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The Division Community Talk - The Division 2

  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: Silverangel
Ich bin sehr skeptisch...
Jedes Teil von jeder Marke und dann noch Attribute nach Belieben rollen, denke das wird zu einfach.
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: Silverangel
Cassie's Angebot wird immer besser:

Scheinbar haben sie es mit einem Patch grad gefixt. Cassie hat zwei named ARs.
(Die bestimmt jeder schon lange hat... :-/ )
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Zumindest hast du sie gefunden und nicht nur einen zehnstündigen Countdown bis sie angeblich da ist...
Zählen diese 2 named ARs schon zu den 35 „named items“ aus TU 6? Mein Lager ist nämlich schon wieder bin zum Anschlag voll :freak:
Kann man eigentlich etwas mit dem benannten Scharfschützengewehr aus L26 etwas anfangen?
Habe jetzt an zwei Wochenenden meine letzten beiden Chars auf Weltrang 5 hochgespielt und habe diese Waffe genau in diesem Level 26 bekommen, vorher habe ich da nicht darauf geachtet.
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: TermyD
Nö, viel anfangen kannst du mit der nicht.
Cassie hat die manchmal im Angebot, falls du die für'n höheren GS haben willst, aber eigentlich ist die uninteressant.
Vielleicht wird die mit TU6 interessant, da die named Items überarbeitet werden, aber natürlich nicht in der Level 26 Version. ^^
Der PTS ist jetzt live.

Das sind die Phasen:
  • Sept 16th: Loot targeting, Dark Zone
  • Sept 24th: New Exotic, Balancing, Bug Fixing
  • October 1st: PTS Ends

Hier die Patchnotes:
Below you find a first version of the Patch Notes for PTS Title Update 6.

For this PTS, we will not include any narrative content of Episode 2 and the Patch Notes will therefore not mention them.
Our development team is also still working on this patch, which is planned to release in October.
This means that there are a lot of game and balance changes still going to be added to this list of changes, both more nerfs and buffs to items, gear sets, gear brands, weapons, etc.

You might also find different numbers on the PTS than in the Patch Notes below, but we’ll make sure to iron these out the best we can for the final release of TU6 / Episode 2.

Gameplay changes


  • Added a missing blueprint for the Aces & Eights kneepads.
  • Removed 3 blueprints from the blueprint collection as they were not obtainable in the game.


Dark Zone
Gear Normalization

  • Player stats will no longer be normalized, and agents will receive their full recalibration bonuses at end game.
  • Players below Gear Score 500 will still receive stats boost to allow an easier entry into the Dark Zone.
  • Talents continue to have PvE and PvP versions.
    • The UI will now automatically change the talent text inside and outside normalized PvP.
    • We’re working on displaying all PvP modifiers in the UI.

Developers Notes: We heard player feedback that normalization can be too punishing, especially when you’re trying to min/max your agent as much as possible, just to learn that when entering a Dark Zone, the effort was not worth it.

Supply Drops

  • Added more variety of the types and locations of supply drops.
  • Supply drops can now drop in inactive landmarks.
    • These encounters can have multiple bosses or faction fights.
  • Supply drops will occasionally drop in the Occupied Dark Zone.
    • Black Tusks will make sure to guard the precious drop.

Updated Thieves Den Vendor

  • The Thieves Den Vendor has now setup a proper store and accepts DZ resources.
  • The Thieves Den Vendor stock will rotate regularly – We’ll have more information on the stock and rotation at a later point.
  • Added an indicator on the World Map which displays the specific Dark Zone in which the Thieves Den Vendor is located.
    • At end game, the Thieves Den Vendor will move between the two non-occupied DZs.
  • Normal vendors outside each Dark Zone’s main gate now accepts DZ resources with reworked stocks.

Dark Zone matchmaking

  • We’ve made changes to matchmaking for Dark Zones which should ensure higher populations in all zones.

Developers Notes: In the past, one of our biggest goals with the DZ was for it to always feel like a fully seamless experience with the open world. This led players, depending on which server they were assigned to, going into empty DZ phases. In Episode 2, we now make an effort to place you onto a server that will help ensure you’re playing in a full zone. The server transfer can happen when players first walk into a DZ checkpoint.

General changes
  • Dark Zone extractions now have a chance to be ambushed by NPC's.
  • Hacking a Dark Zone Terminal will temporarily highlight DZ resources around you.


  • Added new sound effects for the countdown in Conflict.
  • End of match rewards.
    • Players will now always earn a reward for playing a match.
    • Additional rewards will be given for ranking up and winning.
  • Added new loading screens.
  • Added new match start sequence.
  • Updated boost signs and feedback.
  • Updated Victory/Loss presentation.
    • Added new music for the winning team.
  • Reworked end of round screen
    • Will emphasize on each earned reward.
  • Added PvP projects in Conflict.
    • Daily DZ Projects now rotates between a Conflict project and a DZ project.
  • Added visibility of the area of effect range of Skills.
    • Only shows when players are in the affected area.

Control Points

  • Control Point Officers will now revive all downed players, instead of only reviving the player that was downed last, in co-op sessions.


  • Added a bonus armor visualization on enemies.

Loadout selection

  • Players can now choose loadouts from the map voting screen.

