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The Division Community Talk - The Division 2

Ich wollte nur sagen Episode 2 macht etwas mehr als 1 komplett neu. Ob es reicht? Mal schauen, bis Episode 3 ist auf jeden Fall ein gutes Stück Zeit zu füllen und ohne Raid noch vor diesem Jahr oder anderen zusätzlichen Content könnte es eng werden.
Das mit den Geheimaufträgen, versteh ich auch bis heute nicht wie man dort keine Schwierigkeiten einbauen konnte.
Beim Pentagon eine Art Underground-Abwandlung zu machen wäre echt geil gewesen.
Bloß war doch schon seit der E3 bekannt, dass es 3 Missionen dort geben wird. Ich finde es eher kacke, dass sie nicht 3 vollwertige meinten sondern die nichtwiederspielbare Intromission anscheinend dazuzählten.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Etwas mehr wäre freilich nett, aber bei dem Pensum was wir (ich) wegzocke, kommen die eh nicht hinterher :-D
Mir macht das Spiel einfach noch immer (wieder) Spaß!
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Reaktionen: TermyD, Hurricane271 und dropback
Hurricane271 schrieb:
bis Episode 3 ist auf jeden Fall ein gutes Stück Zeit zu füllen und ohne Raid noch vor diesem Jahr oder anderen zusätzlichen Content könnte es eng werden.
Die Frage ist eher, ob man als Entwickler einkalkulieren sollte, dass die Leute zwischen den Episoden permanent spielen? Das wird nur ein Bruchteil tun.
Ich habe glaub zuletzt vor über 3 Monaten in Division 2 geschaut. Konnte auch bis jetzt nichts finden, was mich zum Starten motivieren würde. Mein Hauptproblem ist nach wie vor der bescheidene Loot und die komplett undurchsichtige Mechanik dahinter. Wenn das mal irgendwann so überarbeitet wird, dass ich im Spiel in 5-10 sek sehe das Item 2 besser als Item 1 ist, dann schaue ich mal wieder rein.
Und jeder Entwickler hat am Ende ja damit zu kämpfen, dass der Markt nicht stillsteht.
Phear schrieb:
Ich habe glaub zuletzt vor über 3 Monaten in Division 2 geschaut. Konnte auch bis jetzt nichts finden, was mich zum Starten motivieren würde.
Und ich glaube dass ich dich deshalb (>60 Tage inaktiv) auch letztens aus dem Clan geworfen habe:evillol:. Wir kehren da nämlich immer mal durch und kicken die inaktiven.
Wenn du wieder rein willst sag Bescheid;)
Ich hoffe ich schaffe es heute Abend mal länger als 30 Minuten zu spielen bevor ich einschlafe:D
Was heisst bescheidener Loot.... mit genügend Zeit, bekommst dementsprechend auch gutes Gear. Ist halt zeitintensiv und ich finde es auch richtig, dass nicht jeder der mal 2 Stunden die Woche spielt, die beste Ausrüstung haben kann.

Für den Gear gibts immer Grafiken oder Tabellen die die Max-Werte darstellen, so kompliziert ist das jetzt nicht.
Man kann auch nicht immer sagen, dass ein Item besser ist als ein anderes, da es viel zu viel unterschiedliche Builds und Ausrichtungen gibt.
dropback schrieb:
Und ich glaube dass ich dich deshalb (>60 Tage inaktiv) auch letztens aus dem Clan geworfen habe:evillol:.
Ich hatte hier glaub auch irgendwann mal gesagt, dass man das tun kann bei Bedarf :D Ist also kein Problem.

Ich habe begrenzt Zeit und diese will ich sinnvoll nutzen. Spiele, die mir nur ermöglichen Optimierungen des Equips mit Excel Tabellen und Grafiken auf dem zweiten Monitor zu erhalten, taugen für mich nichts auf Dauer. Zumindest für die ganz normale Basis. Wenn es irgendwann um perfekte Builds geht, akzeptiere ich das ja vllt. noch. Das ist kurzweilig ganz lustig, aber dann kommt halt so etwas wie Borderlands 3 raus. Da wird derselbe Trieb befriedigt, aber 1000mal besser. In meinem Fall zumindest ;)
In Borderlands 3 musst dich aber genauso reinfuchsen, dass sagt dir auch nicht gleich welche Waffe oder Rüstung "besser" ist ;)
Today, we are introducing the newest Specialization coming to The Division 2 with Episode 2: the Technician.

Armed with the Multi Missile Launcher Signature Weapon, the Technician is an electronics enthusiast who's sure to introduce new playstyles to the streets of D.C.

The Multi Missile Launcher fires a volley of homing missiles that seek their targets. Simply acquire your targets and let the missiles fly!

The Technician is also equipped with the Artificer Hive skill variant. Unique amongst the Hive variants, the Artificer Hive targets friendly skills, including held skills (Shield/Chem Launcher). This variant buffs skill damage and/or skill healing, resets skill duration, and repairs skills. The skill works whilst on your back, targeting only your skills; or deployed, targeting both your skills and those of your allies.

Don't forget that the Technician also comes with an entirely new Specialization tree and the new Maxim 9 sidearm!
Repairs skills... Sagte ich doch: Hive 100% :D
Oh man...
Wie Frage ich das schon wieder?
Wozu gibt es die Weltenränge 1-4?

Man könnte doch theoretisch die Weltenränge innerhalb kürzester Zeit erreichen?

Macht mein Kumpel so: Egal was dropt anlegen, Hauptsache der Wert ist höher. Sich mit mehr oder weniger Mühe durch die Stützpunktmissionen, und den Stützpunkt kämpfen. Schon wieder neuer Weltrang.

Während ich mir tagelang, ihr hattet ja gesagt ich solls noch lassen, die für mich optimalen Teile zusammensuche.
Macht mir halt Spaß.^^

Ok jetzt zum unerfreulichen Teil: Mit jedem Weltrang werden die Gegner "schlauer" und besser? Der Sprung von WR1 auf 2 betraf eher die Fertigkeiten? Jetzt auf Weltrang 3 agieren die NPC viel taktischer? Ich hoffe ihr wisst was ich meine.

Ich geh mir mal bisschen Ausrüstung suchen...
Edit: Ich wüsste natürlich gerne, wie man am schnellsten an neue Ausrüstung kommt. Projekte sind schwer auf dem Level. Der Rest dürfte eh "Random" sein?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Demolition-Man schrieb:
Wie Frage ich das schon wieder?
Wozu gibt es die Weltenränge 1-4?
Um dich ins Endgame etwas voran zu tasten und mit den neuen Schwierigkeitsmodi vertraut zu machen würde ich sagen.

