B.L. Swagger
Lt. Commander
- Registriert
- Aug. 2009
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- 1.039
Wie geil anscheinend alles Fake!!!
SimCity Traffic and AI is broken, Sims are fake [population also possibly faked]
das hat mir gerade voll die lust genommen weiter zu zocken :shakehead:
und das
Und ich wunder mich das wenn ich sogar nur ne runde hauptstraße habe ohne abzweigungen es zu mega staus kommt
und meine feuerwehr nicht durch kommt.
Damit brauch man sich garnicht mehr die mühe machen ein vernünftiges straßennetz zu bauen, was bei mir immer an erster stelle kam.
Heftig das EA uns alle so fett angelogen hat , das jeder sim und jedes auto ihr eigenleben haben.
SimCity Traffic and AI is broken, Sims are fake [population also possibly faked]
The agent system that is used for utilities (power, water, sewage) seems to be identical to the system that handles traffic.
Workers leave their homes as "people agents." These agents go to the nearest open job, not caring at all where they worked yesterday.
when you have all your "worker" sims leaving their houses for work in the morning, they all cluster together like some kind of "tourist pack" until they have all been sucked into "jobs.
In the evening, when work and school lets out, they all leave and proceed to the absolute closest "open" house. They don't "own" their houses.
Casinos go bust because "tourists" are just "shopper agents" from out of town. You MUST put casinos RIGHT next to the entrance to your city if you want them to succeed. Placing street-car stops by the casinos can actually cause more harm than good! Why? Because the "shoppers" will board the streetcar stop (because it's the closest open slot) and be shuttled to a shopping district instead.
A low-wealth agent may very well end up in a high-wealth house at the end of the day. Why? Because it was the closest open house.
Police services suffer from this as well. They converge on the first crime committed, and ignore the second crime until one car rushes off to deposit the criminal-agent in jail. THEN the other cars can respond to the second crime. There's no zones, and there's no actual "prevention."
http://answers.ea.com/t5/Miscellane...&ClickID=dbkxocrohwcrmtrnwx0bzr2oycthotscxyxkevery truck from the city will still converge on one fire, ignoring the other three until it's out. Once the first fire is out, they all rush to the next fire.
das hat mir gerade voll die lust genommen weiter zu zocken :shakehead:
und das
Und ich wunder mich das wenn ich sogar nur ne runde hauptstraße habe ohne abzweigungen es zu mega staus kommt

Damit brauch man sich garnicht mehr die mühe machen ein vernünftiges straßennetz zu bauen, was bei mir immer an erster stelle kam.

Heftig das EA uns alle so fett angelogen hat , das jeder sim und jedes auto ihr eigenleben haben.