 3840 MiByte):13.08 GByte/s
Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .
Vice Admiral
- Registriert
- Juni 2013
- Beiträge
- 6.207
so habe nochmals einen Benchmark mit der Neusten Version gemacht
Ich habe diesmal die Monitor Auflösung von 2560x1080 auf 1024x768 abgesenkt eben das Niedrigste was unter Win8 geht und natürlich noch alle Programme die so im Hintergrund liefen
zusätzlich habe ich noch das DVI-D Kabel von der Graka abgezogen , DWM habe ich noch nicht Deaktiviert

so habe nochmals einen Benchmark mit der Neusten Version gemacht
Ich habe diesmal die Monitor Auflösung von 2560x1080 auf 1024x768 abgesenkt eben das Niedrigste was unter Win8 geht und natürlich noch alle Programme die so im Hintergrund liefen
zusätzlich habe ich noch das DVI-D Kabel von der Graka abgezogen , DWM habe ich noch nicht Deaktiviert

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
- Registriert
- Feb. 2011
- Beiträge
- 192
hab meine Palit Jetstream mal ein Bioupdate vom 28.01 gemacht. Hat sich da was gebessert?
Nai's Cache Size Benchmark
This Benchmark tries to roughly estimate the L2 cache size in
CUDA by benchmarking memory latencies for differently sized
working sets and different chunks of global memory.
Use it without anything in the DRAM of your GPU or else
the swapping behaviour of the GPU may corrupt the measurement.
If the benchmark produces strange outputs nevertheless,
there is a high proability that this benchmark is not working
as intended. Your GPU is probably just fine. So please stop
making annoying whine posts in any forums, if this benchmark
produces a suspicous output.
Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .
Device name: GeForce GTX 970
Device memory size: 4096 MiByte
Chunk Size: 128 MiByte
Allocated 30 Chunks
Allocated 3840 MiByte
Benchmarking L2 cache size
L2 cache size of chunk no. 0 (0 MiByte to 128 MiByte): 1920 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 1 (128 MiByte to 256 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 2 (256 MiByte to 384 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 3 (384 MiByte to 512 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 4 (512 MiByte to 640 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 5 (640 MiByte to 768 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 6 (768 MiByte to 896 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 7 (896 MiByte to 1024 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 8 (1024 MiByte to 1152 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 9 (1152 MiByte to 1280 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 10 (1280 MiByte to 1408 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 11 (1408 MiByte to 1536 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 12 (1536 MiByte to 1664 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 13 (1664 MiByte to 1792 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 14 (1792 MiByte to 1920 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 15 (1920 MiByte to 2048 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 16 (2048 MiByte to 2176 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 17 (2176 MiByte to 2304 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 18 (2304 MiByte to 2432 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 19 (2432 MiByte to 2560 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 20 (2560 MiByte to 2688 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 21 (2688 MiByte to 2816 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 22 (2816 MiByte to 2944 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 23 (2944 MiByte to 3072 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 24 (3072 MiByte to 3200 MiByte): 256 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 25 (3200 MiByte to 3328 MiByte): 256 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 26 (3328 MiByte to 3456 MiByte): 256 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 27 (3456 MiByte to 3584 MiByte): 256 kiByte
Error estimating L2 cache size of chunk no. 28 (3584 MiByte to 3712 MiByte) pr
ably because of swapping!
Error estimating L2 cache size of chunk no. 29 (3712 MiByte to 3840 MiByte) pr
ably because of swapping!
Benchmarking DRAM
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 0 (0 MiByte to 128 MiByte):150.73 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 1 (128 MiByte to 256 MiByte):150.48 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 2 (256 MiByte to 384 MiByte):150.81 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 3 (384 MiByte to 512 MiByte):149.87 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 4 (512 MiByte to 640 MiByte):150.87 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 5 (640 MiByte to 768 MiByte):150.43 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 6 (768 MiByte to 896 MiByte):150.57 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 7 (896 MiByte to 1024 MiByte):150.45 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 8 (1024 MiByte to 1152 MiByte):150.12 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 9 (1152 MiByte to 1280 MiByte):150.59 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 10 (1280 MiByte to 1408 MiByte):149.88 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 11 (1408 MiByte to 1536 MiByte):150.78 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 12 (1536 MiByte to 1664 MiByte):150.07 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 13 (1664 MiByte to 1792 MiByte):150.50 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 14 (1792 MiByte to 1920 MiByte):150.11 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 15 (1920 MiByte to 2048 MiByte):150.73 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 16 (2048 MiByte to 2176 MiByte):150.80 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 17 (2176 MiByte to 2304 MiByte):150.62 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 18 (2304 MiByte to 2432 MiByte):150.43 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 19 (2432 MiByte to 2560 MiByte):150.11 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 20 (2560 MiByte to 2688 MiByte):150.85 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 21 (2688 MiByte to 2816 MiByte):150.54 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 22 (2816 MiByte to 2944 MiByte):151.23 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 23 (2944 MiByte to 3072 MiByte):150.76 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 24 (3072 MiByte to 3200 MiByte):22.35 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 25 (3200 MiByte to 3328 MiByte):22.35 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 26 (3328 MiByte to 3456 MiByte):22.35 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 27 (3456 MiByte to 3584 MiByte):27.48 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 28 (3584 MiByte to 3712 MiByte):12.34 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 29 (3712 MiByte to 3840 MiByte):12.33 GByte/s
