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BF4 [Sammelthread] Battlefield 4 Spielerfahrungs- & Meinungsaustausch

ich wollte versuchen mein BF4 für mein System etwas beine zu machen . nur so ganz kalr ist mir das mit der user.cfg noch nicht. Bitte klärt mich auf .. ich habe das im netz gefunden und in meine User.cfg geschrieben.,
PerfOverlay.DrawFPS 1
WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0
RenderDevice.VSyncEnable bol 1
RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit int 1
WorldRender.DxDeferredCspathEnable bol 0
WorldRender.FxaaEnable bol 1

was sagt ihr dazu ? ich hatte die FPs erst auf 59,6 max gesetzt sie sind aber gerade bei 32er servern ogt unter unspielbaren 30 fps gerutscht, ich ziehe dank meiner alten CPU mantle DX11 vor!
ich habe im moment alle settings auf Medium. Full HD Auflösung und 2XKantenglättung!
Den Catalyst Treiber habe ich auf Standart werte.. ka. bin da net der Profi was Treiber einstellung angeht,! Evlr habt ihr noch paar tips auf Lager..
zu meinem system: Q9550@3200MHZ 8Gb 1066Ram, Asus Matrix 7970 1100MHZ Boost fest!
Bitte gibt mir paar tips zur einstellung. Und vor allen was ich in der user.cfg eintragen sollte...
Ich glaub mit einem Q9550 ist da der ein oder andere Absturz der fps mit egal welchen Einstellungen nicht zu verhindern. Die CPU ist ja nun auch fast 7 Jahre alt.
ja schon nunja was hab ich mit der CFG bewirkt?
PerfOverlay.DrawFPS 1
WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0
RenderDevice.VSyncEnable bol 1
RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit int 1
WorldRender.DxDeferredCspathEnable bol 0
WorldRender.FxaaEnable bol 1
GameTime.MaxVariableFps - braucht noch einen Wert dahinter. Dadruch lockst du die FPS auf den entsprechenden Wert.
PerfOverlay.DrawFPS 1 - einfach die FPS anzeige oben rechts (oder war es links?)
WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0 - MotionBlur aus, entlastet aber die CPU nicht wirklich.
RenderDevice.VSyncEnable bol 1 - Vsync an. Ob du das willst oder nicht sei mal dahingestellt.
RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit int 1 - wieviele fps die GPU vorausberechnet, ob und was das bringt kann ich nicht sagen, ich konnte da bei meinen Tests damals keinen wirklichen Unterschied feststellen.
WorldRender.DxDeferredCspathEnable bol 0 - keine ahnung was das ist
WorldRender.FxaaEnable bol 1 - Post Antialiasing des Typs FXAA wird aktiviert.
läuft jetzt aber ganz gut.. wie ich finde 90FPs sind drin und die fallen nicht mehr so stark wie vorher
Initiative #3: CTE Prototypes – Patch #3:

Tuesday means an update, and here is todays!

We are keeping the halloween experience active until thursday, so if you really like the nighttime map and CTF modifications I’d suggest you play it now!

These are the changes in this release:

  • Obliteration Competitive updates
    New bomb will spawn after 2 minutes if noone picks it up.
    Dawnbreaker: Moved some bombspawn locations, moved dropoff away from fire damage.
    Golmud Railway: Moved bomb spawns, added forward spawns
    Siege of Shanghai: Disabled elevators, added more cover for team2 spawn, adjusted spawn points, spread out bomb spawns, disabled stair mesh on building near US spawn, moved US base C, Opened up new path from US Spawn, moved bombs closer to CH team, adjusted combat area to reflect spawn change.
    Operation Locker: Redjusted spawns, adjusted nosquadspawn areas, adjusted sunken bomb spawns.
    Hainan Resort: New bomb dropoff layout, same spawn locations, new combat areas, added nosquadspawn for each team, added forward base for each team, predestroyed building at team2 spawn area, disabled elevators, removed the jetskis
  • Fixed right line graphical error of the crosshair on scout helicopter HUD
  • Tracer rounds has new tweaked (slightly smaller) size
  • Operation Metro Fixes
    Fix for users being able to get C4 through the roof at B (this time actually included in the patch)
  • Dawnbreaker Fixes
    User was previously unable to deploy Radio Beacon, MAV and similar gadgets on the boardwalk north from the water and south from Objective C – no longer the case.
    Fixed collision for bridge: http://i.imgur.com/Ojnyzct.png
    Addressed collision for consolate office building near stairwell.
  • Tweaked the ranges of IRNV/FLIR Vehicle modes
    Fixing this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n3R-2_T3DM
  • Soldier Movement updates
    A new improved animation setup for side to side motion has been implemented to make the third person soldiers move more smoothly from side to side, making soldiers move in a more predictive way.
  • Squad Spawns 2.0: Lowered in combat timer from 5s to 2s
    With this change we are hoping the time in combat feels more “right”.
    Coming changes to this includes making “being knifed” count as in combat, and to improve Squadmember spawned on you bonus points.
  • Updated required minimum Nvidia driver version
  • Massive Guilin Peaks collision pass/improvements
    We have gone through and fixed all the rocks in the problem areas of Guilin Peaks. We need alot of testing on this to make sure these are all good.
    Here are some examples showing the change using our collision debug render mode so you can see the difference:


Hat von euch jemand den Halloween Mode gespielt auf Pearl Market? Am besten noch CTF?

Wirklich funny :D
CTE Prototypes Patch #4

Today it’s Thursday – and that means another update!

This update adds yet another prototype of ours, and we also have some more information on the status of the current active prototypes!

To re-iterate for any new readers, a Prototype on the CTE means we think we have a possible solution in need of lots of testing and several updates/iteration before it could even be considered to be released.

Note: Anything we prototype risk getting cut & never released!
For instance – we might decide it’s not fitting for Battlefield, it’s too hard to understand, or plainly not worth it.

Prototype 1: Attack Helicopter Physics

GOAL: Improve maneuverability while still maintaining an approachable flight model.

COMING RELEASES: The Z-10 Chinese attack helicopter tests have given us confidence this model has potential after lots of testing. There are still some things we’d like to tweak before we start looking at the other choppers. We are considering looking at all air related items and vehicles in one fell swoop, including lock-on gadgets, rocket launchers and mobile AA.

Prototype 2: “Headglitch” fix

GOAL: Make the issue of headglitching go away without confusing the player as to why his bullets doesn’t shoot over certain objects in first person

COMING RELEASES: We are torn on how this change works out in gameplay, but we are not giving up on the model yet. We are planning to combine this kind of solution with a new third person ADS stance (that brings guns to the eye), and possibly a new stance that lowers the gun when too close to certain height items. A combination in the right amounts of all these three items could net us the results we want. We are working on the initial implementation of these now.

Prototype 3: Casual Competitive Matchmaking

GOAL: We are looking at how other games are growing their competitive scene – and how simple it is to find a game with like-minded people of similar skill-set to play with in a controlled and ranked environment.

Our long term goal includes:

  • Finding/prototyping a game mode that feels inherently Battlefield, and that can but doesn’t have to include vehicles. The game mode should contain two rounds, one guaranteed winning team and with match length at a maximum 15-20 minutes.
    As we believe the core of Battlefield involves Conquest so that is where we will start, but we will see where we end up.
  • Playing a competitive match should be as easy as pressing a button and waiting for a game. Initially we will want to support solo play (matchmaked into random teams of 5 players on each side), but we are going to experiment with the numbers here for sure.
  • The end goal of the matchmaker is to support one single game per player at a time (leaving a game in progress is a bad thing!), with rejoin functionality in case the client crashes or you get disconnected etc – pretty standard stuff. We are not focusing on these functions initially – the core reason for us to show this prototype this early is to get the game mode right, and to find the FUN!
  • Stats and ranking: We are looking at implementing a special ranking for playing this kind of matchmaking (again like other games). Probably will include things like placement matches, seasons, ladders and tiers (bronze, silver, gold etc).

