- Water Tables not replenishing from rain fall
- Service AI not being very efficient (Ex. 10 Firetrucks fighting a single fire)
- Trade Depot paying double the price for half the load
- Recycling plant doesn't produce (alloy, plastic, metal) either fast enough or at all.
- Over-exaggerated profits from Processor plant.
- Gifting credits to another city sometimes doesn't make it and the funds are lost.
- Water & power sometimes take forever to fully saturate a city.
- Trade centers won't always export - end up with full depots.
- Street car tracks "Not Connected" when they are. (
- Hazmat Fire Trucks do not respond to hazmat fires.
- Sending resources to great works is highly unreliable.
- Closing Simcity while loading a city (through the X button while in windowed mode) will cause Simcity and Origin to crash
- Unable to claim a second city in private region.
- Infinite demand for medium wealth residence
- More sims move in, don't work then run out of money even though jobs are available.
- Fire Helicopter & MaxisMan not being able to extinguish fires. They sometimes "bounce" on the intended target without extinguishing the fire. This tends to happen on larger buildings
- Buildings will sometimes blink. (
- Not possible to place City Hall upgrades after disaster. (
- Airports: Building an Air port, then building a Firestation Helipad, then closing (Not destroying), Helipads will still function normally with the Air Port closed. Note: Helipads are not able to be constructed while the Air Port has been closed.
- Highway: Cars coming into and out-of the city prefer a single lane.
- Radiation does not disappear, but may increase with intensity.
- Instant High-Density: Destroying [Avenues] will cause the area to become instantly prone to high-density.
- Profit from casinos not applying to treasury funds. (
- Industry that bypasses medium value doesn't count towards unlocking things like the Processor Factory.
- City stuck on "Currently Processing. Come back soon to play or visit."
- Screen goes black when in the bulldoze menu.
- Population/worker ratio incorrect. (Intended?) (
- Buses, when full, will stop at a station that is full, unload, load, move forward slightly, then repeat.
- All service vehicles will not cross bridges/ramps.
- Buses/streetcars do not disappear when the corresponding building is set to "Off"
- Eventually students will stop going to school.
- High traffic on roads possibly causing sewage backup?
- Selling of services (Water, Sewage, Power) not correctly being available to other cities.
- Ferries sometimes cannot dock and will float around in circles.
- Trade HQ sign not ploppable - removed when placed.
- Electronics Dept.'s description states that it unlocks the Plastic Storage requirement at Trade Docks, but the Trade Dock does not list it as a requirement.
- Advanced Coal Mine Shafts have a large amount of open area not originally a part of the space requirement.
- Able to place parks and some other buildings while visiting another city. (That is not owned by yourself)
- If a city hall upgrade section is destroyed by a disaster, a new section cannot be placed until reaching the next upgrade level. (
- Sometimes a School bus will get stuck at a school and appear to be bouncing slightly and will also not allow other buses to enter.
- Buildings sometimes are constructed on top of each other.
- Vehicles sometimes get stuck completely, requiring you to demolish the section of road and replace it.
- Freight and passenger ships sometimes "dock" in weird places such as land, or nowhere near the dock.
- Water is completely black if not watching from the right angle?
- Regular firetrucks put out HazMat fires.
- Buildings providing faulty tips. (Ex. A home complaining of no shops when literally next to a shop.)
- 'Dumb' Traffic AI.
- Shops/industrial complaining about no workers while residential complains about no work.
- People can still enter a private Region without being invited.
- Even with a power deficit of -350 MW, power to buildings remain active.
- SimCity launcher crashes if Mumble is open in the background.
- Having more than one recycling facility causes both to not work correctly or even at all.
- Bulldozing Mayor Mansion after upgrades resets the requirements allowing you to get more upgrades with lower approval rating.
- Smelting plant, Electronics Factory, etc still available if you bulldoze the required headquarters.
- Random Origin crashes in background causing SimCity to close down as it is required to play.
- Estimated amount of resources usually way off.
- If heavy rail crosses an avenue with a streetcar track, trains will not use the railroad or visit the train station(s)
- Recycling in some buildings will be ignored indefinitely (occurred with more than 1 recycling so possibly related to the listed bug?)
- No garbage appears on the garbage overlay, yet the statistic shows that not all garbage was picked up. (same with recycling)
- "Build an Arcology"Quest lists wrong resources needed (Processors and Crude Oil)
- Ambulances sometimes won't leave the clinic to pick up sims.
- Sims sometimes jump to the clinic from their homes.
- Parks report too many undesirables or homeless, but stats show homeless at 0.
- Getting rolled back causes Town Hall upgrades to not share between other cirty's in the region.
- Some buildings/items disappear once plopped in a plop-able spot. No money lost, but must plop elsewhere for building to actually exist.
- Crashing when loading several different cities per session.
- Smog clouds appearing from non-existent cities.
- Commercial buildings don't need industrial for freight.
- Mission speech bubbles sometimes have programming language instead of text. (Ex: "You have ~current_time:number~^choose:~current_time~:Hour:Hours^ Left!"
-Skilled and High educated workers won't commute to create High tech industries in another city. (
- City that needs 110L of water, another one can sell 150L. First city will only buy 100L.
- Lizard fire remains even though the lizard disappeared. (
- Track doesn't connect to anything when it should. (
- If you bulldoze cheap or nice rooms at the lowest Casino, the Casino keeps "room" for as many people who were in the rooms when you bulldozed them.
- Game sometimes only handles one direction of flowing traffic at a time.
- If the lizard disaster destroys your Department of Tourism and you build it back then landmarks and casinos no longer add revenue to the treasury.
- Delivery trucks for great works do 2 U-turns at the highway piece leading to the Great Work till they finally "enter" the construction site, but w/o updating the amount of delivered materials(also they get stuck in traffic that shouldn't exist there when getting out).
- In Region view other/odd trading trucks might attempt to deliver stuff to a great work.
- Coal delivery Truck from one of the smaller trading posts wanted to deliver, went back and vanished in a park n ride (with 5 tons coal)
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