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Andere Transport Fever 2 [Sammelthread]
- Ersteller oelchenpoelchen
- Erstellt am
Ich spiele wieder TF 1, denn TF 2 macht mir einfach keinen Spaß. Ob es nun die megadämliche Beschränkung von 2 Gütern pro Stadt, oder die Modwerkstatt mit ihren extrem voll geknallten Mod´s, oder die grausamen Kaufmenüs im Spiel sind... Da haben sich alle Seiten für mich disqualifiziert.
TF und TF1 an die 700 Spielstunden weiter steigend, TF2 wird keine 32 schaffen.
Fazit: Spielspaß durch Entwickler und einige Modder erfolgreich gekillt.
PS Ist wirklich schade, denn die Fahrzeuge der Modwerkstatt haben eine hohe Qualität, aber bis zu 20 Loks der selben Gattung in einem Paket und ohne Grundpakete mit maximal 4 Loks ist das einfach Käse. Plus die Aussage das sie daran auch nichts ändern wollen... Danke aber NEIN DANKE.
TF und TF1 an die 700 Spielstunden weiter steigend, TF2 wird keine 32 schaffen.
Fazit: Spielspaß durch Entwickler und einige Modder erfolgreich gekillt.
PS Ist wirklich schade, denn die Fahrzeuge der Modwerkstatt haben eine hohe Qualität, aber bis zu 20 Loks der selben Gattung in einem Paket und ohne Grundpakete mit maximal 4 Loks ist das einfach Käse. Plus die Aussage das sie daran auch nichts ändern wollen... Danke aber NEIN DANKE.
- Registriert
- Aug. 2010
- Beiträge
- 40.372
Spielt das hier jemand noch? Auch wenn ich für die Epochen eine Mod habe, habe ich jetzt das Problem, wenn ich eine Ölraffinerie baue, raffiniert diese Öl aus dem Nichts und braucht kein Rohöl. Die beiden anderen daneben funktionieren richtig. Ursprünglich waren da 3 in dieser Stadt, aber halt Standortwechsel. Ebenso kann ich den angezeigten Namen einer Stadt nicht entfernen, wo ich die Straßen alle einzeln abgerissen habe, da mit Stadt an sich abreißen große Teile von umliegenden Wäldern entfernt wird. Ich zocke nämlich auf der unten stehenden Map und für die Leistung kann sie leicht ausgedünnt sein.
- Registriert
- Aug. 2010
- Beiträge
- 40.372
Jemand Ideen? Spiel stürzt ständig ab, obwohl ich eine Mod mit Brücken, die aus Steam rausgenommen wurde, auch aus dem Spiel entfernt habe, daher alle Brücken abgerissen und durch andere ersetzt.
PreventSetUnhandledExceptionFilter: 1
language: de
locale: de_DE
Startup at Sat Jun 19 23:07:20 2021
seed: 1624136840
double buffering: 1
sample buffers: 0
samples: 0 (0)
swap interval: 1
video memory: 8192 MB
OpenGL version: 3.2.0 NVIDIA 466.63
Renderer (vendor): NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER/PCIe/SSE2 (NVIDIA Corporation)
Shading language version: 1.50 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
__CRASHDB_RENDERER__ OpenGL|NVIDIA Corporation|NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER/PCIe/SSE2|3.2.0 NVIDIA 466.63|||1.50 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
ARB_base_instance: 1
ARB_bindless_texture: 1
ARB_debug_output: 1
ARB_instanced_arrays: 1
ARB_tessellation_shader: 1
ARB_texture_compression_bptc: 1
ARB_timer_query: 1
EXT_texture_compression_s3tc: 1
EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic: 1
NVX_gpu_memory_info: 1
ARB_vertex_attrib_binding: 1
KHR_debug: 1
opened device OpenAL Soft
sampling rate: 48000 Hz
Build: Build 31994 Windows 64-bit
- numSamples: 4
- textureQuality: 2
eatglobal: init [E:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2451530094/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29)
eatglobal: init [E:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2451530094/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29)
eatglobal: init [E:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2451530094/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29)
eatglobal: init [E:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2451530094/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29)
Loading from file E:/Steam/userdata/71598041/1066780/local/save/Deutschland.sav
savegame version 296
active mods:
config dict:
climate: temperate
vehicles: all
nameList: germany
environment: temperate
difficulty: easy
mod params:
*2332025922_1: {
autoage = 0,
automarkings = 0,
customTrains = 0,
endyear = 1,
ice3fake = 0,
region = 1,
retrofit = 0,
*2332028710_1: {
autoage = 0,
automarkings = 0,
customTrains = 1,
endyear = 1,
region = 1,
retrofit = 0,
script load from E:/Steam/userdata/71598041/1066780/local/save/Deutschland.sav.lua
achievements earnable: 0
init version: 296
map seed text: 9b4
debug mode is active
adding archive res/models/models.zip
eatglobal: init [E:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2451530094/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29)
eatglobal: init [E:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2451530094/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29)
eatglobal: init [E:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2451530094/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29)
eatglobal: init [E:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2451530094/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29)
eatglobal: init [E:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2451530094/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29)
eatglobal: init [E:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2451530094/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29)
eatglobal: init [E:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2451530094/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29)
eatglobal: init [E:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2451530094/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29)
eatglobal: init [E:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2451530094/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29)
eatglobal: init [E:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2451530094/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29)
eatglobal: init [E:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2451530094/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29)
mesh: aia_c_sign_lod0.msh
mesh: aia_fuel_pump/aia_fuel_pump_lod0.msh
