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News Portierung: Forza Horizon 5 fährt auf die PlayStation 5

fand den vorgänger besser. nichtdestotrotz können die playsifans sich freuen. imho die beste arcade racer serie die es gibt.
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Reaktionen: jeger, Headyus, SDJ und 28 andere
Und GT7 in den Gamepass oder zumindest auf Disc für die Series?😁
Das war ein Scherz!😉
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
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Reaktionen: Harpenerkkk, GameOC, age pi und 5 andere
Oder das endgültige Eingeständnis, dass die XBOX gefloppt ist?! wegduck ;)
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: Headyus, pblcprvrt, Zagrthos und 21 andere
Christi schrieb:
fand den vorgänger besser.
Da gab es unzählige BUGs, die auch im nachhinein nicht geschlossen wurden.


Forza Horizon 4 will be delisted on December 15, 2024. While current game owners will be able to continue playing the game, there will be no further support for to fix the following Known Issues. See the Forza Horizon 4 Delisting FAQ for more information."


  • Some players may get negative points after a ranked game.
  • Change of Itinerary Lego challenge uses "USV-Helden" instead of "SUV-Helden" in German.
  • Category name and badge do not match in Korean for Retro Saloon and Super Saloon
  • Some players can't join clubs.
  • Names are switched in Mexican Spanish for Lexus IS F & Toyota GT86.
  • Players are not able to import designs from other games such as Forza horizon 3 and Forza Motorsport 7.
  • Cars from Barn Finds may appear as a Null Car when first obtained or viewed in garage
  • The Backstage Passes counter is misplaced
  • Crashes when joining a party/convoy.
  • Online Adventure and other game modes have long load times between rounds and when traveling.
  • Backstage Pass - Using the backstage pass does not unlock the car sometimes. (We are not gifting out individual compensation for this issue at this time.)
  • Players are not receiving backstage pass from 50% series completion. (We are not gifting out individual compensation for this issue at this time.)
  • In Japanese Lego challenge 'It's a bird' says to use the Lego Mini Cooper instead of the Supervan
  • Lego challenge - Official Investigation brick challenge uses class A when a S1 car is required in French and Japanese.
  • Lego challenge - Racing home challenge says to use S1 class car when A class is required in Japanese
  • Lake Lodge House ownership may reset.
  • Seasonal Championships show 'Completed' during new season if completed during a previous season.
  • The Festival playlist has already done progress for some players.
  • Series 35 - Weekly Challenge chapter 3 uses Whitewater Falls Cross Country instead of Ambleside Rush Cross Country in Japanese
  • Ford Mustang GT500 2020 - Dashboard dials do not fade.
  • Players may be entered into a race in the wrong car class.
  • Chevrolet C8 Corvette Stingray 2020 - Dashboard dials do not fade.
  • Series 36 - Summer Weekly Challenge chapter 2 uses Speed Traps instead of Speed Zones in Hungarian.
  • Super 7 High Stakes - Some players are not getting backstage passes if they already won one.
  • Players are not able to view or download images from the online gallery.
  • 1995 Volkswagen Corrado VR6 - Inconsistent shading on logo.
  • Saleen S1 2018 sells for 0 credits on the auction house.
  • Auction House - Bid may fail and remove credits.
  • Backstage and Super 7 map flags can be seen from far away in free roam.
  • Series 41 - Summer weekly challenge says "verhalte" when "erhalte" was expected in German
  • Blocked or removed friends are not removed from leaderboards.
  • Honda S2000 text is listed twice on the auction house.
  • Users using Bluetooth audio devices may experience audio issues in game/ during gameplay
  • Cars - Livery - Liveried Gift Car thumbnails show as stock car paint until the player gets into the car and drives it or applies an upgrade. (Date Added:11.19.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Rivals - Rivals completions is not adding to playlist completion percentage for some players.
  • The Jaguar C type cannot be sold on the auction house.


  • SSAO is not enabled for series X|S consoles.


