Try to speak english dude!

Holla the woodfairy!
cplpro schrieb:
Holla the woodfairy!

That goes yes overhead not!

Noticed this thread for the first time - funny. Maybe i'm even going to return later ;)
I think I spider... ;) I never thought of finding such a thread in a board like this.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Are you reading instead of these thread any other englisch boards or daylie news? I've heard'ed that these method the best to learn english.
You will never learn english by writing in an english board. But indeed, using your english by writing or - even better - talking is a very fast way to improve your foreign language skills.

Maybe you should look for a so called 'tandem partner' - someone whose mother tounge is english and who wants to learn german - talking in both languages is an effective and yet funny way to improve your skills.
My english improved a lot when i played videogames. If you communicate with others, you will also gain confidence to talk if that´s a problem for you.
e-Laurin schrieb:
There are also adverbs which describe the verb in detail. Those adverbs are usually put between verb and object. I. e. 'I went peacefully home.'

This doesn't sound right, shouldn't it be "I went home peacefully? :D

I also just discovered this thread, let's see what else comes up here :)
Sry e-Laurin, that's not correct.
Adverbs must not be placed between verb and object, never never ;)

Raspu's example is correct.
Oh, I hold in head not out.
A very good way to improve your vocabulary are song lyrics.

Back in school (...gosh...I´m old...) teachers called me "the walking dictionary". I learned a lot of my vocabulary from METALLICA songs, especially the "...and justice for all" album.
Very good source of vocabulary, sometimes even songs with a certain amount of poetry.

This also showed in my grades in English class:

Test result
Grammar 1
Style 1
Content 4 :D

Content always was my problem back then.... when my classmates had 5 pages in a summary, I had...1 or 1 1/2....
I just did not know what to write down except
"Boy meets girl. Girl likes boy. Both marry. The end."
or something like that. :cool_alt:
(just kidding)
is there a certain topic? i only read this page and couldnt find any :rolleyes:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
CarstenJoe schrieb:
We will discuss about everthing - for example pc-news, public-news or something else.

So there is no fixed topic. Well, you could write about everything you want to talk about.

For example PC news, political discussings or just the life the universe and everything...

But I also think it's important, not to flame here as well. We all want to keep this thread open, don't we?

Best wishes
A little warning:

Fiona schrieb:
@ shizzle

There are no objection to any easy conversation.
But this thread shouldn't be used for any political purposes!
As far as possible, I'll keep an eye on this thread.

best wishes


It was in 2006 ... but I believe it won't be a problem.
uh, maybe she still keeps an eye on it, i wont flame then :mussweg:

Do you guys read any english books? Sci-Fi or fantasy? Any good suggestions?
It will take some more time, but when i finished all foundation-novels of isaac asimov, i need some new and interesting books :)

By the way, this thread is also made to correct text of other users and improve their english, isnt it? So if you guys find some huge mistakes - just tell me :)
A mistake many poeple do: not english, instead English, German, American.

I could imagine all Warhammer novels being better in English then in German.
The only books I read were school novels. Very aweful :D
The Microsoft book was good in English^^

But I prefer English movies. It's much better in the original language (e.g. Alpha Dog, Transformers)

But if you look for a challange, read LotR or stuff.
Ok, i see, but i dont mind upper and lower case in forums anyway :D

I read all warhammer novels with felix and gotrek by william king...sadly in german. But they were great :)

I cant compare LotR with Foundation novels, because i never read LotR, but the last is very hard to read. It's science packed in a novel and there are at least one word each page, i never heared before. So i always have to stop reading after two pages in train and check them back at home - very annoying :D
I mean, i get the context, but i wanna learn new vocabulary :D

By the way, i only watch south park in english :)