Loot targeting
Loot targeting is a new feature introduced with Title Update 6 / Episode 2. When reaching World Tier 5 players will be able to see Named Zones and Main Missions now have icons to reflect a higher drop chance for specific items. This allows agents to target specific brands, weapons and mods in these missions and zones. A detailed article about this feature can be found here.

We have made several changes to recalibration for this update:

  • New recalibration interface.
  • Players are now able to recalibrate stat types over each other, for example Offensive (Red) attributes over Defensive (blue) attributes.
    • This still only applies to stats on gear pieces of the same category.
  • It is now possible to recalibrate items that are located in the Stash.

Brand sets

  • Brand sets now have an item available on every slot, Mask, Backpack, Vest, Gloves, Holster and Kneepads.
  • The only exception to this is the “511” brand, as the real-life version doesn’t cover all slots and we’re happy to stick with that.


  • Enemies will no longer drop crafting materials that the player is currently capped out on.
  • Deconstructing gear and weapons have a chance to provide Polycarbonate.
    • The chance to gain extra materials from deconstructing stays the same.
  • Lowered crafting costs. When crafting fewer grey and Brand materials will now be required.
    • At Gear Score 500 base materials required are now 60 (down from 85)
    • At Gear Score 500 Brand materials required are now 5 (down from 8).
  • Enemies will now drop higher amounts of crafting materials.
    • Green materials up to 12 (from 6).
    • Blue materials up to 9 (from 4).
    • Named enemies drop larger quantities than before.
  • Crafting material containers will now drop one green and one blue material, instead of just one of either.
  • Blueprints that haven’t been acquired yet will now be visible in the crafting bench interface with hints on how to acquire them.
  • Added a notification to the crafting interface that increases clarity when an upgrade to the Crafting Bench is available.
  • The crafting vendor Inaya now sells a perk that allows a player to share materials between all their characters.
  • Increased perks for upgrading the material inventory size:
    • Base materials cap with all perks unlocked now 2000 (up from 600).
    • Green and blue materials cap with all perks unlocked now 1500 (up from 400).
  • Increased material caps for rare materials:
    • Purple cap now 300 (up from 100).
    • Orange cap now 80 (up from 50).
    • Hard Wired base materials cap now 50 (up from 30).
    • Hard Wired components cap now 10 (up from 5).


  • Increased Stash space by 150.

Balancing changes

Brand Sets
Alps Summit Armament:

  • 2-Piece set bonus is now +10% Skill Power (up from 5%).

China Light Industries Corporation:

  • 3-Piece set bonus is now +20% Skill Haste (down from 30%).

Petrov Defense Group:

  • 3-Piece set bonus is now +20% Skill Haste (down from 30%).


  • Rebalanced Hard, Challenging and Heroic difficulty.
  • Black Tusk War Hounds and Mini Tanks will now feature red, blinking lights before they perform their on-death explosion.
    • This is now consistent with how all other NPCs signal that they explode.
  • Black Tusk Mini Tank now has a short wind-up before its on-death explosion.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Black Tusk War Hound’s turret from not being able to rotate beyond a certain threshold when moving.
    • Developer comment: This means the War Hound will be able to hit a target more frequently when moving which was always intended.
  • Decreased effectiveness of the Black Tusk Mini Tank after its Controller has died.
    • Increased wind-up time of LMG greatly.
    • Decreased accuracy significantly.
    • Enabled friendly fire.
  • Removed Explosive Ammo from Elite Black Tusk War Hound and replaced it with “Triple Shot”—three successive shots after a short delay between each.
    • Developer comment: Bleed was too punishing when applied by the War Hound.
  • NPCs are now more aggressive when entering combat with the player.
    • Assaults now provide cover-fire for their allies when entering combat if a Heavy Weapons is not present in their fireteam.
  • Decreased Outcasts Tank and Underground Tank health by 12.5%.
  • Increased movement speed of Underground Tank slightly.
  • Decreased crowd-controlling effectiveness against Tank NPCs slightly and in a number of different ways:
    • Shock duration decreased by 50% for Tanks.
    • Ensnare duration decreased by 50% for Tanks.
    • Burn no longer staggers or affects the behavior of Tanks.
    • Blind causes Tank NPCs to stand still and shoot wildly (with friendly fire turned on).
    • Blinded Melee Tanks slowly move to the player’s last known position but will not attack.
    • Confuse causes Tank NPCs to walk around randomly while shooting wildly (with friendly fire turned on).
    • Confused Melee Tanks slowly move towards the player but with a decent amount of delay.
  • Player Turrets are now more likely to be targeted by enemy NPCs.
    • This is especially true if the player is hiding in cover or not doing anything particularly threatening.
    • The hitbox size has also been increased slightly and we fixed some issues so enemy NPCs will now hit turrets a bit more easily.

Seeker Mine

  • Increased damage of Explosive Seeker Mine by 20%.
    • Now applies Bleed status effect.
  • Increased damage of Cluster Seeker Mines by +30%.
  • Increased cooldown of Cluster Seeker Mines from 40s to 60s.
  • Lowered quantity of Cluster Seeker Mines from 4 to 3.
  • Increase cooldown of Blinder Firefly from 60s to 90s.