Demolition-Man schrieb:
Mit jedem Weltrang werden die Gegner "schlauer" und besser? Der Sprung von WR1 auf 2 betraf eher die Fertigkeiten? Jetzt auf Weltrang 3 agieren die NPC viel taktischer? Ich hoffe ihr wisst was ich meine.
Durch Weltenränge werden die nicht schlauer, sie halten nur allgemein mehr aus und machen mehr Schaden. Durch die Schwierigskeitsmodi(schwer, herausforderend u. heroisch) die du nach und nach frei schaltest , werden die Gegner etwas schlauer, dort probieren die NPCs ihre Taktiken aggressiver auszuführen und halten natürlich mehr aus und machen noch mehr Schaden.
Außerdem spielt für das Leben der NPCs und wie viele spawnen auch eine Rolle wie viele Leute in der Gruppe sind.
Demolition-Man schrieb:
Ich wüsste natürlich gerne, wie man am schnellsten an neue Ausrüstung kommt. Projekte sind schwer auf dem Level. Der Rest dürfte eh "Random" sein?
Am schnellsten geht es, wenn du wen in der Gruppe hast der einen GS von 490-500 hat und er dir seine Items dropt, du sie anlegst, ein höheren GS kriegst und dir selber dann höhere GS-Items droppen.
Sonst Bountys machen und die täglichen Missionen, bin mir aber nicht sicher ob die unter Weltrang 5 schon auftauchen. Dort gibt es nach erledigen der vorgesehen Mission extra Loot.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
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Reaktionen: Demolition-Man
Vielen Dank, dass mit den Werten der Drops verstehe ich jetzt besser.

Paar allgemeine Sachen noch. Steht leider nicht alles auf mydivision:
Ich spiele mit Reperaturdrohne -> Bestimmt in diesem speziellen Modus die Fertigkeitendauer die maximale Heilung. Mir kommt es so vor als würde durch stetige Heilung die Dohne einfach schneller verschwinden? Stimmt das so? Also quasi 20% mehr Fertigkeitendauer, 20% mehr Reparatur?

Führt mich direkt zur nächsten Frage. Dadurch macht das Talent "Wieder aufgeladen" (Recharged.) auf einer Waffe viel Sinn, oder? Dropt einfach nicht mehr passend., so das der 3., meist nutzlose Bonus, bleiben muss.

Woran ich mich auch extrem gewöhnt habe, aber einfach nichts passendes mehr dropt, ist das Talent "Geduld" (Patience). Das lässt sich auch praktisch nicht reklaibrieren...
Es gibt aktive und Allgemeine (ich nenns passive) Talente auf den Items. Aktive kannst du nur mit aktiven tauschen, und Allgemeine(passive) mit Allgemeinen(passiven). Und natürlich nur an einem Slot pro Gegenstand kannst du herumbasteln. Bastelst du also ein anderes Talent drauf, kannst du dann nicht mehr an den Attributen basteln.
Basteln ist auf den Slot beschränkt, an dem du das erste mal gebastelt hast. Nicht änderbar.
Demolition-Man schrieb:
Bestimmt in diesem speziellen Modus die Fertigkeitendauer die maximale Heilung.
Die erhöhst du mit Dronenmods die +x%Reparatur haben und Blaue Mods die in die Klamotten gepackt werden und +x% Reparatur haben.
Die Fertigkeitendauer erhöht in dem Fall wie lange die Drohne draußen ist (glaub ich).
Die Reparaturdrohne heilt nicht genau genommen, sondern stellt(repariert) deine Rüstung wieder her. Kleiner aber feiner Unterschied da es Rüstung und Lebensenergie gibt.
Demolition-Man schrieb:
Führt mich direkt zur nächsten Frage. Dadurch macht das Talent "Wieder aufgeladen" (Recharged.) auf einer Waffe viel Sinn, oder? Dropt einfach nicht mehr passend., so das der 3., meist nutzlose Bonus, bleiben muss.
Ob man das Talent als sinnvoll erachtet, lass ich mal dahingestellt.
Aber sonst: Willkommen in Division 2, denn: Das ist es was das Spiel ausmacht. Wochen und Monate nach dem einen Item suchen das dann die Talente(und Attribute) einigermaßen so hat wie man sie möchte. (Und dann daran herumzubasteln um es zu verbessern)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
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Reaktionen: dropback
Wartung (TU6+EP2) morgen um 09:30 Uhr Dauer ca 3h!
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Reaktionen: Hurricane271
Die Wartung für Episode 2 findet morgen von 9:30 bis 12:30 Uhr statt.

Die Patchnotes :
Welcome to the Patch Notes for Title Update 6, Episode 2. Below you will find new content that is added to the game, gameplay changes, balance updates, bug fixes and more.

New content

(Side mission) Intro Mission

Pentagon Breach

At the beginning of Episode 2, players will investigate a transmission from a fellow Agent scouting the Pentagon for the perfusion bioreactor. Securing the bioreactor would allow Agents to replicate the antiviral samples recovered at Tidal Basin. Agents must navigate flood damage and Black Tusk forces to take back The Last Castle.

Main missions
The Pentagon

Agents will discover the location of the perfusion bioreactor inside the Pentagon’s underground research facility. The Black Tusk have already infiltrated the lab and are attempting to extract the reactor..

DARPA Research Labs

In a race again time, players must make their way through the Pentagon and into the DARPA Labs, as the Black Tusk are in the process of transporting the perfusion bioreactor through an abandoned Cold War tunnel network.

New Specialization


The Technician is our fifth Specialization and is equipped with a P-017 Launcher, which fires six missiles to seek out enemies. The Technician also wields a Maxim 9 as their sidearm and has access to the Artificer Hive Skill Variant and EMP Grenades. It is a support Agent, which can boost both its own and others’ skills with its variant of the Hive, Artificer.

Classified Assignments

Marina Supply Route

Outcasts have been moving weapons and supplies into a boathouse on the Potomac River. The boathouse was used as a transport depot during the outbreak to move assets to the Potomac Center and Roosevelt Island. Agents must investigate and seize all the weapons they can find.

Embassy Crash Site

A JTF helicopter filled with supplies was shot down by the Outcasts and crashed through the roof of the Mexican Embassy in Washington D.C. Agents will be tasked to locate the helicopter to rescue the pilot and secure the supplies before the Outcasts get there.



Wharf joins the existing rotation of Conflict maps, adding a new location of an abandoned fishing harbor. The location itself offering raised vantage points and multiple flanking routes.

PVP Mode

Team Elimination

Team Elimination is the third game mode of Conflict, placing players in seven fast paced rounds. The perma-death for each round is encouraging players to work together to ensure victory but also offering great comeback opportunities.