Benchmarking L2 cache
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 0 (0 MiByte to 128 MiByte):428.03 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 1 (128 MiByte to 256 MiByte):427.95 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 2 (256 MiByte to 384 MiByte):428.09 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 3 (384 MiByte to 512 MiByte):427.98 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 4 (512 MiByte to 640 MiByte):428.23 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 5 (640 MiByte to 768 MiByte):428.12 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 6 (768 MiByte to 896 MiByte):427.95 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 7 (896 MiByte to 1024 MiByte):428.42 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 8 (1024 MiByte to 1152 MiByte):428.09 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 9 (1152 MiByte to 1280 MiByte):428.23 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 10 (1280 MiByte to 1408 MiByte):428.31 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 11 (1408 MiByte to 1536 MiByte):428.06 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 12 (1536 MiByte to 1664 MiByte):428.03 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 13 (1664 MiByte to 1792 MiByte):427.84 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 14 (1792 MiByte to 1920 MiByte):428.14 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 15 (1920 MiByte to 2048 MiByte):428.42 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 16 (2048 MiByte to 2176 MiByte):427.67 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 17 (2176 MiByte to 2304 MiByte):428.31 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 18 (2304 MiByte to 2432 MiByte):428.20 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 19 (2432 MiByte to 2560 MiByte):428.03 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 20 (2560 MiByte to 2688 MiByte):427.81 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 21 (2688 MiByte to 2816 MiByte):428.14 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 22 (2816 MiByte to 2944 MiByte):428.09 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 23 (2944 MiByte to 3072 MiByte):427.98 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 24 (3072 MiByte to 3200 MiByte):76.81 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 25 (3200 MiByte to 3328 MiByte):76.80 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 26 (3328 MiByte to 3456 MiByte):76.80 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 27 (3456 MiByte to 3584 MiByte):93.62 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 28 (3584 MiByte to 3712 MiByte):11.29 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 29 (3712 MiByte to 3840 MiByte):11.29 GByte/s
Nai's Cache Size Benchmark
This Benchmark tries to roughly estimate the L2 cache size in
CUDA by benchmarking memory latencies for differently sized
working sets and different chunks of global memory.
Use it without anything in the DRAM of your GPU or else
the swapping behaviour of the GPU may corrupt the measurement.
If the benchmark produces strange outputs nevertheless,
there is a high proability that this benchmark is not working
as intended. Your GPU is probably just fine. So please stop
making annoying whine posts in any forums, if this benchmark
produces a suspicous output.
Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .
Device name: GeForce GTX 970
Device memory size: 4096 MiByte
Chunk Size: 128 MiByte
Allocated 30 Chunks
Allocated 3840 MiByte
Benchmarking L2 cache size
L2 cache size of chunk no. 0 (0 MiByte to 128 MiByte): 1920 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 1 (128 MiByte to 256 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 2 (256 MiByte to 384 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 3 (384 MiByte to 512 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 4 (512 MiByte to 640 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 5 (640 MiByte to 768 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 6 (768 MiByte to 896 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 7 (896 MiByte to 1024 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 8 (1024 MiByte to 1152 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 9 (1152 MiByte to 1280 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 10 (1280 MiByte to 1408 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 11 (1408 MiByte to 1536 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 12 (1536 MiByte to 1664 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 13 (1664 MiByte to 1792 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 14 (1792 MiByte to 1920 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 15 (1920 MiByte to 2048 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 16 (2048 MiByte to 2176 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 17 (2176 MiByte to 2304 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 18 (2304 MiByte to 2432 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 19 (2432 MiByte to 2560 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 20 (2560 MiByte to 2688 MiByte): 1728 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 21 (2688 MiByte to 2816 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 22 (2816 MiByte to 2944 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 23 (2944 MiByte to 3072 MiByte): 1792 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 24 (3072 MiByte to 3200 MiByte): 256 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 25 (3200 MiByte to 3328 MiByte): 256 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 26 (3328 MiByte to 3456 MiByte): 256 kiByte
L2 cache size of chunk no. 27 (3456 MiByte to 3584 MiByte): 256 kiByte
Error estimating L2 cache size of chunk no. 28 (3584 MiByte to 3712 MiByte) pr
ably because of swapping!
Error estimating L2 cache size of chunk no. 29 (3712 MiByte to 3840 MiByte) pr
ably because of swapping!