Developer Notes: We've seen an overall positive reception from the community in regard to the improvements to skills and skill haste in TU5, and it's been great to see players theory crafting and using their new and improved builds. With skill-based builds becoming more and more common at the end-game however, it was clear that some combination of skills had become overly disruptive to the intended experience. In particular, the generous increase to skill haste on gear coupled with the reduced base cooldown of Cluster Seekers meant achieving a very short cooldown was relatively easy. While we're happy with the damage output of the Cluster Seeker itself, the skill does more than just blow things up, as it effectively causes NPCs to panic; frequently flushing them out of or away from cover, leading to even more damage received. For this reason, the Cluster Seeker can be seen as a significant force multiplier, especially in group content. Because encounter balance and cadence is important for creating not just challenging combat, but a satisfying overall experience, we felt it necessary to increase the cooldown of Cluster Seekers to 60s (still remaining 30s shorter than its TU4 counterpart) and lower the number of mines deployed by 1, while giving it a boost in damage to compensate; ensuring it remains your best choice when it comes to eliminating multiple spread-out targets at once. The increase in damage and the addition of the Bleed status effect to the Explosive Seeker Mine should also increase its attractiveness and make choosing between it and the Cluster variant a more meaningful choice.


  • All Firefly variants can now be quick-deployed and will rapidly seek out the nearest target(s).
  • Increased cooldown of Blinder Firefly from 60s to 90s

Developer Notes: Similar to what was outlined above, generous skill haste from gear and the addition of the exotic BTSU gloves meant players could achieve both very frequent and very long blind durations on NPCs. Coupled with something like an equally short cooldown on Cluster Seekers, it was possible to crowd-control an entire wave of 10+ enemies while simultaneously dealing tens of millions of damage with ease and at very little risk. We like seeing powerful combinations of skills being used together and want to encourage clever use of game mechanics, especially in terms of group synergy, but it should come at the cost of investing in highly specialized gear. With these changes, it is still possible to achieve a 10s or lower cooldown on both the Blinder Firefly and Cluster Seeker Mines, however it will require a more significant investment in Skill Haste to achieve such a powerful force-multiplier.


  • Assault Turret and Sniper Turret damage is now affected by the Damage to Elites attribute.
  • Increased drain on Incinerator Turret active duration when firing.


  • Striker Drone damage is now affected by the Damage to Elites attribute

Eagle Bearer

  • Lowered Eagle Bearer Damage by 15%

New talents:

  • Spark: Damaging enemies with skills or grenades grant +15% weapon damage for 15s.
    • Spark can be found on backpack items.
  • Vigilance: Gain +25% weapon damage. Receiving damage disables this buff for 5s.
    • Vigilance can be found on chest items.
  • Concussion: Headshots grant +20% headshot damage for 2 s, 5s with marksman rifles.
    • Concussion can be found on mask items.

Talent changes:

  • On The Ropes: Nerf
    • Weapon damage is increased by 15% (down from 25%) while all skills are on cooldown.
  • Critical: Buff
    • +15% (up from 5%) critical hit damage
  • Mad Bomber: Buff
    • Removed attributes requirements.
    • Riot Foam Grenade radius is now correctly modified.
  • Unstoppable Force: Nerf
    • Killing an enemy grants 1% (down from 2%) weapon damage for every 20.000 (down from 25.000) max armor.
  • Creeping Death: Buff
    • Status effects spread to the nearest enemy within 25m (up from 10m). Can occur every 5s (down from 15s).
  • Trauma: New functionality
    • PVE: Once every 30s, an enemy hit with a headshot is blinded for 5s.
    • PvP: Once every 40s, an enemy hit with a headshot is blinded for 2s.
  • Centered: Buff
    • Headshot kills grant status effect immunity for 30s (up from 10s).
  • Dialed In: New functionality
    • While Aiming, gain 15% weapon stability.
  • Spotter: Nerf
    • +15% (down from 20%) weapon damage to pulsed enemies.
  • Wicked: New functionality
    • Whenever you apply a status effect, gain +15% weapon damage for 20s.
  • Compensated: Nerf
    • Weapon damage is increased by 10% (down from 15%) when your critical hit chance is below 20%.
    • Now correctly removes the buff if critical hit chance is increased when the buff is active.
  • Obliterate: Buff
    • Depleting an enemy’s armor grants +30% (up from 25%) critical hit damage for 15s (up from 5s).
  • Opportunistic: New functionality
    • Enemies you damage take 10% more damage from all sources for 3s.
  • Kneecap: New functionality
    • Shooting an enemy in the legs applies bleed to them for 10s. This can occur once every 30s.
  • Bloodlust: New functionality
    • Swapping weapons grants +15% weapon damage for 5s. The buff is lost for 5s when you swap a weapon while the buff is active.
  • Gunslinger: Buff
    • Swapping to your sidearm within 10s (up from 3s) of a kill refills the sidearm’s magazine and grants +30% (up from 20%) weapon damage for the entire magazine.
  • To Order: Added functionality
    • Grenades can now be “cooked” by holding the fire button, making them explode earlier. Gain +15% bonus armor while aiming grenades.
  • Surgical: Buff
    • +10% (up from 5%) critical hit chance
  • Entrench: Buff
    • Headshots from cover repair 15% (up from 10%) of your armor.


