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The Division Community Talk - The Division 2

Gibts denn Infos zu dem Update "Project Resolve"?
Hatte eben nochmal gegoogelt, aber nicht wirklich eine brauchbare Info gefunden.
Soll "Februar" kommen ist halt etwas schwammig.
Das DLC kommt wohl erst 2025, während Project Resolve das Spiel wohl auf einen aktuellen Stand mit Quality of Life und technischen Verbesserungen bringen.
@SavageSkull schaue mir meist die Zusammenfassung der kommenden Patches beim Charles an, auch wenn mich sein Ösi Akzent hart triggert, sind diese doch meist ganz gut mit allen nötigen Informationen auf den Punkt gebracht


The Division 2 - Title Update 20 - Patch Notes​


Title Update 20 - Patch Notes​

Year 5 Season 3: Vanguard takes Division Agents back to the streets of New York to investigate the disappearance of Agent Kelso. In addition to the new gear and continuation of the story, players will get their hands on the comprehensive health updates done as the result of Project Resolve.
Got you Kerman coffee ready? Good. Let's dive in.


  • Season 3: Vanguard Manhunt
  • Season 3: Vanguard Calendar
  • Gear, Weapons & Talents
  • Descent
  • Project Resolve
    • Balancing
    • Improvements
    • Fixes
  • Apparel Event
  • Season Pass


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After Division Agents resecured stability in the White House, Agent Kelso returned to New York to ensure the Haven settlement was also secure. But while Agents were rescuing the civilians abducted by the Black Tusk, Kelso had gone missing. Meanwhile, The Division now faces the harsh reality that Hunters are among them, raising doubt and suspicion in both the White House and Castle settlements. Agents must now find Kelso, but as they retrace her steps, more truths will be uncovered, reopening some old wounds.


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Get ready to gear up and arm yourself with the new weapons and gear in Year 5 Season 3! This features two new Named Weapons, two new Named Gear pieces, a bunch of new Talents, plus a Gear Set and a Brand Set. Exotic-wise, you've got one Exotic gear piece and two Exotic weapons - one of them exclusively available in Descent game mode.


Exotic Pistol
Talent Mosquito Song
Hitting an enemy applies a stack. Stacks are shared between players. At 10 stacks, the enemy will forcefully target the last player to apply a stack for 5s. Stacks deplete every 5s. Activating the effect on an enemy will remove all stacks from other enemies.
Weapon Stats and Mods
Magazine Mod: +15% Reload Speed; Muzzle Mod: +15% Weapon Accuracy.
*Has no functionality in PVP
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Rugged Gauntlets
Exotic Gloves
Talent Iron Grip
-50% Recoil Penalty when hip-firing; -50% Recoil Penalty when blind-firing from cover.
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Gear Set
2 Pieces equipped give +70 Health
3 Pieces
equipped give +15% Total Armor
4 Pieces
equipped unlock a new unique Talent
Talent Stoic*
Get +3% Damage Resistance for every enemy that is targeting you.
The bonus is multiplied by 1.X, where X is the number of agents in your group.

Chest and Backpack Bonuses:
Chest Bonus - Talent Deceit

Enemies targeting your Decoy also count towards the Stoic Damage Reduction bonus.

Backpack Bonus - Talent Polyethylene Plating
Increase Stoic Damage Resistance bonus from 3% to 4%.
*Has no functionality in PVP

Palisade Steelworks Brand Set
1 Piece equipped gives +10% Armor on Kill.
2 Pieces
equipped give +60% Health.
3 Pieces
equipped give +1 Skill Tier.
Named Chest and Backpack Bonuses:

Named Chest "Combustor" - Talent "Perfectly Explosive Delivery".
Whenever you throw a Skill 1.5 seconds after landing, it creates an explosion damaging enemies within 5m. Afterwards, explosions will occur every 5 seconds.
Damage scales with Skill Tier dealing 25-100% damage of a Concussion Grenade.
Applies to Remote Pulse, all Turrets, all Hives, Explosive Seeker, Cluster Seeker, Mender Seeker, Decoy and all Traps.

Named Backpack "Proxy" - Talent "Perfectly Tamper Proof".
Enemies that walk within 3 meters of your Hive, Turret, Remote Pulse or Decoy are shocked.
Arm time: 2 seconds. Cooldown per Skill: 8 seconds.
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Brutus M700 Carbon
Talent "Perfectly Behind You"
Amplifies weapon damage by +20% to enemies that are not targeting you.

Whisper M16A2
Talent "Perfectly Behind You"
Amplifies weapon damage by +20% to enemies that are not targeting you.
Talent "Behind You"*
Amplifies weapon damage by +15% to enemies that are not targeting you.
*Has no functionality in PVP
*Current in-game description is incorrect and will be changed with TU20.1


  • Vindicator Exotic Rifle is available in the NSA store.

Vindicator - Exotic Rifle
Talent "Ortiz Assault Interface"
While scoped, the weapon will highlight a random body section of each enemy.
The weapon deals +40% Weapon Damage to highlighted body sections.

