Unter dem Video findet sich ein Kommentar, der zumindest meine Meinung geändert hat.
Before you comment, ask yourself these questions. . .
1 - How many innocent civilians did you massacre by running them over with an SUV in GTA?
2 - How many Russian, Serbian, Afghani, Korean, Chinese, and many more ethnic soldiers have you literally committed genocide against in the likes of Call of Duty, Battlefield, and Medal of Honor?
3 - How many people have you curb stomped and cut in half with a chainsaw in Gears of War?
The only difference between any of those and this game is that those games gave you in your face context.
They are evil = Kill them!
They are the enemy = Kill them!
They disagree with us = Kill them!
We have a different ideology = Kill them!
You government said so = Kill them!
We have "evidence" to believe they may or may not do something bad in the unforeseen future = Kill them!
In games we kill because we can, many times ignoring the context altogether. Killing has become the primary objective in games. With or without context, it makes no difference. You Can! = Kill Them!
Those of us in the U.S. love the bask in the fact that we live in a "free" society and we have "freedom" of speech. This game is part of that system. It is no different than any of the ones mentioned above.
There is no sugar coating. If you have an issue, don't buy it. That's it. This game is doing nothing wrong. If you are offended, tough luck. The world isn't here to please you. If you can't take it then turn around and walk away. "