  • Naked: New functionality
    • Whenever your armor is depleted, gain +50% damage for 20s.
  • Breadbasket: Buff
    • Landing body shots adds a stack of bonus +50% (up from 5%) headshot damage to the next headshot for 10s. Max stack is 3 (down from 10).
  • Boomerang: Buff
    • Critical hits have a 50% (up from 20%) chance to return the bullet to the magazine. If a bullet is returned to the magazine the next shot has +50% (up from 20%) increased damage.
  • Close & Personal: Buff
    • Killing a target within 7m grants +50% weapon damage for 10s (up from 5s).
  • Near Sighted: Adjustment
    • Receive a +80% (up from 35%) stability at the cost of -30% (up from 20%) critical strike range and -30% optimal range.
  • Finisher: Added functionality
    • Swapping from this weapon within 10s (up from 3s) of killing an enemy grants +30% Critical Hit Chance and +30% Critical Hit Damage for 15 (added).
  • Frenzy: Buff
    • For every 10 bullets in the magazine capacity, gain +3% (up from 2%) rate of fire and +3% (up from 2%) weapon damage for 5s when reloading from empty.
  • Killer: Buff
    • Killing an enemy with a critical hit grants +50% (up from 30%) critical hit damage for 15s (up from 5s).
  • Lucky Shot: Buff
    • Magazine capacity is increased by 20%. Missed shots from cover have a 100% (up from 25%) chance to return to the magazine.
  • Outsider: New functionality
    • After killing an enemy, gain +100% optimal range, +100% critical range and +100% accuracy for 10s.
    • Removed attributes requirements.
  • Unwavering: Modified functionality
    • Swapping to this weapon grants +200% weapon handling for 5s. Kills refresh this buff. Swapping away disables this buff from all weapons for 5s.
  • Sadist: Added functionality
    • Deal 30% weapon damage to bleeding enemies. After 3 kills, applies bleed to the next enemy you hit.
  • Eyeless: Added functionality
    • Deal 30% weapon damage to bleeding enemies. After 3 kills, applies bleed to the next enemy you hit.
  • Ignited: Added functionality
    • Deal 30% weapon damage to bleeding enemies. After 3 kills, applies bleed to the next enemy you hit.
  • Overwhelm: Buff
    • Suppressing an enemy grants +10% (up from 5%) weapon damage for 10 seconds. Max stack is 5.
  • Ranger: Adjustment
    • Removed attributes requirements.
  • Reformation: Buff
    • Headshot kills increase skill repair and healing by 150% (up from 50%) for 25s.
  • Rifleman: Buff
    • Stacks are no longer removed on missed shots and bodyshots.
  • Premeditated: Nerf
    • Weapon damage is increased for every shell loaded to a maximum of +40% (up from 35%). If all shells are reloaded the weapon damage is increased by an additional 10% (down from 50%). Buff lasts for 10 seconds.
  • Pummel: Buff
    • 2 (down from 3) consecutive body shot kills refills the magazine and grants +50% weapon damage for 10s (up from 7s).
  • Vindictive: Added functionality
    • Killing an enemy with a status effect applied grants all group members within 15m +20% critical hit chance and +20% critical hit damage (added) for 20s (up from 10s)
  • Measured: Modified functionality
    • The top half of the magazine has +20% rate of fire and -15% weapon damage. The bottom half of the magazine has -20% rate of fire and +30% total weapon damage (modified).
  • Steady Handed: Buff
    • Landing a shot adds a stack of bonus 3% (up from 2%) weapon handling. Max stack is 10 (down from 15). At max stacks each shot landed has a 5% chance to consume the weapon handling bonus and refill the magazine.
  • Fast Hands: Buff
    • Critical Hits add a stack of 15% (up from 3%) reload speed bonus. Max stack is 10 (down from 20).

UI changes

  • The order of mod slots has been rearranged on several gear items. Dye slots are now always shown at the bottom of the mod slot list.
  • Added Bleed status effect UI info to Explosive Seeker mine.
  • Added Bleed status effect UI info to Stinger Hive
  • Added Bleed status effect UI info to Artillery Turret.
  • Apparel
    • Added a menu that shows all collected skins and dyes in one menu.
    • Added the option to add a dye to all armor pieces.
  • Inventory
    • Added a menu that allows sorting of gear-mods in several ways.
    • Added grid view for mods to sort them by category.
    • Added more flags for items:
      • Mark for Donation
      • Mark for Recalibration
    • Added gear menu to sort all gear by brand, item type and several other options.
  • Character UI
    • DMG, RPM and Skill Power is now visible and can be compared on the main inventory screen.
  • Loadouts
    • Added 12 Loadout slots