Weapon Stats and Mods
Magazine Mod:
+5 Magazine Size
Muzzle Mod: +10% Optimal Range
Underbarrel Mod: +15% Weapon Stability
Optics Rail: +15% Weapon Accuracy
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Conflict Cache
  • Extended loot pool.
  • Dropped items are now of Legendary Difficulty quality equivalent.
  • Cache now gives 2 items, with the possibility for an additional 3rd one.
XP Gain
  • Significantly boosted XP gain to align with living world activities.
SHD and Expertise Normalization
  • All players joining Conflict will have their Expertise and SHD Watch bonuses removed.


Rogue Status​

  • Going Rogue in a normal Dark Zone now has a 3 second activation timer (activation time for invaded DZ remains 0.75 as before)
  • First Rogue rank time duration increased from 20 to 30 seconds.



  • Added diminishing returns* for all Status Effects based on two categories:
    • Crowd Control: Shock, Ensnare, Blind
    • Damage Over Time: Bleed, Burn, Poison
*Diminishing returns means that each subsequent application of the Status Effect of the same category will have a reduced duration until full immunity is reached. Diminishing Returns will not apply in PvE.
  • Plague of the Outcasts is now affected by diminishing returns with stacks being halved on each transfer. PVP only.
  • Status effects are removed if the effect source is killed (after a short delay) PVP only.

Immobilizing Status Effects​

  • Reduced severity of immobilizing Status Effects
    • Ensnare/Riot Foam: The player will receive a 10% damage reduction for incoming body shots.
    • Shock: The player will have slower movement and is prevented from shooting. PVP only.


  • While burning, rolling in any direction will apply a bonus of 10% burn damage resistance for 5 seconds, up to a maximum of 30%.


  • Not moving grants 10% bleed damage resistance for the duration of the effect.

Repair Skills​

  • All repair skills (Mender seeker, Reinforcer Chem Launcher, Fixer Drone, Restorer Hive) now give a 50% hazard protection bonus for 5 seconds per target.

Booster Hive​

  • Added Poison to the list of effects that the Booster Hive cleanses.
  • Boost duration now scales with tiers (from 5s to a maximum of 6.5s at skill tier 6).
  • Increased maximum range up to 50%.
  • Increased drone speed by 20%.

Sticky EMP​

  • Reduced EMP explosion damage in PvP.
  • Lower Skill Tier players will not apply Disrupt to higher Skill Tier players if the difference between them is bigger than 3 (same as jammer EMP).


Description Updates​

The descriptions for the following talents were changed to reflect the nature of the damage bonus provided:
Talent "Sadist"
Amplifies Weapon Damage by 20% to bleeding enemies. After 4 kills, applies bleed to the next enemy you hit.
Talent "Perfect Sadist"
Amplifies Weapon Damage by +25% to bleeding enemies. After 3 kills, applies bleed to the next enemy you hit.
Talent "Eyeless"
Amplifies Weapon Damage by 20% to blinded enemies. After 4 kills, applies blind to the next enemy you hit.
Talent "Perfect Eyeless"
Amplifies Weapon Damage by +25% to blinded enemies. After 3 kills, applies blind
Talent "Ignited"
Amplifies Weapon Damage by 20% to burning enemies. After 4 kills, applies burn to the next enemy you hit.
Talent "Perfect Ignited"
Amplifies Weapon Damage by +25% to burning enemies. After 3 kills, applies burn to the next enemy you hit
Talent "Thunder Strike"
Amplifies Weapon Damage by 20% to shocked enemies. After 4 kills, applies shock to the next enemy you hit.
Talent "Perfect Thunder Strike"
;Amplifies Weapon Damage by +25% to shocked enemies. After 3 kills, applies shock to the next enemy you hit.

Weapons Talents​

Future Perfection
Weapon kills grant +1 Skill Tier for 19s. Stacks up to 4 times. Weapon kills at Skill Tier 6 grant Overcharge for 15s. Overcharge cooldown: 90s.
Before: Weapon kills grant +1 Skill Tier for 19s. Stacks up to 3 times. Weapon kills at Skill Tier 6 grant Overcharge for 15s. Overcharge cooldown: 90s.
Perfect Preservation
Killing an enemy repairs 15% armor over 5s. Headshots kills improve the repair by an additional 15%.
Before: Killing an enemy repairs 12% armor over 5s. Headshots kills improve the repair by an additional 12%.
Swift (The Stinger)
Performing a cover-to-cover grants +20% Weapon Damage for 20s.
Before: Performing a cover-to-cover grants +20% Weapon Damage for 15s.
Thunder Strike
Amplifies Weapon Damage by 20% to shocked enemies. After 4 kills, applies shock to the next enemy you hit.
Before: Deals 30% extra Weapon Damage to shocked targets.
Perfect Thunder Strike
Amplifies Weapon Damage by +25% to shocked enemies. After 3 kills, applies shock to the next enemy you hit.
Before: Deals 40% extra Weapon Damage to shocked targets.
Amplifies Weapon Damage by 15% to pulsed enemies. After 4 kills, applies pulse to the next enemy you hit.
Before: Amplifies Weapon Damage by 15% to pulsed enemies. After 3 kills, applies pulse to the next enemy you hit.
Perfect Flatline
Amplifies Weapon Damage by +20% to pulsed enemies. After 3 kills, applies pulse to the next enemy you hit.
Before: Amplifies Weapon Damage by 20% to pulsed enemies. After 2 kills, applies pulse to the next enemy you hit.
Big Game Hunter
When scoped, switches to semi-automatic fire mode, dealing 450% Weapon Damage with each shot. Headshots grant +4% Headshot Damage. Stacks up to 25 times. Once at full stacks, 10 stacks decay every 4 seconds until all stacks have been removed. Headshots delay decaying of stacks
Before: When scoped, switches to semi-automatic fire mode, dealing 450% Weapon Damage with each shot. Headshots grant +2% Headshot Damage. Stacks up to 50 times. Once at full stacks, 10 stacks decay every 4 seconds until all stacks have been removed. Headshots delay decaying of stacks.
Breathe Free (Lady Death)
When moving, gain 4 stacks per second or 8 stacks if sprinting. Max stack is equal to the weapon's Mag Size. Each round fired consumes a stack, amplifying damage by 75%. Kills grant 20% movement speed for 10s.
Before: When moving, gain 4 stacks per second or 8 stacks if sprinting, up to 32 stacks. Each round fired consumes a stack, amplifying damage by 75%. Kills grant 20% movement speed for 10s.
[PvP Only] Actum Est (St. Elmo's Engine)
50% of the next magazine filled with shock ammo, instead of 100%.