Exotic item:
Sawyer’s Kneepads

  • Short Circuit:
    • +80% Jammer Pulse Charge Speed.
  • First Wave Tech:
    • Disruption effects now destroy hostile skill proxies. After staying in cover for 4 seconds you can the Lead by Example buff.
  • Lead by Example:
    • Gain 50% bonus armor while performing a cover to cover.
    • If the distance traveled is at least 8m, disrupt all enemies within 10m and gain 10% (4% in PVP) bonus armor for each [Defensive Attribute] for 4s.
    • The disrupt occurs 1 second after completing the cover to cover.
High-End Weapons:
  • New High-End Weapon added: KSG Shotgun.

Gameplay changes

  • Added a missing blueprint for the Aces & Eights kneepads.
  • Removed 3 blueprints from the blueprint collection as they were not obtainable in the game.
  • Blueprints that haven’t been acquired yet will now be visible in the crafting bench interface with hints on how to acquire them.
Brand sets

  • Brand sets now have an item available on every slot, Mask, Backpack, Vest, Gloves, Holster and Kneepads.
  • 38 new branded gear pieces have been added overall.
Control Points

  • Control Point Officers will now revive all downed players, instead of only reviving the player that was downed last, in co-op sessions.

  • Enemies will no longer drop crafting materials that the player is currently capped out on.
  • Deconstructing gear and weapons have a chance to provide Polycarbonate.
    • The chance to gain extra materials from deconstructing stays the same.
  • Lowered crafting costs. When crafting fewer grey and Brand materials will now be required.
    • At Gear Score 500 base materials required are now 60 (down from 85).
    • At Gear Score 500 Brand materials required are now 5 (down from 8).
  • Enemies will now drop higher amounts of crafting materials.
    • Green materials up to 12 (from 6).
    • Blue materials up to 9 (from 4).
    • Named enemies drop larger quantities than before.
  • Crafting material containers will now drop one green and one blue material, instead of just one of either.
  • Added a notification to the crafting interface that increases clarity when an upgrade to the Crafting Bench is available.
  • The crafting vendor Inaya now sells a perk that allows a player to share materials between all their characters.
  • Increased perks for upgrading the material inventory size:
    • Base materials cap with all perks unlocked now 2000 (up from 600).
    • Green and blue materials cap with all perks unlocked now 1500 (up from 400).
  • Increased material caps for rare materials:
    • Purple cap now 300 (up from 100).
    • Orange cap now 80 (up from 50).
    • Hard Wired base materials cap now 50 (up from 30).
    • Hard Wired components cap now 10 (up from 5).
Gear Mods

  • Offensive Protocol: Precision, Defensive System: Resistance, Utility Protocol: Repository Gear Mods have been removed from the loot pool.
  • XP Bonuses are no longer granted by Gear Mods.
  • Weapon specific Critical Hit Chance / Damage is no longer granted by Gear Mods.
  • Existing gear mods have not been affected by these changes, they will only apply to new gear mods.
  • Descriptions updated to no longer include the keywords System / Protocol as requirements to equipping mods.
Kenly College

  • A Mastery System is coming to Expeditions, rewarding completion time on different difficulties.
    • When competing for Mastery Medals, a special Mastery Modifier is active.
    • Dead Drop is the modifier active when Kenly College is going live with Title Update 6.
      • Dead Drop: Enemies, based on their veterancy, will drop different types of live grenades when they die.
    • The requirements to earn a medal are shown in the UI, allowing players to compare their completion times.
    • Players will now be able to play Kenly College on Normal, Hard, and Challenging difficulties with each difficulty mode has its own Mastery Time.
  • Kenly College will be opening again on October 15th, with all three Investigation Areas active.
    • The Expedition will then close on October 29th and go on a two weeks closed, one week open rotation.
  • The Diamond Back Exotic Rifle will be a guaranteed reward for your first completion of Kenly College when the Expedition opens.
Loot targeting

  • Loot targeting is a new feature introduced with Title Update 6 / Episode 2. When reaching World Tier 5 players will be able to see Named Zones and Main Missions now have icons to reflect a higher drop chance for specific items. This allows agents to target specific brands, weapons and mods in these missions and zones. A detailed article about this feature can be found here.
Named items

  • We’ve added new named items as well as upgraded existing ones.
  • Named Items are improved versions of normal items, with a unique name and a fixed talent. The talent is a slightly better version of a normal High-End talent, to ensure that these items are more rewarding and powerful.
Improved tutorials

  • The Prologue mission pace has been tweaked to allow an easier entry into the game. The UI of tutorials during the Prologue mission have been improved.
  • New tutorials: Weapon Switching, Grenade Throwing, Roll, Melee, Set Waypoint on map, Open Map, Open Inventory, Loot, Level-up, Living World Activities, Safe Houses, Fast Travel, Detection, Weak points, Destructible Armor, Veterans and Elites, Coop, Matchmaking, Switch to Side Arm, Armor, Combat Tactics, Climb Up/Down, Field Proficiency Cache, Side Missions and Staff.
  • A Tutorial Codex has been added to the Character Menu which can be used to access previously seen Tutorials.
Early Game

  • Players now automatically start with a second weapon slot; the perk has been removed.
  • Tutorials for and unlocking Perks now happen later in the progression.
  • The first upgrade of the Theater Settlement now unlocks after the first safe house is unlocked, which should be a smoother flow of progression in the early game.
  • The Jefferson Trade Center, Viewpoint Museum, American History Museum and Air and Space Museum missions received a starting level adjustment for a better initial pacing of progression.
  • The second skill unlock is now awarded from the Jefferson Trade Center mission instead of the Grand Washington Hotel mission, for better pacing and onboarding experience.
UI improvements

  • The character menu has been renamed to Inventory to add clarity.
  • Multiple improvements to notifications meant to reduce clutter and improve pacing of information.

