@ZeroStrat Hier mal ein erster Entwurf einer englischen Anleitung(Bilder können von der deutschen übernommen werden), falls du sie in einem gewissen Forum posten möchtest^^
Darf gerne noch nachbearbeitet werden, es gibt hier bestimmt genug Leute, die besser in englisch formulieren können.
Record list
This list is always located at the left section, regardless of the view you're currently in.
It constantly observes the output directory so every capture will show up here as soon as the capture has finished.
This also includes every OCAT capture you put into that directory.
At the bottom of that list you can see and change the CPU and GPU description and also add a custom comment to every capture.
Capture View
This is the default view when starting CapFrameX.
Here you can set up your capture hotkey, the capture time and the response sounds.
An info text at the top always informs you what's going on with the capture service and tells you what to do.
For more detailed information about the capture events, you can take a look at the log which is located at the bottom.
How to capture a game
The process you want to capture has to be present in the "Running processes" list. This list automatically lists all running processes from which frametimes can be captured.
For the easiest way of just getting into a game and pressing the hotkey to start a capture, this list may only contain one single process, otherwise the service won't know which process you want captured.
If you have more than one process detected, you can still select the one you want and capturing will work just fine.
However you wouldn't want to tab out of your game to do this. This is where the ignore list comes into play. You can expand this list by clicking on the text at the bottom of the running processes list.
With the arrow buttons you can add or remove any process from the ignore list, the ideal scenario being a completely empty running processes list at the start of CapFrameX.
With this, you can just start your game and since it'll be the only process in the list, just push the hotkey.
Single Record View
This is where you can analyse the captures you made.
You can choose between frametime graphs, FPS graphs, and L-shapes.
At the bottom you have your performance parameters like min, max, avg and percentiles. These parameters can be changed in the Data/Chart settings.
You also have a pie chart which shows the amount of time you had stuttering, meaning frametimes above 2.5x average.
Also at the top you have a screenshot button to save the view(without the record list) as a png file.
Above that is the global menu
Moving average window size = The number of frames that are used for the average line in the frametime chart.
Stuttering factor = The factor a frametime has to be above average to be counted as stutter.
Observed directory = The directory in which your captures are saved and also where you can put your OCAT captures.
FPS values rounding digits = The number of decimals for the FPS values
Screenshot directory = The directory in which your screenshots are saved.
Record Comparison View
Here you can compare up to 7 captures.
You add the captures to the right list via drag and drop or a double-click. Above that list you can change the context that is shown for the captures and change between absolute FPS and relative percentage values.
Report View
This is a simple view where you can add your records to see all the relevant parameters all at once. You can also just copy them with a right-click to add them into any other programm. This is also possible for the graphs and performance parameters in the single record view.
Synchronization View
This view shows you the quality of your synchronization methods like FreeSync or G-Sync.
If they are working properly, the lines for "frametimes" and "Display changed times" should align pretty well, this means your monitor works at the adaptive refresh rate of your GPU.
At the bottom you can see the distribution of the refresh times and beside it another pie chart which shows the number of dropped frames.