mesh: ca_helipad_lod0.msh
ModelRep: 14653.1 ms
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Chemical plant...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Chemical plant...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Coal mine...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Coal mine...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Construction materials plant...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Construction materials plant...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Farm...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Farm...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Food processing plant...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Food processing plant...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Forest...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Forest...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Fuel refinery...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Fuel refinery...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Goods factory...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Goods factory...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Iron ore mine...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Iron ore mine...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Machines factory...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Machines factory...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Oil refinery...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Oil refinery...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Oil well...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Oil well...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Quarry...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Quarry...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Saw mill...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Saw mill...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Steel mill...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Steel mill...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Tools factory...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Tools factory...
Error: Group 'Km Db-Assets Fahrkartenautomat' has 4 materials but mesh has 2 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 3 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 3 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results.
eatglobal: init [E:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2451530094/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29)
eatglobal: init [E:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2451530094/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29)
No resources are missing!
Error, wrong parcel order at 607698 and 476402
Error, wrong parcel order at 361198 and 446394
Error, wrong parcel order at 342263 and 248192
Error, wrong parcel order at 228531 and 226231
Error, wrong parcel order at 209178 and 391073
Error, wrong parcel order at 309401 and 181732
Error, wrong parcel order at 219205 and 144925
Error, wrong parcel order at 607698 and 476402
Error, wrong parcel order at 361198 and 446394
Error, wrong parcel order at 342263 and 248192
Error, wrong parcel order at 228531 and 226231
Error, wrong parcel order at 209178 and 391073
Error, wrong parcel order at 309401 and 181732
Error, wrong parcel order at 219205 and 144925
Shader reload took : 2.927 ms
eatglobal: init [E:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2451530094/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29)
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Chemiefabrik...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Kohlebergwerk...
prepare material ubo's: 246.972 ms
Using 200 UBOs, total 0 bytes
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Baumaterialfabrik...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Bauernhof...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Lebensmittelfabrik...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Wald...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Treibstoffraffinerie...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Warenfabrik...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Eisenerzbergwerk...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Maschinenfabrik...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Ölraffinerie...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Ölquelle...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Steinbruch...
Texture load error: file name empty
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Sägewerk...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Stahlwerk...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Werkzeugfabrik...
eatglobal: init [E:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2451530094/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29)
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Chemiefabrik...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Kohlebergwerk...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Baumaterialfabrik...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Bauernhof...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Lebensmittelfabrik...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Wald...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Treibstoffraffinerie...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Warenfabrik...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Eisenerzbergwerk...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Maschinenfabrik...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Ölraffinerie...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Ölquelle...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Steinbruch...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Sägewerk...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Stahlwerk...
[More Industry Levels] adjusting production levels for industry Werkzeugfabrik...
Resource 'usa/dirt.lua' not found!