THIS RELEASE: In this release we have a very rough, limited matchmaker that will collect 10 players (5 on each side) to join special servers running what we internally call Conquest Ladder game mode.
We are using a variant of Conquest called Double Assault (you can cap the other team’s home flag and shut them out, as seen in the older Battlefield titles).

What we are initially looking for here is your feedback on the game mode itself, initially we have only implemented this new layout/setup on the Zavod 311 map.

We know this first iteration is pretty rough around the edges to say the least – but we are really eager to get started on this!

NOTE: The Matchmaking button will be enabled for the first time sometime very soon a couple of hours, we need sweden to wake up :).


This is what the button currently looks like on the home screen once enabled.

This release has more than prototypes enabled, these are the changes in this patch:

  • Lost Island
    Fixed cave collision allowing scout helis to hide inside the mountain
  • Dice LA camo now doesn’t show up on thermal vision
    Final stand snow and all – we need all the help we can get :)
  • Fixed graphical cut off issue on the helicopter hud
    Now correctly displays the full HUD without cutting it off on the right side
  • Operation Firestorm
    Look and performance tweaks to oil fires
  • Caspian Border
    Caspian border radio tower collision update
    Updated terrain UV’s (cleaning up graphical issues)
  • Fixed “overheat” displays on scout choppers and IFVs.
  • Commander Fixes
    Commander assets (cruise missile) are now unavailable during the time when players are not allowed to spawn in the beginning of round
  • Obliteration competitive
    Paracel Storm: Hid tower stairs, Move MCOM C for both teams, added new combat and nosquadspawn areas.
    Added prototype bomb drop functionality. Hold the jump button for 3 seconds to drop the bomb

Server Performance & Netcode Improvements

We are adding back the Final Stand BETA performance & netcode improvements which now also includes a potential fix for the wrecks and ragdolls staying around forever!
Note: These changes did sadly not make it into Final Stand release.

  • Optimized High Frequency Update to only include players from enemy team
  • Bumped total bandwidth cap slightly
  • Fixed an issue with the bangermanager
    Explosive networked things/destructibe trees filtering improved
  • Increased High Frequency Update distance in front of vehicle compared to behind
  • Added a High Frequency Cone
    For Aiming down the sight (should help longer range engagements)
  • Optimized used bandwidth for soldiers, bangers, vegetation and vehicles in general
  • Added tickrate-falloff to the HFU Cone
    Should result in a smoother transition between min/max tickrate at the edges
  • Improved on how the engine extrapolates the soldier’s positions
    When networking fails you get things like “Rubber banding” happening, this makes improvements here.
    Improved ghost (networked items) packet handling and efficiency
    Which should result in lower latency over all
  • Various ghost (networked items) priority and filtering improvements
  • Potential fix for the wrecks and ghosts staying around forever
  • Please help us test this, and let us know if this still occurs!

Da hat sich wohl einer vom Marketing vor den Vorstand gestellt und gesagt "Zwei Worte: Smurf Accounts" gefolgt von einem lauten KA-CHING!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Das stimmt, Nacht Maps wären mal wieder nice!

Der Modus läuft wohl noch, als könnt ihr ruhig ausprobieren. Gerade als Flaggenträger macht das schon extrem Spaß, wie auf Speed xD
Klar, ich denke mal das die ganzen Lichtquellen bearbeitet werden müssen.

Aber ein wirklich arg großer Aufwand kann es eigentlich nicht sein.
Hätte man auch gleich haben können, wenn Maps wie Hanger21 oder in 3 Tehran Highway auch Nacht gewesen wären und nicht dunker Tag. In Pearl Market haben jetzt Taschenlampen und IRNV auch mal Sinn, weil es wirklich dunkel ist.