I will try to make this very simple for you. Intel, in their warning, did not mean VDIMM. They meant VCCIO/VCCSA voltages are dangerous for your IMC. After all, VDIMM is supplied from the board to the ram, and does not come into contact with the CPU at all. VCCIO is the voltage for the electrical paths into and out of the IMC, and VCCSA (System Agent) voltage is the IMC and PCIE sub domain voltage. These two are the dangerous voltages for your IMC. The problem is, when you load XMP profiles for 1.5 or 1.65v, they tend to automatically raise those two voltage values higher than what is considered safe. This can cause damage to your IMC, and degrade/kill it over time.
Any who, ignore anyone else that says DDR3 is dangerous for Skylake. They don't know what they are talking about. As long as you manually input safe VCCIO/SA voltages (Anything under 1.25v is safe 24/7, but I would remain under 1.15v just to be extra safe) you will not have a problem. @Lays would be the first person on this forum to tell you if VDIMM kills IMC's. The dude is pushing 1.8v on Skylake as we speak.