Gear Talents​

Gain 3 stacks per second up to a max of 9 and each stack increases total weapon damage by 4% to enemies within 10m.
Initial values were 1 stack per second to a max 7 and each stack increases total weapon damage by 5% to enemies within 10m.
Perfect Intimidate
Gain 3 stacks per second up to a max of 10 and each stack increases total weapon damage by 4% to enemies within 10m.
Initial values were 1 stack per second to a max 8 and each stack increases total weapon damage by 5% to enemies within 10m.
Critical hits increase total weapon damage by 1% for 10s.
Initial value was 5s.
[PvP Only] Fireworks Show (Festive Delivery)*
Concussion Grenades become Festive Grenades. Hitting an enemy with a Festive Grenade will cause explosions to happen around two other enemies within 10m, dealing 15% damage.
Previously: Concussion Grenades become Festive Grenades. Hitting an enemy with a Festive Grenade will cause explosions to happen around two other enemies within 20m.
*Current in-game description is incorrect and will be changed with TU20.2


  • All Exotic Weapons' third attribute will be reconfigurable.
  • The Carbine 7 and Stoner LAMG will no longer drop with a preset talent.

Assault Rifles​

  • ACR, ACR-E: +10% Weapon Damage
  • AK-M, Military AK-M, Black Market AK-M, Black Market AK-M Replica, Manic: +8% Weapon Damage
  • AUG A3-CQC, Invisible Hand, The Bighorn: +10% Weapon Damage
  • CTAR-21, The Railsplitter: +10 Mag Size
  • F2000, F2000 Replica, Shield Splinterer: +50 RPM, +10 Mag Size
  • FAL, FAL SA-58, FAL SA-58 Para, FAL SA-58 Para Replica: +5% Weapon Damage
  • Military G36, G36 C, G36 C Enhanced, G36 C Enhanced Replica, Born Great: +50 RPM
  • Honey Badger, Savage Wolverine: +5 Mag Size
  • Mk16, SOCOM Mk16, Tactical Mk16, Tactical Mk16 Replica: +10% Weapon Damage
  • Military P416, Custom P416 G3, Glory Daze, Eagle Bearer: +50 RPM
  • PDR, Test Subject, Capacitor: +10% Weapon Damage


  • Stoner LAMG, Quiet Roar - +20% Weapon Damage
  • Bluescreen - +10% Weapon Damage
  • Military L86 LSW, Custom L86 A2, Custom L86 A2 Replica, Tabula Rasa: +20% Weapon Damage
  • HK GR9, Dare: +20% Weapon Damage
  • M249 B, Tactical M249 Para, Military Mk46, Military Mk46 Replica, Black Friday, The Stinger: +20% Weapon Damage
  • Classic M60, Military M60 E4, Black Market M60 E4, Classic M60 Replica, Black Market M60 E6 Replica, Good Times: +20% Weapon Damage
  • MG5, Infantry MG5, Infantry MG5 Replica, Big Show, Sleipner: +20% Weapon Damage
  • Iron Lung: +10% Weapon Damage
  • IWI NEGEV, Carnage, Bullet King: +20% Weapon Damage
  • Classic RPK-74, Military RPK-74, Black Market RPK-74, Black Market RPK-74 Replica, New Reliable: +20% Weapon Damage


  • AUG A3 Para XS, Enhanced AUG A3P, Tactical AUG A3P, Tactical AUG A3P Replica - +10% Weapon Damage, +25 RPM
  • CMMG Banshee, The Grudge: +5% Weapon Damage, +50 RPM
  • MP5 ST, MP5 ST Replica, MP5A2, MP5-N, Cabaret: +6 Mag Size
  • MP7, Swap Chain: +5% Weapon Damage, +50 RPM
  • Police T821, Black Market T821, Black Market T821 Replica: +10% Weapon Damage
  • Converted SMG-9, Converted SMG-9 A1, Converted SMG-9 Replica: +50 RPM
  • M1928, Tommy Gun, The Sleigher, Grown Great: +10% Weapon Damage
  • Police UMP-45, Tactical UMP-45, Tactical UMP-45 Replica: +10% Weapon Damage


