0: Zustimmung, Unyu. ^^
1. WELCHE fehlenden Effekte? Und auf die Fragen in meiner letzten Antwort hast Du nicht reagiert.
2. Ich zitieren an dieser Stelle mal das Ergebnis, zu dem Rage3D kam:
Did we find the glitches that everyone has been talking about when making reference to the 10.1 path? In a way - we do have that missing dust that qualifies for that category, albeit we don't know yet if it's simply a driver bug or something wrong with the pathway itself. Other than that, there's the more intense lighting, but that actually seems to show that there's a bug with the DX10 pathway, given the fact that DX9 has the same, more intense, lighting as 10.1, and UBi said that 9 and 10 (and by extension 10.1) should be nearly identical visually (shadowing is different between versions).
The good news is that the dust-bug affects only a few scenarios and that, after testing with a run through Acre that avoids any areas which include the troublesome dust, we've determined that the performance benefits associated with 10.1 remain: it wasn't a case of the missing effect causing the performance improvements. This means that you can safely enjoy running your game through the DX10.1 pathway without fear that you're getting worse IQ (you'll be missing some dust, at least for now). More importantly, perhaps, the dust-bug fix should be trivial to implement - perhaps UBi, in light of recent interest with regards to the 10.1 path, will opt for fixing it right away as opposed to disabling the pathway just to re-enable it at some later undetermined point in time. From our perspective, this would certainly make the most sense. Rest assured that all further info on the topic will be presented as it becomes available to us."
Nein, ich übersetze es nicht. Ich denke, Unyu, Du kannst englisch.
3. Geht doch.
4. Okay, lass ich mal so stehen. Zumindest markttechnisch gesehen. TECHNISCH seh ich das anders.
5. Interessant... muss mal lesen... ^^
6. Jup, ich hab geflucht. Und die Nutzer einer Radeon X haben jetzt die Quittung dafür.
AMDs Produktsupport krankt an finanziellen Möglichkeiten. AMDs Marketing ebenfalls. Ubisofts Patchpolitik ist zum Kotzen. nVidias Marketingmethoden allerdings auch. Noch viel mehr in meinen Augen.
@bartio: Ich weiß. Aber vielleicht kann man ihm wenigstens ZUGESTÄNDNISSE abringen. *lol*
Edit: @Lübke, naja, von Sabortage spreche ich beim besten Willen nicht, ich beziehe mich bei sowas auch NUR auf Crysis, denn da hat nVidia aktiv mitprogrammiert. Nicht GEGEN ATi, sondern FÜR die GF8.