Initial material index generation: 18857.4 ms
Texture load error: file name empty
Texture load error: file name without extension: res/textures/?player-logo-array
Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/vehicle/train/flynn_mk7_thalys_tgv_duplex_03_normal.tga
Texture load error: file name empty
Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/.tga
error loading dds file: res/textures/models/vehicle/train/crt_interior_norm.dds
Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/vehicle/train/crt_interior_norm.dds
Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/tram_pole_nrml.tga
Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/angier_track_t1/t1_rail_metal_gloss_ao.tga
error loading dds file: res/textures/models/vehicle/plane/boeing_388MI_main_normal.dds
Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/vehicle/plane/boeing_388MI_main_normal.dds
Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/vehicle/train/thsr_700t/basic_normal.tga
error loading dds file: res/textures/models/station/train/station5.dds
Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/station/train/station5.dds
Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/tracks/ballast.tga
Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/u_standard_patch.tga
Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/u_highspeed_patch.tga
Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/categories/ir assets.tga
Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/hyperspeed_module.tga
Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/maikc_track_t1_module.tga
Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/maikc_track_t1_2_module.tga
Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/u_highspeed_patch_module.tga
Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/u_standard_patch_module.tga
Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/hyperspeed_module_catenary.tga
Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/maikc_track_t1_module_catenary.tga
Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/maikc_track_t1_2_module_catenary.tga
Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/u_highspeed_patch_module_catenary.tga
Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/u_standard_patch_module_catenary.tga
error loading dds file: res/textures/models/vehicle/cargo/cargo_items_04_cblend_dirt_rust.dds
Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/vehicle/cargo/cargo_items_04_cblend_dirt_rust.dds
..\..\src\Lib\renderer\opengl\OpenGLRenderContext.cpp:1070: GL error 0x502
..\..\src\Game\model\bridge_transformator_util.cpp:88: const struct bridge_transformator_util::ModelInfo &__cdecl bridge_transformator_util::GetOrAddModelInfo(const struct ModelData &,int,int,class std::unordered_map<struct std::pair<int,int>,struct bridge_transformator_util::ModelInfo,struct std::hash<struct std::pair<int,int> >,struct std::equal_to<struct std::pair<int,int> >,class std::allocator<struct std::pair<struct std::pair<int,int> const ,struct bridge_transformator_util::ModelInfo> > > &): Assertion `pr.second' failed.
Uncaught exception while in class UI::CSelector
Uncaught exception while in class UI::CSelector
Exception type: Fatal error
Error message: Assertion `pr.second' failed.
Minidump: E:/Steam/userdata/71598041/1066780/local/crash_dump/76706ed9-9ea0-4d1e-84b6-3883050925f2.dmp
In file: ..\..\src\Game\model\bridge_transformator_util.cpp:88
In function: const struct bridge_transformator_util::ModelInfo &__cdecl bridge_transformator_util::GetOrAddModelInfo(const struct ModelData &,int,int,class std::unordered_map<struct std::pair<int,int>,struct bridge_transformator_util::ModelInfo,struct std::hash<struct std::pair<int,int> >,struct std::equal_to<struct std::pair<int,int> >,class std::allocator<struct std::pair<struct std::pair<int,int> const ,struct bridge_transformator_util::ModelInfo> > > &)
__CRASHDB_CRASH__ struct AssertException: ..\..\src\Game\model\bridge_transformator_util.cpp:88: const struct bridge_transformator_util::ModelInfo &__cdecl bridge_transformator_util::GetOrAddModelInfo(const struct ModelData &,int,int,class std::unordered_map<struct std::pair<int,int>,struct bridge_transformator_util::ModelInfo,struct std::hash<struct std::pair<int,int> >,struct std::equal_to<struct std::pair<int,int> >,class std::allocator<struct std::pair<struct std::pair<int,int> const ,struct bridge_transformator_util::ModelInfo> > > &): Assertion `pr.second' failed.
Exception type: Fatal error
Error message: Assertion `pr.second' failed.
Minidump: E:/Steam/userdata/71598041/1066780/local/crash_dump/76706ed9-9ea0-4d1e-84b6-3883050925f2.dmp
In file: ..\..\src\Game\model\bridge_transformator_util.cpp:88
In function: const struct bridge_transformator_util::ModelInfo &__cdecl bridge_transformator_util::GetOrAddModelInfo(const struct ModelData &,int,int,class std::unordered_map<struct std::pair<int,int>,struct bridge_transformator_util::ModelInfo,struct std::hash<struct std::pair<int,int> >,struct std::equal_to<struct std::pair<int,int> >,class std::allocator<struct std::pair<struct std::pair<int,int> const ,struct bridge_transformator_util::ModelInfo> > > &)
Shutdown at Sat Jun 19 23:17:45 2021
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
- Registriert
- Aug. 2010
- Beiträge
- 40.372
Echt ätzend. Neuer Patch da und das Spiel schmiert wieder mal ab und meldet die Fahrplanmod. Kann man wieder mal nicht die Map spielen, solange kein Patch für die Mod kommt. Und wie immer, ich kann da keinen Kommentar drunter setzen.
Die Linienfarben-Mod kann man anscheinend löschen, aber die Farben bleiben bestehen, obwohl es die nicht mehr in den Vorauswahlfarben gibt, ist dann wohl unter benutzerdefinierten Farben drin.
Die Linienfarben-Mod kann man anscheinend löschen, aber die Farben bleiben bestehen, obwohl es die nicht mehr in den Vorauswahlfarben gibt, ist dann wohl unter benutzerdefinierten Farben drin.
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