  • ACR SS: +10% Weapon Damage
  • Ruthless, Merciless: +10% Weapon Damage
  • UIC15 MOD2: +30% Weapon Damage
  • M16A2, M16A2 Replica, Whisper: +30% Weapon Damage
  • MDR Battle Rifle, MDR Battle Rifle Replica, Vindicator: +10% Weapon Damage, +20 RPM
  • Military Mk17, Police Mk17, Police Mk17 Replica, Everlasting Glaze: +25% Weapon Damage
  • SIG 716, SIG 716 Replica, SIG 716 CQB, Artist's Tool: +25% Weapon Damage
  • Ravenous: +10% Weapon Damage
  • USC .45 ACP, USC .45 ACP Replica: +10% Weapon Damage
  • Resolute Mk47, Harmony: +20% Weapon Damage

Marksman Rifles​

  • M700 Carbon, M700 Carbon Replica, Brutus, M700 Tactical: +17% Weapon Damage, +8 Optimal Range
  • Model 700, Model 700 Replica, Ekim's Long Stick: +25% Weapon Damage, +8 Optimal Range
  • Covert SRS, SRS A1, SRS A1 Replica, Pinprick: +30% Weapon Damage
  • Mantis: +15% Weapon Damage
  • SR-1, SR-1 Replica, Adresia SR-1, Designated Hitter: +30% Weapon Damage
  • Paratrooper SVD, Surplus SVD, Commando, Dread Edict: +15% Weapon Damage
  • Tactical .308, Scalpel: +20 RPM, +8 Optimal Range


Brand Sets​

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Gear Sets​

System Corruption Geart Set
2 Pieces equipped give +15% Armor on Kill.
3 Pieces Equipped give +40% Disrupt Resistance and +40% Pulse Resistance.
4 Pieces equipped unlock a new unique Talent
Hackstep Protocol
Replaces armor kits with an instant, infinite-use ability on a 20s cooldown, that repairs 20% armor, grants 50% bonus armor and hides your nameplate for 5s.
Increases total weapon damage by 2% per 5% bonus armor gained, up to 20%.
Hackstep Protocol
Replaces armor kits with an instant, infinite-use ability on a 20s cooldown, that repairs 20% armor, grants 50% bonus armor and hides your nameplate for 5s.
Increases total weapon damage by 1% per 5% bonus armor gained, up to 20%.

Hunter's Fury
Gear Set
2 Pieces equipped give +15% SMG Damage
3 Pieces equipped give +20% Armor on Kill and 50% Health on Kill
4 Pieces
equipped unlock a new unique Talent
Apex Predator
Enemies within 15 meters receive a buff, amplifying your weapon damage against them by 20%.
Killing a debuffed enemy with your weapon disorients other enemies within 5 meters, and amplifies weapon damage by 5% for 10 seconds, stacking up to 5 times .
2 Pieces equipped give +15% SMG Damage
3 Pieces equipped give +20% Armor on Kill and 100% Health on Kill
4 Pieces equipped unlock a new unique Talent
Apex Predator

*Enemies within 15 meters receive a buff, amplifying your weapon damage against them by 20%. *
Killing a debuffed enemy with your weapon disorients other enemies within 5 meters, and amplifies weapon damage by 5% for 10 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.

Foundry Bulwark Gear Set
2 Pieces equipped give +10% Total Armor
3 Pieces equipped give +1% Amor Regeneration and +50% Shield Health
4 Pieces equipped unlock a new unique Talent
Makeshift Repairs
Whenever you or your shield take damage, 25% of that amount is repaired to both over 10s.
Chest and Backpack Bonuses:
Chest Bonus - Improved Materials

Decreases time taken for Makeshift Repairs from 10s to 5s.
Backpack Bonus - Process Refinery
Increases Makeshift Repairs from 25% over 10s to 35% over 10s.
2 Pieces equipped give +10% Total Armor
3 Pieces equipped give +1% Amor Regeneration and +50% Shield Health
4 Pieces equipped unlock a new unique Talent
Makeshift Repairs
Whenever you or your shield take damage, 20% of that amount is repaired to both over 15s.
Chest and Backpack Bonuses:
Chest Bonus - Improved Materials
Decreases time taken for Makeshift Repairs from 15s to 10s.
Backpack Bonus - Process Refinery
Increases Makeshift Repairs from 20% over 10s to 30% over 10s.