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to speak to Manny after finishing Tidal Basin in a group.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some PC players to be unable to see items linked in chat when clicking / hovering on them.
  • Fixed an issue that caused chat to appear in an incorrect color after linking an item.
  • Fixed an issue that could allow players to pickup a Hunter’s mask in another player’s session without defeating the Hunter encounter.
  • Fixed an issue that caused character animations to be incorrect when aiming down sight against a wall.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause aiming down sight not working when aiming backwards in low cover.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause camera movement to be misaligned when spectating an agent and switching team member buttons too fast in spectator mode.
  • Fixed an issue where characters would float after performing a combat roll from the top of stairs. No more parkour!
  • Fixed an issue where trying to reload while an interaction prompt is available would cause the reload to fail.
  • Fixed a missing animation after reaching level 1 in the Shepherd system.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the FOV to change drastically after enabling Motion sickness mode on PS4.
  • Fixed wording on the “Extraction Completed” leaderboard to include “Contaminated Items Extracted”.
  • Fixed an issue where players would not receive a notification clarifying why they are unable to invite a player to Operation Dark Hours.
  • Fixed an issue where “Fast travel to Mission” would not work when matchmaking was successful for Kenly College.
  • Fixed an issue where the equalizer UI element for some audio collectables was missing.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the sensitivity feedback bar in the Microphone Input Threshold VOIP settings not to function.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an exclamation mark to not disappear from the Skills tab UI.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Spike talent to not properly function despite meeting the requirements on any weapon.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Commitment Distinction” and “Side Mission Merit” commendations tracked the Prologue, Skirmish and “Talk to The Quarter Master” objectives as missions and side missions.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the World Tier transition UI to overlap with other UI elements when opening menus while transitioning between Tiers.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Notifications to overlap with the chat window when using the Scaling Anchor UI down setting.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Skills to be highlighted when switching between team members in spectator mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the road displayed on the Megamap was higher than the buildings in the Camp White Oak area. President Ellis did definitely not take the high road…
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Double Barrel Sawed Off to have a progress bar as reload animation.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the “Discovery” tab to not correctly sort when choosing “Missions” as sorting method.
  • Fixed an issue on the Shooting Range that could cause damage numbers feedback to pop up on previous targets.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Party Leader to be unable to ready up when having transferred the party leader status to another person who declined it while the ready up process was ongoing.
  • Fixed an issue where the description of the Riot Foam Grenade in the inventory UI showed the Concussion Grenade description.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Activity Summary to award stars for Damage Done to Bosses and Damage Dealt to multiple players despite those players having different numbers.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the UI to become empty when inspecting another player while voting for a map in Conflict.
  • Fixed an issue that caused HUD elements to get blocked by an invisible barrier when clicking and dragging.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the mission panel at the entrance of Viewpoint Museum to be missing when a Hard and Challenging Daily Project was active at the same time.
  • Fixed an issue that caused HUD elements to be displaced after being given a customized position when turning on Anchor UI.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Mission Icon for the “Resume personal progress in the Social menu” notification to be missing when the host of the session disconnected or left the group.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the News section Ui to block the Social section. Back to being social!


  • Fixed an issue that could cause an abrupt transition between spinning and winding down the barrels of the Gunner’s Minigun.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Manny’s and ISAC’s VO to be too low when Mena language was selected.
  • Fixed several props in the world not having audio.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a collected Recording to not automatically play when picked-up after fast-travelling or logging in to the game.

Modding, Crafting & Recalibration

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Laser Pointer mods to be misaligned on the Carbine 7.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Scope mods to be misaligned on the Stoner LMG.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the “Lullaby Upgrade” and “Ruthless Upgrade” blueprints to not count towards the Weapon Upgrade section in the Crafting bench.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some players to be unable to upgrade equipped exotic weapons.
  • Improved the Ui for upgrading the Crafting Bench to Gear Score 500.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Random Brand Vest items to sometimes yield less armor than the description of the blueprint would suggest.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause some gear dyes not appearing properly on items when equipping them on a female character.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Stats menu to display the “Armor Regeneration” as 0 when mods with “+ X Armor / s Regeneration” and “+X Armor on Kill” were equipped.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Black Market RPK-74 E Replica to have odd properties.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Pivot Pads to be crafted without stats and armor.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause NPCs to desync after being hit by a melee attack.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the RPG NPC to lose the ability to use the RPG Launcher while under a status effect.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the bullets of the Tank Mini Gun to not be synced with the weapon.
  • Fixed an issue that caused NPCs looping the peek out animation when targeted by an agent.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs would drop their Grenade Launcher when climbing a ladder in Kenly College.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause NPCs to pass through doors instead of opening them.


  • Fixed an issue that caused missing visual effects when the Defender Drone deflected incoming bullets.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Reviver Hive to not work when player health was low while in a down state.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Reviver Hive to trigger reviving a player while already being revived by a Control Point Officer.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Artillery Turret’s cooldown to decrease faster than other Skills with the same base cooldown when having Skill Haste.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Firestarter Chem Launcher’s charges to be destroyed after the cooldown had already ended when the player had at least 100% Skill Haste.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the tutorial video for the Mender Seeker Mine to not be visible in the Skills mod menu.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the audio effects of the Incinerator Turret to not work properly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Restorer Hive to not affect other friendly Skills.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Assault Rifle Damage to Health bonus to effect Skill damage when an Assault Rifle was drawn and equipped.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Artillery Turret UI to not state that it applies the Bleed status effect on hit.

