Actually, it's wise to know what you may be updating first, most companies (and I would argue, home users) test updates first, or at least research them. (Also, weigh the risks of rolling back an update) As for steering people away, I would hope people would seek advice and make up their own conclusions. Weighing the risks of that decision.
Microsoft does not give 3rd party vendors a heads up on security updates. They just don't.
It was a Kernel patch. It added lines of new code and logic and the way it handles security tokens and when those tokens are locked down.
We would suggest to Download the KB, then research then with Microsoft to see that they may do. Usually, they offer a bulletin description. Or better yet, wait a day or 2 and see what problems crop up..because they will.
I'd also strongly suggest users create a restore point before applying any updates. Better yet, have a backup image of your Windows installation. It not only affected SBIE, but pretty much every 3rd party one way or another. SBIE was affected more because how SBIE interacts with Windows.
Adding more code would just cause more problems, we can't anticipate what every user may run into, it would be confusing at best. We did post a work around, we also suggested what KB to roll back.That was done Tuesday evening. We only found out when users tell us an Update has caused a problem (We knew Tues AM something was up with Win 10, but we didn't find out to hours later it was Win OS wide from Vista to 10).
Just because Windows issues an update, it doesn't mean it's mandatory, and it's best to go cautiously. Updates in general of those type, may cause issues to Windows, not just 3rd parties. I also should be noted that the MS website detailing how to roll back an update was giving "Server too busy" errors for days since the Tuesday updates with curious users.
The current beta will shortly morph into the new Stable release, because as of Tuesday, that was ruined by MS and their new code. When that will happen? Unknown, but soon. We're still looking at other stuff related to Chrome and Win10.