  • Yaahl Gear
  • Airaldi Holdings
  • Providence Defense
  • Sokolov Concern


In response to the balancing changes, a total of 273 leaderboards have been reset, including:
  • Kenly College
  • Raids
  • Strongholds
  • Clan
  • Standard Solo
  • Standard Group
  • Invaded Solo
  • Invaded Group



Season Pass Daily Project​

Conditions: To complete a mission on Hard or higher difficulty.
  • XP (Equivalent to one level up)
  • Optimization Materials Cache
  • Challenging Bounty - Black Tusk
  • 1 x Crafting Blueprint
  • 1 x Equipment Item
  • 1 x SHD Calibration Point
New Missions in Pool:
  • Potomac Event Center
  • Federal Emergency Bunker
  • Grand Washington Hotel
  • Camp White Oak
  • Jefferson Plaza
  • DCD Headquarters

Daily Projects​

To complete activities, neutralize Named Enemies, Resupply CP or complete a mission in a specific NZ.
  • Challenging Bounty
  • XP (half of a level up)
  • 5 x Specialization Points
  • 2 x Equipment Item
  • Recalibration Cache
  • 1 x Crafting Blueprint
  • 1 x Exotic Component
  • Dark Zone: All conditions that require eliminating other players have been removed and were replaced by the PvE-oriented ones (extract items, clear landmarks, etc.)
  • Conflict: The requirement of winning matches has been removed. Players now only need to complete matches and eliminate other players. Additionally, the overall difficulty of the conditions has been reduced.
  • 1 x SHD Calibration
  • Crafting Materials
  • Dark Zone XP if Dark Zone Project
  • Conflict XP if Conflict Project
  • 2 x Equipment Item
  • 1 x Weapon Crafting Cache

Weekly Projects​

Invasion Project
To neutralize named enemies, faction activities, faction bounties, complete Invaded Missions on certain difficulties and complete invaded Strongholds on certain difficulties.
  • 5 x SHD Calibration
  • Heroic Faction Bounty
  • 2x Equipment Item
  • Crafting Blueprints
  • 5 x Specialization Points
  • XP (Equivalent to one level up)
  • Heroic Bounty (All Factions)
  • 1 x Named Item Cache
  • 1 x Weapon Crafting Cache
  • 3 x Exotic Component

Weekly Legendary Mission​

Conditions: Complete one of the Legendary Strongholds.
  • 1 x Exotic Cache
  • 1 x Optimization Cache
  • 2 x Recalibration Cache
  • 1 x Gear Crafting Cache
SHD Requisition
To donate resources to CP or NPCs.
  • 1 x Exotic Cache
  • Crafting Blueprints
  • 5 x Specialization Points
  • XP (One Level Up)
  • Named Item Cache

Weekly Dark Zone / Conflict Project​

Conditions: Previously, players were required to engage in activities related to both Dark Zone and Conflict, regardless of the project's focus. The conditions have now been divided based on the project's specific focus. Additionally, these conditions have been made more attainable, such as reducing the requirement for Conflict Player Kills from 20 to 10 and Conflict Match Wins from 2 to 1.
  • 5 x SHD Calibration
  • Dark Zone XP if Dark Zone
  • Conflict XP if Conflict
  • 2 x Equipment Item
  • 2 x Named Item Cache‌

Weekly Summit Project​

Conditions: Complete 15 (instead of 30) Summit floors in Hard/Challenging difficulty.
  • 1 x Exotic Cache
  • Crafting Blueprints
  • 5 x Specialization Points
  • 2 x Named Item Cache
  • XP (One Level Up)
  • 1 x Recalibration Cache



  • When killing an angel, in addition to restoring armor to full, 50% of total armor is added as bonus armor.
  • Increased damage buff from 30% to 50%.
  • Minions now receive 15% of incoming damage instead of being invincible.
  • Damage buff duration increased from 10 to 15 seconds.

Polarity Switch​

  • Changed "damaging enemy of different color removes polarity stacks" to "killing enemy of different color removes polarity stacks".
  • Changed max stacks from 5 to 4.
  • Changed damage bonus per stack from 20% to 25%.
  • Killing an enemy of the right polarity refills the player's weapons.


  • Tripled explosion range.
  • Tripled explosion damage.
  • Fixed explosion VFX.
  • Explosions generate signature ammo and grenades at the player's location.

SHD Exposed​

  • 10x melee damage for the first melee hit after reaching 100% exposed.
  • Stacks are acquired 50% faster.
  • Doubled pulse radius.
  • Players take 65% damage instead of 115% from pulsed enemies. Non-pulsed enemies still deal full damage.


  • Tripled explosion range.
  • Increased explosion damage by 50%.
  • Enemy headshot weakness was increased by 50%.


  • Added new Commendations for the Paradise Lost Incursion
    • Incursion Effective Award - awarded for eliminating 10 hostiles during an Incursion: Paradise Lost while you are under a status effect.
    • Skillful Incursion - awarded for eliminating enemies using 5 different skills during an Incursion.
    • Incursion X Award - awarded for successfully securing the Meret Estate 10 times.
    • Incursion Collector - awarded for discovering all the collectibles in the Meret Estate.
    • Perfect Paradise Lost - awarded for completing an Incursion without any of the 4 team members being downed while not using any medkits.


  • Open-world loot crates are now scaled with world difficulty.
  • An option has been added to display the item count in the Stash when approaching it, eliminating the need to access it.

SHD Watch​

  • Capped SHD watch HP bonus to LVL 2000 and increased the HP gain.
  • LVL 1 to 1000: no changes.
  • LVL 1001 to 2000: changed HP gain from 0.3 to 30HP per level.
  • LVL 2001 and beyond: scavenging materials at each level.


  • The Recalibration Station has been reworked, receiving a streamlined flow, UI changes and a new name: Tinkering Station.
  • The functionalities of the Tinker Station can also be accessed on the go from the Inventory, in two ways:
  • Pressing [M] while nothing is highlighted opens the general Tinkering Menu.
  • Pressing [M] while a specific item is selected allows the player to make Tinkering operations directly on the highlighted item.


