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Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

Dark Thoughts

Fleet Admiral
Aug. 2007
Da ich keinen Sammler oder dergleichen finden konnte mach ich mal nen neuen.
Ironclad Games hat ein neues Addon für SoaSE angekündigt.

The time of Diplomacy is over. The length of the war and differing opinions on what should be done to bring the war to an end has led to a splintering of the groups involved. The controlling powers-that-be have depleted arsenals and seemed to have exhausted all efforts of diplomacy. Trapped in a stalemate, sub-factions have rebelled and broken off the main alignments. Rebellion is upon us.
The exciting next chapter in the awesome Sins of a Solar Empire universe has arrived. A full-fledged expansion to the original, Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion draws you even deeper into the galactic struggle for supremacy with appealing new factions, terrifyingly cool new ships of all sizes, enhanced lighting and particle effects for increased visual pleasure and all-new victory conditions.
“Rebellion is the first stand-alone expansion to the Sins of a Solar Empire universe,” said Brian Clair, director of publishing for Stardock. “Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion will add many new ships, refresh the visuals and integrate Impulse::Reactor features to support achievements, multiplayer leagues and much more.”
In the original award-winning Sins of a Solar Empire, developed by Ironclad Games, you are the leader of one of three civilizations embroiled in a galactic war, fighting for survival of your entire race against relentless foes. Your success will depend on your ability to manage your empire and command your vast fleets of starships to victory. Players will colonize new worlds, develop extensive trade networks, conduct research, fortify their empires with powerful starbases and fleets of ships, plus control the galaxy using the unique diplomacy system that reacts dynamically to the players’ actions.
New features of Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion include:

  • New Factions: Players decide whether to become Loyalists or Rebels, which unlocks a unique new tech tree granting them new technologies and ship variants.
  • New Titan-class ships: Massive warships for each race that dwarf capital ships, these deadly new monsters are capable of wiping out entire enemy fleets single-handedly.
  • New Capital Ships: A new capital ship class arrives, giving players new strategic options.
  • New Corvette-class ships: Small, highly maneuverable light ships that are adept at a variety of tasks.
  • Loyalist and Rebel versions of some of the existing Sins’ frigates and cruisers, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses.
  • Updated lighting and particle effects for enhanced visuals.
  • New Victory Conditions to allow for more variety, differing strategies and shorter game sessions.
  • Additional capital ship ability levels, for greater strategic choice.
  • Impulse::Reactor support for chat, friends, achievements and more.
For more information please visit: http://www.sinsofasolarempire.com
Quelle: http://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/?aid=405917
Sehr cooles Spiel, hab ich gerne gespielt. Es hatte sowas von Stargate. Ich glaube, ich spiele es heute Abend gleich wieder....
Es freut mich, dass es wieder ein neues AddOn geben wird. Ist natürlich dann pflicht :D
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Weiß jemand, ob SoaSE Diplomacy Multi-Core-Unterstützung bietet, bzw. wie gut diese ist?
Wird (besonders diesbezüglich) etwas an der Engine verbessert bei Rebellion?

Ich spiele gerne in sehr sehr massiv großen Universen mit tausenden von Schiffen, leider leidet so ab etwa 8h Spielspaß dann die fps massiv... ( HD4870 // 8GB DDR2-1066 // Q9550 @ 3,6 GHz )
Leider nein.
Multi Core, 64 Bit Unterstützung und solche Dinge wären zwar nötig aber laut Entwicklern zu aufwändig.

Kann man nur hoffen das es mit einem möglichen 2. Teil besser aussieht.

Die FPS Probleme haben eigentlich alle, spiele selbst auch mit mehreren hundert Planeten (meist so groß das Advent hier zu stark sind und man ständig Planeten verliert).

Ein kleiner Tipp der helfen kann ist es den Empire Tree links zu minimalisieren d.h. alles was geht abpinnen.