  • Crash - PC - When entering a Speed Zone or Drift zone players games will crash
  • Latest Nvidia driver causing game to Freeze/Crash (updating to studio driver or rolling back driver solves this issue) [12.1.22] Nvidia Drivers


  • Audio - Voice Chat - Steam players can not hear other Convoy members, but the other members can hear the Steam user
  • Stuttering when viewing cinematics and entering and leaving an event.
  • Steam does not show the latest version of the installed files.
    • To check what version the player has installed:
      • Steam> Library
      • Right click on game > Manage > Browse local files
      • Right click on ForzaHorizon4.exe > Properties > Details > Product version
        • Work around is to purchase from the Steam store.
  • Refresh rate stuck at 60hz for players with dual monitors. (The hz is defaulting to the lowest refresh rate monitor)
    • Work around is to change the hz and then reboot the game.
  • Some achievements on Steam are not acting correctly (Go The Distance, Crowning Achievement, The Spirit of Adventure, Time for Adventure, Backbone of Britain, Make Louis Proud, Record Breaker)
  • User is not informed when they are signed into two different accounts at the same time when sending/receiving convoy invites. You will need to sign into the same account on Game Bar and FH4.



  • Engine Audio does not change gear in replay mode (possibly Scorpio 60fps only).
  • Influence earned from Mixer is disabled.
  • The Rewind option occasionally does not trigger.
  • Small spike on frozen Derwent Water during winter season.
  • Hole in road near Uffington White Horse during winter season.
  • 2017 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 loses horsepower when equipped with twin turbo.
  • 1969 Lola #6 Penske Sunoco T70 MkIIIB aero sliders in the tuning menu cannot be adjusted.
  • The Audi Sport quattro granted from Tier 3 Upgrade Heroes cannot be removed from the garage. This car can be sold on the auction house.
  • The streamer setting does not save when player re-launches title.
  • The Noisy Cartographer achievement unlocks at 529 of 531 roads discovered
  • Owned tag goes away on the barn find menu after trying to sell a barn find car.
  • Duplicate car trade-in not offered on wheel spin from Eliminator.
  • 2017 Koenigsegg Agera RS - Rims are only painted on one side.
  • 2018 Apollo Intensa Emozione - Wheels are not painted the same on each side
  • Players can go through the wall near the helipad in Lego Valley.
  • Advanced controller option to Switch Anna / Telemetry / TTS is not available for custom controller profiles.
  • McLaren P1 2013 - Active aero (spoiler) stays in the open position.
  • Some players may receive a "Too Many Saves" error message.
  • Completed Photo Challenge appears as incomplete after travelling to a DLC map.
  • Ferrari Portofino - Unable to adjust the roof back to up in free roam after it is lowered in forzavista.
  • 1992 Toyota Supra 2.0 GT Floating break light from stock wing visible when opening trunk or installing aftermarket wings
  • Car exhaust flames are reduced after changing cars.
  • Players can go through wall near influence board near Arthur's Seat.
  • 2018 Ford F-150 Prerunner DeBerti Design Truck may clip through the road.
  • Team King slowdown not working correctly for some cars.
  • Camera angle passes through house in some house locations when loading in.
  • Wheelspin not always awarded on level up.
  • Some players are not able to post new rivals leaderboard scores on in some events if their previous score used the Bone Shaker or the Track-Tor
  • Searching for the 2018 Ford F-150 Prerunner DeBerti Design Truck on the Auction House may display an error message.
  • Sometimes only the convoy leader gets the prompt to enter ranked adventure.
  • Ranked points are not being saved for some players.
  • Share code is not available for tunes.
  • Sunflower Meadows house still costs credits after buying the Welcome Pack.
  • Ford Capri Forza Edition description in the Car Collection incorrectly indicates that the car can be unlocked through a Car Mastery tree
  • Crashes and Failures on Xbox One and Series X|S when downloading or saving a livery.
  • Not possible to import tunes or liveries from other Forza Titles.
  • Players on Steam and Xbox Series X&S are missing the correct VIP crown flair.
  • Volvo V60 Polestar 2015 has two right mirrors
  • Subtitles say Spitfire came out in 1993 instead of 1962 in Chinese.
  • Unable to search for Quadra V-tech in Auction House on Fortune Island
  • Ferrari 599XX Evolution - Car may sink into the ground at high speeds.
  • Festival Playlist – Some players are not able to complete the playlist and will be stuck around 94% (Date Added: 05.05.22)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 44 - 3rd Race of Breaking New Ground isn't showing up on map (Date Updated: 02.21.23)


