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Test S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky im Test: Das Prequel mit DirectX-10-Unterstützung
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- Zum Test: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky im Test: Das Prequel mit DirectX-10-Unterstützung
- Registriert
- Mai 2007
- Beiträge
- 9.634
Новый патч. Исправления. Обновлено 18.09.08
Сообщаем, что в настоящий момент ведутся активные работы над патчем 1.5.05. Уже исправлены следующие ошибки:
- исправлен краш (smart_terrain.script:227: attempt to index local 'obj' (a nil value))
- исправлен краш (smart_terrain.script:1003: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value))
- исправлен краш (sim_combat.script:950: attempt to index a nil value)
- исправлен краш (sim_board.script:688: attempt to index local 'obj' (a nil value))
- исправлен краш (smart_terrain.script:288: attempt to call method 'clear_smart_terrain' (a nil value))
- исправлен краш (bind_monster.script:72: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value))
- исправлен краш (xr_effects.script:1607: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value))
- исправлен краш (! [LUA][ERROR] ERROR: There is no task with entity_id)
- исправлен краш (! [LUA][ERROR] ERROR: error. val_smart_terrain_5_0_freedom_antenna)
- небольшой ребаланс торговли и лута
- исправлена ситуация когда игрок покидает зону туториала (первая вылазка на Болота)
- исправлена выдача наград за вступления в группировки
- исправлены награды за уничтожение баз группировок
- исправлен краш во время диалога с враждебным техником
- добавлена возможность апгрейдить ГП37 у техников Свободы и Бандитов
- исправлен баг в системе отношений сталкеров
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!
- исправлен баг, когда проводник не хотел вести игрока на Кордон.(это связано с тем, что автосейв иногда сохранял не все данные, и однажды загрузив такой сейв игра становится непроходимой)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!
Ожидаемая дата выхода патча - 26.09.08
Sieht nicht viel aus, aber ich hab keine Ahnung was da steht.
@ ParaDee
Ja. Das ist viel besser.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Jane Dee
- Registriert
- Apr. 2004
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- 2.696
Das ist besser...
We inform you that at the moment are being actively work on a patch 1.5.05. Already corrected the following errors:
To let you know, right this moment, work is in progress with patch 1.5.05, list is incomplete,
but following changes have already implemented.
-- Corrected crash (smart_terrain.script: 227: attempt to index local 'obj' (a nil value))
-- Corrected crash (smart_terrain.script: 1003: attempt to index field '?' (A nil value))
-- Corrected crash (sim_combat.script: 950: attempt to index a nil value)
-- Corrected crash (sim_board.script: 688: attempt to index local 'obj' (a nil value))
-- Corrected crash (smart_terrain.script: 288: attempt to call method 'clear_smart_terrain' (a nil value))
-- Corrected crash (bind_monster.script: 72: attempt to index field '?' (A nil value))
-- Corrected crash (xr_effects.script: 1607: attempt to index field '?' (A nil value))
-- Corrected crash (! [LUA] [ERROR] ERROR: There is no task with entity_id)
-- Corrected crash (! [LUA] [ERROR] ERROR: error. Val_smart_terrain_5_0_freedom_antenna)
These various are crash fixes!
-- A small rebalans trade and luta - little rebalance in trading and looting.
-- Corrected the situation when a player leaves the zone tutoriala (first incursions into Bogs) - correction to situation,
when player abandons tutorial mission in swamps.
-- Corrected issuing awards for entry into factions - price payment fix, when (after?) Joining the faction.