  • The DZ Daily Project now is a PvP project.
    • Each day this Project will now lead players to a Dark Zone or Conflict activity.
    • Developer comment: We took this approach instead of adding a new project category because players can already feel overwhelmed with the number of available projects and we didn’t want to add more clutter to that experience.
  • Bonus armor is now properly visualized for enemies.
    • Developer comment: Previously you only saw bonus armor appear on teammates and yourself. This led to the feeling that shots were being dropped because there was a lack of signs and feedback when you were shooting through an enemy player’s bonus armor pool. This change lets the game feel both more responsive and more tactical, putting more knowledge in the players hand before they initiate an attack.
  • Normalization.
    • Player stats will no longer be modified, and agents receive their full recalibration bonuses at end game.
    • Players below Gear Score 500 will still get a boost to 500 but agents that have optimized their gear will now have a slight advantage.
    • Talents still have PvE and PvP versions and are now displaying their PvP version when entering a PvP activity.
    • PvP modifiers are now shown in the UI.
  • Conflict
    • End of match presentation
      • We have dramatically overhauled the overall presentation for Conflict in TU6.
        • New Loading Screens.
        • New “Match Starts” sequence.
        • Updated Boost signs and feedback.
        • Updated Victory and Loss presentation, winning teams are also greeted by new music.
        • Reworked end of round screen. This has received updates to pacing and layout and is now focusing more on the earned rewards.
    • End of match reward.
      • Players will now always earn a reward for playing a match of conflict regardless if they won or lost their match.
      • Players still earn additional rewards for ranking up and winning.
      • Developer comment: In general Conflict reward pacing was not on par with the rest of the game and we think the update will up the incentives for our players to jumping in to Conflict matches.
    • Added new sound effects for the countdown in Conflict.
    • Added visibility of the area of effect range of Skills.
      • Only shows when players are in the affected area.
  • Supply Drops
    • New locations for supply drops have been added and the variety of supply drops has been increased.
    • Supply drops can now also occur in the ODZ.
  • Thieves’ Den Vendor
    • The vendor has been reworked and now offers goods for Dark Zone currency.
    • Dark Zone currency can be earned in any DZ and is now a unified currency for all Dark Zones.
    • The vendor’s goods will reset regularly.
We have made several changes to recalibration for this update:

  • New recalibration interface.
  • Players are now able to recalibrate stat types over each other, for example Offensive (Red) attributes over Defensive (blue) attributes.
    • This still only applies to stats on gear pieces of the same category.
  • It is now possible to recalibrate items that are located in the Stash.
  • Recalibration score has increased from 100 to 150.
Shepherd and Call for Backup

  • Shepherd rank now rises automatically.
    • Filling the shepherd meter now triggers an automatic endorsement. The host may still grant an additional endorsement.
    • Due to this additional available endorsement, Shepherd ranks now require 15 endorsements for the first rank and 7 endorsements for each additional rank. (Up from 10 and 5, respectively.)

  • Stash Space perks Increased by 150, players will now have 300 stash space with all perks unlocked.
  • Increased Mailbox capacity to 60.
Balancing changes
Brand Sets

Alps Summit Armament:

  • 2-Piece set bonus is now +10% Skill Power (up from 5%).
China Light Industries Corporation:

  • 3-Piece set bonus is now +20% Skill Haste (down from 30%).
Petrov Defense Group:

  • 3-Piece set bonus is now +20% Skill Haste (down from 30%).
Exotic Holstered Talents
Chatterbox (Nerf):

  • While holstered, reloading your weapon within 5s after a kill grants 15% (down from 20%) rate of fire for 10s.
Nemesis (Nerf):

  • While holstered, gain +15% (down from +25%) headshot damage when scoped with your current weapon.
    • PvP version remains unchanged at +10%.
Merciless (buff):

  • While holstered, landing a shot has a 5% chance to deal +100% (up from +20%) damage as explosive damage.

Exotic Talents
BTSU Gloves (Quality of Life Adjustment)

  • Explosions created by the Charged Proxies talent no longer damage the player.

Chatterbox (Buff):

  • Every shot landed grants 1% rate of fire to a max of 60%. This resets on reload.
  • Kills with this weapon refill 75% (up from 20%) of its magazine and grants a buff for 10s.
  • While the buff is active, every shot landed increases magazine capacity by 3 (up from 1) to a max of 60. Killing a target consumes the buff to fully refill the increased magazine.

Diamondback (Buff PvE)

  • Diamondback randomly marks an enemy.
  • Hitting that enemy consumes the mark, guaranteeing a critical hit with +20% total damage. A new random target is marked afterwards and whenever you reload.
  • After hitting 5 marked targets, gain +50% reload speed, +20% total damage, and all shots fired are guaranteed critical hits for 10s 15s.
  • While drawn, each time a round is loaded, gain +20% (up from +15%) bonus armor for 3s.
    • Although current live version text says 20%, this was bugged and only did 15%, it now grants 20% instead of 15%.
Diamondback (PvP – New Functionality)

  • Headshots against players trigger deep fangs for 5 seconds.
  • Non-player Enemies such as NPCs and player skills will still be marked randomly by the Diamondback and will also trigger deep fangs for 5 seconds.
Eagle Bearer (Adjustment)

  • Base Damage Reduced by 15%.
  • Accuracy increases as you continuously fire, up to +100%.
  • Headshot kills grant +100% reload speed, +50% (up from +35%) damage, and the tenacity buff for 10s.
    • PvP version remains at 35%.
  • The strength of Tenacity is increased by 1% for body shots and 5% for headshots.
  • 40-80% (up from 20-80%) of the damage taken is delayed until the buff expires.
  • All the total delayed damage is reduced for each enemy killed while the buff is active, up to 100% with 3 (down from 5) kills.
Merciless (Buff)

  • RPM increased from 260 to 400.
  • This weapon is equipped with a binary trigger that fires on trigger pull and release.
  • Pulling the trigger fires primer rounds that stay embedded in an enemy. Releasing the trigger fires detonator rounds that detonate all primers on the enemy it hits.
  • Each primer detonated gains +100% (up from +75%) damage per primer detonated.
    • PvP version remains at +75%.
  • Only one enemy can have primers and at most 5 primers can be embedded.
Nemesis (PvP Nerf)

  • PvP Base Damage reduced by 10%
Pestilence (Buff):

  • PvE Base Damage increased by 20%
  • PvP damage increased by 5.6%
  • After hitting the same enemy 5 (down from 10) times, that enemy is inflicted with Plague of the Outcasts for 10s.
  • Whenever an enemy with Plague of the Outcasts is killed, they leave a toxic cloud for 5s (down from 10) that deals 1000% (up from 400%) weapon damage per second to anyone inside and inflicts them with Pestilence.
    • PvP version remains at 500% for 10s.
  • This debuff reduces healing received by 50% for 10s.
  • Whenever an enemy with Pestilence would be downed, they are instead instantly killed.
  • Pestilence is removed if the enemy is repaired to full armor.
Sweet Dreams (Buff):

  • Base Damage increased by 20%.
  • Landing a melee attack on an enemy after swapping to this weapon grants 60% (up from 35%) bonus armor and applies the Sandman debuff.
    • PvP bonus armor remains at 35%.
  • Killing an enemy with the Sandman debuff reapplies the bonus armor.
  • This debuff prevents the enemy from using armor kits and from receiving healing from any source.
  • While equipped, dodging reloads 25% of your current weapon's magazine.
  • And if drawn, dodging grants +20% weapon damage for 10s. (added functionality)

