MasterWinne schrieb:
Also hier besser zu den bewährten 880|990 oder wer günstig ran kommt auf 1990er gehen. Der 900er hat einfach zu viele Kompromisse und Unzulänglichkeiten. Fürs Gamen eher ungeignet der 900. Musik dagegen kommt gut, wenn man mit den überpräsenten Mitten umgehen kann.
Falenkor war auch nicht sehr angetan von den DT900 Pro X:
"Sound Signature: Mid forward neutral bright with some roll in treble
Sound signature issues: a bit shouty in the mids, a bit sibilant in some cases, overall lacking detail, over dampened and has a feeling of congestion, not that much separation.
Soundstage: It’s more congested feeling is a bit of a miss but it definitely sounds rather large but it reminds me much more of a semi open back than a fully open back due to just how much dampening is used here.
Use case: Fits pretty much anywhere unless you need analytical detail but its specifically designed for a particular use instead
Comfort: hit or miss… for larger ears like me I have issues with it. Would have preferred the pads to be beveled instead as the pads arent big enough
Lacking detail and an analytical nature, lacking in terms of separation, lacking in terms of long term comfort(subjective). Has the perfect signature for Competitive gaming and very good imaging but lacks all the technical traits making it a rather iffy pick. Rating for competitive from me? Id give it a 6/10. At this price point I can get a tygr 300r or dt 880 and not only have it perform better but itll cost half the price… tygr may not have the absolute perfect signature but its just the better pick in this case. I would take many over this in this case… even the AD700X. This just is not a great choice here
The lack of separation is a bit of a mixed bag of shit for me when it comes to larger world immersion… The pushed forward mids and highs creating sibilant tones randomly throughout conversations was bothersome without EQ. It actually made me want to stop playing at some points.
Just not that good for gaming in my personal imo. Leave these to studio uses, there are better alternatives
Final Thoughts:
I think there is some room for improvement here in some cases but for the most part this is designed specifically for use with creators and studio use… not for the audiophile and not for the gamer, I can respect that. For an audiophile, its not particularly the most enjoyable to listen to… but its not bad either… depends on your set preferences… for gamers… theres absolutely better options in both cases of gaming… I would take the 58x jubilee over this as the better well rounded pick bar none… 560s for competitive gaming bar none over this."
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