Ist das OneClick?
So sieht eine kleine Anleitung, die ich für mein Laptop brauchte und NUR in Englisch bekommen hatte, aus.
Ich habe noch unzählige von anderen ähnlichen Anleitungen, wo so rein gar nichts mit einem Klick geht. Übrigens stürzt mein Linux komplett ab, wenn ich mit meiner PCMCIA Karte boote oder ich muss auch mal Treiber von Hand entladen, nachdem ich das betreffende Gerät erstmal abgeschaltet habe, dann den neuen Treiber laden, dann das Gerät wieder anschalten. Alles per Shell Konsole...
ATi / Radeon Graphics (newer chipsets - fixed my X1250 graphics)
Took me quite a while, and I'm a n00b with Linux, but I got it working through boot on my laptop into KDE. There were numerous files needed and some mods to others required. I worked with the "USB" distro as I could modify its contents on a WinXP desktop, use the "make_iso.bat" file and burn the ISO file to a DVD (the USB distro is too big for a CD), using a DVD-RW until I got it right for my laptop machine. Note that two lines in the "make_iso.bat" file need to be corrected (already posted to the forum elsewhere):
This is what I did to get it all working for a laptop with an ATi XPress1250 that uses shared RAM for graphics, including the Catalyst Control Panel:
Downloaded several versions of ATi graphics driver installs from ATi's site (listed from oldest to newest release). I got several as I didn't know if one would work better than the next:
* (listed as 7.12 Catalyst)
These are all executable ".run" installers. However, one of the options when executed is building distribution packages. These only show support for a couple versions of Linux, and Slackware isn't one of them. However these do support quite a few other Linux distros. Run from a command line with the "--listpkg" switch lists all the distribution packages it can generate and the command line needed to do so. Although Slackware packages are not shown on the graphical panel, if run from a command line with the switch "--buildpkg Slackware/All" it will build two ".tgz" files, one with the basic drivers (the smaller file), and the other with controls (the larger file). These can be converted for Slax use by using the "tgz2lzm" command on both of them.
Important Note:
I got everything working with the first three listed, but never was able to make the Slackware distribution packages made using the newest "7.12" release work properly. I'm currently using the 7.11 release. YMMV. It did work when installed from a command line instead of Slackware package generation. I suspect something is "broken" in its Slackware distribution package generator. YMMV.
Simply placing the two files into the "modules" directories will load them, but when it boots up, it will still dump out to a command prompt. The ATi drivers must be initialized with the following command line:
aticonfig --initial --force
The "--force" switch is optional, but I had some problems early one if it was left off. It forces the initialization of the ATi "fglrx" drivers in the "xorg.conf" file. Entering this manually turned into a PITA, as did the need to manually log on. This led to creating a small "" script file, and modifying both the "isolinux.cfg" and "syslinux.cfg" files. Initially the "" file only contained a single line (more about several lines added to it later):
aticonfig --initial --force
I placed this file in the "rootcopy" directory. A number of "autoexec" portions of the "APPEND" entries in the "isolinux.cfg" and "syslinux.cfg" files were then modified, and I eliminated the "VESA" and "nVidia" boot options entirely. This "autoexec=" is from the first option that boots into KDE, and note that it eliminates the original "xconf" and replaces it with ATi's command line to configure the file for the ATi drivers, and it calls it using the shell file that has been copied to the root:;kdm
This finally got me booting into KDE, and for me it was at the highest resolution of 1280x800. However, in order to change the graphics resolution, the ATi Catalyst Control Center is needed, and although it was present on the start menu, it would not start. It was missing some file package dependencies. To get that working took some reading of ATi's installation notes, and finding some Slackware packages it needed. The ATi Catalyst Control Center is dependent on:
* Qt (library)
* gcc-g++ (C++ library)
* cxxlibs (a Slackware file for backward compatibility with previous gcc-g++ libraries)
A little poking around in the libraries once it was booted found the BT3 Beta distro came with the gcc 4.1.2 C library already, it only needed the C++ module added, and I found it and a compact QT library for Slackware 12 on the Slackware package distribution site (gcc-g++-4.1.2-i486-1.tgz and qt-3.3.8-i486-5_slack12.0.tgz). Both of these were converted to Slax "lzm" files by placing the "tgz" files into the "rootcopy" directory, and using the "tgz2lzm" command on them. The resulting "lzm" versions were then placed into the "modules" directory. The backward compatibility file turned out to be very hard to find, but finally located a "cxxlibs-6.0.8-i486-4.tgz" file, also on the Slackware package site (under Slackware 12). If "amdcccle" (name of Catalyst Control Center binary) is entered on a command line, a specific, older C++ file library (version 5) cannot be found. The problem with the "cxxlibs-6.0.8-i486-4.tgz" is where it wants to place its files -- under the "usr/lib" directory in the "i486-slackware-linux" subdirectory (in "usr/i486-slackware-linux/lib" instead of "usr/lib"). This doesn't work as "amdcccle" for the C++ files it needs in the "usr/lib" directory. The file structure inside the "tgz" had to be modified along with its "" shell script that installs the files. I had to pace the "tgz" in the rootcopy directory, unpack the "tgz" archive (using ark), move the C++ files to the "usr/lib" directory, modify the "" shell script accordingly (to put the new files into the "usr/lib" directory), repack it into a "tgz" archive, and then use the "tgz2lzm" command to make an "lzm" out of it. Once it was placed into the "modules" directory, along with the QT and gcc-g++ libraries, the ATi Catalyst Control Center came to life.