Benchmarking DRAM
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 0 (0 MiByte to 128 MiByte):150.73 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 1 (128 MiByte to 256 MiByte):150.48 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 2 (256 MiByte to 384 MiByte):150.81 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 3 (384 MiByte to 512 MiByte):149.87 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 4 (512 MiByte to 640 MiByte):150.87 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 5 (640 MiByte to 768 MiByte):150.43 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 6 (768 MiByte to 896 MiByte):150.57 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 7 (896 MiByte to 1024 MiByte):150.45 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 8 (1024 MiByte to 1152 MiByte):150.12 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 9 (1152 MiByte to 1280 MiByte):150.59 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 10 (1280 MiByte to 1408 MiByte):149.88 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 11 (1408 MiByte to 1536 MiByte):150.78 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 12 (1536 MiByte to 1664 MiByte):150.07 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 13 (1664 MiByte to 1792 MiByte):150.50 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 14 (1792 MiByte to 1920 MiByte):150.11 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 15 (1920 MiByte to 2048 MiByte):150.73 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 16 (2048 MiByte to 2176 MiByte):150.80 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 17 (2176 MiByte to 2304 MiByte):150.62 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 18 (2304 MiByte to 2432 MiByte):150.43 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 19 (2432 MiByte to 2560 MiByte):150.11 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 20 (2560 MiByte to 2688 MiByte):150.85 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 21 (2688 MiByte to 2816 MiByte):150.54 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 22 (2816 MiByte to 2944 MiByte):151.23 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 23 (2944 MiByte to 3072 MiByte):150.76 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 24 (3072 MiByte to 3200 MiByte):22.35 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 25 (3200 MiByte to 3328 MiByte):22.35 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 26 (3328 MiByte to 3456 MiByte):22.35 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 27 (3456 MiByte to 3584 MiByte):27.48 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 28 (3584 MiByte to 3712 MiByte):12.34 GByte/s
DRAM bandwidth of chunk no. 29 (3712 MiByte to 3840 MiByte):12.33 GByte/s
Benchmarking L2 cache
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 0 (0 MiByte to 128 MiByte):428.03 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 1 (128 MiByte to 256 MiByte):427.95 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 2 (256 MiByte to 384 MiByte):428.09 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 3 (384 MiByte to 512 MiByte):427.98 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 4 (512 MiByte to 640 MiByte):428.23 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 5 (640 MiByte to 768 MiByte):428.12 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 6 (768 MiByte to 896 MiByte):427.95 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 7 (896 MiByte to 1024 MiByte):428.42 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 8 (1024 MiByte to 1152 MiByte):428.09 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 9 (1152 MiByte to 1280 MiByte):428.23 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 10 (1280 MiByte to 1408 MiByte):428.31 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 11 (1408 MiByte to 1536 MiByte):428.06 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 12 (1536 MiByte to 1664 MiByte):428.03 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 13 (1664 MiByte to 1792 MiByte):427.84 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 14 (1792 MiByte to 1920 MiByte):428.14 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 15 (1920 MiByte to 2048 MiByte):428.42 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 16 (2048 MiByte to 2176 MiByte):427.67 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 17 (2176 MiByte to 2304 MiByte):428.31 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 18 (2304 MiByte to 2432 MiByte):428.20 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 19 (2432 MiByte to 2560 MiByte):428.03 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 20 (2560 MiByte to 2688 MiByte):427.81 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 21 (2688 MiByte to 2816 MiByte):428.14 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 22 (2816 MiByte to 2944 MiByte):428.09 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 23 (2944 MiByte to 3072 MiByte):427.98 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 24 (3072 MiByte to 3200 MiByte):76.81 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 25 (3200 MiByte to 3328 MiByte):76.80 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 26 (3328 MiByte to 3456 MiByte):76.80 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 27 (3456 MiByte to 3584 MiByte):93.62 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 28 (3584 MiByte to 3712 MiByte):11.29 GByte/s
L2 cache bandwidth of chunk no. 29 (3712 MiByte to 3840 MiByte):11.29 GByte/s
- Registriert
- Feb. 2011
- Beiträge
- 192
Werd ich evtl mal machen. Tendiere eher die Karte zurückzugeben und ne 980er zu holen wenn sich MF mal entscheidet. Bei AMD dauert das ja noch mit der 300er serie
- Registriert
- Apr. 2003
- Beiträge
- 677
mal ne Frage: man liest das Windows selber VRAM braucht im Fenstermodus der Eingabeaufforderung (200-500MB wohl). Wie kann ich ohne Fenstermodus testen - Vollbild? Bekomme ich nicht hin, im Netz finde ich immer nur Anleitungen mit der nur das Fenster vergrößert wird. Task-Leiste bleibt.
mal ne Frage: man liest das Windows selber VRAM braucht im Fenstermodus der Eingabeaufforderung (200-500MB wohl). Wie kann ich ohne Fenstermodus testen - Vollbild? Bekomme ich nicht hin, im Netz finde ich immer nur Anleitungen mit der nur das Fenster vergrößert wird. Task-Leiste bleibt.
- Registriert
- Apr. 2003
- Beiträge
- 677
TP555 schrieb:Re
Meinst du wie mann die Eingabeaufforderung (cmd.exe) im Vollbild Modus Darstellen kann ?
PS. Meine VRAM Auslastung ist 308MB laut GPUZ bei 2560x1080
Ja genau die cmd.exe - und ob das überhaupt geht. Also so das man nur "DOS" sieht. Wenn man ein Spiel startet und es in Fullscreen ausgibt, wird da noch die Windows GUI im VRAM geladen oder nicht. Darum gings mir jetzt.
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