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So einen Takt gibt es nicht, lest doch einfach mal den Link den ich gepostet habe.
Es gibt keine 7.xx Ghz von irgend einer AMD CPU!
Könnt ihr auch direkt bei guru3d lesen.
Zitat: Franck (the author of CPUz) has mentioned that CPUz 1.51 has cheat security issues with AM3 cpus.
The users that these scores come from (especially, qooitry) have already been spotted cheating on various occasions.
A couple of days ago a SuperPi 1M score of 9.406s at 6840MHz was submitted to ripping.org. Now this score is deleted (I will see if I get a link from the cache), but it obviously had cheat software icons on the desktop (such as cheat_super_pi_mod.exe posted by hipro a couple of years ago). Massman can confirm this.
Ob jetzt Vers 1.50 sich davon groß unterscheidet? ( fett )