-- Corrected award for the destruction of bases factions - fixed price payment, for completing a mission, when not
belonging to a faction
-- Corrected crash during a dialogue with hostile technician - crash fixed, when? Talking "to a technician
-- The possibility to upgrade GP37 technicians from Liberty and Banditov - Added the possibility to upgrade
gp37 in bandit and freedom faction
-- Corrected bug in the system of relations stalkers - Bug fixed in stalkers attitude
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
-- Bug fixes, when the conductor did not want to keep the player at the Cordon. (This is due to the fact that sometimes avtoseyv not retain all the data, and once downloading such seyv game becomes impassable) - fixed bug, when conductor did'nt take
player to the cordon, happened because auto-save did not save all the information and after loading it, game would
become uncompletable
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
The expected release date patch - 26.09.08 - supposed release date
Lt. Junior Grade
- Registriert
- Aug. 2007
- Beiträge
- 336
so ich habs jetzt durch . Zu meiner Schande nur auf Anfänger . Bei PSI-Schutz Strelok am AKW hatt sichs ein Paar mal derbe verladen . Strelok hab ich noch vor dem 1. Portal erwischt ( er steigt dann ganz nach unten auf die Erde links )
DAnn war sein Psi schutzweg und es wurde ein Paar mal schw. und dann sieht man mehrere Stalker rumliegen 1er mit Tatoo .
Giebts hier auch verschiedene Enden ?
DAnn war sein Psi schutzweg und es wurde ein Paar mal schw. und dann sieht man mehrere Stalker rumliegen 1er mit Tatoo .
Giebts hier auch verschiedene Enden ?
- Registriert
- Mai 2007
- Beiträge
- 9.634
Lt. Junior Grade
- Registriert
- Aug. 2007
- Beiträge
- 336
Schade . Ich fands im 1. Teil schon geil da hat ich wenigstens noch mal lust zum Spielen .
Trotzdem wars schön in der Zone .
Achja ich hatte mich keiner Fraktion angeschlossen - ist wohl eher für Online gedacht .
Strelok lebt bestimmt noch . ( 3. Teil ? )
Trotzdem wars schön in der Zone .
Achja ich hatte mich keiner Fraktion angeschlossen - ist wohl eher für Online gedacht .
Strelok lebt bestimmt noch . ( 3. Teil ? )
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
- Registriert
- Mai 2007
- Beiträge
- 9.634
Du musst aber daran denken, dass CS vor SoC spielt. Verschiedene Enden hätten ja verschiedene Auswirkungen auf SoC.
HAllo Freunde,
gibt es schon einen funktionierende Trainer für STALKER Clear Sky?
gibt es schon einen funktionierende Trainer für STALKER Clear Sky?
- Registriert
- Sep. 2008
- Beiträge
- 160
HeinzNeu schrieb:Gibt es schon einen funktionierenden Trainer für STALKER Clear Sky?
Schau mal bei gamecopyworld vorbei.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky v1.5.04 [EFIGS] +8 TRAINER von dR.oLLe
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Sir Godan
Lt. Commander
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- Sep. 2004
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- 1.618
c.hoeri schrieb:schrauben hast du immer dabei....ziffern taste 6
- Registriert
- Apr. 2008
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- 781
Einige werden es schon gelesen haben, der nächste Patch steht vor der Tür
Mit ein wenig Glück vielleicht schon nächste Woche!
Hier mal das komplette Changelog:
We inform you that at the moment are being actively work on a patch 1.5.05. Already corrected the following errors:
To let you know, right this moment, work is in progress with patch 1.5.05, list is incomplete,
but following changes have already implemented.
-- Corrected crash (smart_terrain.script: 227: attempt to index local 'obj' (a nil value))
-- Corrected crash (smart_terrain.script: 1003: attempt to index field '?' (A nil value))
-- Corrected crash (sim_combat.script: 950: attempt to index a nil value)
-- Corrected crash (sim_board.script: 688: attempt to index local 'obj' (a nil value))
-- Corrected crash (smart_terrain.script: 288: attempt to call method 'clear_smart_terrain' (a nil value))
-- Corrected crash (bind_monster.script: 72: attempt to index field '?' (A nil value))
-- Corrected crash (xr_effects.script: 1607: attempt to index field '?' (A nil value))
-- Corrected crash (! [LUA] [ERROR] ERROR: There is no task with entity_id)
-- Corrected crash (! [LUA] [ERROR] ERROR: error. Val_smart_terrain_5_0_freedom_antenna)
These various are crash fixes!