Weapons & Gear

  • Fixed an issue that caused the bipod to be visible on the KAC LAMG’s inventory picture model.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a player being unable to acquire the Gunslinger Holster: Rind Exotic Holster when repeating the project.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent players from re-playing the High Noon Saloon project if they failed to loot the named boss in a group.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Sleight of Hand talent to be active inside safe zones if the player had the Dodge City Gunslinger’s Holster equipped and their pistol drawn.
  • Fixed an issue that caused sidearms to be misaligned when holstered in the Dodge City Gunslinger’s Holster.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the lever action animation to not trigger when firing the Diamondback.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the 5 of 6 gearset bonus of Aces & Eights to break when it activated while the player was under ab EMP effect.
  • Improved Signature Ammunition pick-up when the spare ammunition is full.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the “Protected Reload” and “Protected Deploy” talents to randomly grant 20% bonus armor.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Military M60 to clip with the player model when reloading and moving side to side.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause skills thrown while having the BTSU Gloves equipped to damage or ensnare the player that used the skill.

Main Missions

  • Fixed an issue that caused the objective marker in the invaded Space Administration HQ to be misplaced in the final beat.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause streaming issues when wiping during the first part of the Space Administration HQ mission on Heroic difficulty.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a breadcrumb marker to misdirect during the “Reach the docks” objective in the Potomac Event Center mission.
  • Fixed an issue that caused NPCs to phase through the closed door during the objective “Upload Data” in the invaded Bank Headquarters mission.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause audio to not work when a player transferred back to Washington D.C. while standing inside the last ECHO in the Manning National Zoo mission.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Grenade landing UI to be off-screen when attempting to throw a Grenade at Emeline Shaw inside the monorail in the Manning National Zoo mission.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to not see the Monorail and surroundings if they were invited after the Monorail cinematic had finished in the Manning National Zoo mission.
  • Fixed an issue in which the crosshair incorrectly turned red when aiming at Emeline Shaw in the Monorail even though she can’t be shoot at that time in the Manning National Zoo mission.
  • Fixed missing smoke and fire effects during the Monorail encounter in the Manning National Zoo mission.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a health bar to appear on the train under specific circumstances in the Manning National Zoo mission.
  • Fixed a missing interaction highlight for the Access Point room door in the Manning National Zoo mission.
  • Fixed incorrect collision with a prop in the Manning National Zoo mission.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Devourer boss to only attack an active Striker Drone and ignore all players in the Manning National Zoo mission.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to become stuck in a location in the Manning National Zoo mission.
  • Fixed an issue where no rain would be visible during a thunderstorm in the Camp White Oak mission.
  • Fixed a missing objective after the “Reach the Tunnel” objective in the Camp White Oak mission.
  • Improved the performance for the objective area “Reach the Tunnel” in the Camp White Oak mission on Challenging difficulty.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to leave the Camp White Oak mission when having bought the Year 1 Pass at the start of the mission and leaving a party.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause an infinite loading screen if the session owner would leave the group during the “En route to Manning National Zoo / Camp White Oak” screen.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs would stop fighting when agents covered at a specific wall in the Grand Washington Hotel mission.
  • Fixed an issue where players could fall through the map when rolling over a prop in the Grand Washington Hotel mission on Challenging difficulty.
  • Fixed an issue where the elevator doors would not open after players fast travelled to the Grand Washington Hotel mission and had previously called the elevator.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a player to take no damage when standing in a certain area in the Grand Washington Hotel mission.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause True Sons Heavy Weapon NPCs to go prone in their spawning area in the Lincoln Memorial mission.
  • Fixed missing water textures in the Roosevelt Island mission when playing on less than medium graphics settings on Xbox One.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs would too aggressively flank players under certain circumstances in the invaded View Point Museum mission.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to pick up the “Relocation Order” collectible through the wall in the View Point Museum mission.
  • Fixed an issue that could make the rooftop encounter in the Invaded Capitol Building mission too easy when standing in certain areas of the map.
  • Fixed an issue where the sound effects of the mortar mine would be delayed in the Jefferson Plaza mission.
  • Fixed an issue where players would hear incorrect sound effects when collecting a laptop during the objective “Secure interrogation data” of the American History Museum mission.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to remain in an unintended position during the final beat of the Capitol Building mission on Heroic difficulty.
  • Fixed several lighting issues for several doorways.
  • Fixed several issues with covers.
  • Fixed several lighting issues.
  • Fixed several occlusion issues.
  • Fixed several props not being destructible even though they should.
  • Fixed a few breadcrumb issues. Hopefully you won’t get lost in the woods anymore…

Side Missions & Classified Assignments

  • Fixed an issue that could prevent players from collecting backpack trophies in Classified Assignment if the Year 1 Pass had been revoked and then was added again.
  • Fixed an issue that could spawn infinite enemy NPCs in the Drone Crash Site Side Mission.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to become stuck in a Classified Assignment when being kicked from another player’s session.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a Classified Assignment to go on cooldown when being kicked out of another player’s session.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause NPCs to pass through doors in the Central Aquarium Classified Assignment.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the counter to incorrectly increase by 2 when picking up explosives in combat during the objective “Collect Explosives 0/4” in the Department of Justice Side Mission.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the door menu for the Nelson Theatre Classified Assignment to not appear for players on PlayStation 4 despite meeting the requirements.
  • Fixed several collision issues for props in Classified Assignments.

