ja hatte ich auch schon zweimal, einmal bei der Corsair K70 und bei meiner Varmilo. Beide Tastaturen wurden ohne Probleme erstattet.
Die Erklärung (
kopiert von Elitekeyboards):
- What is key chattering/bouncing?
Key "chattering" or "contact bouncing" is a natural occurrence in mechanical switches that can cause one switch press to be detected as multiple presses. Under normal switch operation the digital electronics in a keyboard will filter out a small amount of natural chatter/bounce, however, in the case that an individual switch is damaged or defective, the amount of chatter/bounce can become too large to be filtered. The result is a repetition of key input seen on your computer screen for only one intended key press. This is a problem that affects only the broken switch and is a problem that is covered by your EliteKeyboards warranty.
How to test for chattering:
Severe chattering is actually very rare, but it can be very frustrating if you think the problem is you when it is actually the key switch.
If you're under a Windows operating system, we offer our own testing program Switch Hitter for extensive chatter testing. Testing under other operating systems can be achieved using the following procedure:
1. Start by opening up a text editor like Notepad in MS Windows.
2. Repeatedly press and depress the suspect key and alternate each keypress with a space. It is a good idea to vary the force with which you hit the key in question while performing this test; as chattering can sometimes show up more frequently with hard key presses, but not with light; and visa-verse.
A good switch will have output like this on your screen:
d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d
A chattering switch will output:
d d d d dd d d d dd d d d d ddd d d d d d dd ddd d d
3. Repeat step #2 for several lines and also test a few keys you do not suspect as a control case in order to eliminate your brain and fingers from the equation.
How to fix chattering:
Please, under no circumstances should compressed air be blown into a mechanical switch!! This bad advice is repeated across internet forums, and it is a recipe for disaster. Please do not do this!