  • Rebalanced Hard, Challenging and Heroic difficulty.
  • Black Tusk War Hounds and Mini Tanks will now feature red, blinking lights before they perform their on-death explosion.
    • This is now consistent with how all other NPCs signal that they explode.
  • Black Tusk Mini Tank now has a short wind-up before its on-death explosion.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Black Tusk War Hound’s turret from not being able to rotate beyond a certain threshold when moving.
    • Developer comment: This means the War Hound will be able to hit a target more frequently when moving which was always intended.
  • Decreased effectiveness of the Black Tusk Mini Tank after its Controller has died.
    • Increased wind-up time of LMG greatly.
    • Decreased accuracy significantly.
    • Enabled friendly fire.
  • Removed Explosive Ammo from Elite Black Tusk War Hound and replaced it with “Triple Shot”—three successive shots after a short delay between each.
    • Developer comment: Bleed was too punishing when applied by the War Hound.
  • NPCs are now more aggressive when entering combat with the player.
    • Assaults now provide cover-fire for their allies when entering combat if a Heavy Weapons is not present in their fireteam.
  • Decreased Outcasts Tank and Underground Tank health by 12.5%.
  • Increased movement speed of Underground Tank slightly.
  • Decreased crowd-controlling effectiveness against Tank NPCs slightly and in a number of different ways:
    • Shock duration decreased by 50% for Tanks.
    • Ensnare duration decreased by 50% for Tanks.
    • Burn no longer staggers or affects the behavior of Tanks.
    • Blind causes Tank NPCs to stand still and shoot wildly (with friendly fire turned on).
    • Blinded Melee Tanks slowly move to the player’s last known position but will not attack.
    • Confuse causes Tank NPCs to walk around randomly while shooting wildly (with friendly fire turned on).
    • Confused Melee Tanks slowly move towards the player but with a decent amount of delay.
  • Player Turrets are now more likely to be targeted by enemy NPCs.
    • This is especially true if the player is hiding in cover or not doing anything particularly threatening.
    • The hitbox size has also been increased slightly and we fixed some issues so enemy NPCs will now hit turrets a bit more easily.
Skills have been individually tuned for PVP. Any value adjustments will be displayed in the skill information panel.

  • Damage adjustments only affect damage dealt to players in Conflict and all Dark Zones. NPCs within Dark Zones take un-modified skill damage.
  • Status effect duration adjustments only affect status effects dealt by skills to players in Conflict and all Dark Zones. Status effects durations are unmodified to NPCs within Dark Zones.
  • Shield damage taken adjustments only affect damage dealt to shield from players. NPCs deal unmodified damage versus player shields.
  • Healing adjustments affect all healing within conflict and Dark Zones.
  • Cooldown adjustments affect usage of skills within conflict and all Dark Zones.
  • Damage Adjustments(Buffs):
    • Pulse - Jammer: 0.16 -> 5
    • Turret - Sniper: 0.12 -> 0.4
    • Turret - Artillery: 0.16 -> 0.45
    • Chem Launcher - Firestarter: 0.16 -> 0.5
    • Chem Launcher - Oxidizer: 0.16 -> 0.35
    • Firefly - Burster: 0.16 -> 0.35
    • Firefly - Demolisher: 0.16 -> 10
    • Seeker Mine - Explosive: 0.16 -> 0.22
    • Seeker Mine - Airburst: 0.16 -> 0.4
    • Seeker Mine - Cluster: 0.16 -> 0.25
  • Damage Taken Adjustments(Nerfs):
    • Shield - Bulwark: 1.82 -> 3
    • Shield - Crusader: 1.82 -> 3
    • Shield - Deflector: 1.82 -> 3
  • Healing Adjustments(Nerfs):
    • Hive - Restorer: 0.64 -> 0.5
    • Chem Launcher - Reinforcer: 0.64 -> 0.5
    • Seeker Mine - Mender: 0.64 -> 0.5
    • Drone - Fixer: 0.64 -> 0.5
  • Status Effect Duration(Nerfs):
    • Firefly - Blinder: 1 -> 0.4
    • Cooldown Adjustments (Nerfs):
    • Pulse: 1->3 (Conflict only)
Chem Launcher:

  • Repair cloud no longer repairs a hostile players armor.

  • Striker Drone damage is now affected by the Damage to Elites attribute.

  • All Firefly variants can now be quick-deployed and will rapidly seek out the nearest target(s).
  • Increased cooldown of Blinder Firefly from 60s to 90s.
Developer Notes: Similar to what was outlined above, generous skill haste from gear and the addition of the exotic BTSU gloves meant players could achieve both very frequent and very long blind durations on NPCs. Coupled with something like an equally short cooldown on Cluster Seekers, it was possible to crowd-control an entire wave of 10+ enemies while simultaneously dealing tens of millions of damage with ease and at very little risk.
We like seeing powerful combinations of skills being used together and want to encourage clever use of game mechanics, especially in terms of group synergy, but it should come at the cost of investing in highly specialized gear. With these changes, it is still possible to achieve a 10s or lower cooldown on both the Blinder Firefly and Cluster Seeker Mines, however it will require a more significant investment in Skill Haste to achieve such a powerful force-multiplier.


  • The Stinger hive now applies the Bleed status effect on hit.
  • Can now be picked up and placed down elsewhere.
    • The charges that remain when picked up are saved.
    • No longer uses a cooldown, but instead uses a charge-up mechanic similar to chem launcher.

  • Scanner Pulse base cooldown increased from 40s to 60s.
  • Remote Pulse base radius increased from 12m to 15m.
Seeker Mine

  • Increased damage of Explosive Seeker Mine by 20%.
    • Now applies Bleed status effect.
  • Increased damage of Cluster Seeker Mines by +30%.
  • Increased cooldown of Cluster Seeker Mines from 40s to 60s.
  • Lowered quantity of Cluster Seeker Mines from 4 to 3.
  • Increase cooldown of Blinder Firefly from 60s to 90s.
Developer Notes: We've seen an overall positive reception from the community in regard to the improvements to skills and skill haste in TU5, and it's been great to see players theory crafting and using their new and improved builds. With skill-based builds becoming more and more common at the end-game however, it was clear that some combination of skills had become overly disruptive to the intended experience.
In particular, the generous increase to skill haste on gear coupled with the reduced base cooldown of Cluster Seekers meant achieving a very short cooldown was relatively easy. While we're happy with the damage output of the Cluster Seeker itself, the skill does more than just blow things up, as it effectively causes NPCs to panic; frequently flushing them out of or away from cover, leading to even more damage received.
For this reason, the Cluster Seeker can be seen as a significant force multiplier, especially in group content. Because encounter balance and cadence is important for creating not just challenging combat, but a satisfying overall experience, we felt it necessary to increase the cooldown of Cluster Seekers to 60s (still remaining 30s shorter than its TU4 counterpart) and lower the number of mines deployed by 1, while giving it a boost in damage to compensate; ensuring it remains your best choice when it comes to eliminating multiple spread-out targets at once. The increase in damage and the addition of the Bleed status effect to the Explosive Seeker Mine should also increase its attractiveness and make choosing between it and the Cluster variant a more meaningful choice.


