State of the Game:
Loot in The Division
- The development team has been listening to player feedback regarding loot drops and agree that they are not as satisfying as they should be.
- The current gear system isn't in a good place and is being worked on so that there are satisfying ways to get gear, and that the gear itself is satisfying.
- As an example, the development team is currently looking at the Gear Brands and plan to make sure that they have all six gear pieces instead of the current three, which will come in a future Title Update.
- Making gear acquisition satisfying is the highest priority right now and will be introduced over time, with the first step being the skill rework in Episode 1. Stay tuned for more updates.
Title Update 5 / Episode 1 PTS
- Episode 1 and Title Update 5 will be available on the Public Test Server starting July 1 on PC
- The new content will be open in stages, so that specific content can be tested one at a time.
- The exact schedule will be posted later.
Highlighted Changes:
- All blueprints will now be shared across all sources, meaning you will be able to grind Control Point Alert Level 3 and 4 to get all Blueprints.
- Inaya will also have these blueprints on sale at the BOO.
- Heroic Bosses drop Exotics
- The ones that come from crafting quests (like Nemesis), must be first acquired before they will drop from bosses. This is another way to get to max gear score exotics.
- Exotics that are brought to the gear score max are all max rolls. Meaning if you bring an exotic up to 500 gear score, it will be a max roll.
Gun Runner Buff
- Cassie Mendoza will now sell GS500 items.
- She will also sell Named Items and Exotics
Crafting Station Upgrade
- The Crafting Station can be upgraded to GS 500
- The upgrade requires a GS 490 Gun, GS 490 Gear Piece and Materials
- Crafted items can be used for recalibration. To and from.
- There will be a flashlight attachment for pistols.
- It can be found somewhere.
New Weapons
- Two new weapons will be added with Title Update 5.
- Carbine 7 Assault Rifle
- Stoner LMG
- Both with new Talents
- Diamondback lever action rifle will also be added
Carbine 7 / Stoner LMG
New Exotic Gloves
- New Exotic BTSU (Black Tusk Special Unit) Gloves.
- This is specialized on hybrid Skill Builds (Offensive / Crowd Control combos) when you switch between those skills you will unlock very good buffs.
- For example, the Remote Pulse will have a detonate effect
Skills Overhaul
They have done an overhaul of all Skills and in particular how they interact with Skill mods – how they get buffed and get more effective. The most viable skill-builds revolved around explosive skills – now they are even stronger, while the other like the Turret or the Shields are on par with that.
It basically started with looking at the DPS meta and how much damage you can do with weapons. At the moment you can do up to 3 Million DPS with an assault rifle build. They then basically used that as a benchmark and started working on the Skill Builds so that they can keep up with that. The goal was not to nerf the weapons – but to buff, a 100% Skill focused build up to that level.
What has changed
Skill Mods
The Skill Mods got a big buff in how much impact they have on the Skills:
For example:
- TU4: A 3k Skill Power Turret Mod will buff the damage by 25-30%
- TU5: A 3k Skill Power Turret Mod will buff the damage by 150%
Cooldown Reduction becomes Skill Haste
They also looked at cooldowns and how effective the current cooldown system is. It was very easy to get 90% Skill Cooldown Reduction and get it down to 10 seconds. This is a problematic situation.
What they basically did is, that they changed Cooldown Reduction into Skill Haste. Skill Haste goes way above 100% and is a healthier system for the long term health of the game.
- So as of Title Update 5 Cooldown Reduction has been changed into Skill Haste on all your items.
- The current values will also be buffed by 33%
- There are also very powerful Skill Haste Mods – so when you have 3k Skill Power you can have up to 200% Skill Haste on those mods.
Damage Buffs to Skills
The damage Skills were also buffed to do a lot more damage to the NPCs - even before the buffs from the Specialization are added on top of that. So when you have 3k Skill Power you can do a lot of damage even on challenging difficulty. But on heroic difficulty, it will still take some effort.
Weapons are still very much viable
While the Skills got a big buff – the king of continuous damage are still the weapons. This rework is not about “replacing weapon builds with skill builds” but to make them a viable option on the battlefield.
Shields were also buffed
The Shield-Skills also got a big buff to become more usable on the battlefield