  • It has received UI improvements and can be accessed from the Tinkering Station.
  • Adjusted expertise costs to make upgrades more accessible.
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Recalibration and Optimization​

  • Merged both functions into one tab - Tinkering
  • Players are now unable to optimize beyond the value stored in their Recalibration Library.
  • The optimization upgrade steps have been modified so that players will no longer be required to pay the full price for an incomplete optimization step.
    • Example: You have +10% SMG Damage in the Library and are trying to optimize an SMG that currently has +9.7% SMG Damage. Since the highest value in your library is +10%, you will only be able to upgrade by +0.3% and will only pay the material price for the 0.3% portion instead of paying the full price of an upgrade step.

Recalibration Library​

  • It has received UI improvements and can be accessed from the Tinkering Station.

Armor kits​

  • Ability to instantly use an armor kit to replenish 25% armor (5 second cooldown), in addition to holding the button to replenish 100%.

Skill Mods​

  • Implemented a duplicate removal system for Skill Mods.
    • When a superior Skill Mod is acquired, it will automatically replace the existing one, resulting in the deconstruction of the inferior mod.
    • Similarly, if an inferior Skill Mod is obtained, it will be automatically deconstructed.
    • In both scenarios, the deconstructed Skill Mod will yield the corresponding amount of printer filament.



  • Lowered the required heat necessary to reach the Nemesis. This will reduce the minimum loop at which Players can encounter Nemesis to 4 and the maximum loop to 9.
  • Decreased the reward requirements in Descent by 1-5 loops. Players will now receive more loot caches / rewards for completing the same number of loops as before.
  • Added Exotic, Named & Reconstructed caches within the NSA Tech store found outside the Descent entrance.
  • Added Descent Outfits in the NSA Store - all 4 different color variants.
  • Added Talent pool rotations in Descent that update every 3 days. These pools have different thematic and consist of 35 talents and 6 exotic talents each.
    • Descent Talents Pool rotation now has its own menu where the current rotation and available talents can be checked.
    • The button prompt for the menu can be found within the Descent entrance AR window.
    • The duration of the rotation and its name is now also displayed.


  • Fixed the issue with the Summit LVL 100 XP.
  • Various stability improvements and script optimizations implemented in Countdown, Descent, and Summit.



  • Weapon & Gear caches in open world & missions were made to scale with the mission / global difficulty settings.
  • There should be an increase in the quality of gear and its stats now, across the board - especially remarkable on Challenging & Heroic difficulties.
  • Skill Mods of a higher level than the player can no longer be equipped.
  • The scope mod from Oh Carol Marksman Rifle can no longer be applied to any weapon.
  • Fixed the issue that made the blueprints from the named sidearms of certain specializations obtainable from Reconstructed Caches.
  • Fixed the issue where the majority of Named Gear Piece Blueprints obtained from Reconstructed Caches did not require Brand-Specific materials.
  • The Gift named backpack was in the Vests section of the Crafting Station.
  • The blueprints for Big Show and Fox's Prayer could not be found in the Crafting Station after being acquired, now they have been added.
  • Fixed the issue that allowed keeping the increased magazine size from the True Patriot Gear Set even after swapping loadouts.
  • Fixed the issue that allowed glitching through a ladder when entering cover directly behind it.


  • Fixed the Corner Glitch.
  • Fixed exploit where players could be invited at the end of the Raid to obtain Raid Specific Key without any participation.


When the event is active, you can earn Apparel Cache keys in game by levelling up your watch levels and unlocking the different items through caches. Apparel Event keys for the Apparel Caches can be earned from the following sources: 1 free key granted to all players, SHD Levelling - one key every four SHD levels, direct purchase with Premium Credits, and, if you are a Year 5 Season 2 Premium Pass owner, you'll be granted 3 extra keys.


Veiled Tactics Apparel Event offers a collection of four new outfits for you to acquire, with an additional fifth outfit as a completion reward. The event revolves around the theme of Camouflage, catering to those Agents who appreciate the art of concealing oneself.
[TD2] Year 5 Season 3: Vanguard img - 12


Last Resort Apparel Event returns from Year 2 Season 3: Concealed Agenda, offering Agents another opportunity to gather gear and outfits based on the enemy factions of NYC.
[TD2] Year 5 Season 3: Vanguard img - 13


The optional Season Pass is available for 1000 Premium Credits ($9.99 or your regional equivalent) in the in-game store, granting additional access to a Menpo outfit and a mask. Year 5 Season 3: Vanguard is available to all The Division® 2 Warlords of New York owners and Ubisoft+ subscribers.
[TD2] Year 5 Season 3: Vanguard img - 14

In addition, players with the Season Pass can gain access to the following premium track rewards:
  • 9 weapon skins
  • 10 gear dyes
  • 2 new emotes
  • 2 vanity outfits
  • 1 face mask
[TD2] Year 5 Season 3: Vanguard img - 15

In addition, new unique cosmetic bundles will be regularly added to the store. This time players will get the looks of Keener's squad of rogue agents from Warlords or New York. Each one will be made available as a unique outfit: Dragov, Conley, Kajika, Parnell, and rogue number one---Aaron Keener himself.
You can also track some of the top-level investigations being conducted by the team over on our Known Issues Board.