  • Xbox One - Audio - There are audio hitches that occur throughout the title. These are extremely brief periods of silence.
  • Playing the game while installing causes multiple severe performance issues. (Recommended to reinstall the title fully.)
  • Unable to use keyboard keys in game on Xbox One console.
  • Excessive loading times when syncing data from previous Forza titles (where that title had a large save game).

XBOX Series X|S

  • Unable to use keyboard keys in game on Xbox Series X|S console.
  • Data Out Telemetry is not working on Xbox Series X|S.
  • The Game Pass Perk does not work on Xbox Series X|S.
  • Quick resume does not correctly update Festival Playlist timer.
  • Game does not reload from Quick Resume.
  • Wheel rotation angle stuck at 270 when using a wheel.
  • Controller does not work if a keyboard is attached to Xbox Series X|S console


  • Terrain looks blurry with Forced Anisotropic filtering via the NVIDIA control panel.
  • Loss of audio and instability if removing headphones during boot flow.
  • Audio corruption when default playback is set to 24bit 44100Hz (does not happen on any other available setting).
  • Mouse & Keyboard - When setting a custom keyboard profile, changing one of a certain group of keybinds causes all the actions in the group to become unbound.
  • Some graphics settings are not saved after closing the game.
  • Game may not boot with the following virus checkers: Trend Micro Maximum Security, Comodo Antivirus, Sophos, Emsisoft Anti-Malware, Avira
  • If FH4 is disabled from being a background app it may crash or hang when suspending and resuming. (Recommended to not disable from being a background app)
  • Realtek HD audio manager cuts sound to the game if earphones are plugged in during gameplay. (Recommended to update the Realtek audio drivers)
  • Crash Hang Type: Activation.
  • Super 7 - When using custom controller/keyboard layouts the button to open the Blueprint Builder Library is missing.


  • Slightly different SST UI.
  • Xbox Series X/S controller dedicated share button is not recognized by Steam.
  • The Xbox Console Companion app does not work for accepting invites to Steam. Players should use the Xbox app or the Xbox Game Bar instead.
  • Force feedback is not working with Xbox One controllers.
  • The wheels tab under controls settings are only present when a wheel is connected.


  • Fanatec Clubsport V2 - Wheel FFB is not initialized when wheel is in GIP mode. workaround is to not run the wheel in Xbox mode while on PC
  • Launching the title with a pad and then turning on the wheel, results in pad settings being applied. Please, launch the game with the wheel only
  • Mad Catz Pro - Force feedback and vibration are lost after after Alt+Tabbing or minimizing.
  • Logitech G29 - Steering wheel model is not recognized in game by default and players must map a custom control scheme

Gruß Fred.
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Reaktionen: Zagrthos, derSafran, Bimmy&Jimmy und 4 andere
Leider ist FH5 nur kein gutes Spiel. Zumindest keines für mich. Dieser übertriebene Hipster look & feel, alle sind super swag und easy drauf. Und das dann in Verbindung mit Autorennen? Passt für mich nicht. Wirkt eher wie ein Spiel für Instagram, als fürs Racing.

Das normale Forza würde ich mir aber mal anschauen, weil das ähnlicher zu GT7 ist welches ich sehr gerne und lange Zeit gespielt habe.
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: Headyus, Arzuriel, Copium und 11 andere
Jetzt noch Forza Motorsport mit cross-MP, damit ich mit Kumpels spielen kann!
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Reaktionen: Headyus, jcdenton2 und Killerphil51
Für Geld verkauft MS sogar die eigene „Seele“ in Form von eigenen 1st Party Titeln.

Nun ja, hat man wohl bei MS eingesehen, dass die eigene Plattform keine Basis hat. Siehe auch Berichte über Xbox-Umsätze.

