Vaporware - Intel's Larra"pee" 2011 or later !!!
"Our source also indicated that Intel is looking to ship Larrabee two
years later, putting us in summer of 2011. Of course, by that time, we
will have GPUs that are 2 to 4 times faster than current GPUs from
both AMD/ATI and Nvidia. However, at that time Larrabee may not be
what it is today either.
One critical point we were told was that 1st and 2nd generation
Larrabee GPUs will not be compatible with 3rd generation Larrabee.
This is of course, highly speculative and very far out. According to
the data, Intel's 3rd generation part will have an emulation mode for
backwards compatibility. If this is true, then developers would have a
hard time programming for Larrabee."
Who will ever need Intel's Larra"pee" ? You may wanna be Intel's $2'499 Beta Tester LOL ?,8019.html