Good luck out there!

=> Source
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Reaktionen: tomcat66, SavageSkull, Deathangel008 und 3 andere

February 20th, 2024 - TU20.1 Patch Notes​


TU20.1 Patch Notes - February 20th, 2024​



  • Added the new textile vendor, Danny Weaver, who sells a limited stock of caches which refreshes weekly and can only be purchased with textiles.
  • To locate him, you need to find the Snitch, who will now reveal both Cassie Mendoza and Danny's locations on the map.


  • Fixed the issue with Faye Lau Climax mission remaining stuck on “Secure the area” objective after neutralizing all hostiles.
  • Fixed the issue that occurred when Faye Lau was killed too quickly resulting in a few waves of enemy NPCs spawning by helicopter after the Mission Complete prompt was displayed on the screen.
  • Fixed the issue with the Year 5 Season 2 Climax mission “Secure the Dam”. The issue was related to the objective persisting throughout the mission if the enemy NPCs on the dam were killed before completing the "Reach the Dam" objective.


  • Following the TU20 PTS Phase 2 feedback, some upgrades were made to the Tinkering Station:
    • Equipped items are now at the start of the grid.
  • Fixed the issue with the required materials list sometimes missing from Optimization Tab in the Tinkering Library.
  • Fixed an incorrect description for the Tinkering Library.
  • Fixed the issue where reconfiguring any Exotic item with full inventory resulted in the deletion of the Exotic item.
    • Details regarding the compensation will be provided at a later time.
  • Added tutorial screen for the Tinkering Station.


  • Fixed the issue with Vindicator Exotic Rifle stats not changing when re-rolling
  • Fixed the issue with the Exotic console choices featuring duplicates of already equipped Exotics.
  • Removed Hunter-Killer and Shield Splinterer blueprints from the Descent blueprint loot pool.
  • Fixed the issue where the Vindicator Exotic Rifle was available and could be purchased before reaching level 30 from the NSA Store.
  • Fixed the issue where no items were received from the Reconstructed Cache for Agents under level 40.
  • Added Tier I – IV and a Nemesis Arm Patches.
  • Fixed the issue with the missing description on the “Breathe Free” Exotic Talent when interacting with the console.


  • Fixed the issue with Skill Mods used in loadouts that were automatically deconstructed and not replaced by the newly acquired upgrade.


  • Fixed various clipping issues with a few apparel items on female and male Agent models:
    • Lovebird pants
    • Leopard Love hoodie
    • Crescent Jacket
    • Crescent eyewear
    • Crescent hat
    • Cresent gloves
    • Menpo gloves


  • Fixed the issue with Reconstructed caches in Descent not showing the newly obtained Named blueprint.
  • Fixed the issue with the season caches appearing as “Unmarked SHD Supplies” in the rewards section of the Leagues.
  • Added other minor UI fixes.


  • Fixed the issue that allowed using the Hackstep Protocol Talent in combination with Instant Armor kit instead of going on cooldown.
  • Fixed the issue where Survivalist and Firewall specializations received 50% flat armor after using Instant Armor kit instead of intended 25%.
  • Fixed the issue with Festive Delivery Named Backpack secondary explosion dealing more damage than the initial explosion.
  • Fixed the issue with the Perfect Overclock Talent cooldown reduction being 0.2 seconds instead of 0.6 seconds.
  • Fixed the issue with The Empress International backpack and the Battery Pack Named backpack having Armor core attribute instead of Skill tier.
  • Fixed the issue with Vindicator Exotic Rifle’s Talent Ortiz Assault Interface not marking all NPCs.
  • Fixed the issue with the incorrect description text for the following Talents:
    • Ortiz Assault Interface
    • Behind You
    • Perfectly Behind You


  • Fixed the issue with players being able to change Skill after leaving the spawn point.
  • Fixed the issue with the Match Reward Section showing a placeholder text.
  • Added Combat Gear Lock so players will no longer be allowed to change individual Gear pieces or Loadouts after leaving the spawn area.
  • Fixed the issue with the Determined and Perfect Determent Talents buff remaining active even after the Agent is killed.
  • Updated bonuses for the Festive Delivery backpack.
    • A new attribute applies a damage modifier to the secondary explosions in Dark Zone


  • Fixed the issue with the Reinforcer Chem Launcher applying the hazard protection twice per charge in Dark Zone.


  • Added new Commendations for Conflict:
    • Countdown Cool – awarded for fixing the Cooling Tower’s cooling system in under 5 minutes from the start of the objective.
    • Countdown Shocker – awarded for neutralizing 24 shocked hostiles.
    • Countdown Big Spender – awarded for spending 1000 Countdown Requisition Tokens.
    • Countdown Counter – awarded for deactivating every type of countermeasure.
    • Countdown Supply – awarded for resupplying your teammates 20 times by sharing items from your inventory.


  • Fixed the issue where after resetting the Manhunt and completing the Briefing mission multiple times the player received 130000XP each time.