-- A small rebalans trade and luta - little rebalance in trading and looting.
-- Corrected the situation when a player leaves the zone tutoriala (first incursions into Bogs) - correction to situation,
when player abandons tutorial mission in swamps.
-- Corrected issuing awards for entry into factions - price payment fix, when (after?) Joining the faction.
-- Corrected award for the destruction of bases factions - fixed price payment, for completing a mission, when not
belonging to a faction
-- Corrected crash during a dialogue with hostile technician - crash fixed, when? Talking "to a technician
-- The possibility to upgrade GP37 technicians from Liberty and Banditov - Added the possibility to upgrade
gp37 in bandit and freedom faction
-- Corrected bug in the system of relations stalkers - Bug fixed in stalkers attitude
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
-- Bug fixes, when the conductor did not want to keep the player at the Cordon. (This is due to the fact that sometimes avtoseyv not retain all the data, and once downloading such seyv game becomes impassable) - fixed bug, when conductor did'nt take
player to the cordon, happened because auto-save did not save all the information and after loading it, game would
become uncompletable
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
The expected release date patch - 26.09.08 - supposed release date
Mit ein wenig Glück vielleicht schon nächste Woche!
Hier mal das komplette Changelog:
We inform you that at the moment are being actively work on a patch 1.5.05. Already corrected the following errors:
To let you know, right this moment, work is in progress with patch 1.5.05, list is incomplete,
but following changes have already implemented.
-- Corrected crash (smart_terrain.script: 227: attempt to index local 'obj' (a nil value))
-- Corrected crash (smart_terrain.script: 1003: attempt to index field '?' (A nil value))
-- Corrected crash (sim_combat.script: 950: attempt to index a nil value)
-- Corrected crash (sim_board.script: 688: attempt to index local 'obj' (a nil value))
-- Corrected crash (smart_terrain.script: 288: attempt to call method 'clear_smart_terrain' (a nil value))
-- Corrected crash (bind_monster.script: 72: attempt to index field '?' (A nil value))
-- Corrected crash (xr_effects.script: 1607: attempt to index field '?' (A nil value))
-- Corrected crash (! [LUA] [ERROR] ERROR: There is no task with entity_id)
-- Corrected crash (! [LUA] [ERROR] ERROR: error. Val_smart_terrain_5_0_freedom_antenna)
These various are crash fixes!
-- A small rebalans trade and luta - little rebalance in trading and looting.
-- Corrected the situation when a player leaves the zone tutoriala (first incursions into Bogs) - correction to situation,
when player abandons tutorial mission in swamps.
-- Corrected issuing awards for entry into factions - price payment fix, when (after?) Joining the faction.
-- Corrected award for the destruction of bases factions - fixed price payment, for completing a mission, when not
belonging to a faction
-- Corrected crash during a dialogue with hostile technician - crash fixed, when? Talking "to a technician
-- The possibility to upgrade GP37 technicians from Liberty and Banditov - Added the possibility to upgrade
gp37 in bandit and freedom faction
-- Corrected bug in the system of relations stalkers - Bug fixed in stalkers attitude
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
-- Bug fixes, when the conductor did not want to keep the player at the Cordon. (This is due to the fact that sometimes avtoseyv not retain all the data, and once downloading such seyv game becomes impassable) - fixed bug, when conductor did'nt take
player to the cordon, happened because auto-save did not save all the information and after loading it, game would
become uncompletable
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
The expected release date patch - 26.09.08 - supposed release date
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
- Registriert
- Mai 2007
- Beiträge
- 9.634
Steht doch alles schon ein Stück weiter oben.
Pixel schrieb:Der oben genannte Release-Date bezieht sich übrigens auf den russischen Patch. Der deutsche benötigt ersteinmal die entsprechende Lokalisierung, kommt daher in den ersten Oktober-Tagen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
- Registriert
- Mai 2007
- Beiträge
- 9.634
Und einen Post drunter auf Englisch.
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