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News Xbox One: Externe Festplatte in Aktion

Das wurde doch eh schon flexibilisiert. Ein bisschen muss immer reserviert bleiben, sonst schauen die Kinect-Nutzer in die Röhre, wenn sie doch mal während eines Spiels per Sprachkommando streamen/switchen/... wollen.

c137 schrieb:
ich wette, dass es da drin ist - wenn jetzt schon ein Screenshot davon auftaucht.
Also: June Update.


Told ya so: http://majornelson.com/2014/05/21/e...e-coming-with-xbox-one-system-update-in-june/ und http://news.xbox.com/2014/05/xbox-one-june-features-preview
With the next system update coming in June, we’re thrilled to announce two of your most-requested features will be here soon: external storage support and real names for identifying your friends.
You will also be able to take advantage of great new SmartGlass features, including OneGuide and Universal Remote Control, select an account for automatic sign-in, and for Xbox One owners in Canada and Europe, get access to OneGuide and more TV, SmartGlass and voice features.
Damit ist automatisches Einloggen nicht mehr von Kinect abhängig, man kann praktisch einen default-boot-account einstellen.
Your Xbox One system will soon support up to two external hard drives at once. [...]

This is also a great way to take your content to a friend’s house [...] need to sign in to Xbox Live if you’ve purchased your content digitally or insert a disc to verify your game ownership [...] With external storage support in June, you can also choose to copy full games and all of the associated content in one easy step.
With this update, you’ll find a new hub in Xbox One for exploring all of the great benefits available to Xbox Live Gold members, including Games with Gold and Deals with Gold. Also, with the Xbox Live Gold changes announced last week, shortly after the Xbox One system update becomes available in June all Xbox Live members will be able to access popular gaming and entertainment apps without a Gold membership.
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