  • Fixed the issue with the Turret Boss dealing damage through the door in the final beat in Tidal Basin on Legendary difficulty.
  • Fixed the issue with Weekly Legendary Project being available for a level 30 WONY character.
  • Added all collectibles to the Legacy Manhunt for Year 5 Season 2: Puppeteers
  • Added multiple localization fixes.
  • Fixed multiple issues affecting audio.
  • Updated the in-game text descriptions.
  • Stability improvements.
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Reaktionen: Woodmaniac, Deathangel008, Verak Drezzt und 2 andere
Lange hat es gedauert, aber ich bin dann auch endlich bei level eintausend angekommen. :jumpin:

Screenshot (108).png
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Reaktionen: Deathangel008, Woodmaniac, Bolder und eine weitere Person
JonnyGranada schrieb:
Added the new textile vendor, Danny Weaver, who sells a limited stock of caches which refreshes weekly and can only be purchased with textiles.
Ach ne, wird man die Dinger auch mal los^^
JonnyGranada schrieb:

wie lange hast denn dafür gebraucht? ich bin nach (laut Ubisoft Connect) 1485 stunden gerade mal bei 4849 oder so...

und sach ma: auf welcher wilden kostümparty war dein agent eigentlich als der einsatzbefehl kam?:p

und was für ein ekelhaft aufgeräumtes inventar mit nur 39 gegenständen:evillol:
Ich hab das Spiel nach so vielen Jahren mal wieder installiert, hatte auch vor kurzem die letzte Erweiterung im Sale und mit Rabattpunkten gekauft.^^

Ich hatte jetzt am Anfang des Spielens keinen Plan mehr was wie funktioniert.^^ Ach ja, Rainbow 6 Siege hab ich mir auch im Sale und mit Punkten gekauft, dabei war die Deluxe Edition kurioserweise günstiger als die normale Version.^^

Und das eigentlich nur um die R6 Skins freizuschalten. :D
Deathangel008 schrieb:
wie lange hast denn dafür gebraucht?
Bin jetzt bei 2795 Std. und 217864 Loot aufgesammelt, sind noch 51 Level dazugekommen.

Deathangel008 schrieb:
auf welcher wilden kostümparty war dein agent
Thema war Summertime LED.

Deathangel008 schrieb:
ekelhaft aufgeräumtes inventar mit nur 39 gegenständen
Ist halt zweiter char mit nur den nötigen builds. Wobei der erste hat auch nur 48. Ich sammel halt im spiel alles auf und sortiere das dann wenn der Rucksack voll ist.
du scheinst effizienter zu spielen als ich:D

2800 stunden ist schon ordentlich. wäre damit bei mir auf platz 2, mit großem abstand hinter Warframe. die knapp 1500 stunden die ich in TD2 gesteckt habe reichen nur für platz 4:D:freak:
Deathangel008 schrieb:
du scheinst effizienter zu spielen als ich

Mit vielen Direktiven zu spielen hilft da sehr.
Ist bei mir aber auch nur Platz 3 oder 4, Payday hat 3320 Std.

Wie viel Zeit ich mit Hidden & Dangerous 2 verbracht habe kann ich nicht sagen, könnte aber durch aus mehr sein.

Auf Platz 1 dürft mit weitem abstand Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter sein, da ich das nicht nur gespielt, sondern auch maps gebastelt und gemodded habe.
Es scheint ja immer noch so zu sein das The Division 2 empfindlich auf manche andere Programme im Hintergrund reagiert, wenn ich die Echtzeitüberwachung von meinem AV anhabe startet das Spiel nicht oder mit HW-Info im Hintergrund gibt es Abstürze.^^

Kann man eigentlich mittlerweile DirectX 12 bedenkenlos nutzen oder gibt es damit immer noch Probleme/Crashes?^^
Gravlens schrieb:
Kann man eigentlich mittlerweile DirectX 12 bedenkenlos nutzen oder gibt es damit immer noch Probleme/Crashes?
Bei manchen geht es seit Tag 1 bei manchen stürzt es immer noch ab. Must du wohl einfach mal ausprobieren.
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: Gravlens
Baya schrieb:
Ich hab HWiNFO dauerhaft laufen und keine Probleme^^
Danke für den Hinweis, dann lag es doch an was anderem, zumindest konnte ich das Problem (direkter Absturz nachdem man Ingame ist) mit HW-Info nicht reproduzieren.^^

@JonnyGranada Danke, dann werde ich DirectX 12 einfach mal testen.^^
Ergänzung ()

Okay, ich muss das bzgl. HW-Info doch etwas zurück nehmen, jedenfalls nachdem ich es beendet habe bekomme ich einen Black-Screen nach dem Pop-Up mit Easy-Anti-Cheat auf dem Desktop und das war jetzt das zweite mal.^^

Als HW-Info lief hatte ich damit aber keine Probleme.^^ Jetzt muss ich meinen Rechner neu starten, ansonsten kann ich The Division 2 nicht mehr starten, das weiß ich bereits, ab und neu anmelden funktioniert auch nicht.^^
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Danny Weaver der neue Händler den man mit Textilien bezahlt scheint mehrmals die Woche neue Kisten zu haben. Werde es nächste Woche mal testen und jedes mal wenn der Händler offen ist reinschauen.
Bei mir war es bei beiden Einkäufen an unterschiedlichen Tagen auch alles max rolls, zumindest aus den Feld Kisten, aus den Exos nicht.