  • Assault Turret and Sniper Turret damage is now affected by the Damage to Elites attribute.
  • Increased drain on Incinerator Turret active duration when firing.
New talents:

  • Composure:
    • While in cover, grants +10% total weapon damage.
      • Composure can be found on kneepad items. Requires 11 offensive attributes.
  • Concussion:
  • Headshots grant +15% headshot damage for 2 s, 5s with marksman rifles.
    • Concussion can be found on mask items. Requires 7 offensive attributes.
  • Damaging enemies with skills or grenades grant +15% (10% in PvP) weapon damage for 15s.
    • Spark can be found on backpack items. Requires 9 offensive attributes.
  • Gain +25% (20% in PvP) weapon damage. Receiving damage disables this buff for 4s.
    • Vigilance can be found on chest items. Requires 7 offensive attributes.
  • Spark:
    • Damaging enemies with skills or grenades grant +15% (10% in PvP) weapon damage for 15s.
      • Spark can be found on backpack items. Requires 9 offensive attributes.
  • Vigilance:
    • Gain +25% (20% in PvP) weapon damage. Receiving damage disables this buff for 4s.
      • Vigilance can be found on chest items. Requires 7 offensive attributes.
Talent changes:
Basic Gear Talents:

All Basic Gear Talents are changing to be “Unique Equip”, meaning they will not stack with duplicates of themselves on other pieces of gear. This means players will have to compose builds of unique talent combinations instead of stacking one talent on all pieces. To compensate for this, all of the basic talents have gotten boosts to their power level.

  • Berserk:Nerf
    • PVE: +8% (down from 10%) weapon damage for every 20% of max armor depleted.
  • Bloodlust: New functionality
    • Swapping weapons grants +15% weapon damage for 5s. The buff is lost for 5s when you swap a weapon while the buff is active.
  • Bloodsucker:PvP Nerf
    • PvE: Unchanged
    • PvP: Depleting an enemy's armor adds a stack of +15% (down from 20%) bonus armor for 5s. Max stack is 2 (down from 5).
  • Calculated: PvP Buff
    • PvE: Unchanged.
    • PvP: Kills from cover reduce skill cooldowns by 20% (up from 10%).
  • Capacitive:Buff
    • +50% Skill Duration (up from +20%).
  • Centered: Buff
    • Headshot kills grant status effect immunity for 30s (up from 10s).
  • Compensated: Nerf
    • Weapon damage is increased by 10% (down from 15%) when your critical hit chance is below 20%.
    • Now correctly removes the buff if critical hit chance is increased when the buff is active.
  • Creeping Death: Buff
    • PvE: Status effects spread to the nearest enemy within 25m (up from 10m). Can occur every 5s (down from 15s).
    • PvP: Status effects spread to the nearest enemy within 10m. Can occur every 5s (down from 15s).
  • Critical: Buff
    • +15% (up from 5%) critical hit damage.
  • Destructive:Buff
    • +40% Explosive Damage (up from +20%).
  • Dialed In: New functionality
    • While Aiming, gain 15% weapon stability.
  • Empowered:Buff
    • +20% Skill Power (up from +10%).
  • Gunslinger: Buff
    • Swapping to your sidearm within 10s (up from 3s) of a kill refills the sidearm’s magazine and grants +30% (up from 20%) weapon damage for the entire magazine.
  • Hard Hitting:Buff
    • +25% Damage To Elites (up from +10%).
  • Hardened:Buff
    • +15% Armor (up from +10%).
  • Insulated:Buff
    • +30% Hazard Protection (up from +10%).
  • Kneecap: New functionality
    • PvE: Once per 30s, shooting an enemy in the legs applies bleed to them for 10s.
    • PvP: Once per 30s, shooting an enemy in the legs applies bleed to them for 5s.
  • Mad Bomber: Buff
    • Removed attributes requirements.
    • Riot Foam Grenade radius is now correctly modified.
  • Obliterate: Buff
    • Depleting an enemy’s armor grants +30% (up from 25%) critical hit damage for 15s (up from 5s).
  • On The Ropes: Nerf
    • PvE: Weapon damage is increased by 15% (down from 25%) while all skills are on cooldown.
    • PvP: Weapon damage is increased by 10% (down from 25%) while all skills are on cooldown.
  • Opportunistic: New functionality
    • Enemies you damage take 10% more damage from all sources for 3s.
  • Reassigned: PvP Buff
    • PvE: Unchanged
    • PvP: Killing a status effected enemy adds 3 rounds of a random special ammo into your sidearm. Can occur once every 30s (down from 45s).
  • Restorative:Buff
    • +30% Health On Kill (up from +10%).
  • Self Adjusting:Buff
    • +30% Armor Regeneration (up from +20%).
  • Spotter: Nerf
    • PvE: +15% (down from 20%) weapon damage to pulsed enemies.
    • PvP: +10% (down from 20%) weapon damage to pulsed enemies.
  • Surgical: Buff
    • +10% (up from 5%) critical hit chance
  • Tech Support:PvP Buff
    • PvE: Unchanged.
    • PvP: Kills by active skills grant +50% (up from 25%) Skill Damage for 15s (up from 10s)
  • Terminate: PvP Buff
    • PvE: Unchanged.
    • PvP: Depleting an enemy's armor grants +50% (up from 35%) skill damage for 30s (up from 15s).
  • Trauma: New functionality
    • PVE: Once every 30s, an enemy hit with a headshot is blinded for 5s.
    • PvP: Once every 40s, an enemy hit with a headshot is blinded for 2s.
  • To Order: Added functionality
    • Grenades can now be “cooked” by holding the fire button, making them explode earlier. Gain +15% bonus armor while aiming grenades.
  • Unbreakable:PvP Nerf
    • PvE: Unchanged
    • PvP: 20% (down from 25%) of max armor is repaired when your armor is depleted. Armor kits used within the next 7s are not consumed.
  • Unstoppable Force: Nerf
    • Killing an enemy grants 1% (down from 2%) weapon damage for every 20.000 (down from 25.000) max armor.
  • Vital:Buff
    • +25% Health (up from +20%).
  • Wicked: New functionality
    • Whenever you apply a status effect, gain +15% weapon damage for 20s.
Weapon Talents:

  • Boomerang:Buff
    • Critical hits have a 50% (up from 20%) chance to return the bullet to the magazine. If a bullet is returned to the magazine the next shot has +50% (up from 20%) increased damage.
  • Breadbasket: Buff
    • Landing body shots adds a stack of bonus +50% (up from 5%) headshot damage to the next headshot for 10s. Max stack is 3 (down from 10).
    • PvP now uses PvE values.
  • Close & Personal: Buff
    • Killing a target within 7m grants +50% weapon damage for 10s (up from 5s).
    • PvP now uses PvE values.
  • Eyeless: Added functionality
    • Deal 30% weapon damage to blinded enemies. After 3 kills, applies blind to the next enemy you hit.
  • Fast Hands:Buff
    • Critical Hits add a stack of 5% (up from 3%) reload speed bonus. Max stack is 30 (up from 20).
  • Finisher:Added functionality
    • Swapping from this weapon within 10s (up from 3s) of killing an enemy grants +30% Critical Hit Chance and +30% Critical Hit Damage for 15s (added).
  • Frenzy: Buff
    • For every 10 bullets in the magazine capacity, gain +3% (up from 2%) rate of fire and +3% (up from 2%) weapon damage for 5s when reloading from empty.
  • Ignited: Added functionality
    • Deal 30% weapon damage to burning enemies. After 3 kills, applies burning to the next enemy you hit.
  • Killer: Buff
    • Killing an enemy with a critical hit grants +50% (up from 30%) critical hit damage for 15s (up from 5s).
  • Lucky Shot: Buff
    • Magazine capacity is increased by 20%. Missed shots from cover have a 100% (up from 25%) chance to return to the magazine.
  • Measured: Modified functionality
    • The top half of the magazine has +20% rate of fire and -15% weapon damage. The bottom half of the magazine has -20% rate of fire and +30% total weapon damage (modified).
  • Naked: New functionality
    • Whenever your armor is depleted in combat, gain +40% damage for 6s.
  • Near Sighted: Adjustment
    • Receive a +80% (up from 35%) stability at the cost of -35% (down from -20%) optimal range.
  • Overwhelm: Buff
    • Suppressing an enemy grants +10% (up from 5%) weapon damage for 12s (up from 10). Max stack is 4, new stacks refresh duration.
  • Outsider: New functionality
    • After killing an enemy, gain +100% optimal range and +100% accuracy for 10s.
    • Removed attributes requirements.
  • Perpetuation:Buff
    • PvE: Unchanged
    • PvP: Kills grant +50% (up from 5%) skill duration, sniper ammo, mortar ammo, and charges to the next skill used. Max stack is 2 (down from 10).
  • Premeditated: Nerf
    • Weapon damage is increased for every shell loaded to a maximum of +20% (down from 35%). If all shells are reloaded the weapon damage is increased by an additional 10% (down from 50%). Buff lasts for 10 seconds.
  • Pummel: Modified functionality
    • 3 consecutive kills (within 20s) refill the magazine and grants +40% weapon damage for 10s (up from 7s).
  • Ranger: Adjustment
    • Removed attributes requirements.
  • Reformation: Buff
    • Headshot kills increase skill repair and healing by 150% (up from 50%) for 25s.
  • Rifleman: Buff
    • Stacks are no longer removed on missed shots and body shots.
    • PvP now uses PvE values.
  • Sadist: Added functionality
    • Deal 30% weapon damage to bleeding enemies. After 3 kills, applies bleed to the next enemy you hit.
  • Spike:PvP Buff
    • PvE: Unchanged.
    • PvP: Headshot kills grant +70% (up from 35%) skill damage for 20s.
  • Steady Handed: Buff
    • Landing a shot adds a stack of bonus 3% (up from 2%) weapon handling. Max stack is 10 (down from 15). At max stacks each shot landed has a 5% chance to consume the weapon handling bonus and refill the magazine.
  • Unwavering: Modified functionality
    • Swapping to this weapon grants +200% weapon handling for 5s. Kills refresh this buff. Swapping away disables this buff from all weapons for 5s.
  • Vindictive: Added functionality
    • Killing an enemy with a status effect applied grants all group members within 15m +20% critical hit chance and +20% critical hit damage (added) for 20s (up from 10s).
Specialization Talents

  • Vital Protection:New functionality
    • Now provides Pulse resistance instead of Crit resistance.
Assault Rifles:

  • ACR: Buff
    • 3% damage increase.
  • AUG: Buff
    • 3% damage increase.
  • Carbine 7: Buff
    • 8% damage increase.
  • F2000: Buff
    • 5% damage increase.
  • FAL: Buff
    • 3% damage increase.
  • G36: Buff
    • 3% damage increase.
    • Less damage drop-off past optimal range.
  • M4: Buff
    • 10% damage increase.
  • P416: Buff
    • -5% damage decrease.
  • TAR-21: Buff
    • 8% damage increase.
Light Machine Guns:

  • HK121: Buff
    • 9% damage increase.
  • KAG: Buff
    • 5% damage increase.
  • M249: Nerf
    • -4% damage decrease.
  • M60: Nerf
    • -10% damage decrease.
  • RPK: Buff
    • 5% damage increase.
  • SA80: Buff
    • 6% damage increase.
Marksman Rifles:

  • Classic M44 Carbine: Buff
    • 14% damage increase.
  • Custom M44:Buff
    • 19% damage increase.
  • Hunting M44: Buff
    • 8% damage increase.
  • M700 Tactical: Buff
    • 19% damage increase.
  • M700 Carbon: Buff
    • 19% damage increase.
  • SRS:Buff
    • 11% damage increase.

  • 1886: Buff
    • 20% damage increase.
    • Less damage drop-off past optimal range.
  • ACR SS: Buff
    • 19% damage increase.
  • Classic M1A: Buff
    • 39% damage increase.
  • Lightweight M4: Buff
    • 11% damage increase.
  • LVOA-C: Buff
    • 12% damage increase.
  • M16: Buff
    • 68% damage increase.
  • M1A CQB: Buff
    • 30% damage increase.
  • MDR: Buff
    • 16% damage increase.
    • Less damage drop-off past optimal range.
  • MK17: Buff
    • 17% damage increase.
  • SIG 716: Nerf
    • -7% damage decrease.
  • SOCOM M1A: Buff
    • 30% damage increase.
Sub Machine Guns:

  • AUG:Buff
    • 15% damage increase.
  • MP5: Buff
    • 13% damage increase.
  • MP7: Buff
    • 7% damage increase.
  • MPX: Buff
    • 38% damage increase.
  • P90: Buff
    • 25% damage increase.
  • SMG9: Buff
    • 6% damage increase.
  • T821: Nerf
    • -8% damage decrease.
  • Tactical Vector SBR: Buff
    • 21% damage increase.
  • Thompson: Buff
    • 12% damage increase.
  • Tommy Gun: Buff
    • 6% damage increase.
  • UMP45: Buff
    • 14% damage increase.
    • Less damage drop-off past optimal range.
  • Vector .45 ACP: Buff
    • 25% Damage Increase.
  • Vector SBR 9: Buff
    • 17% damage increase.
UI, Options & Controls