Operation Dark Hours Raid

  • Improved performance during the final beat of the raid.
  • Improved performance while fighting the Weasel encounter.
  • Fixed a missing in-game notification when accepting an expired invite to a group.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Lucy’s “360° Chaingun Attack” to not have sound effects.
  • Fixed missing audio for the overloaded Mortars on the Razorback encounter.
  • Fixed an issue causing Black Tusk snipers to behave passively during the “Identify cargo delivery” objective.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause an encounter to unintentionally start when shooting at certain positions.
  • Fixes an issue that could cause the Aces & Eights six-piece group buff to not be received by all raid-group members.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Negotiator’s Dilemma gear set “Press Home the Advantage” talent to not apply the “+10% explosive damage” buff to all raid-group members.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the spectator camera to shake in Synced View when spectating a moving agent.
  • Fixed an issue where text in the Activity Summary could overlap in several localizations.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause sub groups to be inconsistently displayed in the Activity Summary.
  • Fixed several issues with cover.

Kenly College

  • Fixed a placeholder text on the Kenly College Megamap.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the arrival helicopter video sequence to play in reverse when leaving a group.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the countdown timer and “in progress” texts to flicker in the Kenly College progression tab.
  • Fixed an issue that could show an incorrect NPC level in the Kenly College progression tab.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the activated panel lights to no longer appear if the game was restarted or the player disconnected during the “Disable power sources in correct order” objective in the Student Union Investigation Area of Kenly College.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the remaining enemy NPCs to not follow the player when securing the area during the “Investigation: IED Terminals” mission in some locations of the Student Union Investigation Area of Kenly College.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Kenly College discovery Voice Over to play each time a player returned from the Expedition.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent players from fast travelling to Kenly College if the party leader was already in the Expedition area.
  • Fixed objective indicators not correctly updating in some areas of the Metro Station Investigation Area of Kenly College.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent players to interact with the terminals if they disconnected during the “Objective Failed” screen of the “Hack the terminal network” objective in the Library Investigation Area of Kenly College.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Minimap to remain highlighted even after the checkpoint marker for the “Search for more JTF casualties” objective had been activated for players on PlayStation 4 in the Student Union Investigation Area of Kenly College.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause several loading screens to appear when a group member left Kenly College to return to the Base of Operations.
  • Fixed an issue where player models could be floating in certain areas of the Metro Station Investigation Area of Kenly College.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause players in a Dark Zone to immediately be kicked out of the group when accepting the group invite from a friend in Kenly College.
  • Fixed an incorrect message being displayed when approaching the door of an offline Investigation Area while having another Investigation Area active in Kenly College.
  • Fixed several cover issues in Kenly College.
  • Fixed several collision issues with props in Kenly College.
  • Fixed some lighting issues in Kenly College.


  • Fixed the box carried by friendly NPCs returning from resource gatherings disappearing and reappearing at certain distances. No more magic boxes!
  • Improved streaming for walls at an Underground Entrance in the Open World.
  • Improved the light transition at noon time in the Theater Settlement.
  • Fixed several occlusion issues in the Open World.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to not take any damage when standing at a certain location in the Open World.
  • Fixed several cover issues in the Open World.
  • Fixed several collision issues with props in the Open World.
  • Fixed several lighting issues in the Open World.
  • Improved several streaming issues in the Open World.
  • Fixed some breadcrumb issues in the Open World. Yes, time for more Hänsel and Gretel references!

Dark Zone & PvP

  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to not be able to join a matchmaking server under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue where Turrets could drop through the environment when being quick deployed in some Dark Zone areas.
  • Fixed an issue causing enemy NPCs to become stuck in certain areas of DZ West.
  • Fixed several props during the Intro Mission for DZ South.
  • Fixed an issue where player speed would briefly slowdown in Conflict when walking over a supply drop area.
  • Fixed occasions where a downed player name could appear multiple times inside a Checkpoint in the Dark Zone.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a player to become immune to damage in certain areas of the Stadium map in Conflict.
  • Fixed several display errors that could occur when using multiple monitors in Conflict.
  • Fixed several audio issues in Dark Zones.
  • Fixed several props providing cover in Dark Zones.
  • Fixed several cover issues in Conflict.
  • Fixed several cover issues in Dark Zones.


  • Fixed an issue where chest skin particles would look low quality when wearing the Malibu Shirt on a male agent.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause several shirts to look too tucked in when wearing the Hawaiian pants on a female agent.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Dallas necklace to clip through certain high-end vests.
  • Fixed several clipping issues for the Gunner uniform.
  • Fixed multiple missing textures between the Seattle Sneakers and multiple pants on a male agent.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an agent’s weapon to show when using the “Aerobic” emote.
  • Fixed props missing from the Band Dance and Impatient emotes.
  • Fixed the Bermuda gear dye to be applied incorrectly to some “Tay” Protective Pads.
  • Fixed an issue causing the agent’s face to twitch when performing and previewing the Facepalm and Mime emotes.
  • Fixed an issue causing the agent to freeze for a few seconds after performing the “Sassy” emote.
  • Fixed several clipping issues with Apparel.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause a player’s vision to be obscured by visual effects when shooting reed props with Specialization Ammunition.
  • Fixed an issue causing the “Roaming gunners” objective to not update when killing the heavy weapon NPC with a Skill.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause a player character to appear in the black screen when starting the Benchmark test.
  • Fixed an issue that would allow players to finish the Commendations “SHD Skill Merit”, “Demolitions Merit” and “Drone System Distinction” in the Shooting Range.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Aim Assist to turn to ON each time the game is started no matter what settings had previously been used.
  • Fixed an issue where Notifications were incorrectly displayed on wide screen monitors.
  • Fixed an issue where the default layout for chat would clip outside the game window when using a wide screen monitor and having the “Anchor UI” option enabled.
  • Fixed several issues with incorrect menu narration.