The final fix took care of the fact that the integrated X1250 graphics uses POSIX "shared RAM" for graphics, and it needs to be enabled. It will work without it, but can cause some problems with 2D and 3D rendering resulting in error messages. This isn't enabled in the Slax distro, and the ATi drivers don't take care of it either. To allocate RAM for the X1250's 2D/3D graphics, I added some commands to the original "" script file so that it now reads (and it needs to be all on a single line):
echo "tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab; mount /dev/shm; mount | grep "shm"; aticonfig --initial --force
What this does (commands separated by ";"):
* Appends "tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0" to the "fstab" file found in the "etc" directory to create it
* Mounts the "shm" (shared memory) to make it available for use
* Executes a "grep" command to verify it's done (this was purely for my debugging while it was booting)
* Executes the original "aticonfig --initial --force" command to configure the ATi graphics in the "xorg.conf" file at the end
Since the "fstab" file is created during boot-up long before this script is run, there's no need to check to see if it already exists (if it doesn't, there's something more seriously wrong that getting the POSIX shared RAM enabled).
While poking around through the Slackware 12 packages, I found Mesa 7.02 had been released (mesa-7.0.2-i486-1.tgz). Converted it to an "lzm" and replaced version 7.01 with it (the ATi graphics drivers need libraries inside Mesa). Works with 7.01, but while I was at it doing everything else, why not? This one was easy.
While poking around the site, I found a very newly released "xf86-video-radeonhd-1.0.0-i486-1.tgz" package for newer ATi/Radeon chipsets, including the chipset used in my X1250 graphics. Made an "lzm" from it and placed it in the "modules" directory also (very small file).
Files Added To Modules Directory:
* fglrx-module-8.XX.X-x86-1_kernel_2.6.21.5.lzm (drivers; version depends on which ATi driver package was used)
* fglrx-x710-8.XX.X-x86-1.lzm (Catalyst Control Center; version depends on which ATi driver package was used)
* xf86-video-radeonhd-1.0.0-i486-1.lzm (from site for newer Radeon chipsets)
* qt-3.3.8-i486-5_slack12.0.lzm (QT library)
* gcc-g++-4.1.2-i486-1.lzm (C++ library)
* cxxlibs-6.0.8-i486-4.lzm (C++ backward compatibility files -- as modified to fix it)
* mesa-7.0.2-i486-1.lzm
File Deleted From Modules Directory:
* mesa701.lzm
File Created and Added To Copyroot Directory:
Files Modified:
* cxxlibs-6.0.8-i486-4.lzm (correct its internal directory structure and install)
* isolinux.cfg (execute the script to configure the ATi drivers and enabling POSIX shared RAM)
* syslinux.cfg (execute the script to configure the ATi drivers and enabling POSIX shared RAM)
Slackware 12 Package Repository:
* (cannot post URL's yet -- Google "Slackware" and on their home page is a link to the package repositories)
I realize this does not create a "universal" bootable DVD, and likely some of my mods, especially with how I implemented the "" scripting, and modified the "isolinux.cfg" and "syslinux.cfg" files. Perhaps someone less n00b than I with Linux can make this cleaner. However, it's how I fixed xxx to fully boot on my HP 6515b laptop with its ATi X1250 integrated graphics.
Last but NOT least -- if I've posted this in the wrong place, please move it.