  • The order of mod slots has been rearranged on several gear items. Dye slots are now always shown at the bottom of the mod slot list.
  • Added Bleed status effect UI info to Explosive Seeker mine.
  • Added Bleed status effect UI info to Stinger Hive
  • Added Bleed status effect UI info to Artillery Turret.
  • Added autolookcenter and 180 turn settings to consoles.
  • Added option to take cover on long press, this is for people who really dislike being 'sucked into cover' when they roll.
  • Grenade aim assist implemented.
    • Can be disabled in options.
  • Improved visual hit feedback responsiveness.
  • Hipfire now forces the character to walk.
  • Hive skill can be picked up now.
  • Improved responsiveness of traversing cover and moving around corners.
  • Reduced time to recover after a drop, players should get control back quicker.
  • Improved visibility of all enemies when aiming.
  • Apparel
    • Added a menu that shows all collected skins and dyes in one menu.
    • Added the option to add a dye to all armor pieces.
  • Inventory
    • Added a menu that allows sorting of gear-mods in several ways.
    • Added grid view for mods to sort them by category.
    • Added more flags for items:
      • Mark for Donation
      • Mark for Recalibration
    • Added gear menu to sort all gear by brand, item type and several other options.
  • Character UI
    • DMG, RPM and Skill Power is now visible and can be compared on the main inventory screen.
  • Loadouts
    • Added 12 Loadout slots.


Was mir auf die Schnelle auf gefallen ist, Berserk-Nerf ist dazu gekommen, aber fürs PvE und nicht PvP und dass steht hier schon wieder
P416: Buff
  • -5% damage decrease
Sonst sind noch kleine Anpassungen bei den unique Talents dabei. Auch interessant ist das :
  • Rebalanced Hard, Challenging and Heroic difficulty

Gibt auch einen neuen Trailer dazu:
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Reaktionen: Novocain
Mit den Schwierigkeiten ist schon früher öfters mal gefallen, so ganz nebenbei ohne drauf einzugehen - wurde nur in der letzten Zeit nie wiederhohlt.

Mit der P416 ist dann copy und paste aus den letzten Patchnotes für TU6 aus dem PTS...

Interessant auch:
  • Offensive Protocol: Precision, Defensive System: Resistance, Utility Protocol: Repository Gear Mods have been removed from the loot pool.
  • XP Bonuses are no longer granted by Gear Mods.
  • Weapon specific Critical Hit Chance / Damage is no longer granted by Gear Mods.
  • Existing gear mods have not been affected by these changes, they will only apply to new gear mods.
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Reaktionen: Hurricane271
Novocain schrieb:
Offensive Protocol: Precision, Defensive System: Resistance, Utility Protocol: Repository Gear Mods have been removed from the loot pool.
Novocain schrieb:
Weapon specific Critical Hit Chance / Damage is no longer granted by Gear Mods.
Die waren aber auch sinnlos bzw hat die doch kaum einer genutzt, außer vielleicht Resistance.

Falls es noch wen interessiert vom 17.10-20.10 kann man The Division 2 kostenlos spielen, in dem Zeitraum sind das Spiel und der Year 1-Pass im Sale.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Super! Gerade den Einstieg ins Game geschafft, und schon wird alles über den Haufen gepatched.
Ja, nur Zufall. Schon klar, aber das es gerade die weniger beliebten Talente betrifft, die jetzt quasi aus dem Spiel genommen worden, welche ich aber gerne verwende, zeigt mir nur, dass ich vielleicht doch nicht so falsch lag.
Siehe Pummel...

Hau ich halt überall "Killer" drauf! :D

Die Sucherminen so zu nerfen, ist z.B. für meinen, Kumpel und mich, als Single und Coop-Spieler, ne echte Einschränkung. Wie soll man sich denn bitte alleine, oder zu zweit, gegen mehrere Gruppen von Feinden verteidigen, wenn das Ding nur noch alle Minute (Tempo Mods außen vor) frei wird, und ne Ladung weniger hat? Ich verwende die Cluster-Mine auch zum "Markieren" von Gegnern bei schlechten Sichtverhältnissen.
Natürlich kann ich es nachvollziehen, was die Entwickler mit den Änderungen bezwecken möchten, muss deswegen nicht begeistert sein. ;) Edit: Besteht wenigstens nach wie vor die 5% Chance, dass die Fertigkeiten durch "In Rythm" noch mal frei werden?

Aber he es gibt auch positives!^^
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich habe die letzte Zeit einen Berserker-Hybrid Build mit Sucherminen und Stürmerdrohne gespielt, da sind selbst heroische Gegner in Lv.4 CP gestorben wie die Fliegen.
Das man das etwas einschränkt find ich in Ordnung.
Allgemein ist der Schwierigkeitsgrad im Spiel eh viel zu niedrig.

Ich befürchte, dass es mit TU6 aber eher noch einfacher wird. Mehr Waffenschaden, mehr CHC/CHD, mehr HSD.....
Naja schau mer mal. Heut Mittag wissen wir mehr ;)
Demolition-Man schrieb:
Besteht wenigstens nach wie vor die 5% Chance, dass die Fertigkeiten durch "In Rythm" noch mal frei werden?
Wüsste jetzt nicht, dass das rausgenommen wurde. Dürfte also weiter funktionieren.
Demolition-Man schrieb:
Wie soll man sich denn bitte alleine, oder zu zweit, gegen mehrere Gruppen von Feinden verteidigen,
Wie es jeder andere ohne Sucherminen auch macht? Gegner Töten.
Das du noch Schwierigkeiten hast, ist völlig normal. Das hängt aber mit sehr großer Wahrscheinlichkeit mit deiner aktuellen Ausrüstung zusammen. Je besser die wird, desto einfacher wird das.
Wir rennen alle Missionen ausschließlich auf Herausfordernd (Heroisch wenn uns mal danach ist), aber "Herausfordernd" ist das mit der richtigen Ausrüstung nicht.
Und Sucherminen haben wir nur ab und zu mal welche dabei. (Wie man halt gerade lust drauf hat)
Deshalb Build, Ausrüstung und deren Werte und Talente verbessern, sowie besser aufeinander abstimmen und die Missionen werden von ganz alleine immer leichter. (Genau darum gehts ja in dem Spiel)
Hinzu kommt bei mehrmaligem Spielen die Erfahrung wann, was, wo und wie passiert.

Vom eigenen spielerischen Talent mal abgesehen (das hab ich nämlich auch nicht):
Wenn die Mission zu schwer ist, passt dein Build nicht. Entweder er ist zu schlecht/gar nicht abgestimmt und wild zusammengewürfelt, und/oder er passt nicht zur eigenen Spielweise.
Da solltest du ansetzen.
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Reaktionen: Novocain, dropback und Baya