@Novocain du hattest recht mit den 3 Pistolen-Blueprints xD
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Reaktionen: Rush und JonnyGranada

Leider hatte ich auch mit der Eagle recht.... ---"Lowered Eagle Bearer Damage by 15%"
Jap, war irgendwo aber abzusehen.

Aber auf dem Papier sind auch echt geile Buffs dabei.
Vielleicht werde ich meinen Glas cannon auf Critc-DMG umstellen, anstatt den HS Fokus.
Critical: Buff
  • +15% (up from 5%) critical hit damage
Killer: Buff
  • Killing an enemy with a critical hit grants +50% (up from 30%) critical hit damage for 15s (up from 5s).
und dann natürlich 2x D&H anstatt 2x Araldi .

Hoffentlich kriege ich auf den PTS die passenden Teile um den DMG-Output zu vergleichen.

Da das komischerweise nicht in den Patch-Notes auftaucht.
Man kann die Schwierigkeit der Shooting Range jetzt einstellen und zB Elite-Gegner auf Challenge simulieren.
Sonst war es ja immer normal.
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Reaktionen: TermyD und dropback
Ach Herrje, haben die Heulsusen ohne Eagle wieder gewonnen. :stock:
Schmeiß den PTS auch gleich mal an, schau mer mal, was se da wieder alles vermurkst haben :volllol:
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Reaktionen: dropback
Mein Unstoppable Force hat sich nen ordentlichen Nerf eingefangen. Von 2% alle 25k Armor runter auf 1% alle 20k. Bei meinem World Build von 26% runter auf 16%. Dafür bekommen Cluster Seekers nochmal 30% mehr Schaden. Was rauchen die da eigentlich?
Hier die 3 neuen D&H-Teile:
Tom Clancy's The Division® 2 PTS2019-9-16-18-14-1.jpgTom Clancy's The Division® 2 PTS2019-9-16-18-11-44.jpgTom Clancy's The Division® 2 PTS2019-9-16-18-12-3.jpg

Und man kann in den Lootzonen aus den Openworld-Kisten sogar 2 Items kriegen, das garantierte + mit Glück das spezifische Item in der Zone
Tom Clancy's The Division® 2 PTS2019-9-16-18-6-6.jpg

Auch wenn es jetzt einfacher ist bestimmte Items zu kriegen, da dann wieder was brauchbares zukriegen ist wieder die andere Sache :D
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Reaktionen: TermyD
Ich schmeiss mal den DL an, denke bin in 35 min auch auf dem PTS zu finden...
Also insgesamt bin ich positiv vom Update angetan.
Vor allem der Killer-Buff gefällt mir, durch die längere Zeit kann man genug Kills machen, dass der Timer fast durchgehend zurückgesetzt wird und dann noch 50% Crict-DMG. Aber auch sonst die neuen Features und einige Änderungen sind nicht schlecht.
Bloß der Eagle Nerf ist echt zu heftig, ich hoffe das ändern sie wieder.
Entweder etwas weniger Munition oder höchstens 5% weniger Schaden.
@Xizor zu dieser Änderung kann ich leider nichts sagen, aber hört sich echt scheiße für dich an.

Und es wäre natürlich nicht Massive, wenn hier und da wieder was nicht funktioniert z.B
  • Field Research zum Gunner angeblich ein Ziel nicht abgeschlossen
  • Shooting Range auf eine Schwierigkeit eingestellt, bleibt sie auch erstmal da. Auch wenn man eine andere auswählt.
  • die Nemesis haben sie auch genervt, sie verschießt neuerdings nur Luft.:freaky:
Aber insgesamt ist mir noch nicht so viel aufgefallen, wie in den PTS-Phasen zuvor.

Hier weiß ich nicht ob ich lachen oder weinen soll:
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Reaktionen: dropback
Wäre ja auch klasse wenn der Ladebug wieder da ist :D Bis gleich
15% ist auch zu viel. Naja, der Shitstorm im englischen Ubisoft Forum bzw. Reddit nimmt schon langsam Fahrt auf:pcangry:
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Reaktionen: Novocain, Silverangel und Hurricane271
Mal sehen ob ich auf Spark wechsel und mit Granatenspam anfange, UF kannste so doch vergessen. Weiß nicht was das soll, das Talent war doch an einem guten Punkt. Verglichen mit Berserk und der gerade gebufften Defenderdrohne kackt das doch jetzt völlig ab.

Bis TU 6 rauskommt werde ich mich mal etwas zurücknehmen und dann mit frischem Elan das neue Zeug und den neuen Raid angehen. Bei den Donnerstagsraids bin ich noch dabei, noch vier Clears dann habe ich 50. Eigentlich ein guter Punkt einen Schlussstrich unter Operation Dark Hours zu ziehen...
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Reaktionen: dropback