Let me (try) and shut down some of the rampant speculation
The sale will include a number of ships that have been offered before.
It will not include EVERY ship we've ever offered, but it will be quite a few. Of these ships, any that were originally 'time limited' (such as the M50 or the Retaliator) will be available for a full week (11/21-11/30.) If they were originally 'quantity limited' (such as the Scythe or Idris) the same will be true if they return... so if we were to offer more Scythes, there'd be a limited number of them.
Please note that my examples are not promises that these specific ships will return. I will also re-confirm that the Idris-M and the Scythe will not be offered again.
Ships will NOT have LTI, but in honor of the two-year anniversary, any ship sold as part of the sale will have two year insurance instead of six month insurance.
Almost all of the ships have been offered before, although there will be one or two new concept sales. The concept sales won't launch on Friday, but you will get a schedule and pricing for them then (as promised, concept sales and pricing will be announced a week out.)
We will have several Comm-Links next week showing off a selection of the ships you haven't seen in a while, including some new art and fiction about them.
This Friday, we will have a full schedule for the sale, with all the ships listed and the plans for any limited ones specified.