Ja ja, ich weiß, dass MS mitm Game Pass einen anderen Ansatz verfolgt. Ändert das doch nichts an der Nicht-Attraktivität der Hardware-Plattform.
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: Zagrthos, Thug86, xboxkert und 8 andere
Wird nicht passieren @GOOFY71 GT wird weiterhin nur auf Sony Consolen erhältlich sein. Glaube nicht dass GT8 auf M$ Consolen kommen wird.
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Reaktionen: Headyus, age pi und GOOFY71
Mr.Zweig schrieb:
Oder das endgültige Eingeständnis, dass die XBOX gefloppt ist?! wegduck ;)
Nö, kann man so sehen. Mein einziger Grund die Series S noch mal anzuschliessen ist "Blue Dragon" :D
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Reaktionen: 9t3ndo und Mr.Zweig
FR3DI schrieb:
Da gab es unzählige BUGs, die auch im nachhinein nicht geschlossen wurden.

hab nur offline gespielt und bin durch england gedüst. viele rennen gemacht und häuser gekauft. ab und zu im auktionshaus ein auto gekauft etc.pp. bugs sind mir da nicht aufgefallen. habs lange gespielt, auf jeden fall länger als teil 5.

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Reaktionen: Zagrthos, Lord B., -=XoDuS=- und 6 andere
habla2k schrieb:
Das normale Forza würde ich mir aber mal anschauen
Dann beginne besser mit FM7, zumindest auf dem PC. Du könntest auch Forza Motorsport 6: Apex testen. War eins Kostenlos. (Achtung; Abklatsch von FM!) Wie du die "Microsoft.ApexPG_2.8.18.1000_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.Appx" Installiert/ registriert bekommst, wirst du mitunter bereits Wissen.

Die EAppx ist dabei die Premium variante;
verschlüsselt und somit obsolet.

ProductId: 9nblggh3shm7

Rhoxx schrieb:
damit ich mit Kumpels spielen kann!
Gibt es endlich wieder KI?

Gruß Fred.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Yiasmat schrieb:
GT wird weiterhin nur auf Sony Consolen erhältlich sein. Glaube nicht dass GT8 auf M$ Consolen kommen wird.
Das war nur in den Raum geworfen, da glaube ich natürlich auch nicht dran!😉
GOOFY71 schrieb:
Unn GT7 in den Gamepass oder zumindest auf Disc für die Series?
Nein, wieso auch? Das ist kein Tauschgeschäft
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: Headyus
Ja, die Xbox verkauft sich nicht gut, wie die Playstation. Ich denke Microsoft bald auf Cloud Gaming umsteigen. Die Xbox bringt nicht so viel Geld.
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Reaktionen: Headyus und stevefrogs
Und jetzt bitte The Last of Us, die Horizon-Reihe und Grand Turismo für die Xbox.
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Reaktionen: JohnVienna, Seven2758 und Öcher Tivoli
Das ist doch eine schöne Überraschung an diesem Freitag :)
Das behalte ich auf dem Schirm.
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: Headyus
Das hat so etwas von Sonic Adventure 2 auf Nintendo GameCube Vibes, wer damals dabei gewesen ist.

Finde es aber ehrlich gesagt cool, dass auch Leuten auf der PlayStation somit mehr Auswahl offen steht.
FH5 würde ich mir auch gern für die Switch 2 wünschen, wobei FH4 im GB schon cooler gewesen ist.
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: Sirhaubinger, Zagrthos, MegaDriver und 3 andere
Dann bitte die Gran Turismo und die ganze Uncharted Reihe auf PC/Xbox.
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Reaktionen: Randnotiz, Blackvoodoo, 9t3ndo und eine weitere Person
Abrexxes schrieb:
die Series S (...)
Ist ja auch nur eine halbe XBox ;)

Microsoft sind die XBox Verkäufe doch schon länger egal. Es geht nur noch um den GamePass.
Ich mag meine Series X als Ergänzung zum PC aber gerne. Vor allem in Kombination mit dem GamePass Ultimate. Top Kombo für mich.
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: feris, Sirhaubinger, Zagrthos und 8 andere